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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPIII, UTAH PAGE SIX Eiu ...a w mi"yv":mw"SJ o. ml .s '3 c j .Thursday, May 22, 1947 !wii a r NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS Ur K I voice ; came Richard's again. myself, in a minute." I I've seen the boy. He "I'm "Dooley, stopping," gulped Julia, In love with Lieut. Spans Gordon. She didn't know me, of course. I haven't swallowing the ragged sobs that Is upset to find that her brother, Kic, told him anything. You've heard tore at her. "I don't know why I has fallen In love with Sandra went to pieces like this. I never do a divorcee. During her absence, from him, today?" s Richard returns from the dead and "Yes." She had to hold her lips cry. I haven't cried In years!" her mother, Julia. He Is using the stiff, keep her face calm because "I could kill Ric for doing this to assumed name of Captain Mackey and John I. and Jill were watching her. you! He lied to me, when I went Is stationed at the same camp as Rle. I heard from him down there. I was furious at him. Julia Is heartsick. Richard tells Rle "Yes, Captain, today. He told me that he had But to do a thing like this, not to he knew his father In France, and later have any pride for his family threatens Sandra with exposure of an been married." Illegal divorce If she doesn't leave Rle "That's why I'm calling you, Doo- Please, Dooley, don't begin again. John I., ley. I wanted you to know that I Come upstairs with me. I'll get you alone. Julia, her and Jill are horrified when they get a did everything I could. As soon as some hot milk and a sedative tabletter from Rle announcing his mar- I that he had this reck- let" suspected with them. will live Sandra riage. less marriage in mind, I bad him She followed Jill meekly. She lay up before the board and arranged on her bed, where the dying light CHAPTER XV for his immediate transfer, but I of September dusk came through was too late." the branches of the great trees. She Julia said, "Jill think. Rle Is "It's an impossible marriage, you drank whatever Jill brought her, she was grateful for the cool cloth going out to fight, for us. If he think?" loved this woman enough to marry over her eyes. She was aware laid are (Oh, Richard, Richard, why of John I. in the room, felt his worher, the least we can do for Ric Is we like this? Ric's We're talking to make her welcome." father and mother! And we must ried eyes upon her, wanted to comJill's face was stony. "I love speak to each other like formal fort him and was too numb. She Ric. He's my brother. But when did not talk, because her spinning strangers!) be sends a female tramp here to brain was so full of cries that must But a little warmth lightened her not live with his mother it's too much!" her lips. Because her Richard had tried ears escape .... I'liititmanrl were hearing Richard's voice ,. mUeeuMtitiSii John I. had come bumbling up wretchedness. AmfctJi "Hi to save Ric. Richard had not beto the old ache withbehind them. "Confounded young again, calling a little to in himself. It trayed Loaf Crabmeat for helped Serve Luncheon Party "He's got her, touching that old tenderness puppy!" he snorted. (See recipe below.) that had never healed. about as much use for a wife as I have." "Dooley, trust me!" Spring Luncheons "It's this war. It's that feeling LYNN CHAMBERS' MENU (Oh, Richard Richard, why did of desperate haste they all have, you come now, so tragically too Now is that housecleaning that they must crowd a lifetime of late? When he needed you, when over and we spring Stuffed Lamb Chops are proud of our shin he was little, when I was so alone, living into a few weeks or a few Fresh Peas in Cream and span spic ing, Lettuce with Bacon Dressing days," Julia said. "She can't be where were you then, Richard? He homes, it's time the dreadful creature that Jill Hot Biscuits had no father to teach him honor, Strawberry Jam to return obligathinks she is, she wouldn't have apno one to teach him to be strong. Chocolate Chip Ice Cream lunchfor tions Now it's too late, Richard, forever pealed to Ric." Beverage eons which have too late!) I saw her, I tell you! I had Recipe given. up within piled lunch with her." It was with trepidation that Julia the last several met the train next afternoon. weeks. There i3 en stock and milk. Cook until "Why doesn't he send her to her thick own people?" John I. wondered. She had got Ric's room ready truly no