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Show The Thursday, May 19, 1938 -- s Local Social News -- A- -l A. Visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson are Mr. and Mrs. Park Dunford and baby of Huntington Park, California. Mrs. V. A. Beck and son Don 5 room brick resFOR SALE idence with 2 acre lot and 2 shares visited Wednesday in Ephraim with Nephi irrigation water. Located at Mrs. Beck's mother, Mi's. C. 5th East and 5th North. A splendid buy for cash. See Frank Brough Miss Elizabeth Foote will arrive 16 lesson home Friday, after having been Beginning June 1 course in dancing. $5.00. Maureen employed for the past winter in Holden, as a teacher. Kendall. Max Strong, a student at the Utah State Agricultural college spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn Strong. Miss Anna Coulson who is em FOR RENT 3 room modern ployed at the Cache Valley hospit apartment. June Kendall. al in Logan, spent last week vis in Nephi with her parents, B. P. W. CAKE CALK Nephi iting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coulson. Drug, Saturday. "Family dinner guests at the of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bellis-to- n were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heath of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Worthington of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Belliston and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Belliston, all of this city. The occasion for the din ner was the return Saturday of President and Mrs. Belliston, fol lowing a seven weeks visit in the Hawaiian Islands. res-ide- from Chicago Dairymen Deserve Much Praise Ktnsti City to Lot Angola! and Portland rco' By Lyman H. Rich, Extension Dairyman The Nephi Dairymen are to be congratulated on the fine herd sires recently purchased by the cooperative groups interested in improving their herds. of TJTALF THE FUN The Holstein bull, Lomond View your vacation this year will ha the trip by bus Pinky Superior, 744148, is a fine This year, take an youngster only sixteen months of No matter how sidewalks sizzle or heat waves age, bred on the farm of C. S. EXPENSE-PAIdance across the fields, it will be Just like Potter of North Ogden. This comfort-cooled TOUR coach. spring inside your young bull's sire is the outstanding proven bull, Wisconsin Pinky, Have more fun this vacation Special filter removes dust, dirt, smoke, owned by the tah State Industrial av and forgat money odors and pollen from the air. Excess mois-tur- e School. The sixteen daughters of bothersome details by takis also removed, and the air is cooled ing an Expense-Pai"Pinky" made an average productTourl ion of 454 pounds of fat which is to ust the right degree for perfect comfort. But transportation there a 75 pound average increase over back hotel rooms and (recirculation changes the air Gentle, their dams. This bull also classifserved at every completely every 3 minutes. Traveling this ied 'I Excellent", an outstanding toun and lot more have comfortable a cool, way. you'll rating for type last summer and covering major points of Inwas awarded a bronz medal by pep throughout your trip, and you'll arrive terest are all Included In Professor J. C. Knott of the WashTour. Ask your rested and refreshed. Clothes stay cleaner dethe local agent for ington State college while in Utah. and fresher, too. The dam or "mother" of Nephis scriptive folder and full dyoung Holstein is the daughter of Plan now to make your vacation trip this etailsor write to Interstate Transit Lines, Omaha, Neb. "Prince" whose dam was the fam cooL clean, low-cowayl ous cow, Sarah Ann Duplicate", recognized by all dairy Bus Depot men as one of Utah's great Holstein cows. Both type and production ma i FORREST are combined in the blood of this bull. HOTEL young The Jersey bull, Gambage Mawes Golden Fox, is also sired by a Phone 22 proven sire, Stockwell's Golden Fox 247439, which was purchased in aW W i T 1 W WVi"' W Idaho and brought to the Utah State Agricultural college to head the college herd a few years ago. The thirteen daughters of this bull Under the new 1938 Farm Act, averaged 416 pounds fat, most of Almost every Utah county will all farms in the nation are divided the records being only ten months have a Future Farmer and a into two classes, Utah State Agri- in length. The dam of the Nephi entry in the second annual cultural college officials Jersey bull was one of the great Junior Fat Stock show Farms in an area in which report. cows in the