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Show r SATURDAY POPPY DAY IS '' - WEAR A POPPY FUNERAL INSPECTORS URGE SAFE WIRING f 11 HELDFOR R. HAWKINS funeral services were conducted Monday in Salt Lake City for Russell Hawkins, 59, former Nephi resident, who died in a Salt Lake hospital last Friday evening following a lingering illness. dealMr. Hawkins waS a former er at Nephi for The Texas Company, and was a civic worker here for' a long period of time. He moved to Salt Lake City about four years ago. Born in Nephi October 27, 1887, a son of James E. and Margaret S. Hawkins, he was reared in Nephi, and during his younger life was an ardent, bicyclist, winning a large percentage of the bicycle races held at that time. He was associated in the Hawkins and Ockey Plumbing and Sheet metal company for some time, and was later employed for many years by the Union Pacific roilroad comHe returned to Nephi pany. in the early 1920's and began operation of the Central Motor Co., which was in the old Arlington building, with the Arlington dance hall upstaires. In addition to this Mr. Hawkins acquired the Foote hotel corner, now occupied by the Utah Oil Station, and the building now occupied by the Nephi Cafe. He continued in business in the Central Motor for a number of operayears and also commenced Service tion of the Silver Maple station and the Texas Company agency here. For several years Mr. Hawkins served as a Nephi City Councilman, and served one term as Juab He was a County commissioner. member and chairman of the Juab County Selective Service board Salt Lake City prior to moving to and also served in numerous civic positions in Nephi over a period of many years. As a sportsman, Mr. Hawkins was president of the East Juab Fish and Game club, which later became the East Juab Wildlife Federation, and as an officer of these groups, he was instrumental in securing many of the valuable improvements at Burraston pond. Mr. Hawkins was president of the Utah Wildlife Federation for one as a game war-f- i ?rm, and served for the State of Utah on occasions. During the middle 1930's Mr.g Hawkins was active in trapshoot-incircles in the state, and was instrumental in bringing several trap shooting matches to Nephi with some of the outstanding shooters of the western states participating. Mr. Hawkins served on the board and as chairman of the Ute Stampede, and was an officer for several years of the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah. He was a member of the Nephi club for many years. Services in Salt Lake City were attended by a large number of Nephi people, and former Nephi people in and near Salt Lake City. Speakers at the services were Mrs. Edna Cazier and George A. Sperry of Nephi, and Mr Lloyd of Salt Lake City. Music at the the services was furnished by Mortuary staff. Following the services the body was brought to Nephi where a large number of friends called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins during the afternoon. The grave in the Vine Bluff cemetery was dedicated by James Vickers, and the prayer at the Hawkins home was given by Alma . I - .V U- . - '1 i . and only safety Safety the business of the Electrical " mm-- -. Russell Hawkins . . . Nephi Civic worker who died in Salt Lake last Friday night. Tests Slated for Home Canning Equipment Canning season is here again and this year more than ever before it is important that we can all food we shall need during the winter to help stretch the world food supplies. The gage is the home canner's guide and reliance as to the temperature inside a steam pressure canner. A gage registering incorrectly without the home canner's knowlwedge may cause jars of food to be heated too little with possible spoilage later or heated too much, with loss of food value and flavors. s Cookers will be tested in the Juab high school Home Economics department from 9 A. M. to 12 noon, and from 