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Show Thursday. May 9, 1957 THE Farm Manaement Helps "Safety on the Farm" Tips CONDUCTED BY G. RAY BURTENSHAW Juab County Agricultural Agent and tion are possible. This may require land leveling on a large scale or maybe just smoothing up. 3. Measure your water. This is vital for efficient irrigation. 4. Choose the method of applying water that best suits your soil conditions and the crop to be Many farmers can make money grown. you may need Again, irtoy developing more efficient technical help. rigation systems, advises Bruce 5. the moisture needed H. Anderson, irrigation and drain at theApply time. You can get right the Utah State at age specialist help in learning how to do this University. from the county agent or SCS. He says too many farmers are bason and a miss" "hit irrigating is. But farmers can make the best use of their water by taking Customer-Approve- d the following steps: 1. Develop a wise plan for your Shoe Rebuilding entire farm irrigation system. Proper Water Profit Maker Start where the water enters your farm. You may need to get help from the County Agent or Soil Conservation Service, or even a But the cost private engineer. will be small compared with the .. , benefits. 2. Prepare your land so that proper water control and distribu BERT'S SHOE REPAIR 35 East Center Nephi , . Page Hit When Joe Parrish stepped on the fair grounds recently to judge the Junior- - Livestock show he said "What is that weed you have all over the fairgrounds here"? I stated that it was a mustard but I didn't know what one. Joe and the Salt Lake County weed supervisor then stated that the purple flowered, sweet smelling mustard was Tenella (Corisporah tenella) listed on the State Nox- - inilQ wppH lit nnt ac a nAYiniie weed, but as a .weed objectional to Utah agriculture, and that in Salt Lake County they have quar-antee- d any grain infested with the weed as it is spread in alfalfa, grain, in feed and seed. "I would surely spray it" he stated. By George . for WORK Reliable men or women for this area to handle nationally known products purchased daily by the public through new beautiful merchandising dispensers. Will not interfere with your present employment. To qualify you must have $1748.75 cash available and car; should net up to $600.00 a month working 6 spare hours weekly, and must be able to start at once. This company Veil, did you Juab County Home Demonstration Agent Scheduled for Discussion on Tour Ticklers will extend financial assistance to full time if desired. Do Not answer unless fully qualified fro the necessary time and Investment. Business is set up for you No 6elling or soliciting. For personal interview in year city, write: (please- - include phone number) NATION WIDE SALES CO. 1908 Locust St, St. Louis 3, Mo. MRS. VELYN STEVENS, Two Counties' Weed Problems added income own a business of your own!! PART TIME NEPHI, UTAH S, News of the Farm, the Home and Marketing Aids General News of Interest MEN AND WOMEN TIMES-NEW- it Management Helps wt "Recipe of the Week-Nein Household Ideas U. S. U. Extension Service Specialists salt. For further suggestions on rubbing devises, get a copy of a leaflet on hornfly control from the County Agent's office. Annual Field Day at Benmore Next Tuesday Rubbing Devices For Cattle Are Suggested The annual field day at the demonstration seeding and grazing plots will be held at the Benmore field headquarters at 10 a. m. on May 21, next Tuesday. The farmers of this county with grazing land to be seeded or soil bank acreage to toe planted to grass would do well to attend this tour and obtain facts in seeding and grazing, varieties best suited for planting, and grazing management of seeded lands. Dr. George F. Knowlton, extension entomologist at Utah State University says rubbing devices BUNYON for cattle can be made at home or PAUL FORESTRY CLUB purchased. Home-mad- e The Paul Bunyon Forestry club rubbing devices consist of a piece of cable or sev held its first meeting on Friday. eral strands of barbed wire twist May 3, at 4 p.m. at the County ed together and wrapped with bur Agent's office. The meeting was lap. They should 'be about 20 called to order by our leader, feet long. Attach one end to a Foresi Ranger Robert Brown. Ofheavy post about five feet above ficers were elected as follows: the ground, and the other end to President, Bud Whiting; vice pres- a post at a height of about 12 ident, Stephen Ludlow; Secretary inches. Leave the cable or wire Michael Paxman; reporter, Richin a loose loop, not strung out ard Bo swell. We discussed when our meetings were to be held. The tight. Treat device with insecticide in next meeting was held on May 11 an oil solution. Place it where at the County Agent's office. cattle loaf, come to water or to Reporter, Richard BoswelL It seeds early and should be sprayed before seeding. Seed pods are now forming but" could Prevented from producing viable seed if sprayed soon. Early spray ing does not require as much spray to kill it as When older. A number of farmers already have sprayed it in winter wheat. Weed Tours Scheduled Today and Tomorrow This weed, along with other noxious weed problems will be ob served and discussed on a weed tour on Thursday and Friday of this week. The tour on Thursday, May 16 will begin at Delta, where through quarantine of alfalfa seed fields infested with whitetop, has done much to get that weed eradicated in Millard County. Many fields have 'been cleaned up from white- t top infestation. The Friday tour will be in Juaib County starting at Levan at 9:30 p. m. on the Arvil Wankier farm and ending on the Sqaurros Knapweed demonstration plots in Tin-ti- c valley in the afternoon. D. C. Tingey and Louis Jensen from the Utah State University at Logan and Elmer Taylor, state agricultural inspector for this area, will be tn attendance to discuss control methods at the various stops. Weed problems