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Show Pag THE Eight by O. Soglow Heedless Horsepower Engagamente and Approaching Marriages Are Announced TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Thursday, May 23, 1957 Heedless Horsepower by O. Soglow Nephi Local and Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Nyman and daughter Miss Edith Nyman of Logan visited Friday and Saturday at the home of their son and daughter in law. Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. They attended the Juab high school graduation exercises on Friday evening where their granddaughter, Miss Carol Nyman was one of the graduates. Mrs. Kenneth Nyman returned with them to Logan where she visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rasmussen. Mrs. Nyman returned home Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gibson who were in Logan to attend a funeral service. HAYCOCK HOUGHTON Mr. and Mrs. G. Alma Haycock announce the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Myrna Jean, to Mr. Robert Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Houghton of Payson. The wedding is toeing planned for June participated. Guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alva A. Boston on Friday were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brian, Mrs. Roe Brian and daughter Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ardell, all of Loa. They attended the graduation exercises on Friday evening. Miss Roberta Boston was one of the graduating seniors. n Mark Warner and Ned spent Saturday at Bryce Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snow spent the week end in Ogden where Canyon. 21. BROUGH BPAITHWAITE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough annonce the engagement and apmarriage of their proaching Jane daughter, Miss Miriam Braith-waitBrough, to Paul George son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Braithwaite of Spanish Fork. Miss Brough is a student at the of Utah and Mr. University Braithwaite has attended the Brig-haYoung University. Thp woHdinfr is scheduled for June 15 at the home of the bride's evn-in- g Vorth-ingto- e, New sparkle for Western Lawns! m It's easy and sure when you use Scotts western lawn food. Pro- parents. Th 233,000 pd$trian Traveler FRAMPTON ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Deloy Anderson of Nephi announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Shirley Lucille Anderson, to Evan Frampton of Fillmore. Safy Servte S6. were killed and injured p OWL DRIVE-I- motes sparkling green, steady trolled growth. COWAN THOMPSON Mrs. Phoebe Thompson of Lon don, England announces the en gagement and approaching mar riage of her daughter, Dorene, to Gary K. Cowan son of Mr. ana Mrs. J. S. Cowan of Nephi. The marriage is planned for June Tt 15. SEJi; Highway Patrol Tells of Openings on Patrol, OPENING FRIDAY NOON Safety Service Carelessly crossing between intersections killed and injured 67,000 pedestrians in 1956. 8 from England. Corner Fourth South and Main Traveler Items con- And it's so easy to use . . . less than half the usual weight . . . no fuss clean, crisp granules waterand no odor no or muss benefits cost these All very ing in. little . . . ... ... Miss Thompson arrived on May N they visited with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ballow and family. They attended the Dance Review at the Ben Lomond high school, where Linda and Diana .iA .1 our lovely selection of gift ASK ABOUT our generous trade Chapman Furniture Co. in offer on your old watch .ephi Jewelry, phone 341 1,000 sq 2500 sq 5000 sq ' ft $1.50 ft - 12.75 ft - $4.50 Scotts Spreader $16.50 FOR SALE Several Cool Breeze Aluminum Awnings CHOICE BUILDING LOT with apWeighman Positions will abstract furnished. Also kids proximately four feet wide Civil The Utah Highway Patrol sell for 15.00 each TourRest pony for sale all 24TW or 302W anService commission has just Motel 20-2- 1 1821 nounced new examinations for patrolman, weighman, radio op- Need Seed? We have the 3 Scotts Western blends picture, play 98c, $1.49, $1.98 family, NEPHI LUMBER COMPANY erator and radio repairman, LeRay Delicious Soft Ice Cream Treats IN STEAKS, SPECIALIZING CHOPS AND HAMBURGERS Walk Up Window Booth and Counter Service Service 9 S. Howell, executive officer, announced today. Starting salary for each position is $300.00 per month. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and residents of the State of Utah at the time they file their applicaions. Highway Patrolmen must be at least 23 years of age but not have attained their 40th birthday on the closing date for applications, which is June 5. Written examinations will be conducted throughout the State. Application balnks and announcements giving detailed information may be obtained at the office of the Highway Patrol Civil Service Commission at 174 Social Hall Avenue, S alt Lake City. r5) r? fmi Mi r? s? tppc HER MAY 22 THROUGH JUNE ONE-DER-KO- TE jfffer-- ,; A flat wall enamel that covers in ne beautiful, easy coat. Dries quick ly to a washable, very flat finish Odorless. Light Colors, ONLY per gal. (Darker Colors slightly higher) Available in choice of 1,322 Coloriz-e- r colors for added beauty. 5. 90 Illl Ill" KRILL-KOT- "1 r 1 E The new FLAT FLAT, interior wall paint that has everything . . Rich modern beauty. Easy one - coat coverage. Easy wash-u- p just rinse out brush or roller in water. Unbelievably flat finish is able to take repeated washings. 1,322 Colorizer Colors. Light Colors, ONLY 6.25 rwr flat. (Darker Colors slightly highsr) PAINT ROLLER AND TRAY wnhtheexdus,ACTIVATED PILOT WHEEL! For Smoothest Cut-Sma- Lawns in Town rtest Regular 1.69 Value. Famous Raynel Roller and study tray. This is a regular high quality roller and tray set makes painting fun. Yours for lc with gallon of Bennett's OneDerKote or Kxilli Kote. You save $1.68 (Limit One to a Customer) DD ADVf RTISCD IN LIFE Here it is! Newest thing for best cut LAWN BOY with the exclusive, patented Activated Pilot Wheel. Makes even rough The pilot wheel keeps grass look better the lawn mower level isn't! See the new even if the ground today. First LAWN BOY quality with low prices. Exclusive and patented pilot wheel. Bennett's Outside Pure Paint Does Repaint Work The lime, In I Coat, Saves The Cost!1. THE On all repaint work, 1 PAINT Pure of Outside Bennett's coat Paint does the job of 2 coats of ordinary paint. Recommended for all outside surface. Outside Pure Paint covers perfectly. Permanent, in whit or colors, will last No brush marks. for years. Self-cleanin- g. $7.00 per gal (Dark higher) colors slightly BENNETT'S 0 cxvu PAINTS w FREE BRUSH With 4 Gallons Bennets's Outside Pure Paint This finest quality, NYLON PAINT BRUSH is yours free with the purchase of 4 gallon or more of Bennett' Outide Pure Paint Limit one to a customer. ch 4.59 VALUE Nephi number C O TT |