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Show Thursday, May 23, 1957 THE Heedless Horsepower TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. Pag Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Harthe past ten days at the home mon had as their visitors Friday ing of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler. Mr and Mrs. Milton F. Harmon of Manti. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McCune of They were guests of e Salt Lake and Caroline their granddaughter, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Nymati and Spencer Cooper City visited ove rthe Harmon at the graduation week end with Miss Edith Nyman of Warilow Cooper was given by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde daughter , , Shaw. Logan visited Friday and Satur- Kate Ingram. The lesson on DUP exercises on Friday evening. was presented by day at the home of their son and Marker 180-23-0 Out of own of Miss ShirMr. and Mrs. Dell R. Carter and daughter in law, Bishop and Mrs. Zelma Golden. Hostesses were Ida ley Anderson guests the graduation daughter Pauline Kenneth Nyman. They attended Belliston, Ethel A. Irons, Ruey exercises were atMrs. and Mr. and Elva Davis MrsLawTence Young of the Juab high school graduation Walker and Inez Brough. Fourteen of Provo Mrs. Spring Lake; Mary Lou exercises on Friday evening where members were present. Haskell of Payson; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Carol their granddaughter, Fay Frampton and son Dex, Mr. Nyman was one of the graduates. NOTICE TO WATER USERS and Mrs. Douglas Frampton and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman returned O. trvan t rampton of Fillmore. that is Notice given hereby with them to Logan where she Levan, Utah, has filed visited with her parents, Mr. and H. Pierce, State Mr. and Mrs. George E. d Engineer, ApplicaMrs. Joseph Rasmussen. Mrs. Ny- with the and family of Tooele visit 12 27462. to No. tion appropriate evn-ing man returned home Tuesday over the week end at the home of water from Skinner or ed with Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gib ac.-f- t. of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Liddiard. trib. 1 2, and Nos. Mud Springs son who were in Logan to attend attended the Juab high to Dry Wash to Sevier River, in They a funeral service. commencement exercises Juab County, Utah, at points and school on Friday evening. N. follows: as amounts (1) in Mr. and" Mrs. Carl Snow spent ft. .02 sec. ft.; Recvent guests at the home of the week end in Ogden where 6100' W. 1442.1 2234.5 ft. .0005 Mr. and Mrs. (2) N. 6656'W. Vernon Butler were they visited with their son in law sec. Cor. Sec. SH both from ft., Mr. and Mrs. John P. Christison and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry watSLB&M. The Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Black, Ballow and family. They attended 14, T16S, R1W, be diverted from Spring Mr. and Mrs. Amel Butler and the Dance Review at the Ben er will 1 a drain pipe family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butler by means of Lomond high school, where their No. and conveyed to a head box, and family, all of Salt Lake City; granddaughters, Linda and Diana thence pipe Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler and through 350 ft. of participated. and by open ditch to two reser- family of Eureka, and Mr. and Guests at the home of Dr. and voirs located at points where the Mrs. Robert Martell of Spanish axis of impounding Fork. Mrs. Alva A. Boston on Friday longitudinal were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dams 8 ft. high intersect the Mrs. Phyllis Martell of Helper of the diversion ditch locD. W. Brian, Mrs. Roe Brian and daughter Marilyn, and Mr. and ated as follows, with the reser returned to her home after spend- Mrs. Duncan Ardell, all of Loa. voirs having the following capacand loca- ervoirs from Apr. 1 to Oct 31 They attended the graduation ex- ities, areas inundated ercises on Friday evening. Miss tions thereof: (11 No. 6450' W. and used as a supplemental supCor. Sec. 14, ply to irrigate 5.4 acres in Lots Roberta Boston was one of the 1844 ft. from S T16S, R1W, inundating .25 acre 2 and 3 said Sec.: 15. graduating seniors. in SWySWy4 said Sec. 14, creatProtests resisting the granting Mark Warner and Ned Worth-ingto- n ing a reservoir having a capacity of said application, with reasons (2) N. 6458' W. 2004 therefor, must be in affidavit form spent Saturday at Bryce of 1 ac.