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Show Thursday, May 22, 1947 THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH i ii o ii.i.i.u i u jinm ij lu.iiiLijkiiai a V " I , vsvpr-- ' ' ' " i PAGE THREE Squeeze Play Walter I proposed to Tessie in the garage. John What happened? Walter She wouldn't let me back out. ' rf 4 Parasite Dodder May rr Be Killed by 2, 4-- D Selection of Clean Seed Also Essential feifoitttittaaiiln BLASTS PROPOSAL . . . Earl O. Shreve, newly elected president of the U. S. chamber of commerce, took sharp issue with President Truman's "moral suasion" campaign to cut prices. He declared the people will not be "fooled by attempts to make business men scapegoats." ... At this tiny grave on the THE SIDE OF THE ROAD lonely prairie near Elrod, S. D., a train stops every Memorial Day while the crew conducts simple rites memorializing' the friendship of "Big Bill' Chambers and "The Little Fellow." A STOP BY SAGA OF FRIENDSHIP prayers are said and flowers are? laid on the grave. The trainmen return to their train and the trip is resumed. When curious passengers ask about the stop, they learn the story of how a railroad man's sympathetic understanding of a small boy's fascination for railroading led to a friendship that has been memorialized for 58 years even though both the railroad man and the small boy died years ago. The man's name was William F. Chambers, better known as "Big Bill" Chambers, and the small boy is known only as "The Little Fellow." Back in 1888, Big Bill was a brakeman on the train hauling track ballast for repair work under way in the area. "The Little Felson of the low" was the couple who had charge of the kitchen and mess cars for the construction gang. Every day when Bill's train pulled into the railroad camp, the boy ran to meet him and Chambers would spend hours telling him tales of the big cities and of railroading. Then, in August, the boy became seriously ill and died. He was buried y and there along the promised the boy's parents OUIwould take care of the grave until they were able to return and remove the body. They never returned, but Chambers kept his promise even when he became freight conductor and later passenger conductor. Section crews helped him by keeping the grass and weeds away from the spot. Someone put up a boulder to mark the grave. Eventually Bill reached retirement age; yet he still visited the grave regularly on Memorial Day as long as he was able. Others took up the task for him and continued the practice even after his death in 1939. Vince J. Ford, conductor, married Chambers' daughter. Every Memorial Day Ford has taken Chambers' place, although he, too, now Is retired. The flowers are sent by his wife and Mrs. Lydia Benson, another daughter of Chambers, both of whom reside at F.edfield. S. D. Together with the train crews, these people have kept alive the friendship of "Big Bill" and "The Little Fellow." For 58 years the Chicago and North Western's train 106 has stopped on the prairie near Elrod, as it will again this year. Passengers have waited and wondered. They have heiird the story and seen the ceremony. Not once hat a protest been heard. right-of-wa- Boy With 30 Names Is 'Bobby' for Short WHITESBURO. KY. Ell-Ja- Initials Serve Arcminder m of Storm LITTLETON, COLO. Mrs. E. E. A. Shell, who first saw the light of day during the great blizzard of '83, has a constant reminder of that E. tragic storm. For that's what her initials stand for: "Eighteen Eighty Eight Ann." No doctors could reach her parents' home to be present at her birth. Her father, overjoyed that both mother and daughter survived, named her for the event V' I V. y. mmK MnmmwM 1 I IffVi ton AIRPORT CHATTER For the first time since 1934, Sioux Falls, S. D., will have air races in connection with a Civil Air Patrol air fair at the municipal airport Sunday, May 25. Other highlights of the event will be competition in "bomb" dropping and spot landing, a mass parachute jump by and the marlocal riage of a couple aloft in a plane. The Sioux Falls squadron is endeavoring to raise funds for a plane to be placed at disposal of the city. Red Cross and police or for use in emergency search and rescue missions. . . . Newest of the Rocky Mountain empire's air transport services, daily flights between Denver and Salt Lake City have been inaugurated by Challenger Airlines company. Stops are made at Cheyenne, Laramie, Rawlins, Rock Springs and Kemmerer, Wyo. The company plans to open routes from both Denver and Salt Lake City to Billings, Mont., in the future. . . . Mrs. Clara Frick of Goshen, Ind., experienced "the most thrilling day of my life" on her 80th birthday anniversary. She went for a plane ride with her son. . . . Mrs. Sarah Lunsford of Cobbs county, Georgia, utilizes her Piper Cub for a school bus. Because the roads are "terrible," the school bus leaves too early and the family car "went out, of commission anyway," Mrs. Lunsford last fall started flying her two children five miles to the school-housThe plan worked out so successfully that she decided to continue it Indefinitely. "The children don't even get a thrill out of it any more," their mother admits. miwiiiiiii ,i i Afcd Mu Umi.i mil .i.,.