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Show PAGE SIX THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. Thursday, May 19, 1938 HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS Butter Marshmallow the Who run Fork. When toasting marshmallows to prevent them from sticking to stick or fork when toasted, have handy a cube of butter so the toasters can thrust their stick or fork into it before putting the marshmallows on. JlLf PLx' THE FEATHERHEADS Improving Fudge If you will add a small spoonful of cornstarch to the next batch of fudge you make, you will be amazed at the improvement in flavor. FEUt! A WEAR F amoly HOTELS HOTEL PLANDOME. SALT LAKK 4th Se. Stste Hstes II. 0 to $2.0 QUIET RESPECTABLE CLEAN When In 'tENO NfcVADA stop at the HOTEL GOLDEN Reno'a Is r rest and most popular hotel THE WILSON HOTEL Rates 75c up. in the heart of the city Halt Lake 36 E. 2nd So. St Room Service Os. ( AS I . LOM . AS You I I I TEACHERS Special to teachers. Summer course In com mercial subjects. S months 135.00. Typing, bookkeeping, shorthand, etc. Can set part time work for room snd board if desired. BUSINESS COLLEGE SALT LAKE Atlas Bid-.- , Salt Lake City, Utah SMITHSONIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Oeden. Utah '( Stoning Raisins. To stone raisins easily, first place them in boiling water for a short time. PjP Check Electrlo Appliances. Electric motors on modern washing machines, vacuum cleaners and electric mixers should be inspected at regular periods. Too much oil or grease In motors Is almost as bad as not enough. Do not oil them. It la well to follow directions that come with all electric equipment. WANTED CLAY PRODUCTS ROOFING TILE FACE BRICK and Flue Linine; Sewer Pipe all CLAY PRODUCTS SALT LAKE TTAff FIRE CLAY CO. PHOTO FINISHING n Coin. Roll Dev. with Prints DESERET PHOTO No stamps. SERVICE. P. O. Box 88. Salt Luke City. Ut. r aOC POULTRY WYANDOTLES Winners Everywhere. Stock Eggs 10c: hi case $12 : case C. G. Locber. Vannuys, California. S20. SILVER-LACE- S'MATTER POP Cooking Cauliflower. will remain a beautiful white and be most delicate In flavor If cooked in a mixture of half milk Cauliflow-e- r Ever Think of This? By C. M. PAYNE INSTRUCTION IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH or Write for Talent Test (no Fee) PAINT Federal Schools, Give apre snd occupation. and half water. For some reason this method practically eliminates any odor during cooking. Inc.. Dept. WN. Minneapolis, Minn. ALCOHOL TREATMENT Cur aeeomplished without drufra. Minerals, or Narcotics under supervision of vour physician if desired. Intermountain 8a na tori on 1149 East 6th South - - Salt Lake Citv For a Flakier Crust. teaspoonful of vinegar, added to the water when making pie crust, will assure a flakier crust. One-ha- lf BUILDING MATERIAL INTERSTATE BRICK CO. Fire Clay Building and Fire Brick Hollow Building Tile Vitrified Sewer Roof and Mantels Tile Drain Pipe HI Mil S. 11th E.. SALT LAKE HV :)' Stretching the Salad. When the salad is limited and you wonder if it will go around comfortably, scoop out tomatoes and use the salad as a filling. Then you will surely have enough. OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs. Ales adding mch's, safes, bk cases typewriters, S. L. DESK EX.. SB3 8. State. Salt Lake Stuffed Eggs. To stuff eggs, put them into cold water as soon as taken from the stove. This will keep the whites in better condi- aBBBaBsaaaassa.