season and smooth. Cover chicken and "Probably she hasn't any. Probthat morning. She had impressed during which it's more fun to en- ham with sauce and top with mushably they threw her out, long ago. upon Mamie that Mrs. Richard Mc- tertain than these lusciously warm rooms. when garden foods are plentiJl you're going to take me to town, Farlane, Jr. would be tired when days Rhubarb Compote. Dooley, we'd better go. The teleshe arrived, and it would be kinder ful. graph office closes at nine." not to cook cabbage or anything If you want to carry luncheons off (Serves 4 to 6) "Go up and put on something else else that smelled up the house. She successfully, plan light 4 cups cubed rhubarb You certainly can't go to then. foods. Use sufficient fruits and veghad talked to John L 1 cup sugar town in a negligee and nothing "If she should turn out to be a etables to keep the menu seateaspoon nutmeg much under it Tell Mamie to help V teaspoon cinnamon nice person, John I., do try to re- sonal, and let your table decorations you with the zippers. I'm still shak2 whole cloves strain Jill a little, will you? I do carry out the theme. ing all over." Lamb chops and chicken, asparaJuice, pulp and grated rind of hope we can meet this situation as 1 orange Julia dropped on the long seat in nice people." gus and strawberries, and a few the hall. Every inch of her body and I will be so nice you'll other foods are reigning favorites. "Jill Combine all ingredients and place was cramped and cold. Her throat admire us," the old man promised. Around them you can build a lunch- in baking dish. Cover and bake ached Intolerably. eon menu both will be that "Only don't you get in our way." in a moderate to and Plan do She said, "Should I have told tasty. That smudge of smoke down the most of the oven cooking ahead of time Richard about Ric, John I.T After V of the rails, was it shimmering for 40 minutes or so won't be ruffled by the time you all, Richard is his father. He might another cloud that would lie darkly the until rhubarb ia guests begin to come in. have found an opportunity to talk over her heart? She walked out to tender. Serve to Ric. He might have saved him to want If a nice serve meat you the track. She set her face in her warm or cold to from this folly." dish off like start you might best imitation of a welcoming smile. with cream and both a with follow stuffed soldiers. Soldiers lamb chop, it "They're "Don't you dare dress up, with a tomato aspic crisp cookies. or tossed salad go where they're sent. Richard may A more ecoJill had warned. Dooley," be In Africa by this time." and asparagus, then top off with nomical luncheon, And Julia had countered, dryly, strawberries and cream, "John I., I can't bring myself to but one just as pretty, consists of "You're still here, Jill? I thought turn Ric's wife away from his this salad loaf done with aspic and 'Stuffed Lamb were Chops. us if you McFarlane." Mrs. is this leaving forever, "Yes, home! Where would I have been crabmeat This is delicious served Ric's wife entered double-thic- k this house?" 4 lamb chops In that other war if you had cast with hot biscuits and topped off with some in to be believe able 2 again "I decided that it would be crimcanned peaches me off?" sherbet with fresh strawpineapple in Richard. mall 1 cup crushed pineapple inal to desert you. You're such a nobility "It was you took me in, Dooley. berry sauce. Vt cup soft bread c rumba Richard said, "It's a rotten mar- softy, Dooley, that you'd let her I was a homeless old man, livM cup butter or substitute Crabmeat Party Salad. riage. She won't do, Dooley. She's walk all over you," Jill said. "I'll ing in a hotel." (Serves 6) "You took care of us for years, no good. I knew her in the islands. give her two weeks. But if she' Brown lamb chops in skillet on till we could make this place pay. I don't know Just what I can do, still hanging around after that I both sides. Toss together finely Part I: Aspio someto do to try may go to Washington and get a 2 tablespoons gelatin Perhaps this Is the way I must pay but I'm going Job. Boots Palmer knows a con- chopped peaches, back to pass that help along. I thing." ii cup cold water bread pineapple, "But she's coming here. That gressman." y cups hot consomme wish I could change Jill's attitude. butcrumbs and "All right Jill. But try to be a ter. Pile on 2 tablespoons lemon Juice She's so determined when she's an- was in the letter." of top H teaspoon white pepper "Dooley, do the best you can for lady for those two weeks. After chops which have gry and upset" V teaspoon celery salt John I. lit his pipe, puffed it slow- the present will you? And trust me? that I won't raise any objection, been placed in a I know I haven't the right to ask whatever you want to do." ly. casserole. Bake Soften gelatin in cold water. Add "You and I aren't so young any it but I'm going to try to do somePerhaps, Julia was thinking as in a moderate hot lemon Juice, whits, consomme, this. she's about Yes, coming she watched the engine thunder tomore, Dooley. You're young, com- thing oven pepper and celery salt Stir until on the way." ward her, Sandra wasn't too there. She's already to lived but me, happy long you've pared for 20 minutes. dissolved. Pour into an 8V4 by 4V4 "Then I suppose there's nothing either. Perhaps she had let love enough to know that things pass. h loaf pan enough of the by off so rush now her her we thank much and she can do? But she won't He like feet it you here." Maybe Asparagus Vinaigrette. to make Vt inch deep. Chill aspic was off on She shifted "Could wanted be chuckled. she wouldn't for calling. Captain." being people she (Serves 4) until firm. Place a smaller loaf pan like it here at all. You just re- to cry, "Thank you, Richard! Thank did not know, whom she might susor container within the 8 inch loai 3 tablespoons vinegar lax some ways, and get tough other you for trying to be a father to your pect did not want her. But would a anchor firmly with weights oi pan; I salt teaspoon on your son at last!" But Jill was listening. woman who had been married beways. Keep a strangle-hol- d tie in place. Pour remaining aspic teaspoon paprika fore be swept off her feet by a boy? money. Ric's done a lot of bragging Jill must not suspect. in the space between the two pans. H cup salad oil about his family, like as not, and Richard said, "Wait, Dooley. I Jill could be wrong after all. This Chill until firm. Remove inner pan 1 tablespoon minced parsley she thinks you're a wealthy wom- Just wanted to tell you. Don't wor- might be a girl whom Ric had met by loosening aspic with a small 1 tablespoon chopped pickle to later. She held that till an. Well, don't be wealthy when ry. He'll be all right. He's a fine the hope knife. Chill for 10 minutes and fUl 1 chives minced tablespoon to a stop, then surtrain ground she's around." center with the following: looking boy. He's like you. He isn't 1 bunch (1 pound) asparagus "How can I be wealthy, when we going to be like his father. He'll rendered it resignedly. both know that If they put low ceil-in- g outgrow this foolishness." Fart H: Crabmeat Filling Combine seasonings, add vinegar 1 tablespoon gelatin prices on hogs this year, we and salad oil. Beat until thick and I hope so!" She said, "Good-by,- " Sandra Arrives "Oh. won't make a penny?" 2 tablespoon cold water smooth. Add remaining ingredients in a gasp, and hung up. At the Farm almost come if "If she does Jill doesn't K cup cream or top milk and let stand for Vi hour. Clean turned to the others. "There's That had to be Sandra getting head her off, put on your seediest She H cup real mayonnaise and cook in boiling salted no use sending any message, Jill. off. Julia's heart gave a sick flop. water until tender. Heat sauce and clothes and get her up at six o'clock She's 2 tablespoons lemon Juice already on her way. That in the morning. Tell Mamie to blonde, no girl for all the serve over asparagus. H teaspoon salt one of the captains at Ridley Small, was churn all the cream, and we'll live Field. He said he tried to have Ric soft curls, the delicate make-u1 tablespoon onion, minced A for luncheon special luxury The face under the clever hat had on country victuals turnips will be IVi cups crabmeat, flaked transferred in time to this, been written upon grimly and a bit guests uses both chicken and ham in 1 cup celery, chopped fine) ready soon, I looked at them today.