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Show The Page Eight Allen's Cash Store COMPARE OUR PRICES AND YOU WILL SHOP WITH US MAY 20 AND 21 2 pounds BANANAS PAN CAKE FLOUR 3 lb pkg KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES REX LYE limit 5 cans 1 1C 19c 3 plcgs 23C 40C $1.18 GEM FLOUR 48 lb bag OLD DUTCH CLEANSER limit 4 cans 27C SOAP POWDER Ig pkg 29C WHITE KING WHITE KING HAND SOAP 4 bars .... LIQUID BLUEING pint bottle CAMPBELLS SOUPS except Chicken or Clam Chowder, can LOOSE COCOANUT lb 17c 5c 2c 21c 19c BLUE ROSE RICE 5 lbs 5 lb LOAF CHEESE EACH 83C lc NEW POTATOES 5 lb A GRAHAM CRACKERS 2 lbs 20C WHITE WINE VINEGAR gal 23C lb SPLIT PEAS FOR SOUP LOOSE MACARONI 3 lbs JR. LIVESTOCK FED STEER BEEF AND VERY COHICE FAT LAMB TO SELL AT PRICES I 7c 19c I SHOCKING NO MORE THAN ORDINARY .17c SHOULDER VEAL ROAST lb 15c SHOULDER PORK ROAST lb 15c PORK LOIN ROAST lb ISC Jr Livestock LAMB SHOULD. ROAST 15c LOOSE LARD 2 pounds 23C BREAKFAST BACON, SLICED lb".... 23C PRIME STEER BEEF POT ROAST lb .. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES We BUY LOCAL BEEF, PORK, VEAL, LAMB AND EGGS Friday, Saturday Specials DELICIOUS CINNAMON ROLLS 19c OATMEAL FRUIT COOKIES, per dozen 15c NEPHI'S BEST 2NUT SUNDAES 15c ICE SODAS, MALTED MILKS any flavor for 10c Large Fruit PIES 24c X L BAKERY SUGAR, BAR JUMBO CREAM DOZEN .... LOAVES BREAD OR REAL 4 u.. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 56c pound cloth bags Grade A pound Silver Leaf, pound TOMATOES Solid pack, 3 large cans CRACKERS Reg. I Oc assortment 2 for LARD 2 COOKIES 12 lb bag Fancy 28C 25C 5c c No. lean SAUER KRAUT 14 ounce can DICED BEETS 15 ounce can CHEESES Krafts 2 lb pkg any flavor iJ JELL A TEEN 3 packages GUM DROPS lb packages KELLOGGS ALL BRAN Small pkg .... BRAN FLAKES small pkg POST 40 PUFFED RICE Quakers Scrowcrofts BLUE PINE COFFEE lib WAX PAPER 40 foot rolls HEINZ BEANS OR SPAGHETTI 3 cans lc 1C IOC IOC lflc IfJC 2C RICE Fancy Head 2 lb YANKEE FURNITURE POLISH $1 size YANKEE FURNITURE POLISH 50c size ROLLED OATS 10 lb bag SMALL LUX FLAKES pkg CAKE FLOUR SOFT-A-SIL- K SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima Pancake FLOUR 20 oz M C I SPERRY 5c 25c lC BACON Rined and sugar cured lb .... POT ROAST Grain fed steer lb Officers of the" Levan ward M. I. A. entertained the teachers at a social held in the school house Monday evening. The serving tables had as a center piece a bowl of white apple blossoms and white iris. From this pink streamers extended to pink tapers at each end of the table. Twenty-si- x were 29C 25c 23c 1C Meet Up With Folks! J 5c 2QC t' mtKW, U - Quantities Are Limit So HURRY ed STANDARD WIDTH First Grade Quality OIL CLOTH 19c yard J BOYS FAST COLOR PERCALE SHIRTS 33c MENS CANVAS GLOVES 5c pair MENS' OR BOY'S WORK SHIRTS 25c 1 J.C. PENNEY GO. 15c 17c lc America's Greatest Food Authority Now Writes for This Paper r J S32En22PrT0Rt$ ft GROCERY SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BLUE PINE COFFEE Bar 25 BLUE Cr ID Vegetable and OKjKJr ato, can - 5 bcleumep,ne PEASJc. 230 CARNATION pATQ I O IIQ. 7 No Premium pkg ! V ' ' ' i - - was." y L; iff 'T-Sc- y ! Tom-PIN- E If your car is not performing properly if it lack speed, power and acceleraif it uses too much gas very tion likely your spark plugs need changing. Let us test your spark plugs and we'll show you their actual condition in com parison with new Champions. A new set of Champions will soon pay for itself in gas and oil saved. ' Door Buster BARGAINS By S. L. HUNTLEY I U' A FEW MESCAL IKE fi Mil LIST You'll love the salty old reprobate see him every week in jog PERFORMANCE! WE The Heaviside Layer The heaviside layer is the region 100 miles above the earth, the air of which being ionized, reflect! the wirelen waves downward. PA PIFFLE, "A Surety of Purity" Give Better Engine Exceptional Values f QC RSKAGCS food Mrs. Carl Ballow, Mrs. Chloe Lee Hanson was hostMiss Winter and daughter Louise were ess to Betty the members of the Lark Provo visitors last Wednesday. class of Primary, and their mothThursday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hickman ers, and games were enand children of Salt Lake City A program Mrs. Caroline Kay, instructjoyed. home week end the at the spent presented each of the girls with of Mrs. Hickman's parents, Mr. and or, a gift. