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Show Thursday. May 16, 1957 iHE Nephi Local and Social News Items Mrs. Win. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Greenhalgh and family, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bailey and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Bailey and family were in Ogden Sunday for the missionary homecoming of their nephew, Kenneth Hull, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hull. They spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harames. guests at the Jarrett home. Mr. and Mrs. James McKendrick and family of Provo spent Sunday wun ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. x. usuer. Mrs. McKendrick is the former Grace Ostler. Mrs. Ostler also was happily surprised by a phone call from her son, John, who is on a mission in the West Central States. He is now serving in Spearfish, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostler had as their guests over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Davis and family of Pay-so- n and Mr. and Mrs. Max Ostler of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ostler also visited in Fountain Green at the home of Arthur G. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bailey visited in Logan recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrell. Russell Hanson; who is attending the Central Utah Vocational school at Provo, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levon M. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jarrett had as their visitors on Saturday, their son and daughter in law: Mr. and Mrs. William Jarrett and family of Salt Lake City. On Mothers day, their sons in law and daughters: Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Open-shaand Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Martell and their families were Mr. and Mrs. Owen N. Gibson and son Taryl visited on Mothers day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Greenhalgh and also with other relatives in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Greenalgh accompanied them to Preston for a visit. w Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard spent Mothers day in Manti at the home of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Low- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Marciene Morgan and family of Orem visited for seevral days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park. Glendale Anderson visited Friday and Saturday with his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Wallace Park. He was returning from Springville where one of his paintings was in the Art exhibit. iBIRTHS Belliston of Nephi, May 14. Weight 6 lbs 9 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Harmon of Manti; Alva F. Belliston, Nephi. Great grandparents are Mr. and New babies at the Juab County Mrs. Milton S. Harmon of Manti hospital recently include: FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel pupSon, born April 7, 7 lbs 14 ozs, pies Marvin Garrett, phone to Terry and Annette Howarth 358J. Kendall of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Howarth of Compton, California, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kendall of Nephi. Great grand parents are Mrs. Sadie Read of Nephi and Mrs. Evelyn Kendall of Salt Lake City. Daughter, born April 29, 8 lbs ozs, to Harold and Florence Stephenson Anderson of Nephi. Watch Repairing YOU SAID IT CY! It's really a buy! Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner. Chapman Furniture Co., Nephi, Utah NOW AT THE TOGGERY Nephi, Utah ... TO SERVE YOU BETTER . We are opening this week end in a new location a Main Street location to serve you better in the building just south of the Venice Theatre. (Building formerly occupied by Patio Shop). You're invited to come in and see our new shop, and to take advantage of newest hair styling and beautifying methods. Jewelry North Main at Levan. Basements Trees Removed Land Leveling Mine Surface All types of heavy Explorations bulldoxer work! A MAIN STREET LOCATION TIME BOX THE 19 FOR RENT Two bedroom all floor coverings, For bulldozer work at reasonable apartment electric range and refrigerator rates, we invite you to call Kendall apartments. G. M. W0RW00D St. 18TF Diamonds Engraving Sevet STYLE Phone 191 & W FASHION BEAUTY SALON MADGE OTTESON. Licensed Beautician Standard put $4,282,372 to work every day last year tKlow ...and what this meant to people in the Western Hemisphere derson of from AND DAD GRADUATION DAY No Payment is the Until GREAT DAY! A Pag and Mrs. Vern Steele of Santa- ASK about our trad In allowuin, Mr. adn Mrs. Ray Kay of ance on your old watch Nephi Goshen. Great grand father is Jewelry. Dell Kay of Santauin. Son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Deri SEE; our lovely selection of gift Chapman Furniture Co. Shepherd of Nephi, May 10, items Weight, 7 lbs 12 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. FOR SALE Several .Cool Shepherd of Fountain Green, Mr. Breeze Aluminum Awnings apand Mrs. Carl Bowles of Nephi. proximately four feet wide will is Mrs. Great grandmother Viola sell for $15.00 each Tour Rest Shepherd of Mt. Pleasant Motel 1821 Son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Jarrett of Nephi, May 12 ASK ABOUT our generous trade Weight, 8 lbs. Grandparents are in offer on your old watch Mr. and Mrs. Abner Rosenlof of ."Jephi Jewelry, phone 341 Mt. Pleasant and Mrs. Delta of Nephi Hedberg FOR SALE Ed. Cox home at ?79 East Center St. Call and Son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Blaine see as. Grandparnets are Charles E. Stephens nof Nephi and Deslie L. An- MOTHER NEPHI, UTAH flMES-NEW- July I Great Way to say St. George. Son, born May 8, 8 lbs 5 ozs, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pay