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Show THE Thursday, May 22, 1947 is known as house May-tim- e . r x mw .lm cleaning time and BUYING TIME. Buy the extra pieces of furniture you need at the SELLS FURNITURE COM- -- PANY, where you're sure of fair prices and highest qual- illHE. WHITt PE.UCAN HAS THE. GREATEST APPE- - ONE. OF OF ANV BIRO--I- T HAS KNOWN 63 CONSUME ITS ity furniture. Furniture that will give you fresh beauty and more comfort for better !' nTES fJi BEEM -- -- WfclUHl ! SEE IN r it-- i UWH-- NEW OUR relaxation. VALLPAPER TODAY The State of Utah to the said 4-- 1M H For O' u n Shtp BECK'S IRIS GARDENS I comes but ONCE in a lifetime. Keep it for ever with a photograph. II Grower and Hybridizer of Fine Jris ISO Make An Appointment Now for a Studio or Home Portrait East 4th North uiuiTIHCALLY DONE Prescription our only job. your physician pend on us (or Nephi, Utah Visitors Welcome CHAPMAN STUDIO """" can de- accuracy always l"ui " filling it You and HA GO. NEPHI DRUG Accredited Judge of the American Iris Society ffTIHTf 66 GET MORE FOR YOUR t VACATION DOLLARS y IT GRADUATION Nephi Motor Co. , If Times-New- LIGHT - WEIGHT ; "mm - FISHING SEASON Phone For Women: n - 612 inch Discs in Carton 30c , Mrs. Alton Gadd, Exclusive CONVERSE BOOTS ft Leavitt, Clync Defendant : Mrs. Glade Sanders, Mrs. H. W. Loma Leads You are herby summoned to McCune, Mrs. E. LV Richardson, Lady Alice of California, appear within twenty days after Mrs. R. C. Braithwaite, Mrs. Paul Fanya Styled in California Nelly service of this summons upon you, Christison. Mrs. Loren Christen- Gala!! on The Ideal Daytime Oress in if served within the county a special guest Mrs. LaVar X sen, which this action is brought; oth- Carter and the hostess, Mrs. Far- - y Lola of Golde California Day Kay within thirty days after reii carter. erwise Fork. Sizes 10 to 20; service and defend the above enStylerite Juab County entered two club judging teams, one team con- titled action; and in case of your 38 to 50 14y2 to 241? Mr. and Mrs. Taryl Greenhalgh sisting of Grant Worthington, Seth failure so to do, judgment will be to a of announce the birth daughter McPherson and Grant Kendall ac- rendered against you according demand of the complaint which on May 10 at the Payson hospital. cumulating 1566.4 points to win the of have D. Clerk with Park E. and Mrs. the Mr. first . place in the Misses & Tuniors judging has been filed returned from a week's trip to contest. They received from the said Court. Grand Canyon, This action is brought to obtain Bryce Canyon, Commercial Banks of Nephi and Joan Miller the contract Phoenix, Mesa Temple grounds and College Jun-zSpanish Fork a trophy. A Spanish aof judgment dissolving between the on returning home stopped at Las marriage existing Fork judging team placed second o.- - nf c -- 11 Veeas. Boulder City and Dam, St. and a Salina team third, with the plaintiff and the. defendant. oue tor lviasun ui iiuny- JAMES P. McCUNE George, Zion National park. hey Nephi team consisting of DavidAttorney for Plaintiff accompanied Mr. and Mrs. h,. J. Lil Alice of California Tew, Hal Liddiard and Jimmy Oc- P.- O. Address: (wood Nechi. Utah. Passey of Ogden. key placing tourth. of Dates 22, has 15, L,unt reiurnea Richard publication: May In the FFA judging contest the Paul Shirley O home from Snow College where (Kathy Keene Nephi team placed third following 29, June 5 and 12, 1947. school. attended he has and Spanish Snow High school H&rl Davis Jr Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Chapman, Kay Collier good 4 width Fork, in order. The Nephi team bedWANTED Call Mrs. Earl Hawk- Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Chapman h consisted of Norman Shaw, springs. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Classics ins at 302W. Sizes 9 to 15 Allen and George Crane. Hiatt in Payson last Monday. The Juab Young Farmers judgMrs. Oral Bosh was in Payson Two room apartFOR RENT ing team placed first in the ment. Partly furnished. Call 85W Tuesday attending a birthday parjudging contest Young Farmers ty. and received a trophy. The team All Advertised 20 x 40 ft. Mrs. Mary Worthington was a 'These Featured Dresses WILL DELIVER consisted of Lamar Bowles of Neon Provo in visitor Monday. Topaz Houses in Nephi. $750.00 phi; Jim Nielson and Wells in Leading Magazines Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. Beard of Mona. (Wood side houses) Write D. A. Rambouillet breeders of Levan Richardson, RFD, Delta or 74 W. were in Coalville last Monday. Mrs. Edward Wilkey, Miss Alta in the open class Burton Ave., Salt Lake City. participated Bird and Lloyd Wilkey have reshowing in which A. C. Dalby refrom a vacation in Los ceived grand champion of all INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR turned visiting with Mr. and Mrs Angeles, breeds for his aged ewe. Mr. Dal- PAINTING Also Wallpaper Merle Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. by also received champion aged S. B. Hutchings and Warren and other friends. ewe and aged ram as well as first cleaning. 