1 to 4 p. m. on the following days: First and Second Wards on May 26th. Third and Fourth wards on May 27th. Each cooker must be accompanThis is the ied by the owner. only opportunity homemakers will have to have their cooker tested and all are urged to cooperate. All girls interested in joining club are invited to meet a in the Juab high school Home Economics department Monday, May BEAUTY is spectors organization, according to talks given at a meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Electrical Inspectors held at the CCC barracks in Salt Creek Canyon Tuesday evening. members of the as Twenty-si- x sociation from Salt Lake City and Provo were in attendance at the meeting, with Ray Powell, former chairman of the chapter in charge of arrangements. In addition to these gentlemen, appliance dealers, electrical contractors, city officials and a few other guests were in attendance. Following a banquet, presided over by Mr. Powell, the meeting was turned over to Clarence who Grant, chapter chairman, called upon Secretary Wolters to read the minutes of the recent meeting held in Salt Lake City. J. Clyde Stayner outlined the purposes of the chapter, and affiliated organizations, as being to promote safety in all matters per taining to electricity. Mr. Stayner made an urgent plea for those who do electrical contracting to follow the electrical code both for the efficiency of the installation and the safety of the building. The main speaker of the even ing was L. John Christensen, head of the Electrical department of West high school, Salt Lake City. Mr. Christensen pointed out that electricity, and the many uses we put it to, are only applying the laws ot nature to our own use. Mr. Christensen stressed the i fact that the large percentage of electrical-cause- d fires are started by lamp cord used improperly. amateur wiring, and overloaded circuits and through elimination of the safety features of the fuse plug by putting pennies behind a common and makeshift them 4-- H practice. Urging the avoidance of accidents by knowing how accidents happen, he urged those in attend ance to follow the code of electric al wiring in order to prevent dis-- , at 4:30. Leaders have been selected and are anxious to carry through a successful summer program. 26 astrous results. Benmore Project Field Day Set for Next Tuesday Mayor H. C. Crane gave an address of welcome, and John Har main (conducted the community singing with Reeve Richardson at the piano. Grace was given by Al ma Tranter. The dinner was pre The third annual Benmore field pared by City Employees. day will be held May 27th, startFarmers and ing at 10 a. m. ranchers of Juab County are in- Committees Named vited to attend this field day. If By Centennial Heads you are interested, contact the Appointment of the following County Agent's office where cars for transportation are being ar- committees has been announced by the East Juab Centennial comranged for. The Benmore research project, mittee to assist with the handling located in southern Tooele county, of the various phases of the Cenabout 35 miles northwest of Eur- tennial program for the summer: Centennial Progress parade eka, ensists of 46,556 acres of land purchased by the Federal govern- (junior parade) Boyd Patten, ment from private owners and chairman, Frank Peterson, Ruth planted to crested wheat grass. A Cundick and Florence Haynes.MilPioneer Centennial parade: review of the work that has been Ernest chairman, accomplished will be presented at es Anderson, Louise the field day by leaders of the Wilson, Roy Hanson, Chase and Gwen Downs. v arious cooperating agencies. Bands Herman Mangelson, A. E. Smith, Tooele County Agricultural agent will be master of chairman, Paul E. Booth, Carol ceremonies. Agencies cooperating Stuart, Ellen Garrett, Linden on the project are Utah Agricu- Loatham. E. LV Richardson, ltural extension service; Pageant forest