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Charlotte Hanson, Mrs. Joy Rowe, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Delinn Farnsworth Young, Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Erma Kayte, and children of Mona visited on Mrs. Newton, E. Orgill, Mrs. Caroline Saturday at the home of Mr. and Kay, Mary Eleanor and Dorothy Young, Mrs. Alma Winter. They also visMar-jori- e ited with other friends while here. LaRee Newton, Karma Rowe, Keyte, Elaine Orgill and the Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mangel-so- hostess, Betty Lee Hanson. Mrs Florence Rosequist and Mrs. Fern Kay is convale'scing grandson Farral Winter spent a at her home after a recent operfew daya last week in Delta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. ation performed at a Provo Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Young of Mr. and Mrs. P. D Day and son of Fillmore and Mr. and Mrs. Lark were Mona visitors on Sunday Young remaining in Mona Lyman Christensen called at the Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Chris- for several days visit. tensen Saturday on their way to Mrs. Essie Higginson of Santa-qui- n rovo. was the honored guest at a Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorenson shower given on Friday evening motored to Garfield Sunday where by Mrs. Higginson's mother, Mrs. they visited at the home of Mr. Caroline Kay. and Mrs. Ernest Sorenson. Miss Marjorie Keyte had as her Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Powell were guest on Friday, her cousin, Miss week end visitors here, being the Dorothy McElrath of Salt Lake guests of Mr. and Mrs Peter B. City. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Leola Keyte and Mrs. Hor-tens- e Jackman. Yates spent several days of Miss Elizabeth Darley entertain- last week in Salt Lake City where ed a few friends last Friday even- they attended a social function giv-en- n recreational leaders of the ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. state for and their partners. Lorenzo Mangelson. Those present were Misses Vinnie Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carter and Olive Taylor, Fern Tunbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carter motored Virginia Hansen. to Spanish Fork Sunday. Mrs. LaMar Dalby entertained a Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nielsen and number of friends at her home on Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Roberts of Lark Wednesday afternoon, the occasion visited with friends being her birthday anniversary. A in Mona last week end.and relatives delicious luncheon was served. 37c Extra large 2 for 5C PORK ROAST lean and tender lb .... ROLLED BEEF ROAST lb ...7.720C DILL PICKLES PENNEY'S SATURDAY FOR Mrs. Francis Jackman has returned to her home after spending the past winter with her daughter, Mrs. Nettie Jorgensen at Boise, 5c 7c lb SHOP 6$C 35c TOMATOES Vine Ripe lb 8C BANANAS Firm and Yellow lb NEW PEAS lb NEW POTATOES 5 lb Shafer white IOC ASPARAGUS Trimmed no rough ends lb 7C Coney Island Happenings n, 2C lc 1C PORK AND BEANS Small can Vegetable soup no. I can cleanup price IJC BISQUICK large pkg Mona Local News Levari Local Isa-bel- le 10 BUTTER FRANKS AND AND I SHOCKING PRICES It's our prices We wish we could use the whole newspaper and tell you all our prices, but here are examples. Prices that are the LOWEST. You will be pleased with yourself after shopping with us. You don't have to stretch your dollars when buying in our O. P. S. Store. SUGAR Thursday, May 19, 1938 Nephi, Utah s, TOMATO SOUP Qq NIPPY CHEESE lb Times-New- !vv,v.v TK BII Trntptrntkm $719, Inc., of New City ofurratt 400 uuicb. Champion PWfi, thy rtpon, hsvt tUminmted tparh ptm tntubln mnd tncttcutd fotoitnt Yrk Spmk SILVER MAPLE SERVICE it m,,.(n C. Houston Good is iiihii P&GSOAP'""' IOC 7. FANCY COOIKES LB I8t II FIG BARS ... NEW POTATOES 2 L.IS ... 5 NEW PEAS i Pounds 190 BANANAS 4 ,.OUN,,s 190 SAUSAGE z 350 ,.:,,K COMMENCING MAY OPEN AT 6:00 A. M. ?0th THIS STORE WILL CLARK'S GROCERY 3rd South and Main Phone 330 uni We announce with pride a new feature in thia issue, "What You Eat and Why," by C. Houstoc. Goudiss, noted food authority, radio V-- A GUM DROPS small, pound Hi fc4 Weaker, author and lecturer, famous as the man who knows food "from soil to serving, from table to tissue." One of these articles will appeal each week, and we know housewtvel and mothers will look forward to them for the accurate, worthwhile information they contain on foodi and their relation to health. Thli is not a recipe column. Mr. Goudisi has designed It to serve as a link between laboratory and layman in the food field, interpreting modern scientific knowledge in the languagt of the home maker, giving her th elemental facts regarding new discoveries and the part played bj food In building and malntalnlnf health. Every woman wants to know what foods will benefit her family and why, and that is Just the Informs tion that Mr. Goudiss will give. Watch for the articles each week, make scrap book of them foi ready reference. They contain valu able Information every home makei has been wanting. NOW YOUR IS OPPORTUNITY to get a Tailor-Mad- e Suit of Clothes for $20.50 up AND A SENSATIONAL EXTRA PANTS SALE FOR ONLY $1.95 MORE THAN THE REGULAR SUIT PRICE. THIS OFFER IS GOOD UNTIL JUNE ON ANY ONE OF THE 250 SAMPLES IN THIS LINE 1 3E 1 |