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Show ' Thursday, May 22, 1947 PAGE SEVEN THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS 4S ' 1 CROSS . (p0 ..j BOBBY 1G27 WAS NOT until 1920, the year ITBabe Ruth came to the Yankees Wl Pattern No. 1627 Is for sizes 1. 2. 3, 4 and 6 vears. Size 2. 2 varrl nf 9 3 yards purchased ruffling. of The Summer issue FASHION wil give you lots of ideas for a smart summs wardrobe. Special features, ways U brighten your home, free pattern printe inside the book. Price 23 cents. or as an outfielder, that fans realized the dead qualities of the ball that had been used pre viously. That was the year Babe Ruth hit 54 homers, where such past as champions Frank Baker had been leading the league with less than 12. The ball had been getting faster in 1919. But Babe would have led the home-ruGreenberg pack even with the deader ball, as he always had the greatest combination of power, tim ing and smooth swinging known to the game. Jimmy Foxx reached the 58 mark in 1932, and Hank Greenberg climbed to the same 58 peak in 1938. Last season, Greenberg demonstrated he still had 44 home runs to his tall system. The ball used this season is certainly not any deader than it was in past years. Judging from the loud salvo of four-bas- e hits, the 1947 model Is flying even farther. I can't recall another season where as many home runs have been hit. In the same number of games, as the new campaign has shown so far. One amazing example is Eddie Miller of Cincinnati, a brilliant-fieldin- g shortshop, who never has been rated even close to the power Miller now rarely department. misses an afternoon without belting one out of the inclosure. When the season opened, Ted Williams, Greenberg and Johnny Mize were voted the trio most likely to succeed at the art of leading the home-rudepartment. Kiner and Joe DiMaggio were included in this list; also Keller, York and MusiaL But early indications are that 10 or 12 outsiders have decided to enter e tournament. There the have never been as many, this early in the season, able to move up with the big guns. The man still to beat is Williams. Ted has pleasant dreams of beating the 40 mark and possibly moving up into the 50 section. But, as the cheerful Mr. Durante puts it "Everybody wants to get in the act." In the meanwhile, the early spring war cry about breaking up the Cardinals has subsided for the time being. The Cardinals remind you of a 3 to 5 shot in a horse race that gets away last. But, it is surprising, the number of things that can happen before October. A pennant race is no SEWrVG CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 709 Mission St., Sao Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern N" Address t. n ? I I I I "If I had as much talent as mv fnlk think I havp. I oueat to he smart enonrh t' figure 9 wav to ' leonJ" et out of taking NANCY PS AAV L Jf W HOUSE WITH . My l LI ILfc I sjop toy nrsl slKnl' ' : . PLAV eue7e m wve I I Or LlM I NEEDS A GOOD CLEANING 1 ; W J . S' TSfe KK25T --- y iWV fff9 I MRS. HIGHTOWER Ty0UTO MIND HER ASflN!-f WANTS )l BA.BY.yX " BUT (A Margarita By LITTLE REGGIE I 0 J0 HER ANY EXCUSES I I I HAVE MIND BASEBALL mrs HIGHTDWER5 I WONT EXCUSES NEVER I WONT v DONT GIVE A AND) GIVE, HER I ANY IN FACT 1 SAY A WORD f UZZ7 Y rT JjXk EETEEEEEE EEK !!1 (LA A WAV U ( . 7 OC SOMEBODY 1 f HOUStWIht 1 " I 1 I By trnie ... OM TOO Bushmiiier kim.i t'i cuaic IT OUT JUST LIKE A REAL I L 7&? Z W) , 1 X n MUTT AND JEFF IF TWO Y BOY, ARE Y AND TWO MAKE1 YOU STUPID? I MUTT MAKE Vow.rf' HOi K DID YOU jptf&. ASK? J IA I'M TELLING WrAt WHY NOT ASKlNGjTrtEN 1 ( QUESTION WHA y Tm A. By Bud Fisher YOU T GO BACK AND READ THE DID FIRST PICTURE THERE'S PROVE IT - 7Y3 BLACK - ? LTS' K- ... mm ) Follow Lead of Engine Builders and Big Fleet Operators A S ADORABLE as her smile is this play dress set. The bottom for the sand-bo- x is cut all in one piece, forms panties and ties in front. Wing sleeves are so cool note the pert keyhole neckline, the ribbon bow. easy-to-ma- When your truck, tractor, or car begins to lose power and burn oil, there's an easy way to save oil, save gas, and restore original power. Have a set of Sealed Power Piston Rings installed. Whatever the make, model, or cylinder wear condition, there is a Sealed Power Set specifically engineered to do the best possible job. For many years leading engine builders and fleet owners have used Sealed Power Rings. See your Sealed Power Franchise Dealer. Send a postal for illustrated, informative new booklet on 7 ways to save oil. It a free and may save you lots of mon A good way to detect dry rot in wood is to insert a pocket knife into the board. If it penetrates very easily it is almost a certainty the wood is infected. When cutting flowers, slant the stems. This