-- but he was too late." prevent can dish. main the you However, life. can be plenty tiresome, too, if I put cruelly by Va cup parsley, chopped fine cost luncheon rest the of the The next that! move that's "So, keep Julia went forward. "You must my mind on it Any old man gets Tomato slice a tossed conto set down her "is Jill chin, by simply serving then," be Sandra? I'm Richard's mother." to be windy. I'll talk her to death." Watercress vince this Sandra person that BuzShe felt that slow blue gaze travel salad and a rhubarb compote for Hill isn't the place she wants over zard's dessert Soften gelatin in cold water. Add her, moving anxiously, but the A Phone Call to live." cream and heat over hot water until voice, too young and limpid for that DeLuxe. Chicken we can meet this throat cried, "How nice of "But surely From Richard gelatin is dissolved. Add real mayyoul I (Serves 4) lemon juice, salt and on"John I., you're priceless!" Julia situation with some grace? After was afraid you might not get my onnaise, 4 thick slires ham ion. Add crabmeat, celery, parsley smiled again, reached for his hand, all," Julia protested, "we're still telegram." 4 breasts of chicken, cooked and mayonnaise to gelatin. Pour as Jill came pelting down the stairs. McFarlanes." "It came this morning. I'll havs 4 tablespoons melted butter into center of aspic mold and chill "What is it worth to be a McFar- some one see to your bags. Are al "I still "Ready?" Julia said. 4 flour tablespoons until firm. Unmold and garnish don't approve of this, remember, lane?" Jill cried. "Ric's a McFar- these yours?" 2 slock and chicken cups rich with slices of tomato and watercress. lane! She'll be a McFarlane, too. Jill." do look a frightful lot "They milk combined Serve with additional mayonnaise. "It's my responsibility, Dooley. Dooley, if you go soft on us now, I don't they? That's because since the 1 teaspoon salt I'll sign my own name to the wire." swear I'll tell her that you're a war began I've had no real home. Variation: Pour aspic Into ring teaspoon pepper "I'll got the keys." Julia got up mental case! I'll tell her that we're I've lived In a trunk. I have a mold, and crabmeat mixture into a Whole aauteed mushrooms to put you in a trunk, too. Do you think It could smaller mold to fit in center of ring slowly. And Just then the telephone too tenderhearted sanitarium!" be here?" rang sharply and long. Arrange breast of chicken on top mold. Or, use chicken or tuna in "I'll get It" Jill sprang to the Julia began to laugh hysterically, "We'll ask." Moving across the of ham slices. Melt butter, blend in place of crabmeat filling. receiver. Then she turned back tears running down her face. Her platform, Julia felt the impact of flour and seasonings, then add chick Released r Western Newspaper Union. with an odd look. "It's long dis- throat convulsed, her teeth chat- watching eyes upon her. The eyes tance calling you. Dooley. Maybe tered, she shuddered and pressed of women she knew well, women Green beans cooked until tender she isn't coming after alL" her hands to her face letting tears who knew to a day how old Ric LYNN SAYS: may be served with a mustard "It could be Ric, Jill. I can't say pour out between her fingers. was, and she knew that they were Add Imagination to Serving sauce made by preparing a medium cruel things to Ric I can't!" She seeing, too, with pitiless, female Garden Vegetables white sauce, adding to It leftover at down at the Instrument. She clarity, that for all the illusion of Making Plana aid. "Hello, yes, this is Mrs. RichAsparagus takes on extra glamour uncooked egg yolks for color and Sandra Calvert had achieved, youth and seasoning to taste ard McFarlane," and Instantly gl For Sandra artifice had put up a losing battle wben served with a white sauce, nourishment, with mustard. the color drained out of her face, Jill looked frightened. "Dooley with time. It would be all over town crewned with grated Green beans take on and the receiver trembled In her Dooley. don't! Stop It this minute! In no time that Ric McFarlane had southern band. I didn't mean a word of It Dooley, To use asparagus as a luncheon note if they art served with chili married a peroxided old hag. she The voice that came over the wire I'm going to put you to bed right was certain. dish with first quality protein food, sauce seasoned with salt and a bit ol aid, "Dooley, Is that you?" now. You've had enough for one She said, "I'm so sorry we have wrap several asparagus stalks, oil to facilitate) blending. Richard! Richard was calling, woman to bear in a day. Grand- to take you out In the station-wago- cooked, in thin slices of boiled bam. Leftover green peas are delicious and she could not let Jill know. father and I will take care of everybut we've put up the cars which has been made tasty by grat- mixed with bits of crisp crumbled She said, "Yes, this Is Mrs. thing. Dooley, If you don't stop cry. for the duration." ing some American cheese into it bacon and a bit