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Show Page Two HE NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- May 23, 1957 Thursday. Club Members Enjoy "Ten CHURCH NEWS Commandments" Picture; Install New Officers NATIONAL EDITORIAL AS5CfT.ON ZZ Published every Thursday at Nephi Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Six months, $2.25. ; Subscripion rates: One year Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. $4-00- Publishers A. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Roy E. Gibson B. Editor-Manag- er O'fice: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah A most enjoyable and educational trek was enjoyed by mem bers of the Ladies Literary League recently when they went to Salt Lake City to attend the motion picture show, "The Ten Commandmens". After the show a delicious chicken dinner was enjoyed. Making the trip were Mrs. Howard Brown. Mrs. Rex Tolley. Mrs. Raymond Pay. Mrs. Gene Lunt, Mrs. Mont Sperry, Mrs. R. H. Stuart Miss Pearl Nielson Mrs Hosmer L. Grace. Miss Ireta Car ter. Mrs. Burnell fiowers Mrs Joseph Garrett, Mrs. Max Orme, mrs. novaicfnersnn. miss Knera sperry ana a special guest, Mrs. Milton jjosweii. Conducted by th. NEWS OF JUAB STAKE, HAPPENINGS AND NEWS OF THE WARDS OF JUAB STAKE, AND OF THE PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, AND THE AUXILIARY UKtoANIZAllONS. CLASSES AND GROUPS Juab Stake Publicity Committee: J. Gayle Yorgason and Calvin Nielsen. Sadie H. Greenhalgh, Secretary. Deadline tor materia tor h Denr4n.n .x il. ml mAJ.. i in, x. l r- Tne aoove. lo enner oi Bit i.iuiiuoj, Gleaners Name Miss Several Awarded 1 00 Seals With Aaronic Larsen as New President Priesthood Annual Achievement Awards The Stake M TvTen aru) nioonor Buffet supper was held Tuesday in me juao staxe beminary. The program was under the direction of Helen Linton. Stake nipnnor President, and Mrs. Dwane Brack en, btake isoara uieaner Leader. The program consisted of a reading by Mrs. Vinton Steiner and a awards scifL1"0 !sthood News About Folks tn Aaronic t Priesthood Achieve-2Tt- L.re.presented to L On Sunday, the following ordinations were made in the PriestIn the Third Ward, Bruce Boswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boswell was ordained an tiaer in tne Meicnizeaex Tiest-hooApproved for ordinations in the Second Ward were Lynn Barnes, to the office of a teacher, 13 hood. bovs in the Second Ward Tn the Deacons Quorums, Blair Painter and Richard Greenhalgh were given their 100 per cent awards. Ward: Other Deacons receiving awards James V Ta were James Jensen, Richard BaiGarrett, Charles Sidwell, Fae ley, and Jaren H. Houghton. In Murray, Michael E. Beck, Glen the Teachers Quorum, Lunt Gowers, Merrill Bailey- - Richard and Robert Powell werePaul eiven 95 J. Garrett snH rw per cent awards. Richard Jensen lie following iboys had attend- - received a 90 ner eent award - John aoia 1 or and SacMorgan, Eugene Hintze, El-.7 nt;nDwane Hanson' and tHne awards Farren P. Jackddld- in?an Bruce Wilson were other Teachers 9er cent Gary J. Yorga receiving achievement awards. iou per cent: Miv.oi t au per cent; Blaine M Yorgason, 100 per cent- - Richard ORDAINED DEACON , Sudweeks inn Ronald L. Jacobseh of the Nephi L' . rwM,m, on r Fourth Ward was ordained to cem: JLeKay the Sparks lOO per ounce cent; Galen Gadd, 100 of Deason on Sunday, May per cent and Thomas R. Lomax. 95 per cent. - - ae" j LEVAN Several Ordained and Approved for Ordinations young men between ., 12 tr 91 , fn VUiaiOiRlaChurch ing service, were awarded i uie jouowing from the Fourth the ages of violin solo toy Mrs. Gayle Yorea- son. Mrs. Yorgason was accomMrs. Rex Tollev was installed panied by Miss Marilyn Yorgason. Thursday evening as new presidAfter the sunner nnrt ent of the Ladies Literary League. election of officers was nmirmn heli The Mrs. Kavmona Pnv is the nn elected president is Miss vice president and Miss Reta Car newly tCenna T .arson .She uHll in. u ter is secretary. Other officers ed by Keith Worthington and(USI31' Miss FOR SALE Tomato. Deotxr consist of Miss Pearl Nielson, club Corrine Garrett. Three nthum cabbage, Huckleberry and Egg treasurer and Mrs. Max L. Orme, will be appointed later to assist fiams. pansies DelphinSaturday, May 25 will be Poppy historian. w.voc jrnuis were maae ium, Colemblne, Painted Daisys, Day. The Levan American Legion The remainder of the evening a Stake M Men end Gleaner Canterbury Bells, Salvia, Stocks, Auxiliary members will call at was spent in handiwork and social for