and range exper- chairman, Emma Harmon, Bent iment station, soil conservation R. Bryan, Minnie Halverson, Helservice (operating and research en Jones, Roy Bowles, Farrell branches) and the bureau of plant Wankier, Verda Ellertson. industry, soils and agricultural engineering. A marriage license has been isTranter. sued to Newell Hugh Bracken, 23, Survivors are Mrs. Lucille Forand Evelyn Jane Blackett, 18, both rest Hawkins, whom he married Addresses J- - C. at of Nephi. in 1909, one daughter, Mrs. LaMar II. Cowan of Pocatello; two grand children, and the following broth- Wednesday Meeting .. 1 T" T er and sisters: Clarence J. HawkHarold Hansen. State Board of UHV lO ODDy ins Miss Ina Hawkins, and Jay Rirhfield Hawkins of Salt Lake City, Mrs. was speaker at the m eting ofCliff Olsen. Salt Lake City; Mrs. Nephi Junior Chamber of Com Ralph B rough and Earl Hawkins, merce held at the City Hall on N phi, Mrs. Cleo Smith of Stockevening. ton, California, Mrs. Bernico Alex- Wednesday Mr. Hansen showed films per ander, Spokane, Washington, and Organization of a large corps to sewage disposal systems of volunteer workers to distribute Douglas Hawkins of Ely, Nevada. taining i ,i: Dee Forrest Hawkins, One son. Day. age disposal problems facing Ne - memorial MayP'24th proceeded Mr. Hawkins in death. phi at the present lime. Saturday eri lodav bv Mrs. Ida Harris, pop- ,r t,... chairman of Nephi unit of Uie 'the group, was in charge of the American awlmry. All meeting. Junior Pentathlon Scores in wit." jua.iiiui y iia.c services as poPP Returns from the schools IndiciliimrH'rs Harris pointed out. recare ate the boys making good Volunteers will Day Pentathlon ords In their Junior has Iwen sponsored by the Nephi be filmed into h ams an.l assign The returns from the tunoffs. Health council every Wed- - cd to various locations in the city, City Nephi schools giving the winners nesday for the past six weeks has j They will be on duty throughout run-offs follow. of the respective Seventy-thre- e been compu ted. the day. offering poppies to be The finals wie to be held Thurshave liern vaccinated for worn ir. honor of the dea 1 of both the results will small pox. 200 immunized day afternoon, inandnext for world uar in1 receiving contri-llork- y week's papbe published hutLr.s fr the welfare of disabled Mountain spotted fever; er: for whooping couch and veteiMiT and d penden families children Senior Division 1s, David Some will be able and 2Ti for typhoid fev- -' )f xtie'ans. 2711; 2nd, Boyd P.irk. 2481. diptheria to jrivc only a few houi to the Pr. Lvnn C :c. 2415; 5th, the vbiie others will 2.T77: 5lh, Ciraton Park . Dr. Berkstend of Nephi and Dr. jvi,rk. entire (?ty. Wilson of Rirhfield have helped 2372; fit h Reeves Fowdee 20V.). The response to th call for Junior Division: 1st, Spencer to make this clinic a sueeess. Mrs. voiunireis for Poppy Day Duty How-e'tBelliston, 2831; 2nd, Gary Starr has willingly given her ser- - h;is been very Rratifyinc Mrs 2478; 3rd. Marriner Bock-Mea- vice to the clinic. Mrs. VanWac-- , 1 J.in is Mid. Distributing the pop-one- r, health nurse from Eureka. pies is hard, unaccomtomed work 219; 4th. Dirk Hall, 2122; Sth. Gary Pay. 1982; Oth, James has been here every day of the; for m st of our women and clinic. def erve the hi).ct credit f.ir thy Stephenson. 1935. this tic sen ice. They recciv no The offirmls of the health conn-- , patrk , r , , t)mrnif!Sinn of cot-rtheir Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Belliston cil take this means of expressing b. )i,,-thknrwledce announce the birth nf a son in our apnrt-ciatk.to all who have-thatrev ere helping keep bright a Salt Lake horpit.il May 13h. assisted the memory of those who dit? are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rita Andrews Pres. thc wn and aidmg those whr. din Grandparents ,rr Leonard Belliston. Health Council in rod because of war sacrifices Vcial is