of heavy cream. " stiffly, formally. Ing, I'm going to begin creaming. (TO BE CONTTNUEDI Jill McFrlane, whose father, Richard, disappeared In World War I, falls C3 iTiC.? Pretty Embroidered Set for Tot Basic Stitch.es of Crochet Q iujCtmn Cal-rer- t, vis-It- father-in-la- - -- (390-degre- 5417 To obtain instruction sheet on HOW TO CROCHET (Pattern No. 5417). send 20 cents in coin, your name, address and pat- 5470 HpHE easiest sort of frock to make a darling d style accented with embroidered flowers. A narrow ribbon is run through a casing at the neckline to make it fit just right. To match there's a pert bonnet to tie under her chin. Ideal party outfit for a tiny miss of three, four or five. raglan-sleeve- SEWING CIRCLE 530 South Wells St. Enclose 20 cents No NEEDLEWORK Chicago 7. 111. for Pattern. 5 Name Addres- s- HARSH LAXATIVES To obtain cutting pattern, actual size embroidery chart, color suggestions for the Embroidered Party Set (Pattern No. 5470) siees 3. 4, 5 included, send 20 cents UNNECESSARY? in coin, your name, address and pattern number. How to Crochet ERE is a complete guide to A x t-- I the basic stitches of crochet to enable you to make fashion accessories, crocheted articles. This instruction sheet shows you how to do simple stitches and also the "star" stitch, the "shell" stitch, picoting, finishing edgings. ASH ME ANOTHER ? f A General Quiz 1. Homer and Milton both fered from what? - f) II suf- 2. Do fish sing? 3. What do New Zealand, the Azores and Ireland have in common? . A person afflicted with kyphosis is what? 5. What is the most popular hobby in the United States? Millions Find Healthful Fresh Fruit Drink Gives Them All the Laxative Aid They Need Don't form the habit of depending on harsh, griping laxatives until you 've tried this easy, healthful way millions now use to keep regular. It's fresh lemon juice and water taken first thing in the morning-ju- st as soon as you get up, the juice of one Sunkist Lemon in a glass of water. Taken thus, on an empty stomach, it stimulates normal bowel action, day after day, for most people. And lemons are actively good for you. They're among the richest sources of vitamin C, which combats fatigue, helps resist colds and infections. They supply vitamins Bi and P, aid digestion and help alkalinize the system. drink 10 Try this grand wake-u- p mornings. See if it doesn't help you! Use California Sunkist Lemons. Blindness. The United States navy says yes. It has reported that fish often make so much noise singing that they interfere with sonic submarine locators. 3. They have no snakes. 4. Humpbacked. 5. Photography tops all hobbies. Chief indoor hobbies are stamp collecting, coin collecting and button collecting. 1. 2. SNAP m .. 0 disday. try dentist's covery called 8TAZE. Notamazing; a "messy" powder! STAZE is pleasant-to-us- e luuc at aruKgist rtoday I Accept no substitute! all Dsy St tSSrllsStf isctl 5TA7I? Gas on Stomach Relwvd ia 5 nrinotes or double your money back WtenxeMatomet rtdcOMa nfforat "n soar itorudi mtui tMtruiurn,ptinfQ.. doctors nuilif th present mrdirtrMM known for --un wmptooMtic rvli f msMtmnM lik thoae n HNo HU-brrnr comfort tn m Tjblu. 7 r double your money bask on return ol botUa to''ub. Xe at all dnitfintu. ft - CRACKLE! AND TOP! r , ; lafelsktaMiiiataliitti . .upiien ana. .lowTa hnM jvm iuvh ers "comfortably secura all day and erery -- The Answer (350-degre- -- tern number. Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders for a few of the most popular patterns. Send your order to: 5"A... - A s as asss p. I bard-cooke- d niCE KBISPIESMfi I"' i Be sure you get America's favorite rice cereal, the one and only Kelloegs Rice Kxtspieal PC Let's go to town at '-s- laovne! TELLING what tomorrow's weather may be. It fools the best But we do want chiuht lot the windows. We do ned a carpet sweeper, new percolator, and a new in the living-rooAnd we don 't want to slosh around rainy streets to hunt them. Problem: How to thwart the weather man. Simple enoughl Let's sit down by the fireplace and read the advertisements. Here it's comfortable and snug. We'll take the newspaper page by page, compare prices, qualities, brand-nameTomorrow, rain or shine, we'll bead for the store that has what we want, and home again in a (iliy. "Buying at Home" through the advertising columns gives yon wide election, mora time to decide, and satisfaction when you decide. MAKE IT ONE OF TOUR PLEASANT HABITS I "KJO fore-cast- er. end-tabl- e 5 l |