to be held on Sunrfav Fireside Vertoeena Portulasa, Cleomi, Snap the door of each residence and chat. n " Light refreshments were t jjragons, carnations. Dahlias, Zin- invite the cooDeration anH iirv. served. Present were Mrc n t nias, Giant and Dwarf Marigolds, port oi au in tnis drive. Ro swell Mrs Tfrvurnrrt Rmum Mrc asters, torget-Me-Not- s, Pinks, Rex Tolley, Mrs. Russell Stuart, Phlox, Sweet Williams also Mr. and Mrs. J. E. RpnHi Mrs. Hosmer Grace, Mrs. Eugene Mona Lady NameJo See Levan have boen Invito tn otio many varieties of Petunias Lunt, Mrs. Ronald Gowers, Mrs. Roy V. Olson 212 South Center the graduation exercises on May Reed Greenhalgh, Mrs. Burnell Stake Primary Board Ward Senior Softball rnone u. o., oaniaquin at yX3 j. L. A. at Davis Gowers, Mrs. Max Orme, Miss jisi, California in which their Mrs. Madge Newton, wife of Pearl Nielsen Miss Treta Partor UK SALE Electronic nrmn was reauested to nartiVirwto in and the hostess. Mrs. CI. Ei ueraid Newton of Mona, has been Committees Bid to Meet In your aree. Home model. Take selected to serve on the Stake conjunction with the diploma he Wilkey. over smau monthly payments received last August for his Mast-ter- 's All mpmKoiv Primary Board as Top Pilot it . senior vvara ror lurmer miormation write to FOR SALE Modern 1KoH leader. She joins the Primary Softball committees"le are Degree in Acmnnmv t Credit Dept., Box 124, Sugar continuing his studies in nnrei.tntr room home oal fiimacn null Board after having a wide exper- ,De in attendance a r,urged to House Staiton, Salt Lake City, his Doctor's degree in that ience in Church activity. to wall carpeting in living room field. In the meeting called by the Stake Pres- Utah. He received a scholarship in 1953 large lot with garden spot and past she has served as TVecidon 8 p-- m- - Thursday in hi to the UCLA of several Mona the for fruit Ward trees half young outstanding Primary and Seminary building. FOR ATHELET'S FOOT achievement at the Utah also an as water. share down instructor. Small navment ha She State AgUSE ricultural College, now Utah State and small monthly payments BECAUSE served In the Ward MIA, Sunday AARONIC PRIESTHOOD It alougha off Infected skin. Ex- University, and has been Reasonably priced. Terms. Call School and on the Genealogy REPORT FOR APRIL poses more germs to its killing ant professor- fnr th fUOfc, ITU 247W or 302W or see at ISfi Morth Ward 20-2-1 action 4th West years at Davis, California. p.P Pr. Meet. Sac j. IN ONE HOUR Meet mv. FOR. Warren Bendixen. SALE rn OR Nephi First LEASE rf ct sen, and Grant Williams of LeIf not pleased, your 40c back at and Mrs. J. E. Bendixen 45 Second received Nephi van. Gordon Keller and Paul 66 46 any drug store. Use STRONG, these commendations from The Uwana Drive Inn is For Neohi Thi ro" pwm. Orme left after the graduation on Sale or Lease instant drying L 34 a profitable bus- Nephi Fourth .1"."". kc day or night wit Daryl Chase of the U S U for 51 Now at NEPHI DRUG CO., Nephi rrmay nignt ror a trip to Las iness with a favorable 38 future excelling his class in everv sub- - Vegas, Ward and the canyons of South- See Mrs. Neldon "" 60 40 or Mona Warrt "The Board rA Tmct ject: ern Utah. 30 Keith Worthington. Worthington Aorn-ist ration and Faculty Join Stake Average i 52 39 me in commending you for your . WARD SACRAMENT outstanding achievement during the quarter just completed". MEETING ATTENDANCE MAKE A MODERN ROOM DIVIDER Wanvn will be employed in "irs. Aihgee Anderson, Richfield during the summer as a soil scientist and to reA room divider can be both end. Mark the location Sacrament reporter . Friday and Saturday meeting attendance of the turn to Logan in the plans fall to comattractive and useful. It can shelves the distances shown. of Juab stake for plete his .studies for a Bachelor's double as an indoor planter. A Sunday, The shelves and top plate May 19, was as follows: Degree in agronomy. light fixture may be added to are made of 1 by lumthe top section. Nephi Fourth Ward PerCene ber, each 6 feet long. The front Miss Renon Christensen of end is The 1 ff divider is made of 1 by Nephi First Ward rounded; the wall end is TT7 m - r Wwtm Duchesne spent the week end in 27 and 1 by Nephi Second Ward lum- notched for the inner upright. 