Inter-mounta- in C if Conducted in Nephi Saturday uu JI .!.. ' j d. j !,o j h, d. , ri- '(,y v vard e - m WEAS1 A POPPY I May 22, 194 A NEPHI In- IS POPPY DAY Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, Volume 38 SATURDAY ' Number 21 RESIGNS AS JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT STAMPEDE SPOT SEATING TO INCREASE - (One of a series) Take a few minutes off one of these days and visit one of Nephi's many beauty spots . . . and see what years of work and diligent effort can produce. This week we invite you to ride up fourth north street for a couple of blocks east of main street, and see one of Utah's most beautiful Iris Mrs. Verda Beck gardens. has thousands of blooms, of every kind, color and variety, and with delicate "operations" she is perfecting new varieties of this beautiful flower. Mrs. Beck shows what can be done with work and efHere we find some fort. rare varieties which have cost considerable money to obtain, and from her garden are going bulbs to enhance iris gardens elsewhere. ....We compliment Mrs. Beck on her wonderful attainment and take this opportunity of inviting the people(of Nephi and surrounding communities to visit her iris gardens. Note: In this series we will to attempt to call attention spots of beauty in our community. We will endeavor to for a period cntinue this long enough to touch" on many things. Although some may not agree, these articles will tell the story as we see it. JUAB WINS HONORS AT After 14 years of service, Super intendent R. F. Nilsson this week submitted his resignation as Superintendent of Juab School Dist rict to the Board of Education. The resignalin becomes effective June 30th. The board will consider applications for the position to and including June 15th, it was annunc-ed- . SHOW SF Two thousand additional seats Twenty-twF. F. A. and 18 are being provided in new stands club boys and girls from Juab at the Juab County Fair Grounds County showed and sold 53 head of fat baby beef, 16 head fat hogs, to accomodate the huge crowds exand 18 head of grain and milk fat pected to jam the stands for the lambs at the Utah State Liverodeos ot the annual ute stock show held at Spanish Fork This year's big show is from May 14 to 17, inclusive. being held July 8 to 12. The following are the grades The additional seating is being received trom their tat baby beef: Wins provided in a new bleacher at the south of the huge grandstand, and (Note: Each entrant had only one animal unless followed by a "ringside" seats have been constructed above and for the1 full figure, such as 2, etc.) High Choice: David Ostler, Nelength of the rodeo chutes. These Wednesdj seats are expected to be the best phi FFA, Jimmie Ockey, Nephi Grant Worthington, Nephi in the entire seating arrangement The Nephi baseball nine came Kennith Allen,. Nephi FFA. inasmuch as they will be much Choice: Jimmie Ockey, Junior nearer the action, at the ndea from behind Wednesday afternoon to take a thrilling game from Howard, Nephi FFA, Tom Sutherpeifci'mances. Ute Stampede committee mem- Heber City, by a score of 5 to 4 land, Mona FFA , Clyde Jarrett. bers hetve again signed R. A. R!ch- - in 11 innings. Trailing at one Nephi FFA, James Paxman, Neter of Bozeman, Montana to fur- time during the game by a 4 to 1 phi FFA, Jim Harris, Nephi FFA, nish the stock for the Star pede count, the local boys closed the Robert Ostler, Nephi FFA, Duane ideos. Mr. .Kichter was in Nephi gap to 4 to 2. and then in the 7th Memmott, Nephi FFA, Larry a short time ago and gave a "pat inning scored two runs to tie up Nephi Good: Grant Worthington the game at on tl o back" to the .?ommitte 2, The two teams fought it out Kennith Allen, 1, Junior Howard 2, efforts to modernize corrals and the rodeo chutes, in order to give toe to toe for the next four in- Tom Sutherland, James Paxman, more protection to the cowboys nings with sterling defensive play Jim