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Show iri Page Twe nCDITAI EDITOItlAl NATIONAL Pationt admitted to the Juab County Hospital during the past two weeks (since list was last published) include: Mrs. Mary Gardner, Levan Mrs. George C. Sperry, Nephi Mrs. John Bowman, Levan James Sowby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Sowby, Nephi Mrs. Vernon Butler, Nephi Mrs. Nathan LaRue, Lynndyl Edna Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Howard, Nephi Glade VanNosdal, Payson Mrs. Milton W. Marshall, Og- - ASSOCVAT40N ME Published every Thursday at Nephi Juab County. Entered at the post office at Nephi. Utah as second class, mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. months. $2.25. Subscripion rates: One year $400; Six Advertising rates Subscriptions are payable in advance. on request. A- - B. Gibson and Roy E- - Gibson Publishers Roy L Gibson Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah CHURCH NEWS Social Items Mrs. Ticklers George NEWS OF JUAB STAKE, HAPPENINGS AND NEWS OF THE WARDS OF JUAB STAKE, AND OF THE PRIESTHOOD OUORUMS. AND THE AUXIUARY ORGANIZATIONS, CLASSES AND GROUPS Conducted by the Juab Stake Publicity Committee: J. Gayle Yorgason and Calvin Nielsen. Sadie H. Greenhalgh, Secretary. Deadline for material for this Department, Monday, 7 p. m. to either of the above. ' Dean Warner and k daughter Vicky, Mrs. Olive Gar-ricand daughter Betty Jo, Mrs. Beth Mitchell and daughters Amy Leota, all of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. aFrrell Carter had Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner City. t, par-ensas their guests Sunday, her and family and Miss Verna PalmMr. and Mrs. Wm. Broad-ben- t er, all of Nephi, also were presbrothof Santauin; aUo her et. ers and sisters in law: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Broadbent and family Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley of Santaquin, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Broadbent and son of Provo. spent Sunday and Monday in Mr. and Mrs. Leon Broadbent al- Sprigville with their son in law so visited with her mother, Mrs. and daughter( Mr. and Mrs. CharNellie Orme. les Bowles and their family. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner Bowles returned with her parents John Newton, Mona were happy to have all of their on Monday to attnd the funeral Mrs. Thomas H. Cook, Ftn. familv home Saturdav and Sun services for Neldon Worth tngton. Green. day. Out of town guests were Mr. Mrs. Jesse Brooks, Mona James M .Anderson, Nephi By Roger Stowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stowell, Nephi Dale Lynn Greenhalgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Greenhalgh Nephi. Carol, Dale Lee and Rodney Lynn Ostler, children of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ostler, Nephi Kenneth Zazriskie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zabriskie, and Thursday, May 16, 1957 NEPHI. UTAH S. Stakes Joint The annual Relief Society convention 7 was held May at the Mona Ward The convention was unchapel. der the direction of Louise W. Madsen and Mary V. Cameron of the Relief Society. In the morning session the two stake boards met with the visiing leaders from the General Board. The afternoon session included all stake and At a general ward executives. meeting in the afternoon .talks were given by the two visiting General Board members, and R. den: Roscoe Garrett, president of Juab Mrs. Perry C. Hall, Nephi The Mona Ward Singing Stake. L. L. Painter, Nephi assisted by executive ofMothers, of LaVina Lyman, daughter ficers from Nephi, furnished the NeMr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyman, The music for the convention. i phi. music was under the direction of Calvin Ockey, Nephi meetVivian Hoyt. Departmental Mrs. La Von M. Hanson, Nephi ings weer held after the general meeting. J. E. Ostler, Nephi The Mona Ward Relief Society Valerie Gee, daughter of Mr. with Erma Keyte, president, acted and Mrs. James Gee, Nephi as host and served lunch to the Grace Worth in gton, Nephi Mrs. James R. Ockey, Nephi group. Eleven wards from the two Joseph W. Farren, Eureka Fenton Broadhead, son of Mr. stakes participated in the convenand Mrs. Elmer Broadhead, Ne- tion. Also in attendance was Bishop Vaughn Summers of the phi Utah. Editor-Manag- TIMES-NEW- Juab-Moro-ni Mona ward. M Men, Gleaner Buffet Supper Is Planned All M Men and Gleaners of Juab Stake are cordially invited to attend the M Men and Gleaners Buffet supper on Tuesday, May 21, at the Juab Stake Seminary. There will be a short program and the election of officers for the next year. The time is 7:30 pjn. and the price will be 50c per Please bring your own plate. dishes. Judy fcoote, wepm Margo Fowkes, daughter of Mr. A Stake Family party will be and Mrs. Ray Fowkes," Nephi held Monday, May 20, at 7:30 p. Neldon Worth ington, Nephi m. at the Nephi oFurth Ward (expired May 10). hall. of Teresa Belliston, daughter The party will be for all Stake NeMr. and Mrs. Blaine Belliston, s Presidencies, Auxiliary phi. and all board members. James R. Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eyre, Nephi Superin-dencie- A comparison of 1957 with WARD TEACHING REPORT on April teaching shows: FOR MONTH OF APRIL Marvin Garrett has been ap1956 The following is the compara- Ward pointed Secretary of the Third tive report of Ward Teaching and 85.2 Mr. Garrett attendance at Quorum of Elders. Report meeting for Nephi First in the past had served as coun- the month of April: 95 Nephi Second selor to the Quorum President. Ward Pet of Pet at Most recently he was general sec97 .. Visited Nephi Third Rpt. Meet retary in the ward Aaronic Priest95 57 hood committee. Mr. Garrett suc- Nephi First .71 84 Nephi Fourth 30 ceeds Max Hawkins who is mov- Nephi Second . 79 23 Third Nephi . 41 Mona from the ing community. 87 0 Nephi Fourth SACRAMENT MEETING 80 .29 .79 Levan Levan ATTENDANCE REPORT 81 28 Mona .. 78.3 Attendance at Sacrament meet- Stake Average 84.9 Stake Average .29.2 ing in the wards of Juab Stake on Sunday, May 12, was as follows: Named Quorum Secretary Ward Percentage Nephi First Nephi Second 23 22 21 20 19 18 Levan Ward Mona Ward Nephi Third Ward Nephi Fourth Wadr Annual Master M Man, Golden Gleaner Party Is Scheduled , The annual LDS finHm mvnn er and Master MMen party scheduled during MIA June conference win De neia Thursday, June 13 at the new Union RnlMiner University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City. Using the theme of "Carribbean , me committee has planned dancing to a band in the ballroom nnH a in the Panorama Room, exciting favors for each lady, movies, wandering minstrels and colorful decorations. Buffet supper will be served continuously rrom 7 to 10 p.m. Reservations are available to Masu-uis- e 14-pie-ce floor-sho- ter M Men and Golden In addition to a knowledge of chemistry and botany, today's pharmacist must be an expert microscopist; he must continually be alert to the newest developments and must spend countless hours in study to maintain a knowledge of what is world of pharmacy. going on in the one that deserves your He must be a specialist trust at all times. w, fast-movi- OIphtim-- s with or without partners, and must ioe maae ry June 1st. The entire charge is $2.50 per person and tickets are available from the YWMIA General Office, 40 North Main Street, Salt Lake utan. tjity i, Claude R, Lomax, Nephi Mrs. Phillip Chrtetensen, Nephi Phil Sperry, Nephi Mrs. Larry Howarth, Nephi Mrs. Martin Stephenson, Levan Mrs. Eugene Hintze, Nephd Dorothy Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peterson, of Moroni. DeLyle Morgan, Levan Mrs. Mont Sperry, Nephi Mrs. Abe Madsen, Ftn. Green "You never said anything about landing in a tank fHled with water! I'm deathly afraid of water!" Heedless Horsepower by O. Soglow .&fy?iSr m?;"i Friday and Saturday t V X. AS2y , Sunday - Monday 4 jr. y .fr A -- :' - J jsy-,"-- 5 - i yy( ta . y v- yy, ciF'i - Tja A :- - 'S4 : X. - " t K-- Tuesday GREATEST TRUE ADVENTUr OP OUR o-.- yyp. ?. yk k A?.': ." - y y-yP-? IPA1T C1HIECKS TIME! ; VI tllO silent world w TECHNICOLOR A -- COLUMBIA PICTUM Wednesday Thursday and Saturday Friday TH Killed If - SPECIAL! 40000 LOW PRICE! IMPftOVEDI POWEKFUll GREATLY ROTO-MATI- 1 Injured 2,368,000 In 1956. fJ E IV NEW! Travtltn Safety Sand MODEL OOO C D&UXC TOOLS ORIGINAL New Beauty Clip-OLight Quiet Glide Rug Nozzle Light Vinyl Hoee n WAS $79.S VAlUf I Tool Eaay Paper Duet Bag PAXMAN'S c Phone 75J Nephi, Utah Throughout the western states in which it operates, Union Pacific maintains a staff of nearly 50,000 employees. The pay checks resulting from that operation are important not only to the employees but to you and your townsfolk. They represent buying powtr which stimulates and builds local business. As a traveler, shipper, receiver or consumer of commodities shipped over the U.P., you are helping your community's growth by making it possible for the railroad to employ local people and to pay local taxes which go toward the building of schools, playgrounds and other civic improvements. So when you ship or travel by U.P., you are playing a part in developing the community In which you live. Union Pacific Railroad 1956 1957 95 84 79 87 81 80 84.9 |