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Show Pecje Four THE The Kalyspo Kids held their Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kay en- first meeting at the home of their tertained on Saturday evening in leader, LaVee Austin. The meethonor of their brother in law and ing began at 2 p. m. led by Mary sister, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thom- Austin, past president. Officers as of Spring Lake, who will leave were elected as follows: Nancy on June 7 for a mission to the Nyman, president; Gwen Gardner, Islands. are vice They Tonga taking president; Carolyn Parkin, their two daughters, Neta Ann secretary; Sally Lomax, reporter; and Elsie with them. After a de Mary Austin, Recreational lead licious dinner the remainder of er. Plans were disreieopri fnr fut the evening was spent in viewing ure meetings. Rpfrpshmpnte woro' motion pictures or the family. srvea. Meeting was adjourned Those enjoying the party were o.w p. m until next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kay of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Enos Lake City: Brimhall, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe R JOURNEYMEN LINEMAN ti.m y Mrs. Richard Goush nl , AT- AVTiarianvu1 a)a..:. uni-itKay, Mr. and Vrtt,,viM.cu cictiiic linemen. 4 Mr. 5 to years valid ex- of Provo; and Mrs. Harold , Trwrn ; Hansen of Orem, the guests of ,nprinro iimncuiaic fjiiuiuvmenT honor, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thom available. Good pay and working as, Neta Ann and Elsie Thomas vuiiuiuuiib. vacation, inc., sick v and the host and hostess, Mr. and tiiitriiL Provo Electricali" Dept. utriitriiis. Mrs. Arthur Kay. Contact i Prrvr Oitv "Knn uy letter, The Mt. Nebo camp of the D. telephone or Manager in person at City U. P. held their regular meeting Hall twy TT4U at the home of Ina Kay on Thurs BRICK HOME FOR SALE day evening. The lesson "Pioneer Monuments and Markers'" was 4 carpeted bedrooms, 2 bathrooms given by Joy Neilsen. Captain 1 ceramic tile) New living room Verde Ellertson gave a history carpets and drape, new Vinyl of her grandmother Cheney. De- kitchen floor, new GE dishwashlicious refreshments were served er and disposal. Spacious garage to Captain Verde Ellertson, Nad-i- a and well landscaped Call yard DeVon Anderson. Kay Newton Mabel Kay, Agnes 342J Myers, Norma Kay, Flossie Kay, 21TF Syrelda Newton, Joy Neilsen, Geneva Moyneux, Rose Neilsen, Iona LUMBER or planed all ATwater Roughat Ephraim Kay, Madge Newton and the hostor write Anderson Lumber ess, Ina Kay. Co., Most-A- ll dimensions Mrs. Arthur Kay spent last week Ephraim. Also cut slabs. in Caliente, Nevada to attend the available 2124 Pd. graduation exercises of her grandson, Jerry Carter. i? May 23. 1957 Thursday. Kalyspo Kids Organize Mona News SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI mm NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Drive in for our TOP PLIGHT SERVICED WE LIKE TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR 'Mm 1 Let us inspect your tires for bruises and breaks, for tire wear and tread depth. We can save you from lots of trouble on vacation trips by installing new BRUNSWICK tires today. Come in for a check. ED'S 66 SERVICE SPECIALIZING MAIN AT SECOND SOUTH AND SERVICE WORK! IN BETTER MECHANICAL SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI County Reaches 35.9 Percent of Annual Savings Bond Quota You can ttep out any time . . . while your meal is in the an electric range's automatic oven controls. Save more on a new electric range now during extra large ances for Utah Power 8c Light customers. O O O Now, ask your dealer WHOPPER Keneth Nvman. Juab Countv's savings bond chairman, announced uxiay mat April saies or series is and H savines bonds in this coun ty amounted to $1,462. "State-wid- e purchases of series E bonds show an increase over the past two months as more people become aware of the new interest return of nercpnt pnmmrmnH- ed now in effect" saia treaencK F. champ, State Savines Bonds Chairman. "Knrlv reports indicate that May purchases are well on the increase" he making--wi- th trade-i- n allow- semi-annuall- y, now from your dealer or plumber and save a WHOPPING more. "I concur with the statment Buy . . TRADE-I- N ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RANGE OR STOVE Qeum Com added. made bv Governor Genrcf TV Clyde in proclaiming May as Min ute Man montn: "l know no better way to fortifv our cmnnmv a. gainst the challenges of the future than by joinine in this savings bond program to utilize this sim ple ana completely sate way to save ami u encourage otners to do likewise. There is no better investment in the world for the average saver than United States Savings Bonds." Savings bonds purchases for the first four months of 19fS7 In Jualb County totaled $19,736, or jd.v per cent ox the county's annual quota, according to Chair-ma- for a limited time. Also: Whopper trade-i- n allowance on your old water heater on the purchase of a new electric model. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. ORANGE JUICE Frozen j Red or White With pickups! ng truck chassis and bodies! With the industry's shortest stroke V8 or the 6 most famous for economyl With the latest in cab comfort de luxe features at no extra cost! hefty check steel-muscl- ed high-capaci- QQe 72c e lb 12 oz tin JQc ' LIBBYS WHOLE KER. CORN 1 cans TQe Cm Greenn Uems cease 2.98 all truck. , . Chevy's hard-worki- - - - -- J pounds LIBBYS CORN BEEF 95c pkgs - per OLEO $2.9S GIANT TIDE NEW POTATOES Nyman. handsome, 1. FROZEN CORN OR FRENCH FRIES -- rt They're ' JJ cans 6 Regular cease f ty THIS WESTERN CLOUD TUNA 6 cans QQc - MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Quart jar 5fec ( CHECK THIS 1 y V r- Most popular half tonner! teeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeooeeeeeeef SUMMER SQUASH per pound Qc PINEAPLLE JUICE 46 oz tins - Each - 2QC Cmeo Csrner -s- Xv harpest O'11 s" pickup on ny job I i Kj)47 i V.--7l r 1 V 0n,y franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Visr4 ''S SI- l!Lv ll! llL flH , - V" - 2 oz tin -- 36c 3 lb tin BAKERITE SHORTENING flSc SURE FINE CANNED MILK 4 tall 55c VAN CAMPS CHUNK TUNA 4 tirfs qflc - - Big Savings! per lb 51c QUALITY - per lb 41c BALONEY SPECIAL -- per lb 45c BEEF ROASTS - Cut from eRal Tender Beef HAMS Top - VERY GOOD - WHOLE OR HALF Grade Hams - LB 54c CHEESE THIS WEEK - pound CIAL 44c ONE STOP MARKET u. m LINK SAUSAGE FRANICS--TO- P HEREFORD CORN BEEF--1- Quality MEATS ii.wni - IIiffi f MEATS'GROCERIES'FRUITS-VEGETABLE- S Phone 6 Nephi, Utoh |