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Show 1 THE Page Eight FOR SALE OR RENT Duplex Easy terms Call Ray D. 20-2- 1 ? MONDAY, small black LOST 2 months old Fox Terrier pup Call Mrs. Alma Child"s pet Madsen at 355R. Modern FOR SALE wall home coal furnace to wall carpeting in living room large lot with garden spot and half several young fruit trees share water. Small down payment and small monthly payments Reasonably priced. Terms. Call 247W or 302W or see at 156 North 20-2- 1 4th West Iml 84 the cleaner tliat walks v on cur GD0GE3 P39Q3K! 150" Follows you on its own air stream without pulling. Nozzle glides smoothly on 3 wheels. Double-stretc- h hose lets you clean a full flight of stairs. Full 1 King h. p. motor. size throwaway duct bag. BIG SAVING! Formerly Sold for 97M Chapman Furniture 57 North ff i Co Phone 300 Main Nephl, Utah 6 On May 7 the Delphic Literary Mothers Day was the theme for recent meeting of the Nephi dub held a Mothers Day progLady Lions Club. Spring bouquets ram for members and their mothof lilacs and tulips decorated the ers or other guests at Ray's Cafe settle for a Mrs. Raymond A Jacktables. son and Mrs. Evan Blackett were hostesses for the evening. Mrs. F. A. Heppler gave a tribute to mothers, and corsages were given to each of the guests. Geo. D. Haymond Jr. gave an educational talk on drugs. He told of the different drugs, dangers of their misuse, and how each should ibe used. Seven guests and 18 members enjoyed the evening. Guests were Mrs. Elmer Gardner, Mrs. A. J. Bowers Sr., Mrs. George Parkin, Mrs. Frank Brough, Mrs. Lynn Olpin, Mrs. Ronald Shaw and Mrs. Members in Theodore Howard. attendance were Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. Elgin Gardner, Mrs. Lynn Parki, Mrs. Fred Wether-ell- , Mrs. Wm. Cooper, Mrs. Lor- en Garrett, Mrs. Lonn Corbin, Mrs. Allen Christensen, Mrs. Joseph Overman, Mrs. Jack Shaw, Mrs. Rulon Mrs. Merle White, Broadhead, Mrs. Raymond Jack Mrs. son, Mrs. Evan Blackett, Stanley Brox, Mrs. F. A. Heppler, Mrs. Vern Davis and Mrs. Dean Quamlberg. Rocket room. Committee members in charge of the occasion were JoAnn Tolley, Jean Linton, Enid Larson, Zoma Painter and Donna Anderson. Eileen Bailey offered the open ing prayer and a delicious dinner was served. Each honored guest was introduced and presented with a small gift. Margea Ostler sang "You are a Wonderful Mother". Games were played and "white elephant'" prizes were the winners rewards. Those enjoying the evening were Mrs. Sherl Ferre, Mrs. Rulon Sowhy, Mrs. Amos Irons, Mrs. John Wilkey, Mrs. Eugene Wilkey, Mrs. Eldon Bowles, Mrs.Mem-mott, Bowles, Mrs. Maurice Mrs. Mrs. Ed. Hanson, Earlus Hawkins, Mrs. Max ilawK-inMrs. Clarence Hensen, Mrs. K. J. Sperry, Mrs. Victor Cooper, Mrs. Alan Ostler, Mrs. Geo. H. Ostler, Mrs. Dwain Brough, Mrs. Mrs. Paul Larson, Lee Bailey, rMs. Lessie Larson, Mrs. Maurice Tolley, Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. Wilson Glazier, Mrs. Keith Bai ley, Mrs. Wilford Bailey, Mrs. J. A. Burton, Mrs. Dale Worwood, Mrs. Don Barton, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Kent Linton, Mrs. Floyd Bosh, Mrs. Leonard Linton, Mrs. James Painter, Mrs. Fred L. Painter, Mrs. Roland Beach, Mrs. M. B. Fox, Mrs. Glen Wilson, Mrs. Earl Mrs. Fred Hediberg, Bowles, Mrs. Roy Bowles, Mrs. Ray S. Powell and Mrs. Cleon La-Ve- rn The Third Ward MIA are a Baked Goods sale on May 18 at 10:30 a. m. at the tiauey-Mccxistore. ume on down nd buy your family a treat ne FOR RENT Two bedroom all floor coverings, apartment electric range and refrigerator Kendall apartments. St ir with Si MODERN PLUMBING! small 5 ".But, Dear, the roan doesn't sell bullii-proo- vests." f SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI . -- ft f- y - - f. cod anB ummi 5 out of 10 smaller cars wear a Pontiac price tag -- yet none give you any of Pontiac's advantages 3L PONTIAC GIVES YOU MORE SOLID CAR PER DOLLAR THAN THE BIGGEST OF THE SMALLER JOBS! SL 1 The uulj Division tells movie star Colonel Dean Hess, fighter pilot, that the security symbolized by Colonel Hess goes back historically to the Minute Man of IrVS. The replica which Mr. Buckley showed to Rock Hudson at the Treasury Department in Washington, D. C, served as a model for the Savings Bonds Program serving the symbol. Just as the Minute Men of history were volunteers in the Savings Bonds Program nation, so do their modern counterparts Mr. Hudson was a visitor at the similarly defend the country's security. f Treasury Department to receive a citation for starring in a film promot-IpSthe sale of Savings Bonds which was exhibited to over ten million movie goers recently. 