27 Levan with her parents, Mr. and Slot the shelves ber. for Levan insertion The height of the three m Ward . ofi Mrs. Christian Christensen. of the uprights. Nephi Third Ward uprights, made of 1 by 22 Attack tha tnn nlota tn fV ' lumber, will depend on the Mr. and Mrs. Royal Peterson, of No Renort gxynavaro and the inner ceiling upright height of the ceiling. Taper im toe wan wgaen vt aec relatives and friends stuus. Assemble the the uprights to a 4 inch width here last week. They were guests Sunday - Monday Use divider. dowel to joints at the lower end. Round the hold the shelves at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Far-re- ll in place. Wankier. FURNACE CLEANING TIME Those wanting their furnaces cleared please write or call Gib137ft Tract Qfh bons fTlpnninP' South. Phone FR 3 3816. Provo Utah . 20TF t y. pi. d. and Carl Foster Gardner for ordination to the office of a deacon. Lynn is son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes and Carl is son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Gardner. """n, " ORDAINED PRIE8T Paul Lunt. Son Cbf iTVTr BnH TWt-Ray Lunt of the Nephi Second Ward, Sunday was ordained to the office of Priect in ivi a onn; Bishop Kenneth Ny-maperformed the ordination. BOTHERED WITH BOX BUGS Call 40. Watch Repairing THE TIME 19 f 12-in- Bar 12-in- with comfort giving BOX Genuine wedge type, CUSHION-CREP- Nephi. Utah G. M. INSOLES. F won't crack, won't Curl. Nailess construction to give at reasonable to call greater flexibility, lighter weight. W0RW00D at Levan. SOLES. E Original Red Wing SWEAT-PROO- For bulldozer work rates, we invite you ... -- AT THE TOGGERY North Main 10-in- ch 10-in- toe! Diamonds Jewefry Engraving HOW k mo1 Treat 1 n HERE'S h o MEMORIAL DAY FLOWERS Due to the bad weather, flowers win be in short supply. Let us serve you better hv nrdorir, We have early. . . a complete linor i j: wuuing piants Nephi Floral - .J i" 1 . They'll III you right from morning III night. Slop in TODAY I PamJ Basements Tree Land Leveling Mine Surface All types of heavy explorations bulldozer work! THE TOGGERY ' Miss Millie Shepherd left last wrek for Yellowstone National Park where she has employment for the summer. ZimV men WW k rowe Tuesday wnm Mr. and Mrs. Wsvn PaWk of Orem were week end guests of her oarents. Mr nnH Mm Mrs. Peterson reStephenson. mained here for a visit with her m , rwi Wednesday cuuiwuncnnu parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mangelson of Salt Lake City were week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Mangelson. They came for the Juab High School Commencement Exercises. Miss Hazel Dalby left Sunday for Bryce Canyon where she has accepted a position for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and son of Spring City visited on Sunday With their son tn law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter i.ngie. Grant Taylor, Ross Christen- - mm VllXlAM A. HOLOEN m Kim Novak RTTY ftClO Russell techmcoim tmtm P SfRASttHC Rosalind Onemscop m mt . SUSAN nmj tf Hnu luuoua - tetuim ' KtaM ai . n. , " ... ,. mm www LUM t ..i ,. j. ; & ' J THURSDAY , INTERMOUNTAIN ANNUAL otlr product made Approved my Suriinl Oil CiiM) ! Ctlllofil D. C. BOSWELL PHONE 83 24 25 & by AQHA and NCHA f. RACING - -LIBERAL PURSES Halter Classes 8:30 A. M. Racing and Performance Events, 1:00 P.M. NEPHI. UTAH Open Cow Cutting $400 Purw Novice Cow Cuttino $100 Purse Jackpot Cow RoDina $100 Purte 1 1 .r -- i 1 1 VW THIS SALE - 2 for 2 -- Plaids WEAR--1- GIRLS DRESSES -- 3 1 Prints and Plains Short Sleeves 1 LOT SATIN AND TAFFETA 1 LOT SATIN AND TAFFETA to y2 Lot Each -2 for DACRON BATTS 5UPREME 25 - 2 yards WOOL BATT utl Mnuiinn lAin rUn size -- nay 1, ana BEST VALUES QQ d 00 2 lb size - 2 19 ie AN ADDITIONAL MANY OTHER BARGAINS nSl mm ff 0Bm a QQc OFF 50 MORE PAIRS OF SHOES ON OUR rhy nMF Akin m iunrucn ni.rTX u l.QQ - 1.99 - 2 49 - ? Values 2 pound QO Hc up to'$5.90 v. TWO FULL DAYS SCHEDULE trafecl. Mil BOYS SPORT SHIRTS SWIM Association lubricants and specialty products to suit your need. likmjtiii m " Sponsored by Intermoutain Quarter Horse We'll be glad to recommend fuels, Far VAMICC.ann ,u PAYS0N, UTAH Besides fuels and lubricants, we stock disinfectants, wood preservative, solvents and paint thinners, roof coatings, floor waxes and oils, rust pre- s - - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MENS SPORT SHIRTS Uttloiiil Lumlw Mamifacturtn fatatlattoi , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The complete line of Standard farm petroleum products can solve a wide variety of your problems. ventatives, and virtually any irom petroleum. I v. AY r I nlir m ' DOWEL ojirco Make us your headauarters for farm petroleum supplies mm f1 T'l SALE Jc MONDAY AND to move to large building ALWAYS... mm DEPARTMENT STORES |