-ft- .; Tha Travelers Safety Sarvlo ft. from S Cor said Sec. 14, with extra copy and filed with the Canyon. inundating .35 acre in SWSWH State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Misses Janet Westring, Bar- said Sec. 14, creating a reservoir jyai iaxe Uity 14, Utah on or bara Garrett, Carol Gadd, Carol having a capacity 85 of the fatal accidents in 1956 occurred in clear of 1 ac.-f- t. The before July 6, 1957. enBessie Nyman and WAYNE D. GRIDDLE, Mangelsori water will be stored in the reserweather. a joyed STATE ENGINEER, trip to voirs from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 and St. George over the week end. or allowed to overflow the spillPublished in The Times-New- s, The Fort Wall Camp of the D. ways into the natural ditch to a Utah, from May 23 to June U. P. met on May 10 at the home point ofor commingling with the Nephi, waters No. 2, located 6 1957. Spring of Mrs. Ida Belliston. Captain N. 6916'W 2495 ft. from SV Mary Scott conducted the meet- Cor. said Sec. 14. The water from FOR SALE Reasonably ori- was and prayer ing given by Amy No. 2 will te diverted by cer home. Large Men-- 1 Warner. Tjie history of John Spring means of a drain pipe and convey en and living room. Wall to wall ed to a head box and thence con carpet. Lots of closed space. G. .1 veyed through 300 ft. of pipe financing available. 95 Eaast 4th to a watering trough and 100 ft. North. Call James Glenn 305W. n. of pipe to the aforesaid point CLEAN INGEST carpet cleaner of comingling and the waters from you ever used, so easy, too. Get Spring No. 1 and Spring No. 2 J due Lutsre. Chapman Furniture will be conveyed by open chanenl (JO. POWERFULI NEWI GREATLY IMPROVEDI and stored in three reservoirs from Nov. 1 to Mar. 31, the point fir of intersection of the longitudinal 1957 axis of the dams 9 ft., 7 ft. and 15 ft. high, respectively, and the centerline of the diversion ditch ROTO-MATI- C MODEL. SCO located as follows, with the reservoirs having the following capac ities, areas inundated and loca NOW tions thereof: (3) N. 6923'W. ONLY 2535 ft. from S Cor. said Sec. WITH by O. Sogi ow Nephi Local and Social Items Gay-Den- I ' III' lll,'l, 'ill. UH''I I attended the graduation exercises on Friday evening. They were guests of Miss Mary Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chase had as their visitors Friday, their son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hudson of Orem. They were here for the graduation of Mrs. Hudson's broth-er, Ted Chase Lid-diar- 2-i- n. cen-terli- SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI 0.95tol0.95 n. SPECIAL! NEW LOW PRICE! PRATT'S fts.Mj&. $H(p)95 Lf ZJ DELUXE ORIOINAL Clip-O- a New Beauty light Quiet Hoee Light Vinyl Rug Nozzle WAS $79.95 VALUE Toole Easy-Glid- inundating .4 acre in SWM. SW'4 said Sec. 14, creating a reservoir having a capacity of .25 .; (4) N. 6354'W. 3202 ft from Sy Cor. said See. 14. inun dating .5 acre in SWHSWVi said Sec. 14, creating a reservoir havt; ing a capacity of 1.75 (5) S. 6307'E. 3538 ft., from NW 14, TOOLS ac.-ft- I e Paper Dust Bag ac.-f- PAXMANS Cor. Sec. 15, T16S, R1W, SLB&M, inundating 1 acre in Lot 2 said Sec. 15 creating a reservoir hav ing a capacity of 8 t. The er will be released from the res- - Nephi, Utah Phone 75J i ac.-f- Change to NEW SUPER PERMALUBE Motor Oil and get COMPLETE PROTECTION U 000 but save money by financing at in any weather FIRST SECURITY BANK - SAVE OIL 1 - SAVE GAS - SAVE MONEY rou may expect twice the piston ring life with this standing oil finest science can make. It eliminates wild ping and gives you a big octane bonus. You save money because you just don't have to add those extra quarts when you use Super Permalube. You can expect to get up to 38 more mileage per quart. Super Permalube tunes up engines as they go and reduces carbon deposits almost one half. The cleaner the inside of an engine is kept the longer it lasts and the greater is its total performance during the longer life. Super Permalube saves gasoline up to two gallons in a unkful. For greatest motoring pleasure Its out- III $; - , Ij 'ht s&n- - r: Today's cars are all good. But don't finance your car blindly! Ask your dealer to save you money by financing it through First Security Bank. Join the many thousands of time-payme- nt buyers who finance new or used cars the monej'Saving First Security Bank way. 1 Let's GO You expect more from Utoco and you gel it ! UTAH Oil ftEMNINO COMPANY tint iturity nh of Idaho, Notional AfotloHon tint Sotortty Bonk of Utah, Notional AuotlaHon tint Sotortty monk of Kk tprtng, Wyoming ThrM |