of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pay of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coulson of Fountain Green. Daughter, bor to Mr. and Mrs. Mac A. Steele, Santauin. Weight 6 lbs 11 oz. Grandparents are Mr. "CONGRATULATIONS" is with a Remington e Sup-M- Portable Typewriter! REMINGTON SPORTSMANS SUPPLY L CARTER, Your Remington Dealer L. PHONE 280 Pott Trinidad Exploration South America, Canada, Alaska and the Bahama Islands. Seeking oil for your future use is one of our biggest expenditures . . . $324,789 on an average day. Again last year we found more new oil than our wells pumped from the ground. Gulf Of Mexico We completed better 101 of them than two new wells a day off the Texas and Louisiana coasts where drilling costs up to six times as much as on land. An average day's bill for drilling came to $431,516. This huge expenditure was necessary because a well may cost from $125,000 to over $1,000,000 and one out of every six wells drilled was dry. Perth Amboy, New Jersey Standard and its operating companies from New Jersey to California, from Alaska to Venezuela hired 2,485 new employees last year. Our working family grew to a new high of 38,854. The wages and salaries they earned added to the economic health of communities in 46 of the 48 states and in many other nations of the Western Hemisphere. U. S. A. Our Federal, State and other taxes amounted to $325,424 a day enough to buy a helicopter for rescue work, or pay for complete training of three jet pilots every day. In addition to paying these direct taxes, in 1956 Standard collected for and passed on to Municipal, Provincial, State and Federal agencies $193,460,383 as sales and gasoline taxes. Vancouver, British Columbia On an average day we spent $517,446 to keep equipment in repair and up to date . . . extending a wharf at Vancouver, adding to a refinery in El Paso, Texas or a pipe line to Boise, Idaho. This work provided employment for thousands of construction and maintenance workers as well as for the employees of firm, supplying equipment. El Paso, Texas Purchases of crude oil took $949,853 a day in areas such as El Paso, Texas and Bakersfield, California-Eve- n though our own Western Hemisphere production was at a new high, we bought oil from many small and medium sized producers. To these people and their employees Standard was a good customer and an important source of income. Of -; for possible new sources of oil covered millions of acres in the U.S., Central and NEPHI, UTAH m MILK ... - - for refreshment that lasts 1 956 HELEN DAINES Miss Utah Air Power Utah State Agricultural College AMERICAN UTAH DAIRY IUUI r ASSN. OF FrtllKjriATmM UTAH For touring the West... ... ITS FUN TO GO FORD! I J3mm Sfmr '1 X . Ik. il 'tfc' W Iid I i ,iwxpxs&x. I. , !' n& 1 yi Salt Lake City, Utah Our 738 em- i'" ployees in Utah were among the total of 38,854 Standard Oilers who participated in benefit plans at the rate of $119,082 a day. One was our Stock Purchase Plan to which Standard added nearly twice the amount an employee deposited. Some other plans included sickness benefits, retirement life insurance. pay and Company-pai- d have toil their heart to Ford'$ five exciting uagon$...ihan to Owe of any other make I it' urpriing now little that meant in a Ford wagon. Tori country" it big . . . nd distance great.InBut thit comfort. Country Sedan, there't room for nine buky TbeyVe built big to travel far in tolid Weiternrrs. A new "Inner Ford" givet all five Ford wagont plenty of bet I N I N with itt fulUradle frame. And with a Mileage Maker Six or SiWer J I I I Anniversary V-- you get more CO per gallon. Tbero't true functional roof line... and breath-takinl I II beauty in the II 1 S 1 1 I I iIliouette that tretchet nearly aerenteen feeU ihoul(ler-liiKVm U UL Thit year, ttike to the road in atyla . . in Ford "glamour wagon." More Westerner 0 III IIIN Ml M g tplit-Ieve- yj est your friendly Ford Dalr MOTOR CO. PARKIN NEPHI, UTAH SOUTH 137 MAIN Only Ford Dealers Carry A-- 1 Used Cars and Trucks sv- -' -- is oK Ja Bajo Grande, Venezuela Increasing refinery output and improving the quality of our products are jobs. Last year one of our operating companies completed a new asphalt refinery in and plana were announced for a future refinery near Everett, Washington. New equipment for our manufacturing plants called for investing $107,741 a day. never-endin- g Vene-xue- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE $1,667,348,030 STANDARD TOOK IN LAST YEAR can best bo told in terms of people . . . many people in many lands. For example, Standard was a customer of more than 10,000 Western firms last year. One major item such as a refinery unit required the services of people in scores of other industries. Moreover, many of the 1250 products we made from petroleum were raw materials for other manufacturers . . from paints to cosmetics, from detergents to synthetic fabrics. Thus you'd never be able to count the people who benefited directly or indirectly from the $4,282,372 Standard put to work every day last year. la Berkeley, California Although 43.5 of Standard's owners live in the West, Alaska and Hawaii, you'll find them almost everywhere. Stockholder, include colleges, churches and banks, but most of them ore individuals. Of every dollar we cents or $285,028 a day was took in, distributed among Standard'. 137,381 stockholders who own the Company. 10 offHotd companUi apwalha bi thm Eastern Hambptiar, Standard haipad eorry on xpamlon and davlopmul program! tfSat provMad battar Ivtng for paopla In Europe, Africa, ft MlcUla Eatf and th Far Eatt. Far coma let, hrarairlng dfa b wrha for a copy of our Annual lUportt Standard Of Company of California, Room 2153, 225 loth SfrMt, San Frond ko 20, Throirflfc Calfomla. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plan ahad to serve jro Aeffer |