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Show 'A THE Four Pag Nephi News Briefs oca an(J Social MQm Dean B. Fausett, apprentice pet ty officer third class, U. S. Navy, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Fausett of 285 South Sixth East, Nephi, recently graduated from Recruit Training at the Naval Training center at San Diego. Apprentice petty officers are chosen from the ranks of the seaman recruits to assist Company The selection is Commanders. based on individual aptitude and leadership qualities. NeWS The Mona School eighth grade ers were offered by Robert Newgraduation exercises were held at berry and Kirk Lynn. Proncipal the Mona Ward chapel on Wed- Calvin Neiisen presented the grad nesday evening, May 15. The ad- uates and E. Alton Ellertson, presdress of welcome was given by ident of the Board of Education, Karen Orgill. The theme selected presented the certificates of graa TIMES-NEW- S. NEPHJ, UTAH Keiva About Thursday, May Nephi Local and Social Items Folhs in LEYAN Drive in for our TOP FLIGHT k SERV Judge and Mrs. Will L. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thorn and attended the Bar Convention held weer of guests Springville family uation. was Youth's Responsibilities. on Mothers Day at the home of in Salt Lake City last week. Carolyn Oliver discussed the 3, the Fourth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. On May Friday, Miss Marsha Hoyt, a student at subject of "Youth's Responsibil- and Fifth grades of Mona School Shepherd. the B Y U in Provo spent the and Community ity Toward a Mothers program Day Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ligman week end and Mothers' Day with ome," Kirk Lynn: "Youth's Res- presented two dramatizations her ponsibility Toward Religion"; Joan featuring of Oz" and "The of Provo were guests on Sunday L. parents, Judge and Mrs. Will Wizard "The Hoyt. home of her parents, Mr. the at Roundy, "Youth's Responsibility Magic Picture". Myers Beverly Toward Home", and Robert NewMrs. O. S. Aagard. and a and solo Sandra Hr. and Mrs. Newton Kay had piano Ed. Cox home berry, "Youth's Responsibility To- played FOR SALE MHr. and Mrs. Sherl Shepherd as their week end guests, Mr. and Call and ward Education". Karen Orgill Newberry was crowned 'Queen of at ?79 East Center St. May". Her attendants were and children of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kay and family, Miss see js. favored with a piano solo. Pray- - the Sara Ann Kay, Denise Summers, Mrs. James Shepherd and baby of Karon Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. Eileen Carter and Lois Vest. week were end guests Harold Aubrev. all of Salt Tjikp The traditional braiding of the Springville of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. City. Ticklers By numwas the cocluding Maypole Rulon Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rirharrl Knrliuroafrc ber of the entertainment. Clifton Bosh. had as their Mothpr uicitnrc Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nello The Mona School First and Sudweeks. Mr. and Mrs .Tav Von Second grades entertained their family of American Fork, Mr. and Ausdal of of Howard Jones Mrs. Springville, Mr. and Roosevelt, callmothers at a spring musical Mrs. i nomas Harward of Provo, ed "Nona's Forest Friends". This Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Verl Sudweeks of was followed by a demonstration and family of Nephi were Mothers and Mr. and Mrs. Orrus of their safety songs nad posters. day guests of their mother, Mrs. Payson, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SudEdna Sherwood. weeks of Nephi. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Vern and of Winter Mr. on Mothers' Day were Newton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Summers, Cedar City spent a few days here Stephensen of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tidwell, Mr. with his parents, Winter, returning to their were Mothers and Mrs. Karl Newton, all of Salt Alma on day guests of their Sunday. Farrell Winter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul home of Salt Lake City and Seymour parents, Newton of Kearns. Winter of Provo also were guests Mrs. Leonard Fowkes accomp- at the Winter home. anied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Clow-ar- d Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Francom returned home on Sunday af- had as guests during the week ter a prolonged visit In Magna. and on Mothers Day: Mr. and