-- - seven-year-o- ld monished his mother. "Any worms in this here apple better watch out for me" the youngster retorted. The Kind He Knew The teacher had recited "The Landing of the Pilgrims." Then she requested each pupil to draw from his or her imagination a picture of Plymouth Rock. Up spoke Willie: "Please, teacher, a hen or rooster?" Middle age is that period of a man's life when he would rather not have a good time than to have to get over one. t w f rx l , . - jxj?r iJ? t 'S- vfcwMsrfvAwAa That's It! "Where is the manager's office?" asked the salesman. "Follow the passage until you come to the sign reading 'No Admittance.' Go upstairs till you see the sign, 'Keep Out.' Follow the corridor till you see the sign, 'Silence,' then yell for him." 1 Circle shows how dodder wrapi itself around alfalfa to absorb the sap. Is possible by the use of 2, weed killer. While the 2,4-- also will kill lespedeza and other plants in the sprayed areas, the loss usually will prove negligible as the dodder usually will be confined to small scattered areas. The labor Involved In cutting out dodder is excessive and it is almost impossible to remove all of the parasite by this method. Infested fields may be planted to grain or corn for several years. These crops are not attacked, but care should be taken that the dodder does not continue growing on weeds in the field. 4-- DRAFTS TREATY . . . Joseph M. Dodge, Detroit banker, has been appointed special minister to Austria to represent Secretary of State Marshall in drafting the Austrian peace treaty. SUPERIOR LETTUCE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AUTOS, .TRUCKS ACCESS. & WOMOCAKS BOUGHT SOLD PAST YEAR BUSINESS te INVEST. OPPOR. EARN S TO S50 WEEKLY Addressing Cards. Send 10c to cover mailing. 5038 company McMillan Wasbtnston Park Ct., Chicago 15, III. MISCELLANEOUS lyV, baMtatiriuitiriiMiKrfMb. lit ... trf RETURNS TO BERLIN Dr. Michael L. Munk, the first rabbi of Berlin since before the war, has returned to the city of his birth and will live in U. S. quarters there. He escaped from Germany in 1938 at the height of Nazi persecution of the Jews. e. Ti iX- P. VETS SEE FAMOUS HORSE . . . Richard Ryan, former cavalry officer, is shown astride the world's most famous white horse Emperor Hirohito's "Hatsushimo," which the Japanese placed in his custody "for the American people." Ryan is taking the horse on a tour of veterans' hospitals. The dog is "Mike," a gift of Edward Arnold of the films. O. YOU See Your Druggist or Write Box 1I1S - Salt Lake City, Utah. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY AND SELL Offlce Furniture. Files. Typewriters. Adding Machines. Safes. Cash Registers SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE StS Saulta Btata St.. gait Laka City. I'Uk Slobolt lettuce, developed by the USDA, is available for the first time to the gardener. longstanding Slobolt produces wrinkled, frilled, light green leaves. Plants are of moderate size. If the plants are set 10 to 12 inches apart and only basal leaves used, Slobolt lettuce may be harvested over a period of several weeks. Slobolt makes a good fall crop from midsummer plantings. It produces usable leaves three weeks longer than many commercial leaf lettuce varieties. It receives Its name because it is slow to "bolt" seed stems in warm weather. low-flyin- g aircraft has been reduced substantially in many parts of the country. T. P. Wright, Civil Aeronautics administration head, reports in reviewe caming progress of the paign. Much of the annoyance can be avoided by changing the traffic patterns around airports and by pilot cooperation in using suitable power and propeller-pitcsettings. Wright declares. In many cases the traffic pattern has been altered to provide that planes travel over water, industrial districts or wastelands rather than over residential areas. The campaign, he reports, has resulted In a substantial drop In, the number of complaints against noisy airplanes. ASTHMA, HAY FEVER TRY SELRODO RELIEF OR NO COST TO AIRPORTS ARE QUIETER The noise nuisance from BUY YOUR 0: EXTRA SAVINGS BONDS well-know- n anti-nois- n m w NOW a- - SECURITY) x Herds and Flocks For Greater Profit ... Even up the size of litters. A sow will take strange pigs before hers are two days old. Make changes when pigs are ready to h ... DIRIGIBLE EXPERT Dr. Hugo Eckener, German dirigible expert and designer of the Graf Zeppelin, is In the C. 8. to work with government experts in developing lightcr-than-a- ed lr craft. ' , TROOP CARRIER . . . This Fair-chil- d Packet, one of the latent-typ-e troop carrier planes developed for army air forces, is demonstrating latest developments In equipment and tour of the techniques on a Pacific area. suck. CAUGHT IN THE FLOODS . Flood waters of the Mississippi river stalled this Frisco railroad work train. Photo was made from a coast guard plane making an aerial survey of the flooded area. Other locations reported train and railway trarkn under water, bringing about renewed demands upon congress for flood control. J-- ' m . . - "- - n C-- i Sprinkle the strangers rj .: with a of weak solution stock dip. Dock all lambs and castrate all buck lambs at one to three weeks. Combine the two operations castrate first, then dock. Use a reliable disinfectant on wounds. Bloodless docking and castration can be done with Instruments made especially for the purpose. Dehorn calves when young (under 10 days) with a chemical dehnrner that won't rub off on the udder or flanks of the cow. A chemical works best on young calves, and calves are easier to handle When young. To help prevent damp litter 60-d- Treat Egg Right to Keep hi Cold Storage two-thir- I Li in brooding and laying houses, mix hy. drated lime in the litter at the rate of one pound to eight square feet of floor space. Hydrated lime, remember not ground limestone. 