Harris, Robert Ostler, Duane and to speed up the show oispiayed by both teams. In the Memmott, Jay Bowles, Nephi FF last half of the 11th inning, Bryce A, 2; Florin Swasey, Mona 4H, RobThe cpening day of the Ute Bailey, first man up for the local Norman Ostler, Nephi Stampede and Centcmial 'will be nine, hit a long fly to center ert Sperry, Nephi FFA, LaMar devoted to a pioneer pageant anr? field, which the centerfielder ob- Howell, Nephi FFA, 3; Dean Bowother Centennial features, while ligingly dropped, with Bailey end- les, Nephi FFA; David Broadhead, Ellis Kay, Mona the remaining four days will be ing up on second base. Verl Sud- Nephi Ule Stampede and that mean?, weeks promptly slapped a hard Dee Yates, Nephi FFA, EIRay the outstanding show in the state single between short stop and Swasey, Mona FFA, Bobby John3rd base and Bailey came home son, Nephi 4H; Sam Winn, Nephi for the centennial year. Started in 1935, the Ute Stam- with the winning run. Raymond Ostler, Nephi FFA Glen Belliston was on the 2; Gary Molyneaux, Mona 2; pede has grown successfully, and mound for Nephi for the entire Lynn Hall, Nephi FFA, Maurice with the exception of the Clark Molyneaux, Kay, Mona has drawn crowds 11 innings and did a fine job. 2 and Jay Sperry, Nephi This victory gave the locals a Mona to all shows. Stands have been standing in the league pla' FFA. enlarged year after year and the Commercial: Jay Sperry, Kennshjw's .features have been made The Nephi team lost an interestn greater through better purses to ing game to the v'siting Americ.r. eth Lynn, Norman Ostler, Ostler, EIRay Swasey, Jay riders, greater specialty acts, con- Fork crew Sunday .afternoon, in die season tinual effort to speed up the show Young. The Nephi nine flays at Eureka The following grades were reand to bring to Nephi a greater number of nationally known cow- Siindav i;f lerncon, find then on ceived for fat hogs: Prime: Duane Memmott, Nephi Fridav, May ;t ih. Memorial day, Commencemente exercises of the boys among the contestants. he sforg JLpfinioh Fork cr"' FFA, 3; Dale Garfield, Mona FFA Stampede officials are working comes Juab high school will be held at diligently to Nephi to tangle with 'he Choice: Duane Memmott, Ned arrangements for the locals in the Auditorium on Friday even- 1947 show,onand what s; tla be a wire Mangelson, Levan Dale Garfollowpoints everything with the 23rd, May ing, W th baseball yum field, 4. game. toi success lor their ertorts. program: as was displayed at Nephi Weding Good: Ned Mangelson, 6. March of the Graduates; School The following grades were renesday afternoon in the offing, a song, director Janice Sudweeks, large crowd and a thrilling game ceived for grain and milk fat accompanist Mary Lee Jackman; is expected. lambs: invication, George Crane; address Prime: Clyde Kay, Nephi FFA of welcome, Hal Memmott, pres- Selection and Lynn Hall, Nephi FFA, 2. ident of Senior class; mixed chorChoice: VENICE INSTALLS Clyde Kay, 2, Karen us, Vera Dean Worwood, Ranee For 4. Nephi NEW SOUND SYSTEM Kay, Evening Jarrett, Joyce Cowan. Georgina Good: Clyde Kay 2, Lynn Hall, Helen Barbara Jones, Ockey, 1, Karen Kay, 4, Bonita Nielson, a Selection of a Queen pf the Ute At the closing of the show last Hanson, Ardath Famsworth, Continued on Page 5 will be made at the Ju- Sunday night there was a beehive Braithwaite, Merlin Stephen- Stampede Fairgrounds Tuesday of activity and expectancy as preson, Earl Sperry, Lynn Francom, ab 6 County P. M. according to formation parations were made for the inDuane Memmott, Kenneth Riddle, . at announced by the Ute Stampede troduction of the Motograph Jerry Bosh, and Keith Worthing-tonAccompanist, Katherine Ost- Committee and the Queen Com- Mirrophonic sound system to the patrns of the Venice Theatre for ler; address to graduates, G. Hom- mittee. er Durham of the University of The general public is urged to the opening of the Jolson story. be