Durin gtihe day Mr. ad Mrs. Daryl" .Mrs. Glen Francom and children Stanley and children of Orem of Kaysville; Mr. and Mrs. Carl visited with her. Francom of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Francom and family of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Earl FranSOCIAL SECURITY WE FOLLOW FACTORY CHARTS FOR YOUR CAR'S Let us protect your car from the wear of rrictlon with an expert lubrication. Whether you're driving today's latest Lincoln or Imperial, or a d "A" we can give it lubrication service at a George nv ea TV REPRESENTATIVE HERE MONDAY MORNING A representative of the Provo office of the Social Security Administration will be in Nephi on May 20, where he may be contacted at the Courehouse starting at 10 a. m. best buy in the store. The former owner worked nights and slept all day. "Hero's the ANY OieO CAR FRo PAINTER Moron CO. IS DEPENDABLE COMFORT Bt6 CCOMOMICA- FAST. I- 1 WHN ano U4T6N To MI5 ftftMce, mr buyer-ste- p across the street THE CAR 5Aie that 566 HAve Ro I r TRAVELED H0LLO -- r AND raotA tnty FceevvioNi; y MILE 5 AWAY RFTbBH !M . ? u ties SAV WHO IT OVER THAT ROAD A UAft OB A EITHt Sift- -l II WHAT HAE TOO TO TO THAt Sf Blithering idiot long-laste- reasonable, down-to-ear- th price. ED'S 66 SERVICE SPECIALIZING MAIN AT SECOND SOUTH MECHANICAL AND SERVICE WORK! IN BETTER com and family of Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mangelson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Newton and family of Salt Lake Oity; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mangel- son and son Hal of Provo; Mrs. Mary Matihews ad baby of Murray were guests at the home of their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mangelson on Mothers' Day. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lindquist of Salt Lake City were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nunley and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nunley of Moroni spent Mpthers Day here at the home of their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Meril Step- hensen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenard Stephen-se- n and family of Springville weer week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarrett of Salt Lake City were guests over the week ned at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Malm-gre- A n, Mr. and Mrs. Devon Stephensen of Moroni, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Del Monte CATSUP 2 FROZEN PEAS FRESH ft packages FROZEN ORANGE JUICE - g cans 05 c - CUCUMBERS - Heart of your family life... When signs of wear or appear in your home, is it just good business to repair or remodel without delay. Your home is perhaps your biggest investment money-wisand is certainly the most important possession, the heart, of your family life. Don't let small defects grow until they become costly to fix. Now is the time to make your home more comfortable and more valuable. e, stt your dealtr LOANS for any purpos that protects or incroaios tho valtio of your homo. Loan can be made adjustable to your ability to repay in monthly installments. No down payment is required. Seasonal payments are accepted in agricultural areas. A Timeway Large CREAM CORN- - 2 cans HQc 2 cans 49t CUT GREEN BEANS 2 cans 29 e PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz tins, Each - - 2QC lbs SURE FINE CANNED MILK - - cans Ke FRESH CORN 5 ears 29c TOMATOES -2 FLAKES-1- 2 MODERNIZATION LOAM LOW-COS- T fr 1.00 C each j WESTERN CLOUD TUNA ft cans QQc ' 31b SURE FINE SHORTENING - - QQC KELLOGGS CORN worth keeping in good shape... with a STRAWBERRIES Check cur Price before you buy! IMk aRNATION Reg 6 oz can bottles 29t jLQQ FROZEN LEMON ADE OR LIME ADE - Comt in and talk with us, or nt point-by-poi- Bendixen. M minutes LOW-COS- T 16, 1957 oz 22C VIENNA SAUSAGES Regular size - 2 cans Jjc TANG LUNCH MEAT 12 oz tins JELLO 3 cans i.05 ftpkgs 4QC Gerbers Baby Foods 5 cans 49c CAKE MIXES .... 3 packages 89c SAVE ON THESE REAL MEAT BUYS FRYERS -- -- CHEESE -- Extra Fine lb BEEF ROASTS-C- very good 45 lb. 45c ut from Top Quality Beef or contractor. - SAVE BACON SQUARES SPECIAL - lb 31C LUNCH MEATS Assorted - per pound 47c ONE STOP MARKET tint S.cvrlf y Monk of Idaho, National AMOciatlon Bank of Utah, National Attoxlation Urtt S.curiry Bank of Kotk Spring!, Wyoming Mombort F.d.rol D.potJf ln$urano Corporation Nnt Sotvrlty FIRST SECURITY the Bank for Evtrybedyl y MEATS-GROCERIES-FRUIT- VEGETABLES.Jhone 6 Nephi, Utah |