1 air-bor- SAFETT RECORD of the schedMore than uled International airlines, which operated In all parts of the world, bad a record of "absolute safety" In 1946, International Air Transport association reports. Sixty of the member airlines flew a total of 8,346.000.000 passengers miles during the year. The scheduled airlines reported 33 fatal accidents, resulting in 298 casualties, which would equal 28,314,000 miles per passenger of tho airline) fatality. Forty-twhad no fatal accidents Warning- , kjt v AVIATION NOTES mm ,.,T.YlYri-'ffillll-W- ' i.nnv i4i.ililliT.irtrAiaM?'i?&iiii4 'BIG MUDDY RUNS AMOK . . . Abnormal spring rains are causing floods in many parts of the country, inundating large tracts of land. Top panel shows the sandbagged levee of the Missouri river near Aldridge, III., before the rains came. Below, 36 hours later, the levee proves no barrier, the water breaking through to flood 2,000 acres of farm land. b A eighth grade student here boasts one of the longest names in tha world. Because they thought he'd be the last child and the family Bible still had four lines unfilled In the portion left for family records, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stallard, gave him this name: Alexander Morris Gene Hugh Saul Ralph Giles Gilbert Motoer Marquis Miles Marion Mayo John Charles James Gordon Bennett b Adams Christopher Columbus Green Eversole Bradly Kincald Robert Jefferson Breckinridge Stallard. Classmates call him Bennett or Bobby for short. Wean's v . mJii&X WNU Features. right-of-wa- jm,...-- MA.iim,,.-,,.-- For 58 Years, Mighty Railroad Remembers The Little Fellow' Every Memorial Day since 1888 a passenger train has come to an unscheduled stop on the lonely prairie near Elrod, S. D., and while passengers wait and wonder, members of the train crew visit a tiny grave along the There, a moment of silence is observed, a few brief By W. J. DUYDEN Field dodder is an annual parasitic vine, growing on lespedeza, alfalfa, clover and various members of the dandelion family. It attaches itself to other plants and sends small growth into their tissue to absorb the sap. As preventive is easier than the cure, it is essential that only seed free from dodder be planted. Spots In fields should be eliminated. This oMeal Fair mother took her son with her to the grocery store. Tbt grocer noticed the boy eyeing a large barrel of apples, so he gave him one. "Watch out for the worms, son," adA ri. ... NEW CITIZEN Ida Loplno, film actress, leaves the Los An golrs department of Justice office after panting her citizenship ex- amination. Miis Luplno wan born In London bat hat long wanted le be an Americas. ,,v. - y -- ... MAN, NOT ELEMENTS, CAUSED Till It looks as If had struck the Jim Munro home at Le ( Ulre, Iowa. However,cyclone it wan the landlord, not the elements, that caused thin scene, the Munro claims. family They charge the landlord, Harold Olsen of Monlpelier. Iowa, wrecked the summer kitehen of their home when Ignored an eviction notice. Similar happenings have been reported Inthey other parts of the country by landlords anxious to gain possession of homes. Treating an egg rieht means storing It clean, covered and cold, say University of Nebraska specialists. Eggs when clean should be stored In a covered bowl or pan, away foods. Without from a cover, eggs lose moisture and are likely to absorb odors. When kepi In a cold place, even for part of day. they stay good longer. Stored t room temperatures, eggs may lose much quality in three days. strong-smellin- FLASHES? Women In your "40VI Dor thU functional middle-ana- peculiar to women causa you period to suffer hot flaahea. nervous, hlghatrung weak tired feelings? Then fo try Lydla Plnkham's Vecetahla Compound tr relieve auch svmptoma. Its lamnw tor this purpose! Plnkhams Com Ten pound helps build up resistance aalnst uch distress. Thousands hat reported benefltl Also a ery etTectle wijiaviiio wuic nunn trying! VfGfTllll mm For You To Feel Well ? day, T ! t4 hoar Ptoppinf. ib k nuvy wtk, BrYr ftt matter (rum tb bio.. of flit how the If mora pKpl wr war ur HrlnoTt must trrttstatuly fiTTv emcwM other and waai fJda fluid, plua In th fclmt na'irf that cannot vithmrt Injury to health, th- b better anlanitaad!r c of ra wb arfltm .a opwt vaaa kidney fail ta fuftrtroa prnrtarly. ftwro-Ttt rita Bvminff. araoLy or toe tin 0nm'imm arama thai am?h f la vrwnt. Yott may auffr tacoi h , rf rlwk, baHa'-ha- dtmaa. rh!.maiif at:na, fetuof vp at n gh, afH''pf. Vrm Why ant try Itomn b tr, aic tttHiclne rrn,mmici"i timulaa lh fun'-ti(vmntry rrer tha k;dowm and Klp hm aaa Iroaa tt tim out aotatioiia blood. Thy nfiU n ofr-n- t kw''i) Gat aw'a today, Laa vitk coa ft o't At all 4rt I f'iit |