at the fair grounds by 6 P. In spite of the work involved Utah; girls trio, Clarice Gowers, Creek Members of the Salt to witness the tryouts and the and the excitement of being the Janice Sudweeks and Emra Tew M Conservation Commitaccompanied by Katherine Ost- final selection. Three out of town first theatre suth of Salt Lake to Watershed each representing the rid- present this improvement in sound tee met Monday atternoon and ler; expression of appreciation, judges, Keith Cowan, president of student ing club of his town, will make to the movie going public, the viiited several spots on the waterselection of the queen and at- management is proud to ann- shed and range to make a prebody; introduction of graduates, the tendants. Elmer Carling from ounce the change-ove- r of C. H. was effect- season check on grass and othei awarding Pay; Principal 1 tanner of Fillmore, F. R. Floyd a single xorage crop conditions before the loss of ed Nilsson; the without Supt. diplomas, livestock enter. and Max Mendenhall of Span- show. of scholarship. President The lirst area visited was the c The miraculous Wilford Bailey of the Board of Ed- ish Fork will judge the girls on etc. of plot north of Gardner riding looks, Members ability, poise, is sound class the song, proucation; system Don't forget 6 duct of many years of develop- canyon, where several small pi ts at benediction, Tuesday class; graduating P. M. at the Fairgrounds. : ment and research by sound en- have been seeded to dillercnt types Grant Neilsen. and mixtures. Some new ' gineers at Motiograph, Inc. Ex ot the various grasses wasgrowth 1 noted hail the country perts throughout WATER AND POWER Attends Installation it as the greatest advance in sound although it is not far enough along success or failure ol to reproduction since the introduct- the determine BOARD SCHEDULES project. Miles A. Anderson, recently elion of the first talking picture. 1'iie grup then went to the ected vice president of the Utah MEETING IN PROVO Motion pictures presented to the recreational area. Red The Water and Power board of public with a motocraphic-mirrState Junior Chamber of Coma meeting merce, was in Provo Wednesday Utah. will hold sound system produces so Cr ek flat, pole canyon, and to the at. Pro- - phonic . . .. .. .' e a reprouueuon 01 .1inu or- - ;ire;: north and west of Ockey's evening attending an installation uijiic- 1111 ai iu a. lvi. lor programs ine purpose 01 receiving recom- iginal sound that audiences will r;lrl " banquet of the Provo JCC. lLY contemplated.. ' lhe last stop Mr. Anderson was elected to the mendations for various reclama- derive an entirely" new degree of lat where a P1 new position at the recent state tion projects of the state. emotional enjoyment from every":is ,on Il,se A large delegation ot envention. The meeting will be an Nephi Jaycees, including Presid- affair, and will be primarily a that the human ear could not pre- ago, and where grasses are mattNephi City, ent Harlow W. Pexton, past pres- hearing on all feasible reclama- viously hear in a motion picture ing a fine growth. ident Clair R. Acord, Roy W. I tion projects in Juab, Wasatch theatre are now reproduced. Sing- in cooperation with Federal is getting another plot ready Ray Cundick. Howard Han- and Utah counties. ing and speaking voices from the All irrigation companies of Juab screen have the same vibrant qual- for resecding on Reese flat as an sen and others attended the conarea, vention. County should be represented at ities as they would if one were 'experimental . bote on the trip included Ed. the meeting and have data assemContinued on page 4 P. Cox. forest ranger, Josep.i F. bled and on hand. Agent; A. E. Selis STATEWIDE The Utah Water and Power jlVtr.sh. County chaiiman of the committee. Win. board has a huge fund available MARKETS BUY l. lliston. Burnell Lunt, Ray Gadd, assisting in the financing of NEPHI CENTENNIAL EVENTS