925 Week end guests of Mr. and in flock. Edgar Christensen rec- Sons, Phone 59J. Mrs. Robert Winn have been Mr. eived first in yearling ewe and SLatUfs" and Mrs. Morgan Greenwood and AND GUARDIANyearling ram, and second in flock. PROBATE of Vickie and Jeff children Jill Clark Wood received second in SHIP NOTICES. Consult Counitvatlu'tO'Wear nt Quality Lake City. yearling ewe and in aged ewe. All Clerk or Respective Signers Salt ty at i'opular 'rices of Venna Miss Rasmussen Salt Rambouillet sheep shown from for Additional Information. Lake City and Herbert Rasnius-seLevan graded A. of Logan spent Mothers day S. P. Nielson of Nephi received NOTICE TO CREDITORS their parents, Mr. and Mrs. champion for his aged Suffolk Estate of Fannie W. Olpin, de with ram in the open class. Mr. Niel- ceased. Creditors will present Amos Rasmussen. H. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Holman Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.were son also received a first and third claims witn vouchers to the underH- C. Crane Mrs. and are Colorado of Ostler Montrose, visiting his for place aged rams, first and signed at the law office of P. N. Thursday attendthird on yearling rams; second Anderson, Nephi, Utah on or be- with their daughter and son in- in Spanish Forkservices for Mrs. and sixth on aged ewes, first and fore the 17 day of September, A. law, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Parkin. ing funeral Mrs. Evelyn Kendall and son Eliza Riches. third on yearling: ewes and first D. 1947. Mrs. Clarence Gowers and small L. C. OLPIN, Executor of the Fred of Salt Lake City were dinplace on his flock. in Provo over the and Mr. Mrs of ner Sunday guests daugther visited Estate of Fannie W. Olpin, de ner wnn Kendall. end Guarnett week parents, FOR SALE Washing mach- ceased. ine motor. Has had only little Dates of publication: May 15, 22,1i Miss Geraldine Bowles and Rob- - and Mrs. A. W. Clyde. is visiting ert Barker of Provo were week Mrs. William Bailey use since reconditioning. Low z, ana June 5, 1947. end guests of her mother, Mrs. this week in Salt Lake City and price for immediate sale. Rov E P. N. Anderson, Attorney for Catherine Bowles. s Gibson at Ogden. office. Executor, Nephi, Utah. Mrs. Guarnett Kendall recently Mrs. Winnifred Wilson of Salt viscited with her mother, Mrs. Gus Lake City has been a guest of her Steiner in Payson. (parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mrs. E. R. Shaw, Mrs. John A. t FILTER DISCS First West and Center SUMMONS 3-- COTTON See our No. 3187 4-- Ken-nit- PERFECTION 30 DAYS TO Defendant 4-- Nationally Advertised Lines Women's Misses and Junior DRESSES Braithwaite entertained the members with musical recordings deof music in her picting the eras America." paper "Music of Members present were Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. James P. Mc Mrs. Mrs. Joe lioswell, Cune, J DUEL - CliEM - FACED 100 Plaintiff vs. LOREN E. TAYLOR, and Margaret Nielson Ncphi Nephi Duane Memmott, Dee Yates, Jay Bowies, ( all Nephi FFA and EIRay Swasey, Mona FFA participated in the annual calf scramble Dee, Jay and EIRay being fortunate in catching calves in the scramble. These calves will be fed out and showed next year at the livestock show in Spanish We Feature The Booklore club met at the home of Mrs. Farrell Carter on Mrs. R. C. Friday, May 16th. MAE L. TAYLOR, Continued from page 1 Social News 1 Taken care of by using ILK DISTCOUN- Page Five 4-- H Your Milk Filter Needs can now be NEW NEPHI, UTAH S, IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL RICT COURT OF JUAB TY, STATE OF UTAH LIVESTOCK SHOW WINNERS FROM NEPHI ARE LISTED it TIMES-NEW- Never too lafe-t- 01 IrRMETE o 7ZZ J molecular attraction fastens a special inin Conoco N' Motor Oil so closely to gredient metal surfaces of your engine that cylinder walls are ... actually BECAUSE, JEM Oil-Plat- ed BECAUSE, this extra lubricant resists gravity . . . stays up on cylinder walls . . . can't all drain down, even I! overnight . . . Conoco N' gives extra protection from "dry" starts . . . extra protection from carbon and sludge caused by wear silent miles! SANTA FE $o. T RAILWAYS BUS BECAUSE "Do You Install Electric Cigarette Lighters?" The nice old lady with the ancient car ha the right idea. Wa give up-to-da- te service. Wiae motorinta drive in here for quick, dependable, friendly attention. Day and night, our men equip your car for smoother, safer, economical driving . . . for modern motoring satisfaction. n Kanab Flagstaff Phoenix T71 $3.55 $4.85 $8.80 1210 SANTA FE TRAILVAYS BUS DEPOT PHONE GARTER CAFE 264 ' I;. ' tow St it , .Y Vt. f X' i r'V Richmond Auto Service Second North and Main Phone 419 M. II v - kl r- f Oil-Pla- te today! Coprriabt 1947, Continent Oil Company Panguitch Ask about Trailwayt bus service to Mexico City via the famousPAN AMERICAN ROUTE. . . . &a? 1 smooth, cool, it's never too late, make a date to your engine When you save money on transportation you're economizing oo th major expense item of your vacation budget. It means more money for vacation clothing, sightseeing, accommodations and entertainment. Call your friendly Santa Fe Trailwaya agent today for schedule information and fares. You'll find that it pays to travel by Santa Fe Trail ways bos. . . . EXTRA ii 'tffoatazZ' ft |