111 numbers just "low-pric- e" so-call- aren't in it Pontiac gives you up to more solid car per dollar! And your 8.9 Pontiac dealer can prove it with official ROCK HUDSON HELPS TO LAUNCH MINUTE MAN MONTH , .. l id. II - S avinca rv, . l.l n D...l.l- - fl.f,! o- - Rnnrls nationali uirccior juuu now featured in the true life adventure story of specifications. Check them yourself. Starting with Pontiac's rugged frame and continuing through every inch of the car, you'll discover engineering advances and advantages the smaller cars haven't even thought of. Then put the facts and figures to a test with you behind the wheel. Feel d the safe, solid security of Pontiac's heft . . . the way it holds the road . . . the absence of bounce and shake. More important, you'll discover that this big heavyweight handles like a dream in traffic or on the open road, because only Pontiac offers you Precision-Touc- h Controls for almost effortless steering and braking. No doubt about it here's driving that puts the smaller cars in the shade! extra-rugge- . NO SMALLER CAR EVEN APPROACHES PONTIAC'S H WHEELBASEI You can't ride on overhang but you can on 122-INC- wheelbase! Pontiac gives you from 4 to 7 inches more length between the wheels where it counts! From comfort to interior stretch-ou- t room, this is real man-siz- e bigness! Add to this extra e Ride length Pontiac's exclusive bump-smoothi- TWO TABLES OF SHOES Childrens - Boys - Ladies - Men's ng Level-Lin- and you have a car that makes the smaller jobs seem like toys! 18TF xuu ajj CTf! it s really a buy! Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner. Chapman Furniture Co.. Nephl, Utah LET US BETTER YOUR LIVING si s, d Ward May 13 at the Lounge room. Litany was read by Mrs. G. R. Judd. Members each introduced their special guests. Group singing was enjoyed. A quiz proramg, featuring Mothers' duties and home life of years ago as compared with modern mothers as compared with modern mothers, provided much entertain- Kenner. ment. Those taking part were Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs,. Ferry Ostler and Mrs. Jack Berwick. Pamela Cotton asted as toast mistress; a vocal duet was given by Mrs. Bert Powell and Miss Linda Powell; a reading by Miss Miss Dee Marjory preenhalgh. Ann Wright gave a toast to the mothers and grandmothers which was followed by a response from Mrs. Jack Wright. Miss Myra Stanley of Mona gave a piano so lo, and refreshments were served to 40 members and guests as fol lows: Mrs. J. W. Berwick. Mrs. Ratoh Hovde, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. John oCtton, Mrs Max Bowles. Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. George tseiiiston, Mrs frank Greenhaltrh ana daughters Marilyn and Mar jory, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. Wutord Bailey, Mrs. P. L Bellis Mrs. ton, Mrs. Allen Belliston, Marvin Anderson, Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, Mrs. Lester Belliston, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. T. H. G. Parkes, Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. Bert Powell, Miss Linda Powell, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. James H Eagar Mrs. Clarence H. Warner Mr,s. A. L Garlbett, Mrs. Gilbert Bailey, Mrs. Amos G. Irons, Mrs. Muriel Wilkey, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs Earl H. Steele, Mrs. John Robertson, Miss Pamela Cotton, Mrs. James R. Stanley, Miss Myra Stanley, Mrs. Beth Yates, Mrs. W. W. Steyhenson, Mrs. Eugene S. Hintze, Mrs. Jack Wright and Miss Dee Ann Wright. IW George By At Club Parties iFrst-Secon- Model Thursday, May 16, NEPHL, UTAH S. Ticklers Mothers Honored The Ladies Literary Club held their annual Mothers Day party on Constellation TIMES-NEW- 1PAIR FOR REGULAR PRICE SECOND PAIR FOR jc SPRING COATS - - NOW OFF PURREY MOSS ROSE BLANKETS Blue or Yellow - Regular 12.90 Values - - NOW-- 0.99 WINTER COATS -- MENS AND BOYS TO CLEAR - OFF - NOTHING ON WHEELS PERFORMS LIKE A PONTIAC . . . THE SMALLER CARS DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE! Your Pontiac dealer can show you proof that Pontiac is America's Number One Road Car. And he can give you a comparison to show you why no smaller car can hope to imitate Pontiac's alert, effortless response to every o traffic to driving demand from superhighway cruising . . . why Pontiac loafs while smaller cars strain . . . how Pontiac's performance superiority has made it the talk of the automotive writers! But don't stop with facts and figures prove it yourself behind the wheel. You'll be spoiled for the smaller cars nt point-by-poi- stop-and-g- all-arou- forever! PONTIAC'S TOP TRADE-I- N VALUE IS FAMOUS! Pontiac's high trade-i- n value is a tradition in the industry! A quick check with your Pontiac dealer for his offer will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're getting not only a wonderful buy but a wonderful investment! So, before you spend d dollars on a smaller your eck eye-openi- ng MANY OTHER ITEMS REDUCED YOU LL WELCOME WASHDAY Perhap to jay it better, we might explain that you'll really have no washday with modern Norge automatic laundry equipment. We're to install an automatic Crepared in and back your home, it up with the most modern water heating equipment. y Call lor estimates of costs, terms. FOR PLUMBING SERVICE CALLS . . PHONE 306 to-da- 4D PLUMBING AND BUILDERS SUPPLY NEPHI REMNANTS GOING AT i2 PRICE 4 ONLY SKraTS1".1 2.12 8 5.90 Value J00 1 BEST VALUES ALWAYS ... TEW hard-earne- car-ch- Pontiac and discover the easy way to break the small-ca- r habit. Cow Y ... Sm, Stow, Step Safely? Check Yevr Cor Check Accldenta." SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED ,, r. n 0 DEPARTMENT STORES DEALER fRADING'S TERRIFIC RIGHT NOWl 1 |