college herd, with a to be held at Salt Lake City from crops such as oats, barley, record of over 500 pounds of but- June 7 to 9, state youth leaders and rye are produced will be terfat. If good-- breeding counts, the fut-i- e announce. Designated to encourage known as class A farms. Farms cows of dairymen using these the production of quality fat stock in areas which, in general, have by young Utah breeders the show is no surplus of these crops will be bulls should not only be producers but also cows of a good type. known as class B farms not a profit venture. D d no-dra- ft stop-ove- r) sight-seein- g low-oo- st an mat 4-- H Inter-mounta- in It Page Five CLASSIFIED Local -- Social FOR SALE Heater, In News con. Reasonable. J Christensen Don't Blame the Car Arthur Chase is visiting this week in Logan as the guest of his sister, Mrs. V. E. Facer. WORLD'S FIRST FLEET NOW IN SERVICE Nephi, Utah Times-New- s, ll IhSiEIl "V-t- aj 0iiinwi,T lew Less than 10 per cent of the crashes on our fatal and highways last year were caused by mechanical failure, according to The Travelers Insurance Company's analysis of the 1937 automobile accident experience. In more than 90 per cent of the accidents, the vehicle was founc to have been in apparently god condition. The trouble lay ir human failure. In the vast majority of cases i Is the driver or the pedestrian ai not the car that causes accident SPRING FRIES FOR SALE Every week. Kenneth Blackett. non-fat- al Gowers call for r ooil candy 7" at. And we have entertained at the Anderson hotel Wednesday evening, at an attractICE FOR SALE H. H. Greenhalgh ive luncheon. Pink and white was used in the color scheme, and a WANTED Clean Cotton Rags. delightful dinner was served at 8 P. M. to Mr. and Mrs. Gean IMMEDIATELY The Times-New- s FOR REN Four rooms, fur' nished or unfurnished. Samuel R. Winn. FOR SALE Bargain Price, springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, dressers and stoves.- Reai Ellas Worwood at the Bargains. Nephi cafe. Beds, - 3 Worthington, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cowan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Boswell, Mr. and Mrs. Dell R. Carter, Miss Ver-d- a Anderson, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Gowers. Mark that "special" event with your gift of fine candy. We get Whitman's direct from the makers-fr- esh and delicious and have assortments at 50c to $7.30. Call today! -- 1 : a ' The 20th Century club held its regular meeting Thursday, May 5th THIS ADERTISEMENT & FOR SALE Four acres of at' the Forrest Hotel. The chairlevel pasture land, now in rye. Mrs. women for the summer kensing-ton- s 5c GETS A LARGE were selected as follows: June Flossie Carter. Mrs Paul Booth; July, Mrs. J. A. ROOT BEER ICE CREAM Purebred Holstein and Jersey Burton; August, Mrs. J. L. BellisBulls kept for service. Nephi bull ton. The club was delightfully en- SODA SATURDAY AND Association, at Read Greenhalgh'g Mrs. Bent R. Bryan, SUNDAY tertained corral. 2tip who read bythe "First Lady" by FOR RENT Two room apart' Katherine Dayton and George S. Kaufman. Those present were Mrs. ment. Kate Bowles. L. J. Wade, Mrs. H. L. Mangelson, COME TO NEPHI WARD RELIEF Mrs S. E. Forrest, Mrs. Wilford SOCIETY BAZAAR. Tabernacle Pratt, Mrs J. L. Belliston, Mrs. R. Bryan, Mrs H. C. Crane, Tuesday, May 24, 2 P. M. Proceeds Bent Mrs Gerald Cazier, Mrs. Wilson for the ward building fund. Druggists Glazier, Mrs. Charles R. Jenkins, J Walter Paxman and M.rs. RELIABLE MAN WANTED to Mrs. call on farmers in Juab County. L. C. Warenski. No experience or capital required. Steady work. Make up to $12.00 a day. Write Mr. W. D. Campbell, FARM GARDEN IS PROTECTED BY SOME INSECTS All insects are not pests .according to Dr. George F. Knowlton, associate entomologist at the Utah State Agricultural college. It is a wise gardener who realizes and capitalizes on this fact, Dr. Knowlton explains. That familiar little orange beetle with the small black spots more commonly described as the "lady is one of bug" or "lady bird" the types of insects which are beneficial to the farm garden. Lady beetles; not only eat tne plant lice and aphids which attack a number ot the common garden plants, but they also eat the eggs of many injurious insects. Modern entmologists, Dr. points out, find that both ad ult and larva of the lady beetle are one of the best aphid ex terminators because a single bee tie requires from 75 to 80 plant lice or aphids a day for food. The presence of this insect should be