as well as control methods will toe observed and discussed. Juab and Millard County farmers, weed committees, county commissioners, spray rig operat ors, weed supervisors and county agents will be present for the two Recipe of the Week CHERRY WINKS This week's recipe has been suggested by Mrs. Muriel Wilkev. and from the looks of things, it is a very tasty one to tickle the palates of the family members Try it and by the way. have you sent in YOUR favorite recipe to Mrs. Stevens to help with this feature which is becoming much more popular, week to week? Cherry Winks: Sift 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder tips soda V tsp salt. Combine V4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 TB milk 1 Mr. DAIRYMAN and Is FARMER the HIGH COST of WaTer Heating cutting into your Profits? See the NEW WATER HEATER dealer TOD A Yl STOKERfAATIC at your This new, modern, scientifically designed unit can cut your water heating cost from 46 to It bums low cost stoker coal. Still the cheapest of 82. tsp vanilla Beat well Blend in dry ingredients fcMt welL Add 1 cup nuts Add 1 cup dates chopped Add 13 cup Maraschino cherries, chopped. Shape 1 TB dough in ball, roll in crushed corn flakes Put a piece of maraschino cherry on each cookie Bake at 375" for 10 to 12 A U.S. war loan to Britain government of 88 million ounce ?Ls,Iver increased In value days. rait?" get the assistance of grass I have been conscious of its presence for several years but didn't know it was tennela. Since talking with Joe I have been observing its presence throughout the county and notice that it is quite general over most of the north Nephi fields now and some grain fields are a solid patch of Clubs 4-- H with Household t62A48;002Wnen the loan wS $72,040,000, Its current market price, when It was returned. Youth Do Well According to best no more than 14 per estimates, cent of the Texas voting population is out At-S,rVSho- and-o- Seven fat Bteers, two fat lambs, ten fat swine and 12 purebred Suffolk sheep were exhibited by and FFA boys and girls at the recent Spanish Fork Junior Live.'. stock show. Exhibitors under the flae were Richard Park and Ann Ek- ker, and in FFA, Robert Garrett. Ted Ballow, Wallace Ballow. Brent Taylor Richard Pace, Lynn Pace, Maurice Anderson and Chad ut Republican. Se it at 4 D PLUMBING G BUILDERS 44 West Center SUPPLY Phone 306 4-- H 4-- H Winn. Exhibits will also be made in other spring shows as follows: Del ta, May Ephraim, May and Salt Lake, June We particularly want to thank Kenneth Nyman. who on behalf of the First Security Bank, was on hand at the auction sale Saturday and purchased a number of animals of our local exhibitors, and helped to boost the price on tne others. We also extend our appreciation for the support and Interest of Earl H. Steele and Roy McPherson of the Nephi Kiwanis 23-2- 4; 24-2-5; 5-- 6. Club. Maurice Anderson and Richard Park walked off with top honor in FFA and respectively In Suffolk classes at the Spanish Fork show last week. Maurice won Reserve Champion ram: first, second and third in the yearl ing ram class; first in pen of three yearling rams; first in ewe and lamb, and fourth and fifth in yearling ewe classes. Richard exhibited both cham pion and reserve champion ewe in the division, and reserve champion ewe of the entire show. He received first In the aged ewe class, first In the yearling ewe class; first in pen of three yearling ewes and first in flock. Melvin Wright. Don Worthington and Gordon Jones tied for sec ond place in the FFA livestock team judging contest, and the com received fourth place in Those judging in the petition. division were Ann Ekker, Kent Worthington, Richard Park, Ronnie Sperry and Carl Dalby. 4-- IjQQQgQfjQg for ag.bti beauty. tiding and dim.ntlon In panelling ideal and ugg.itiont for the ue of modera materiali helpful tlpt for Bettway Budget Payment Plan. $30 to month! to pay. USI REDWOOD CORNER Boardi all Redwood pick We hove r- ' and other fan$ and $3500. Six to tlxty I drsr-r- h Jill v f I "QUICK RECOVERY" i liiiriiiiili- - vjJi s - GARAGE PATIO 4-- H 4-- H iheltered patio wiet two tide of the home for lupport nd protection. Can be built for a little 39 month. houte and garage with thi breeieway you have backdoor convenience, ttoiage and theher. A low at 9.5 month. By oinlng Continuing roof-lin- e give thh) patio an air of belonging to the garage. Solid tool addt protection for low furniture. . 11.11 month. PROBATE AND GUARDIAN SHIP NOTICES. Consult Juab County Clerk or respective signers for additional Informa FENCES TO COMPLIMENT ANY HOME ..wjy-illi'-U.UlJ- ' 'I J QOG3QGQ GOo A in 24-ho- "quick recovery" beater also produces 3 times more hot water period than an old type heater the same sue. Utah Power ft Light Co. will now accept "quick recovery" water heaters on its lines. SAFE... CLEAN... Estate of Jennie Sarony Brough, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the un dersigned at Frank Harris, care of EksAyn Anderson, 711 New-houBldg, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or beofe the 9 day of July, A. INSTALL ANYWHERE New ask yovf dealer . . . WHOPPER limited timet Aiset Whopper allowance on your Id slovo or range on the purchase of a new electric trade-i- n EksAyn Anderson, 711 Newhouse Bulldinp. Salt Lnkp citv Utah Attorney at Law for Administrator model. a ana 3U, rsoi May 9, 16, TRADE-I- N ALLOWANCI ON YOUR Cr OLD WATER HEATER for a If) Frank Harris, Administrator with the will annexed, of the es tate of Jennie Sarony Brough, ueceasea. Dates of publication: t average customer, studies show. tion. se . H The sensational new "quick recovery" electric water heater delivers more than 3 times the hot water required in a month by the NOTICE TO CREDITORS MODERN 1 17ATER HEATER 4--H Thl 1 is 4--H BREEZEWAY PATIO - H I Buy new from your dealer er plumber and seve a whopping mere. v un rrmi UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. |