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Show Thursday, May 23, 1957 THE i a Lamanite Children Return Home After School Year earance In East Juab Area Homes Croats Lamanite children who have been living in Utah during the school year are returning to their homes in the Southwest, principally New Mexico and Arizona, this By Mrs. Ethel Mathews For this FINAL CLEARANCE we have Reduced Balance of Stock of Spring Coats to an ALL TIME LOW CHECK THESE EXTRA-SPECIA- L REDUCTIONS Long Coats 2 Long Coats 2 Long Coats 3 Shortie Coats Shortie Coat 1 Duster Coat 3 1 Duster-Waf- er 49.95 Values- - 31.95 27.95 26.95 10.95 16.95 16.95 44.95 Values- 42.95 Values- - -- 29.95 Values-- 1 24.95 Value 24.95 Value Repellant 19.95 Value 13.95 -- Page. Five Mrs. Lee Nielson; Ruth Brown with Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mrs. Tunbridge Hostess Mathews: Jennie Lee Kanosh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton To Garden Club Meet L. Harmon and Carol Linda Tracy with President and Mrs. R. Roscoe A meeting of the Garrett. Nephi GarMany of the children will return den club was held Saturday, May 18 at the home of Mrs. Velma o the same homes next fall. Tunbridge. Reports of the sale were discussed. Suggestions on soil conditions were given by the Payson Invites Horse club's members. Mrs. Lorraine Hayes was a special guest.. ElevLover to Attend en members were present. Reporter, Zelda Blackett. Quarter-hors- e week. The Indian Student placement Show program is under the direction of the General Relief Society of the PAYSON The annual spring Church of Jesus Christ of aLtter-da- y show of the Intermountain QuarSaints. Some 250 Lamanite ter Horse Association will be held children have 'been living in Utah Friday and Saturday, and attending school under the in Payson May 24 and 25. Two full days of program. events are scheduled beginning at The children are being trans-port- d 8:30 each morning, according to by chartered buses to Gal- Austin Beebe, Salem show lup, New Mexico, headquarters of the Southwest Indian Mission, The two morning shows will where they will be met by their consist of the judging of the haltmissionaries. and parents Ten children between the ages er classes. On Friday morning of 6 and 16 years have been living mares and fillies will be judged. morning, reserve chamwith LDS families in Nephi and Saturday pion and grand champion geldings two in Levan. will be chosen. The first bus load, supervised andThestallions two afternoon shows, be by Rex Ashdown, picked up some of the children from Sanpete and ginning at 1:30, will include four the judging of Juab Counties Monday night. May horse races and The four 20. The last bus is scheduled to performance classes. races are mile for 2- leave on May 28. old futurity prospects; one Students who have been attend- year mile open (all breeds), 330 eigh ing school in this area are: and 330 yard Lorraine Nex Tsosie, at the home yard for open (all breeds). of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barres Two hundred fifty. horses from Western states are expected Ethel Peggy Ethelbah at the 13 to ener he Payson show. Thirty-fou- r home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray trophies will be awarded the and reserve champions Harrison Allison at the home of champions in the halter classes and first Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morgan. in the races and Three Nez brothers: Key at the place winnersclasses. home of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. performance invitation is extended by Motes: Ray at the home of Mr. theAnCocklebuir Riding Club for and Mrs. LeGrand Mangelson in horse-loveeverywhere to attend Levan, and Lee at the home of Mr. the show. and Mrs. LeRoy T. Ostler. This is the second year for Kee and Lee at the Motes and Ostler homes. Marine Maro also was at the Ost- Supper Set for Saturday ler home. Lena Johnson at the home of The Third Ward extends a cor Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard in dial invitation to all the people Levan. of Juab Stake to be on hand to Others were Joe Navajo with sample some of the finest eats this side of the Waldorf-AstoriOur chefs are fast becoming world-tfamofor taking care of all those that do thirst and OUR PRESCRIPTION 3 1st and JUNE Eva Hoyt, 296 W. LOST 1 UU1 LaVern 1st. anticipate using. FOR SAT.P ir at P79 East Center St. see as. Bxclusive Indies Sftop rs WANTED Live Rabbits three building lots and two shares to 6 pounds Mt. Nebo Rab-bitr- of water. Close to church, school 604 South 1 phone 207J hospital. $7500. Terms can be arWest, Nephi. Call or see Dixon Real ranged Estate Co., 236 West Center St., FOR SALE Brick home with Provo, Utah Phone FR a. us dor mm IF Wm n are a doubting Thomas, we'll tickle that just dare