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Show THE Pag:e Four NEWS HAPPENINGS Let us show you We can supply your needs all these of or buys! good any time in Glendale, California. Miss Oliverie Christensen was honored guest at a miscellaneous shower at her home Tuesday evening. Games were played and delicious rereshments served to a of rplativps nnri large eroUD friends. Those from out of town who attended were Mrs. 'Venetta Peterson and Mrs. Lucille Thorpe of Centerfield; Mrs. Reva Francom of American Fork, Mrs. Jean Linton and Mrs. Rlanrh Ppvtnn nf Nephi. Mrs. Mildred Christensen has returned home after a pleasant visit with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Davis of Salt Lake City. park last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Francom were in Salt Lake City two days of last week on business, and also 3rd North 2nd West J. D. Pexton home 1st North 3rd West The Tanner home Dell R. Carter Home 2nd North 1st West 6th South 1st West John C. Painter home 5th South 1 East Lillie Blackett home Milton Shaw home - NEW - 1st North 1st W. visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. ' Peter Sorenson were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Thorpe at Centerfield. Mrs. Blanch Hardy of St. George is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. R Walke- - v,ao returned home from a trip to Ce- Mr. and Mrs. Golden Mangel-so- n dar Citv and RnulHnr nam Tko spent Tuesday in Salt Lake visited with relatives and friends. City. Mrs. James Christensen entertained a group of young people at her home last Friday night. The y occasion being the birthday of her son Vance, delicious refreshments were served. Step-hense- M You can's build any of these homes today at the price asked. NEPHI INSURANCE & REALTY AGENCY .T HISTORIC anniv-ersah- TO THE GRADUATES May we take this opportunity to p give you our congratulations and to wish you success in all your future un-- I dertakmgs. . uf iTff"ftH MiAiTnirmmAt"n 0 uinuAi tAi tAi W it AUAL'i fl'v. TRAIN Mrs. Viola Shepherd entertained on Tuesday evening for her daughter Vonna on her birthday anniversary. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Gertrude Shepherd was hostess to a group of relatives and friends at a quilting party last Thursday afternoon. Her daughter Mrs. Rayola Thorn of Springville was present. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. J. A. Earley of Springville on was visiting relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Paystrup are in Salt Lake City visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Overson i -nounce the birth of a son on A- 21st. The mother was formerly Catheryn Bosh. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Newton announce the birth of a son at the L D S hospital on May 16th. The1 Leaves June 30 for Independence, Kirtland, myra, Hill Cumorah, Nauvoo, Garden Grove, Winter Quarters, as well as Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, Cleveland, Niagara Falls, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington D. C. Pal- Buf-fral- Returns July 18 ACT NOW Before Quota Filled Write or Call is fox VIDA CLAWSON . 30 J. Street Salt Lake City v r t - .mi? A. I ft,' ViL' V. ' v. i. I Tit J . ; All , n- - Salt ' wA Ir J nv wmdi n'c FOR SALE Wicker Baby Cart Mrs. Horace Ostler, phone FOR SALE Two ranges, comhh plete water tank? and fittings. One range is "Round Oak" in excellent condition. Bur-rt S'ophenson. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE James E. Mornmott. '47 STREAMLINING KR SALE merit, livestock buy separately. Belliston. S Swimaways lor Everyone Women Swim Suit. On U'oim-n- Suilx (n.i PUBLISHERS Subscription rate " oiik'Ii'p Slit tin '. 