-s.asB- MESCAL IKE tion. Varnish Straw Articles. All articles made of straw, such as baskets, suitcases, matting, will last longer if given an occasional coat of white varnish. -- . B, s. 9 Bell graduate. S oJtc ATHLETIC GOODS WNU SenrlcS. GREAT WESTERN ATHLETIC GOODS Uniforms, Bats, Gloves, Baseballs. Softball;. UTAH-IDAHVollyballs. Athletic shoes, etc. SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. Salt l.akt It Won't Be Long Now losuas Licgbutto i acorr. meapB WE eoellv, fe spelu nyjcgy Wm- "J:5 Z y vcxj mo mel s l. huntley t f' mcvvd ?ol li.e to coweovew aw, LCiWcTVSi0' ee ..m Be.Miss sauv.' - r reTs--- j aB M,s:s I 5TA-- ' V'1ES A5T Me -- CO- M- "" ea mi s&w .ej' oo..u--caejr ks YMik'M. xv.kjt jusr A hebe me strestwia opIhe - ovest MW ct JP ( XSh. e3r ues rttutj' so pgtyrSFj riGfeess mb g tovj.gmt no.cii.e to Be took, with , Eak. osorderuv cojduct yc.y-- ICE CREAM FREEZERS FOUNTAINS ICE CREAM COIN-TEFREEZERS and Ice Cream cabinet. Bar Fixtures, Stools. Carbonators. Sleam Tables Also reconditioned equipment terms MOSER-HARTAN CO. Manufacturer. S5 Post Office Place - - Salt Lake Cily SODA MOTORCYCLES ARE YOU ONLY A HARLEY Prices Used Motorcycles Write for catalogue HOUSE OF HOPPER. 140 E. Bdy.. Salt Lake 3 'A WIFE? FURNITURE three-quartMen can never understand a wife who ia lovable for three weeks of hell-cm at month the the fourth. but No matter how your back achee no matter how loudly your nerval (cream don't take it out on your husband. For three generation one woman has told another how to go "smiling through" with Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound. It helpa Nature tone up the system, thua lessening the discomforta from the functional disorders which women must endure. Make a note NOW to get a bottle ol Pinkham's today WITHOUT FAIL from your druggist more than a million women nave Written in letters reporting benefit. Why not rr LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUNDt wife r&r ' New 9 a 12 carpet run S14.95 : Used Monarch coal range $35.00 : Used mohair living room set S39.S0: Used upright piano Jla 5. Bargain Basement Western Furniture Co. !.! South State Salt Lake City ... . FINNEY OF THE FORCE pit wez WAv6 nriMrl 1 1 OOtMAM?y I NO, I - I HIS NUMBER? -r THE WAY HE s? 1 Thought nobjt i-- ( I B UT ) S N DW'-T- ( JSSrSs- Tattler VfW JMihtT aiixacta ana ui8 dmb. Oiuranuvd. --efTectlvn. Kmfc. convenient Cannot Gptll W not (toll or inj ure anytbins, all Ijwts all bp&aoo. 2oa nVeTrafM g A KILL ALL FLIES Vk. PHOTOS r isa .) f 1 i ZUZJ -- TneM Bi3-- 1 U l'iCK7 V W7If V r--T Target fir y KoW .T WAS loaded New Sensational, g glossy prints in albumet'e e 2 professional enlargements 25c coin Be ea. Star Film Company, Payette. Idi. SCHOOLS Barberinc taught in short time. Be sure of good pay and steady work. Barbers are in demand Enroll Now. HARBER COLLEGE. Salt Lske City A I Z7 EARTAGS Ul'.'JIrJiL'rSI ' terrnountain for ?vtT tap; guar.Dent.WrlIte free W. In. samples. Stamp Wks., Salt Lake. Utah. flV A at jtU:rB. Harold Borner. Inc.. IbO LX KU A VB'alyU4.Y. How to Sip Milk It has always seemed so reason- to believe that sipping milk slowly would favor its digestion that the idea has gained a firm foothoM. Often otherwise well informed rcr-soadvocate sipping milk as preferable practice to drinking it naturally. Fortunately in this case we may turn to clinical and laboratory research for the facts. Scientific research shows that milk taken very slowly forms a larger curd in the human stomach and therefore actually requires longer to digest than when taken rapidly. National Dairy Council able! LB Don't Neglect Them ! Nature designed the kidney to do marvelous job. Their task ia to keep the flowing blood stream free of an excess of tone Impurities. The act of living Ji Uitlf is constantly producing waste matter the kidnevs must remove front the blood if good health is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function aa Nature intended, there ia retention of diswaste that may cause body-wid- e tress. One may suffer nagging barkache, persistent headache, attacks of dullness, getting up nights, swelling, puffinese under the eyes feel tired, nervous, ail wom out. t requent, scanty or burning paasages may be