gives your posies longer life. In order to keep a flushing tank in good condition it should be cleaned out and every last scale on the inside surfaces scraped off at least once every year. An overflow pipe in the lavatory always should have a rapid fall. Furniture that is bought unfinished should first be wiped with a cloth dampened with water. This raises the grain, which should be sanded before stain is applied. ey. Sealed fower Corp., Dept. WS, Muskegon, Mich. INDIVIDUALLY ENGINEERED To hold your loose uppers and lowers comfortably secure all day and every day, try dentist's amazing dig cove'ry called 6TAZE. Not a "messy" is pleasant-to-us- a powder! STAZB paste, oet 3 so tune at aruggist today! Accept no substltutel Holds ail Dty or I CVn p B 9tA Youi y Monty Back sprint By Arthur Pointer JITTER .p 00 j 6UZZLIN' 1 s I J V. .VsucKER-t- C lOU.i 00V II tf TH' 60i& 7 J )L I'M TOWOCK POC VOO I I WANT A HORSE j BEtN t.UEGAU a bit, WHAT'S TH' til rr WATTES WITH VJlCfolLr IF OME I SAVE YOU ? lis eosn-- 7 ( MIND VIRGIL -- eys, legs By Gene Byrnes I 1 Except for polo players and jockare rated as the most Important factor in competitive sport. Even polo players and jockeys need strong legs. The trouble is few athletes realize the importance of their underpinning, according to most of the trainers we have talked to, and only a small percentage ever get their legs in shape. The only exception is the golfer who has to walk from 5 to 10 miles day, through each single and double round. Greatest offenders are ballplayers and fighters. You find few who are willing to get their legs in shape, through the road work needed for this purpose. Ty Cobb lasted for 24 seasons. largely because he hunted almost every day between seasons, usually moving at top walking speed. The same is true of Babe Ruth, who lived on his legs in the off season, either in the hunting field or on some golf course. And the Babe's slender ankles had to carry a tre mendous frame, around 230 pounds s REG'LAR FELLERS r The Importance of Legs J.) -- v I I yyJhaddaYaN M V HASMT HEAP! - a- CS- - ANY I TH sun 1 TWO HOURS AfiO. I YS HOVi OFFtCIAUty NIGHTS jf U WHAT'S TH' H I DIFFERENCE? VOULCOKUkEA QUEEN WHEN ). t2lDiM& IT . I 10a I I ATOAKIN' V V A ALL-DA- Uf Y V f I Sczv OT YASCLP ) A HUNKA ) The leg work, that Joe Louis has thrown In throughout his long ring career. Is one of the main reasons the Bomber Is still heavyweight champion of the world. ByLenKIeU V THAT 15N.T WHAT ) MY ARE SAYIN&I - 1 , -- r '7?, ' FRIENDS 5,Al O 7? ' W WJ "A There are too many easy ways of transportation for the youth of today. The kids will ride four blocks, chance. when they get There are not many athletes who have the incentive to give their legs enough work to get them ready for the games they play. Middlcuciphts Supreme SILENT SAM 0 : This will be the first time in many summer moons that a battle for the middleweight championship will overshadow the heavyweight scrap. No matter how noisy the ballys hoo, nor how loudly the no advance hullabaloo echoed, would have made fans believe that Joe Baksi would have had any sort of a chance against Joe Louis, even had the match been arranged this year. Just how much the passing years have taken from Louis is anybody's guess, but no one can believe Louis has moved so far down the soapy chute that he would be In serious danger of losing his title to one of the present crop of heavyweight ppments. tom-tom- pc kjQrffi fefiO -1- 1 j fas'dL Tsr jmm slow-movin- g vtOVVlouic v.-;-r BREAKDOWNS REPAIRS TIME TROUBLE MONEY on Your Car, Truck or Tractor j ;'V-r- - tind out "(low's Vow Oilfiller?" If you hate to throw money away here's a SURE way to save it I Whether your car is old or new whether you own one car, or a number of tractors and trucks as well you should check th oil filter regularly It's easy just drive in at your Fram dealer and ask for a free Dipstick Test. Then, if oil shows dirty, have him install a Genuine Fram Replacement Cartridge to get the most out of your present filter, remove grit, carbon and sludge, keep oil physically, visually clean and prevent unnecessary motor wear I (Remember, there's a Fram cartridge made to fit almost every type of filter.) Or, if your car, truck or tractor is not already have your Fram dealer install a complete Fram oil filter. Takes just a few minutes the cost is small and the savings in longer, trouble-fre- e see your Fram engine life are big! So play safe filter-equippe- ... dealer todayl Fram Corporation, Providence 16, R. I. turn 'Crtmin heavy-dut- y oil, dua to tha detrtfcent mddltiv dark in color almost as loon as put into th motor. What much oil mra uaed, cartridge thou Id ba changed on tha adrica at your merrica station or dealer. ud, L?2Zl?vl Oil & Motor Cleaner Glearx tAt Oil Meat Cteattl Mecttctct |