us palate and satisfy that empy feeling Remember our motto Eat what you want Pay what you YOU want J We'll be seem' You Saturday nite, May 25 from 6 to 8 p. m. Bring youi own dishes, please. Third Ward Amusement Hall. ( Advertisement will be closed on MAY DEPARTMENT PLEASE bring in any refills that you may WE CERTAINLY APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION IN THIS MATTER. Call and BUD HAYMOND email nipVtWn. Bowles, phone 591W ) FOR RENT Completely fur nished modern three-rooapart 50 North 5th East. Call ment These Prices Effective May 24, 25f 28 and 29 for Memorial Day 42 oz can CHICKEN BROTH - 3 lb 4 oz - 447M. LETS RELIEVE MOTHER on Each 1 fife 27c 49c 55c Each ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS per lb LARGE ROASTING CHICKENS - - -- per lb BEEF ROASTS - - cut from Baby Beef per pound 4Qc CANNED READY TO EAT PICNICS, each - 2 6Q COUNTRY STYLE LEAN SAUSAGE - - per lb dSc Come to the Day. park and feed family and friends any time atfer 12 o clock noonTry our weiners and hamburgers, drinks, etc., and help swell the stake building fund. The stand will be sponsored by the First Adv. Ward Relief Society. Decoration - Cold Cuts Assorted nor IK 39 BTSJrl Fun Ti sVj HI Neighbor! rharo FANCY SALMON l5 aadXotiuuny CENTERS Wi THIGHS 1 65 lb - RADISHES OR fir-- -. STRAWBERRIES 5 packages 89 5 KLEENEX TISSUES - 400 Count DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 4-ro- ll pkgs BEEF-- oz can 12 package - 4 rolls - -- 100 foot rolls Each ZEE TOILET TISSUE - --4 roll package WAXED PAPER PIERCES -- No. 2 y2 PORK & BEANS CHUNK TUNA v A rolls MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING - Quart KRAFT M ARSHMALLO WS - - Salad size - package Each pound size BLISS COFFEE 1 i DILL PICKLES 22 29 oz tins, M-- 12 1 4 oz - mi? r urt 77 Quart SLICED OR WHOLE Starkist or White Star IGA TOMATO ea.42c A GOLDEN SELECT RIPE OLIVES 45 MARSHMALLOWS - THRIFTY hc Cns L 2 bags 33c PACK v 115 IGA 46 oz 25" can M HEINZ TWIN PAK RELISH Hamburger and 1 Hot Dog 1 rCaf RELISH JJV BOTH ONLY 5Jc CQc MALE OR FEMALE TO SERVICE ROUTE OF CIGARETTE MACHINES! No telling or soliciting Route Full established for operator or part time! Substantial Income From per month to start $995.00 to 1995.00 CASH REQUIRED! Please don't waste our time unless you have the necessary capital and are sincerely inwe finance expanterested sion if fully qualified and able to take over at once write briefly about yourself and Include phone number for per- J J for jj00 IGA BEANS Cut or Whole IGA YOUNG cans No. 303 cans No. 303 3 for PEAS W3 W for IGA SNOKREEM SHORTENING Betty Crocker WANTED CORN Cream or W.K. No. 303 Cans JUICE CAKE 20c 30 e 57c 27c 76c -5 MIRACLE RELIABLE PARTY packages ONIONS Memorial Day Values at ICA ! NEW LOW PRICE! flqc for GREEN - You Get MORE CATSUP CAKE MIXES 99C each CUCUMBERS II cans 1.00 PIERCES TOMATO Jje tins Y FRESH TOMATOES LEMONADE Pink or White HA 1 FRESH CORN 4 ears for FROZEN FOOD CHICKEN irnmminiim11"1"" CANTALOUPES mrm build Amorica OronQW. but OM ol many ways moil oHodivo moatu ol A ta that f ouiiding your cwtt community lot us not loraot that Iho powat ol nurkxi Komi Iran at motnorworat mo oowar dour groat ruioocoiiu soopl Irom ill conmunmM W. ol IGA Novo luiUorTuour boon. WtiaoMrouloloinwAanltagiuliindvliIxt ol odd ilrongrii to no tbr ol Amorito by fat ol al making our own community bt.ghi,cWrui,aror,g and vibrant Why donl your oak your IGA grooar how you may horp qc 3 lb "" f:;(.a Ifto SPA FROZEN CORN - - Regular size packages - - f, for )5c PEAS AND CARROTS - Regular size packages 6 for FRENCH FRIES Regular size packages k for QCc Each - DEL MONTE CATSUP - 14 oz bottles 15c ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS - - Regular pkg Iflc KINGSFORD CORN STARCH -- 1 pound pkgs, - - Ifec HEINZ HOT DOG AND 11 oz jar HAMBURGER RELISH HOMOGENIZED i NEPHI DRUG CO. m WHOLE CANNED CHICKEN I FISHING SEASON IS NEARING non-starte- rs Bur-tensha- y, SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI WANTED TO RIty a wardrobe or will trade a nice big easy chair for one CalLMrs one-eigh- th It Doesn't Cost a Lot at Garbett's to be Well Dressed 3 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- MIXES 3 pkgs9 WHEATIES want pkg 23' PRICES EFFECTIVE May 24, 25, 5 for 49c 3 plcg for 37c .. 25c lb 79c PURITY GERBER BABY FOODS Strained Junior Hi Protein 3 SALTINES 1 lb box 2 lb box - 27c - 49c 21 28 and 29, 1957 SICK OF UCKIN ? SAVE MONEY - - NOT STAMPS AT L0 n OPEN 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. DAILY sonal Interview. V "FRIENDLY SERVICE" ALLIED MERCHANDISING 7307 Olive Street Road University City 5, Mo. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED- COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING SERVICE 56 EAST CENTER NEPHI, UTAH PHONE 57 |