further evideoos oi kidney or bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment Is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys of exresa poisonous body waste, fet ridloon's 'ills. They have had mors than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist on iOxis's. Sold st sll drug stores. POP 1 1 I Robin Would Like to See the Magic Work fVE SEEN AN INDIAN FAKIR THROW A ROPE IN THE AIR , CUM& UP IT AND VANISH COMPLETELY I U . . , t I JI vtXJ , COULD .Paid Hessian Troops to Fight England paid Hessian troops almost $9,000,000 to fight in the Revolutionary war. sssssissssi ssBSBssai HOTEL BEN LOMOND SBBBSBBSBBssBMsssai mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaHBHBBBBaBBBBBBBB 1 I STRAir.HTENED OUT .at ' 1 Br GLUYAS WILLIAMS i I sj3 ;cmi m J ri 0fHbHiffONil Ufa OCDEX. VTAQ 2.M to Roams 4S Baths Family Booms far 4 personal . II Caolasl tm . . lewijvrR.-- o tr 0 IHCK Tip 5MWfl Bt:or7r Cess as yesj arw T. X. Mugsrala. Iff Poor Jack "Do you expect that bill you have Just Introduced to become r law?" "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "If I thought It had chance I wouldn't have Introduced it It was one of those occasions on which it seems perfectly safe to oblige a friend." TTwtt e ste m Jack are to be married. I thought it was only a Amy So you and Ki flirtation. Angelo So did Jack. His Weakness Mose Wux youall evah fl ed with enthusiasm? Sambo Yassuh, fum nea'ly eve'y Job Ah evah had. WrTTJ Bervlee. ICMOlfl Mf SuOU'' ts Tut lOOte tKf- -l ' Witt CU Jrlf Mfxrf t)ewl eof 16TUHie1,irc''lffft JfrVlA 1- -f WrVTR Tt't WOri M ay to fuO rW.tW:i"tr Historical Spots Markers Historical spots throughout southern Utah long unnoticed by tho thousands of tourists who annually visit this wonderland will .be de signated by special markers to i". sot up by the state road commissm tfnsr ...n M.L. ...... t,..t: V.mrm.r u n muniiii s iiciu.'i VERSATILE Muslin can be made fire resistant Voung Brown was watching young Jones admiringly In the swimming bath. "Jolly good. You can swim tike a fish," ha said. "Better, 1 reckon," said his friend. "I can swim on my back." Providence Journal. tjr dipping in an alum solution. Seventeen per cent strength is tie e strongest solution that will not out at ordinary temperature s, crys-taliz- and corresponds to 1.42 pounds per gallon. Hoir to String Reads In stringing beads with very-sma- ll holes first twist th cord tightly.p men dip the eml Into housohnM cement or glue. Whm the cord is dry it will pass throuith the holes easily. For Tssty Vegetahli It' I t c ti h r 11 T nfl For brt results vepret ;ahles short cooking and careful scatoT Irium contained in BOTH Pepsodent Tooth PowJ,er and Feptodent Tooth Pattm KAWI9, HOTEL IEM LOMOND ss otihihs Lawngo and Leahy C.ffre eiwe . . Tap Boeaa a4 OBLIGING I bsm CU$ ft) Wlft rrtutft II H ft. IS BeM e Pw4srr Kl wsnls Freewtrvse frsewaffgs Opiwaae "f-i- f Chamber Cess saw Ai Ctak. mmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmi I I I i CrIU I 2038 WNU-- W. Air By J. MILLAR WATT H If yon want yrrar taeth to fleam and (flisten as Nature amended they should, try Pspsndetit with Iriuml We sincerely beller that fepaoJent can clean yoor teeth more tborooehly more dariling, s e s polish them to natarmi radiance than any other dentlf rtca. WHTf Because P.rodent alone eontalna - thanks to Iriurn -and t 1 feat, thorough, SAril eonin. N, BLEACH, KO OBIT. NO PUMIC. Try with Itiom , , . for a amUe of Pepeod.nt nmtvfl aparklel ing. Cooking them as short a time a popsihle makes them more palatable. Aa for seasoning, use about one teaspoon salt to every quart of water. Dried vegetables, however, need soaking before they are cooked. Many Volume ln College Libraries There are about 58,000,000 bourn, volumes In college libraries of the United States. m r C la Sf tu w: to Wi to in |