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Show Thursday, May 16. 1957 THE ow.tvf yii Now easier than ever to grow a lovely lawn You simply decide which of the 3 Scotls Seed blends fits your need Mot of our customers want good looks with good wear and so choose WESTERN FAMILY LAWN $1.49 & 55.95 for more elegance WESTERN PICTURE the choice is & - " ' ' $9.85 to get a quick playground, western play lawn is the an- swer even if the soil is poor 98c & $3.98 To get the most out of any lawn, feed regularly with Scotts western LAWN food energy burn does mild so it not feeding packed yet less tender grass . . . feed 5000 sq ft $4.50 than a dime per 100 sq ft. . - , t- r SMART SH0ppEfs m 3 ni)o CARNATION CHUNK STYLE TUNA - - 4 tins qqe WOODS CROSS TOMATOES - - 303s -- 2 cans 25c CAREFILLED CREAM CORN - 303s Q cans 00 POWDERED SUGAR-- 1 lb packages FISH STICK 2 --- --- Pictsweet PEAS - Pictsweet 3 pkgs 29c 1.00 7 packages l.QQ TIDE - 6c off Deal -- ; Giant pkg KRAFT VELVEETA 2 PRICE INCLUDES M OFF NABISCO FUDGE COOKIES PUSS & BOOTS CAT FOOD for lb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sudweeks, Mr. and Mrs. Orrus Sudweeks and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sudweeks weer in Santaquin Satur-- , day to attend the funeral services held there for Angus Greenhalgh, father of Venice Sudweeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd were in Grantsville Saturday to attend the funeral services for a cousin of Mr. Judd, Clyde Williams. ASK about our trade in allowance on your old watch Nephi Jewelry. SEE; Item our lovely selection of gift Chapman Furniture Co. FOR SALE Several Cool Breeze Aluminum Awnings apwill proximately four feet wide sell for $15.00 each TourRest Motel 1821 ASK ABOUT our generous trade in offer on your old watch Jewelry, phone 341 72c C9C Soue 49c for 29 C pound package - Tall tins 2 BAKERITE SHORTENING - - 3 pound tins - Each C7c HI WEST PEAS - Picnic Size Tins 3 for 25c UTAH FAVORITE CUT GREEN BEANS -- can 10c PINE CREST DILL PICKLES - - Half gallon tin - 59c --- MALE OR FEMALE TO SERVICE ROUTE OF CIGARETTE MACHINES! Route No selling or soliciting Full ettablished for operator or part timel Substantial Income per month to tart From $995.00 to 1995.00 CASH REQUIRED! n Mrs. Arvilla Newton and children of Tooele were guests of her mother in law, Mrs. Nadia Kay Newton on Sunday. I "f" Stamps Mofiey-M- ot li bby Corned Beev BUY BRANDS YOU KNOW 12 oz can FREE VACATION IN LAS VEGAS FREE ENTRY BLANKS at OF DISPLAY OUR MORNING MILK 4 tall cans 590 FRISKIES DOG FOOD- - 4 tall cans SSC G'ANT Sl7r IGA CORN IGA PEAS or Cream or W. K. Cut BEANS No. 303 cans IGA FANCY WHOLE GREEN BEANS No. 303 cans y 1 reg. pkg. 1 giant pkg. for Case of tor 00 24-3.2- 5 Case-o- f nt&t 24-3.8- No. 303 cans 3 for Case of 9 iiiae 24-3.8- 9 WITH COUPON CLOSE OUT Giant Bottles LI BBYrsnc Nn 91 c?7A SLICED PEACHES TOITIT PIERCES mrfCTAff IGA PORK & BEANS No. 300 cans 2 for 27? PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz can 29c FRESH CUCUMBERS -- 4 for 19$ j ORANGES - - O" iUU JUICE 46 oz can Se Quart FROZEN - 45c FOODS - - package Quart U PICTSWEET PEAS -- 7 pkgs 1. 00 31c PICTSWEET 45c MEAT PIES IGA SALAD OIL 29C AA I IGA SALAD DRESSING IGA TOMATO SCHILLING COFFEE Pint fhnirA Q 1D 6oz"cans00 5 lb bag NABISCO COOKIES Your PICTSWEET ORANGE JUICE SUNKIST NAVEL LEMON MARSHMALL0WS lb WANTED 1 "" J. - SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI CHIPPERS RELIABLE PARTY -- . h 7 . NEPHI LUMBER COMPANY ' Mona News m Al-ea- Come in and let us prescribe for your lawn, 1 " r te LAWN $1.98 Getting Closer Miss Marie Wilkey visited over the week end with her parents, Clarence Wilkey. Mr. and Mrs. She is attending school at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wilkey had their family home for Mothers day, including Mr. and Mrs. Milton Larson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seat and two children, all o Provo, and their son George who is attending school at Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park of Snow College at Ephraim. Provo visited in Nephi over the Miss Alta Bird of Salt Lake week ned with his parents, Mr. City visited on Mothers day with and Mrs. Theodore Park. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richard (Dick) Morgan left Ne Wilkey. phi on Tuesday of last week for Mr. and Mrs. Udell R. Jensen Seattle, and on Friday left by air attended the Utah State Mar confor Alaska. He will work with the Government Fish and game vention in Salt Lake City last and wild life management on the Monday and Tuesday and then atSalmon count during the summer tended a regional bar convention Frimonths and return home in Sept- at Denver held on Thursday, ember. While in Seattle he visited day and Saturday of last week. They report having had an enwith Bruce Bryan of Nephi. joyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Strong Mrs. S. A. Lunt and and children of Tooele visited at Mr.Mr. and and Mrs. Richard Lunt spent the home of her mother, Mrs. in Beaver where they visWanda Burridge, on Thursday of Sunday ited Mr. and Mrs. Dave with week. last Pearce, son in law and daughter Mrs. Wanda Burridge had as her of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lunt. Mrs. dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Pearce will be remembered as Mrs. Venron Butler and daughter Nola Lunt. Vera, and Mrs. Barbara Madsen. Mrs. James Andrews had as Mrs. Hazel Bosh visited on her guests on Sunday, Mothers Mothers day with her son and Day, the following: Mr. and Mrs. and son Earl of daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrews Vernon Bosh. They returned with Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd An her to Nephi and were dinner drews and sons Paul, Bruce and guests Sunday evening at the Dale of Sunnyside; Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Leah Bosh in Le- - Kenneth Done and son Ralph of and Dawena Salt Lake City, van. Washburn of Provo. Bosh Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mrs. E. Alton Memmott had as and children of Keams visited on Mothers day visitors, her son Sunday evening with his mother, her in law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hazel Bosh. LaMar Kay of Provo. Mr. ad Ms. LaMar Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielsen had children of American Fork spent Mothers day at the home of her as guests on Mothers Day, their son in law and daughter, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Mrs. Oliver Penrod of Magna. Ockey. Mrs. J. A. Kenidall had as her Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones of week end visitors, her daughter, end week were Lake Salt Miss Clarice Kendall of Salt Lake City guests at the home of Mr. and City; and a grandson, Kent Hin Mrs. J. William Ockey. ton of Hurricane. Kent was from Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord where hombe he took third place in the had as their guests on Mothers Jump at the State High Day, their son and daughter in High Scool track meet. law, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Ord and son John, and daughter Muriel, of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and BoutMul. daughter Colleen of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Olpin spent City spent Mothers' Day with Mr. the week end in Salt Lake City. and Mrs. Delbert Broadhead. Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Reed had They visited with her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. as their visitors on Mothers Day, H. Vickers, and also with Mr. and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeonMrs. Spencer Miller. ard Iinton; also Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pace and Ray Linton of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Gordon Linton of Mr. family visited on Sunday, Moth- and Mrs. Kent LintonProvo; and Miss ers Day, with his mother, Mrs. n Helen Linton of Nephi. Pace, and with other relatives in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt spent Mothers in Springville with jviiss joyce rMieisen, wno is a their son day in law and daughter, student at the Utah State Univer Ir. and Mrs. Sterling Fackrell and sity at Logan, spent Mothers day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs family. V. R. Nielson. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Rulon H. Bracken of Magna, Miss Mary Brackne of Salt Lake Cityq, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore of Salt Lake City. They weer in Nephi for the funeral services of Mr. and Mrs. Moore's old son. . wtiZh Page Five Mrs. T. H. Burton had as her guests over the week end: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Worthington and son Jack of Logan, Richard Burton of Logan.. Other guests on Mothers day were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clerk Burton and family, all of Salt Lak.? City, and Supt. and Mrs. Alma P. Burton and family of Orem. fwO rjttmi NEPHI. UTAH S. Nephi Local and Social News Happenings Keep Your Mind on Your Work! ".':V. TIMES-NEW- 55c tor 4 Bf off deal IGA MARLENE COLOR ED OLEO 3 lbs 05c OPEN 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. DAILY Please don't waste car time unless you have the necessary capital and are sincerely Inwe finance expanterested sion if fully qualified and able to take over at once write briefly about yourself and In- clude phone number for sonal interview. per- ALLIED MERCHANDISING 7307 Olive Street Road University City 5, Mo. lb -- LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED- COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING SERVICE NEPHI. UTAH PHONE 57 66 EAST CENTER |