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Show THE Six Pag 44i 4 4. A MILK .4 14 Break To CHARLOTTE SHEFFIELD .Vj'j VJx 7y Homecoming Queen University of Utah UTAH AMf MILK K1CAN Seasickness Out of town guests of Miss BarGarrett at the graduation bara CHICAGO Chances exercises on Friday evenine were ness are lowest among passengers Dr. Thomas Hall and who are under 25, slightly thin, Connie of Fayson, Mrs.daughter Leslie traveling midship on a second or King of Provo and Morris Ostler, third voyage and are supplied a student at the USU at Logan. with one of 11 drugs recently Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Lunt had proved to be helpful. as their visitors the past week, A study of 26 sickness drugs among their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cammans and 17.000 servicemen, shows that 11 and their son and daughtof them were helpful and three of family; er in law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris more the than were effective these Lunt and sons of Dugway. Mr. rest. and Mrs. Cammans have been livThe tests were run from Nov. 14, ing in Salt Lake City and follow1954 to April 10, 1955, on military ing his graduation from the Unitransports crossing the Atlantic. versity of Utah, they will make Ten eastward and five westward their home in California. They were here for the graduation excrossings were used. Passengers were given unmarked pills which ercises of the Juab High school were either drugs or placebos. where David Lunt received his diPlacebos are inactive substances ploma. used at a yardstick against which Mr. and Mrs. Marvin M. Witt the action of real medicines caa and son David, and daughter Dorobe measured. were in Nephi Friday evening thy The study showed that susceptito attend the graduation exercisbility to seasickness decreased es. They visited with Misses Beswith age; that Individuals quar sie Mangelson and Marilyn tered fore and aft were mora I Mil ; ff NEPHI of seasick- ! FOUNDATION ASSN. Of UTAH DAISY anti-moti- five-mon- th Thursday, May 23. 1957 NEPHI. UTAH Sews About Folks in Seafarers Less Susceptible Refresh with a 'I t V2 Thin - TIMES-NEW- Yor-gaso- n. susceptible than those In midship j Mrs. Susie B. Worwood recwere individuals heavier returned from a five weeks slightly more susceptible than their ently with her son in law and lighter colleagues. The activities . visit of the men while on board had no daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James relation to their susceptibility to illness. Mr. and Mrs. George E. HowMotion sickness was twice as ard, and Mrs. Jay Lowry and frequent in persons who had had daughter Charlotte Ann went to it before as in those with no his- Meadow over the week end to tory of sickness. However, sea observe the birthday anniversary sickness was less frequent on west- of Mrs. Blaine Penney. ward trips probably because all Mrs. Marlow Peterson of Orem the passengers had had at least and Ramona Taylor of Payson one previous crossing. were visitors at the home of Mr. The most effective drugs, by and Mrs. Lavon M. Hanson Fritrade name, were Bonamlne, day. They attend the graduation Phenergan, and Marezine, when exercises where Mr. and Mrs. Hanson's son, Russell, received his given three times daily. diploma. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Westring Friday were her mother, Mrs. Oelia Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dixin of A study by Payson; Blaine Hanson of SpanWASHINGTON Australian scientists of the unpre- ish Fork. Also Miss Renae West-rin- g dictable tides in the Gulf of Carand her room mate, Miss pentaria will shed new light on Exie Sutherland of Mississippi, one of the world's major bodies of water. The gulf cuts deeply into the northern coast of Australia. It is 420 miles wide from Cape York to Cape Arnhem and 400 miles in length, almost one third the size of the Gulf of Mexico. Besides unstable tides, generally & shallow water and many shoals make navigation dangerous in the Carpentaria gulf. Its shoreline students at the BYU were weekend visitors at the Westring home. All attended the graduation exercises on Friday evening when Miss Janet Westring was one of the graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter had as their week end visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Carter of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter of McGill, Nevada. Carlyle Wall of Santaquin also was a visitor at the Carter home on Friday evening. They were in Nephi for the graduation exercises Friday evening as guests of Miss Myrna Carter. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MT. NEBO SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord received word recently of the birth of a granddaughter, born to their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beck of Nyssa, Oregon on May 6. Mrs Beck will be remembered as Miss. Ruth Ord SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ostler, Mrs. Nellie Burton and Miss Rheta Ve Specialize in Car Washes and Lube Jobs and the BEST in Quality Products Carter attended the funeral services held in Eureka Sunday for Edward J. Cartwrigltt. Mrs. Cleon Memmott had as her week end visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Grant D. Oldroyd and Hal Memmott of Salt Lake City. They were in Nephi to attend the graduation exercises where Mark Memmott received his diploma. Phone 528 LaMar Bowles, Manager that HERMOPHILUS of Chalcedon did a great deal for modern medicine by being the first to dissect the human body and record the workings of the brain and nervous system. With knowledge gained over the years. Pharmacy and Medicine go hand in hand to give you better health. You should rely on and on your pharmacist's your doctors judgment accuracy in compounding of prescriptions. T3T7T 9 t5vv iw m VWmU t i Vi ri Ma Syr syr..s i r.djM least-know- ranges from flat, miles-wid- iepE-- . -- LEAVE TO RELATIVES BULK Op FOftTUME THE LAT HOia M R M'JLLIAN SAY r Know his nephew AND I HED SOkt Bt IN TtWfcSTED IN SOME OF CC'KKiP.TULATION'S, ? VOUC LEAD, PFEDV- - 6tr 'Ht swtLU OSEP CAB. PAKCAtfJS CARRIED BV m m m mm mi MOTOR CO. Scientists Study Uncharted Gulf ax IT LOOK "MoLTIMll-UONAlPe i ) I "J u ( oi n I HE LEFT CV)V LEAVE VOO? IN HIS WILL? ) 1 WHAT DID THE XME OUT -- V rmiAH- DID HE Die ue COT MIT 1 AHATURAU DEATH? I Bi L&U vsKTmri n e VsW v sr . mar- shes to rock granite cliffs. Mariners are warned by shipping authorities that some of the nd-dotted coasts are still unisla- charted. iim II i'- - II II II II in Electron Microscope Probing New World ONE-GOA- T lit iiirrn jJ Plankton tiny plant and animal life swarms in gulf waters, giving off a vivid phosphorescent glow. At night, waves and ripples are marked with rainbow colors, pink, blue and yellow. Spring Beauty for your homo 5 1 SAVE Xr, Speed painting time ft SAVE ... cut painting &, costs . . . with DEVOE of this amazing Actually, one paint will give you as much beauty and protection as two coet; of ordinary paint. Try it yourself I You can cover even b.ock paint completely, perfectly, wit.i WONDER NO DOWN PAYMENT cat UP TO MVE otmw YEARS TO PAY WASHINGTON A hitherto invisible and almost unprobed world of the inflnlteslmally little, as extensive as that revealed by th optical microscope over the post two centuries, now is being seen and explored. Objects and possibl organisms within it may be as much as a millionfold smaller than ever seen before. This la the rapidly opening field of th electron microscope. About the smallest object that can be seen with visible light, regardless of how great the magnification of the microscope used, is approximately 100,000th of an inch in length. In two centuries the microscope has improved enormously. But it still Is Incapable of making risible even the largest of molecules or any of those strange things between th worlds of the living and the nonliving the filterable viruses. Now this barrier has been crossed by the electron By microscope. means of it one may see objects 100th the length of the smallest made visible by tht optical Two Fires Confuse mm Television Watcher FT - GUELPH. Ont. Frank Traplln was watching a television movie of a fire that destroyed the thre story Windsor Hotel when his wife shouted from the kitchen: V'- - Vacation days are precious... plan After so many months of waiting, you want to be sure your summer vacation is all you've hoped for. Be ready for it when it comes make your plans now. standing eastern attractions. It's called "Vacations East", and a copy is yours for the asking! there is on one of our smartly appointed Domeliners or Streamliners. Your vacation begins the moment you step aboard. You'll relax all the way . . . enjoy delicious dining car meals . . . have servants at your command . . . save your car . . . and arrive refreshed and ready for fun! We'll be glad to help you with your travel plans, too. Our ticket agents will be pleased to be of service anything from planning your itinerary to arranging for a Hertz rental car along the way Wherever you decide to go, remember that the restful, enjoyable way to get Make your plans now be ready when vacation time rolls around I "Fire! Fire!" i i ff It Replied Traplln: Tm watching the fir on TV. Don't bother me now." Minutes later, firemen extinguished a blaxe in the Traplln kitchen. A neighbor had called them. Damage was estimated at $3,000. i EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AMD BUILDING MATERIALS I J By Accident LITTLE ROCK A man stepped m front of a moving car and State Patrolman Leslie Caldwell was forced to slam on the brakes. "Where do you think you're going?" demanded the pedestrian. "To police headquarters." Caldwell replied. "Hop in." The man paid a fine for drunkeness. How about an eastern vacation this year? Why not visit such interesting cities as Chicago, Washington D.C., Philadelphia and New York City? We have a beautifully illustrated booklet describing out- for sightseeing. " AuTOMOSJiS. you go (IIP Atk about tht mony-ta- v ing Family Far Plan. Go any Monday, Tuotday, Wtdnoiday or Thursday. Return any day. . |