encouraged, therefore, and it should be recognized that he is a protect ion, rather than an evil, he says. Ten million convergent ladybird beetles were bought and shipped into Utah last season to help control pea aphid, growers and cann ers cooperating in the program. One of the worst enemies of the plant aphid is a green, slub-lik- e maggot about half an inch long, often marked with whitish stripes. It is confusing to observe these maggots in company with definitely injurious aphids, but Dr. Knowlton explains that they are feeding on the other insects. The adult of these worms is the small, yellow, black banded bee like syrphus fly, he says. Ground beetles, lace-win- g flies and tachina flies also reduce the number of injurious insects which feed upon garden plants. ORD & MANGELSON Clearfield, Utah. mm Ft. Green News Andrew M. Barentson is very seriously ill at his home. Several members of the Home Economics club motored to Mount Pleasant Saturday to attend the annual convention of the Sanpete toevier Federation of Women's Federation. Plans were made for the Federation convention to be held in Fountain Green next year i he federation officers for 1939 are Mrs. Idena Crowther, president, Mrs. Ruby M. Ivory, vice president, Mrs. Sarah Augason, 2nd vice- president; Mrs. Olean Allred, recMrs. Devona ording secretary, Crowther corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Geraldine Johnson, treasurer. Mrs. Lena Livingson visited last week end with her sisiter, Mrs. Mary Jackson, in Nephi. Mrs. Clara Wilsox and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rasmussen of Rupert, Idaho visited with relatives here this week. -- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR MINERAL PATENT Serial No. 062423 United States Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 26, 1938 Notice is hereby given that the Tintic Coalition Mines Company, by its authorized agent and attor Vernon Synder, whose post office address is 419 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States Patent for the Pry, Prod, lode claims situate in the Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, each claim approximately 1500 feet in length on each of said lodes and surface ground, 600 feet wide, except as excluded .being Survey No. 7168 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variations of 16 degrees 54 minutes East, as follows: Commencing at Or. No. 1 Pry lode, Survey No. 7168, from which point the section corner common to Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, T 11 S, R 2 W, S.L.B. and M. bears N 10 deg 14 min. E 172.7 feet; thence N 79 deg 26 min. W 1200 feet to Cor. No. 2. Prod lode, this survey; thence S 10 deg. 34 min W 1499.4 feet to Cor. No. 3 Prod, Identical with Cor. No. 1 Profit, Gold Coin lodes. Survey No. 7001; thence S 79 deg 26 min E 1200 feet to Cor. No. 4, Pry lode, this survey; thence N 10 deg. 34 min. E 1499.4 feet to Cor. No. 1, place of begin- ning. Excepting and excluding conflict with Survey No. 4641, St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Bernell m HARRY B. LYMAN Distributor Phone I97J Nephi, Utah ney-in-fa- WIDER lL?X BUUDU1G t- ii i inn n 1 3-- I I 1 . I riyr I J lode. Net area applied for, 39.726 acres. Said consolidated lode locations re situate in the N. E. quarter of Section 19 and S. E. quarter of Section 18. T 11 S, R 2 W, S. L. B. and M. and are of record in the office of the County Recorder of Juab County, Utah and the nearest known location Is the named conflicting claim. I direct that this notice be published in The Times-Newat Nephi, Utah, a newspaper published near said consolidated mining claims for a period of nine (9) consecutive weeks. THOMAS F. THOMAS, s, FIRST CHOICE ABOVE ALL MOTOR OILS IN THE PACIFIC WEST 25 A QUART The Proven Motor Oil For Your Car STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Register Dates of publication, April 28, May 5. 12, 19, 26. June 2. 9, 16 and Ne23, 1938. in The Times-New- s, phi, Utah. Mor than 3 out cf every 5 motor car buyers today are sixes. of most And, choosing course, the popular six of all b PERfiaro HYDRAULIC 85-H- .l. VAIVT-IN-HE- ENGINE this new Chevrolet the Six Supreme I Discriminating people prefer H because of its high quality . . . because of its great value . . . because it's the only d BRAKES GENUINE N AU-JTE- T, BODIES low-price- car with all these fine car features SHOCKPROOr STEERING I "You'll be AHEAD with a CHEVROLBTI" T1PT0E-MATI- C On Master Da lew CLUTCH aassWs mly. Broadbent Motor Sales |