for K. Alton Eilertson ot Mona, J. E. reclamation projects in the state. SHOW ANIMALS Hansen of Levan, Wesley R. DickThe fund is a revolving fund and Soil Conservation SerFork show livestock ie son of the Iroi.h May 21 thru June 1 "Message is to be used on Spanish and Roy E. Gib vice. Harry of the Ages" pageaont at Salt projects only. will be available in meat count- son. . Lake Tabernacle. , irrigation company officials do ers in Nephi this week end. Allen's siring more information should ( ash Mure paid top price tor May 23 "Peg O My Heart" at contact Dr. P. L. Jones, Ird Chase Suffolk fat Lamb at the show, the resignation of T. Vernal or County Agent Joe I'arrish. with $175 per pound. The lamb D. Following Park has been Loran Davi. was displayed and sold by Nielsons Street Sanpete May 23 and 24 Supervisor for ippointed of this city. and Junior Livestock City. Nephi ; Clark's Grocery purchased FLYING FARMERS Show at Ephraim. istam-ped- e. o 4-- Nephi Team Thriller from Heber Here 4-- 4-- n, 4-- 4-- 4. consid-arabl- y. 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- war-year- JUAB HIGH EXERCISES FRIDAY over-flo- 4-- w 4-- H 1 Ray-mo- 11-- crc-ner- 4-- -- of-a Stampede Queen Planned Tuesday 4-- Er-m- Committee Studies Range Condition -- Pay-so- n Motograph-Mir-rophoni- exiK-rimen- t f Dad-ar.dyo- n o I . , T . . T - . all-da- lan-so- X H I I ' I nie-iiK- . C y Agen-!.-u- n, j 1 Ram-bouill- et May 25 "Creation" presented by the Ogden Tabernacle choir and Weber oCUege at Ogden high school auditorium. Kamas valley May 27 and 28 livestock show at Kamas. OrMay 28, 29, 30, and 31 son Welles in "Macbeth" at the Kingsbury hall. Millard Co. May 28 and 29 Junior Livestock Show at Delta. May 29, 30, 31 and June 1 Western Zone trap shoot at Salt Lake City gun club. Centennial Regatta May 30 on Utah Lake, Provo. "Blossom Time at May 3Q Brigham City. May 31 "Blossom Time'' at Lo- JSSSL baby beef displayed Sam Winn, but Mr. VISIT NEPHI and sold by slated Morgan After several weeks of posliKin- - Thnrsdav that the leef will nnt he, ment because of weather and oth - ,ad v for marketing for a week er conflicting conditions, the Cen - or two. tennial Air tour of the Utah Fly- Bailey Grocery also hns show. ing farmers was ncia over uie )(.rf on s;;it., having purchased a end. week The visited past group "Cudahy Pack- baby beef a large number of Utah cities jng company,through on Sunday and were at Nephi tK-f,hnvero deserve mm-morning at the Ncphl Air port. 'praise for the backinc they are Short talk were given during ciVjnr ihe growers. It is a farmers stay in Nephi by May- - mendable way to back the future or H. C. Crane, Commissioner livestock men of the community. Delbcrt Fuhriman of Andrews, A1, yo))n, mon up to nml ,jn. jitmonton presiaent ot me group ' H "'I:"?- president ;cJu,,jriS5 17 yvars of BKP are urgf,f, I L. of the r'i" of Dr. Jones LAC, jto attend the opening practice of J"nos Nephi the American legion Junior base- Pat Whittington andi V. .I,orrrfi'' Lee Bai tom Mond-i- at 4 30 P M ,,!! flew Delta to Icy Sunday morning t the fair grounds. 1 to and accompanied the The arc limit set hv Tpion of planes i Nephi. ficials is 17 of ee on or Members of the Nephi Flying after January years 1. TJ17. Those wh-club served a lunch mimed 17 before that date are to the group. not eligible to play. ! e com-th- ; - i g NEPHI CITY OFFICALS EXPRESS APPRECIATION Nephi City officials desire to thank all those who cooperated during the recent Clean-u- p week to help to make Neph! more beautiful for the Centennial. It is gratifying to the city officials to see that many It people have cooperated. Is equally discouraging to see some who have still neglected to properly clean up their premises. What action to be taken against those who have failed, or wilfully neglected to clean up their premises will probably be decided at the next meeting of ths Nephi City Council. s, |