32-3- 3 liv knits ,i.c -- ! t m. pi. co. . ..t! i j'Try ROY E. GIBSON Editor-Manag- $2.75 per year, payable er in advance Presented by producers of "Skating Vanities" .s' - to arouse admiration and love f;irl! one and Juvenile Hoy' irl-- " ! ; ' li im I!,. I fi i '1'ium1.-- . Swim Trunk-- , JW. I'. AVAILABLE FOR THE - i,i-- .. 't . Z i My farm, and crops. 98 acres. FOR SALE reality. 2 98 S. r .unl !:'. -- oliil 1936 180 East 4th North Phone 57W I 2 FOR YOUR NEXT PERMANENT Have a ,iiip Can Leland H ton In- . . v fl l;.nd with windmill on it. men" C PjI. flT. '..linn isennail. I AMAZING MEW Permanent Wave HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP PJHONE 57W LOW-COS- Li Children's COWBOY BOOTS C! UVt Construction n per pair J Tra-- t'tmim i rats Umtn, mmm rim s Good Leather per pair M KAMB. AMnia. nr O .Kill. II ar Hair Dressing Scalp Treatments 8 Open Daily Manicures Tints A. M. to 5 P. M. T Grey-boun- Brown with White Trim Permanents Facials I lif t So.ouo.OO Southern California. Colorado Parks, the National Parka, Boulder Dam, as well at all the Eastern Vacation lands are described and d pictured in these free, colorful folders. Take your choice of expense-pai- d tours, or vacation travel with stop -can oywacrc. wthi Hrivins to for U the ran nfion Plao your vacation early. Send the coupon now! HSf r - i rmwm mis wiMi m a HT mr4 mm4 mm t Traitl tm4 tl Lmttnmm in. 0m- "" DU INS Sw JUST UNPACKED UPSTAIRES IN THE Ord and Mangelson Building TRAVEL PLAN 1 DEMONSRATION ON CALL 355J No matter what condition your hair, how trying Qrd & Mangelson BIdg. - Sea L E BECK a HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP F' )Ft SALE rs rinp Washer. Al Condition. Call 292W I'OH SALE s ."win iiiinifill j h "Use. hi West t Mtt, D..4i.. furnisher!. Include: :trn ' n uJt heater, washer. See Milton Miriu ,,l i on est Hotel. I OIi RENT One sleepin- to Pentleman! v,;,I,M"f:).hnJ.h( East Center. FOP. SALE 95 acres of sum. cM&iie OUTBOARD MOTORS PHONE Television Control Wave to wave, it can be lovelier. ;,j 3 98 4 98 5 9Q J SEASON Service for All Types of Motors Shear-pin- s for All Makes f who wish is the answer. Those dreams of hair loveliness can be r Men's Swim flo-Uaia- n V ?S JTo YOU who want lovelier hair ternational truck, and trai'cr. both with stock rack. Keith Kendixon Advertising rates on request. r-SSHI- at ONE OF AMERICA'S MAJOR ICE SHOWS! Levan, Utah. ... 110 OF BEAUTIES GLAMOUR-ICE- 3!)R. Nephi, Utah E. GIBSON 36 RESERVED SEATS: $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, tax included,; on sale daily ( Tribune Office and Deseret News Office, Salt Lake City. Phone 529W. Commercial Bank of Nephi ROY ' tv5yr COMPANY i a DrrcT Gala Premiere o f ho Centennial Exposition et A. B. GIBSON Lake City PORTABLE ICE RINK -- checking account here every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah a second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879 Send check or money order ssasJf together with envelope to HOLIDAY ON ICE, Ktatp Fair Hrnnndc Lake City, Utah tSalt ence Gowers. Mrs. Frank Russell of Salt Lake City visited with her sisters and other relatives for a short time on Monday of this week. Mrs. Alice Schow of Salt Lake City was a guest of her brother, W. C. Andrews last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bosh of Salt Lake City have been Nephi visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bosh and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Foote. Mrs. LaVern Bowles, Mrs. Victor Jones and Mrs. Susie Worwood were in Salt Lake City last Friday. Mrs. Douglas Day and two sons of Salt Lake City spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Greenhalgh. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carver were Mr. and Mrs. Comer Llewellyn of Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Green and daughter of Salt Lake City and Mrs. L. E. Green of Pleasant Grove have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Garrett. Kenneth Sperry, who received car accident two injuries in a weeks ago, is reported improving. Mr. Sperry has been in a critical condition at the Veterans hospital in Salt Lake City. Mrs. S. A. Lunt left Tuesday for Beaver where she will visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Pearce. Mrs. A. J. Bowers Jr. is in Salt Lake attending a party for mothers of the Junior Old Timers of the Union Pacific Railroad employees. WRITE for FREE Demonstration of the NEW ELECTROLUX VAC- LUM Limited Supply Austin Locke, 360 W. 2nd South Provo minimum of effort Get ahead in 47. Start now by opening a Published it-- 1 e, a Deposits Insured ORDER TICKETS BY MAIL MATINEES & Sundays 2:30 STATE FAIR GROUNDS Motiograph - Mirrophonic sound sysiem, a degree ot excitement in the listening audiences never before exrjerieneed hv thnco whn saw the same films under old style sounu reproduction conditions. Demonstrations have Kft that living Simrl nun nmu proved And it has done more prcduceu. inn inis. it iias banished "good and "raJ" seats for with the new soi:tiH svsttm a murmur, a sigh, the rustle 'of leaves, or realistically terrifying somds of an ep.rth-quakthunder, w ar scenes, etc. can be heard with truo fidelity, no matter where a person sits. Speaking and singing voices alike have a true living quality never before approached. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier were visiting in Provo last Sunday with members of their family. Ty&s. sw. ' si.;!.! . Saturday Continued from page 1 the same room with the stars. In addition, every sound effect that can be put on the sound track in motion picture studios, prduces, when rendered with the Money Qoed Qatf ..unless you keep it under control. A checking account with us will help you keep track of income and outgo, with OPENS JUNE 2 . . . CONTINUES NITELY THROUGH JUNE 15 - - 8:30 P. M. James Sorenson of Scipio, Mrs. Max Curtis of Aurora, and Mrs. Nellie Stephenson of Levan spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gowers and Mrs. James Sorenson who is convalescing at the Gowers home. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clyde of Provo have been guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- in n'ur ft.'iV r Social News Venice Installs New Sound Phone Q ,f May 22, 1947 Thursday, mother was formerly Anna Mae Sowby. Vern Sorenson arrived in Levan this week after spending some Mrs. Delia Lundsteen entertained at a quilting party .... ner A home last Friday afternoon. delicious luncheon was served to a group of relatives and friends. Vinnio Christensen accompanied Mr. and Mrs4 Leo Christensen of Nephi to Bryce Canyon national -- NEPHI, UTAH waaaaaaaiaBaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflBs(S9WAai LOCAL LEVAM DO YOU NEED A HOME FARM OR BUSINESS? , TIMES-NEWS- TtaTATi TaAsT uat Frrr-- - Joe Marsh . i Jcps Failed Three yearn apo Ed StnithV went bad. His crops failed, and i wasn't Ion before Kd'a hrnnp ,n furnishinR!! were up for aurtiun. i rto -: Half the town turned out, niu: must have thouRht his neighbors were a bunch of hunpry vultures buying up all his precious possessions for a song. When it was over, and the auctioneer had left, Sam Abernathy turns to the crowd and says: "Ail right, folks, let's take lime out for a glass of beer, and then put this tulT back where it belongs!" Kd u La, r, Ivl was in pos- - f i i is Lome ant c folks who'd furnish nnid for around Kd's fire M'itrlib'-rlrln. s r.f bee Ka: nn. I tl 'cm wci ,. j,ittin jnyi.-c- -- to show cfnl Tm!;i)-- other , fi r 'i nco S,i ic?i(hip I;iJ. I ri" c. n j;irk en hi feet an.inn ;yo member of the mmnn. '!). ve've al! 'n Vr I r,, , n v; r, vesl.n r( H r g d ' fi nm" Hrre I Rit. ;,a;(a KmK C"lriftt, l'Jt', I it-- bL.n, I'Uao. uuUue |