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Show The Page Ten STOCK SHOW DATES ARE NEARING Announcement Boys and girls, if you BECAUSE OF THE MANY INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE NEW INJECTION TREATMENT FOR RUPTURE, I HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A SPECIALIST TO BE AT MY OFFICE ON 28 SaturdayTO May 9 P. M. FROM 6 OF CHARGE. PREPARED TREAT ANYONE WHO DESIRES TREATMENT THE SPECIALIST WILL feed- . EXAMINATION AND ADVICE AS TO CURE BY THE INJECTION METHOD WILL BE FREE are ing a calf for the June show at Salt Lake City, you want the calf to be fat. There's only one way to make it fat. You must feed it all the grain that it will eat each day. In fact, it should eat an amount of grain each day equal in weight to 2 per cent of its live weight; that means that a 600 pound calf should be eating 12 pounds of grain, and that an 800 pound calf should be taking 16 pound of grain daily. It will pay you to feed this grain for it is the only way you can get calf a finish that will put your in a position to compete- for the prizes, and to be eligible to go through the sale ring to be sold for, a premium. If the calf is fed too much hay it will not take enough grain. Watch it carefully and only feed what hay it will clean up after its two grain feeds daily. A heavy grain ration may cause it to bloat. This can be avoided by feeding Vi to k of the grain ration in the form of dried molasses beet pulp. If you 'cannot secure dried pulp, use about Vt bran BE TO Dr. Francis H. BeclcsteacJ or mill feed. Don't give up now and don't miss a feed but crowd the calf on grain and you should be able to expect a daily gain of between 2 and 3 time. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST- RICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF JUAB, STATE OF UTAH. STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff, VS In accordance with Section Chapter March 48, Laws of Utah, 1935, a three month period 15 to June 15, 1938 has been designated for the inspection and adjustment by Official Inspection Stations of brakes, lighting equipment, steering mechanism, horns, mirrors, windshield wipers and other motor vehicles, all equipment on all resident-owne- d in the State of Utah. trailers and semi-traile- rs STATE ROAD COMMISSION W. D. HAMMOND, Chairman- . - Official Inspection Station PAT'S FORD SERVICE riQTI rn Ri nr. In North of Cook's Ice Cream I : Vv W VWlYfiiaV jmSQMlX Nrl JA&if& If Jgjr 'SSnc. 230sgy.. SOTISty Jius generations Wilkens have V f concerned ourselves I personally with Our Family's Recipe! 1 PINT-N- o. PINT-N- 5 X 329 o. QUART No. HCALLON-No.2- 31 COPYRIGHT 328 1 irJ) XT W ' -- 1931. TNI WRKIN FAMUY, INC. ALADDIN. SCMENlfY P. 90 PtOOF. 75 GtAIN NEUTRAl SHUTS. f W ffW j CPA. LELAND H. VICKERS, a single man, MRS. JOS. S. BARRETT, MRS GEORGE C. BARRETT, S. D. VICKERS, and ETHELYN BARRETT VICKERS, his wife, Defendants SHERIFF'S SALE To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 14th day of June, 1938, at the front door of) the County Court House in Nephi, Juab County, Utah at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. the following described property situated in the county of Juab, State of TJJah, to wit: All of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 2 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Containing 40 acres. All of the North Half of the Northwest quarter of Section 9, Township 13 South, Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Containing 40 acres. All of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 13 South, Range 2 East, of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Containing 80 acres. . Also, commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 5, Township 13 South, Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Base and thence North 80 Meridian; rods; thence West 32 rods, 13 Vi links; thence South 27 deg. West 36 rods; thence North 66 deg. West 7 rods; thence North 25 dog West 8 rods; thence North 52 deg. West 27 rods; thence South 73 rods, 10 links; thence East 80 rods to the beg inning, containing 35 acres. Together with a full primary water right in Hop crock and Rock Springs for 40 acres of the above described lands as evidenced by Decree of the Fifth Judicial District Sourt in and for Juab County, Utah, doted July 3, 1905. and together with all other ditch and water rights and rights to the use of water for irrigating said premises, or for domestic use thereon, to which the said Samuel T. Vickers, or the said premises, wore on the 1st day of December, 1928. or thereafter entitled, or which were then or thereafter acquired and used on said premises, however evidenced, and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and nppurtennn-anro- s thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Purchase price payahle in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 19 dav of Mav. 1938. H. K. MELLOR. Sheriff of Juab County, Utah By R. E. Winn. Deputy WM. A. HILTON, Address: 719 Continental Bank Building. Salt Lake City, Utah. Attorney for Plaintiff. First Publication May 19, 1938. Last publication, June 9, 193.8. OFF T&?A GOOD START Times-New- Nephi, Utah s, Local -- Social News School To Hold Reunion Wednesday, ON BIGELOW RUGS May 25, 1938, begin- Mrs. George R. Howard spent 2:30 o'clock and continu the week end at the home of Mr. ning at ing throughout the rest of the day and Mrs. Allen Simmons in Payson. and evening. In order that the prime rodeo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boswell of the entire western and Mr. and Mrs. Delos Garrett performers be available for and family motored to Provo Mon- United States may 7, 8 and 9, participation, July day on business. have been selected as the dates for This : Hair the annual Ute Stampede. Your Barber Bill Cut reached at the regular cuts 25c; Children's 20c; Read's decision was meeting of the Ute Stampede comResidence Barber Shop, corner east mittee held Monday evening at the of Wasatch Oil Station. Juab County court house. It was pointed out by the officA visitor this week at the home of the organization that beof Mrs. Kate Bowles is Mrs. J. J. ials celebrations Keeler and daughter Kathleen of cause of thethemany western United throughout Provo. Mrs. Bowles is Mrs. Keeler"s States on Independence day, July mother 4, the rodeo performers are split and participate in the many Blaine Vance, a student at the up, shows in the many states. By runProBrigham Young University in visitning the annual Stampede the vo, spent Saturday in Nephi week end the Indepening with Tom Ingram. at the home dence day following g observance, the of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ingram. performers of the entire will be at the Nephi classMr. and Mrs. Douglass Christison country ic. of Price spent the week end in Letters are going out this week Nephi visiting with relatives and to the outstanding specialty perfrends. Mr. Christison is employed formers of the country, and the in the Price office of the best of the entire lot will be offerLumber Company. ed contracts to perform at the Neshow. A specal meeting of the Ladies phi Literary club for the purpose of discussing various business matters was held Monday evening at the home of the club's president, Mrs. vl L u V4 T 9 4 iiw x 11 Size Were I a w $29.00 $37.50 $44.50 $54.00 a. a mgelow Weaver Kugs Scouts Now $39.95 $49.95 $59.95 $79.95 Bigelow Weaver Rugs Every One A Perfect! No Seconds! Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Beck and son Don spent last week end in Castlegate, where they attended a farewell testimonial for a friend, Monte Snow, who will leave in the near future on a mission to the Southern States. Look For This Symbol of Quality on the Rug iou ruy Selective Patterns lfekS George V. Ord and Ruth and Nelda spent daughters the week end in Evanston, Wyoming. Mrs. Ord returned to Nephi with them after a ten day visit in that city with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ord. Niel Kooyman of Salt Lake Blaine Vance of Provo, and City, Tom Ingram of Nephi took charge of the Sacrament meeting in Fairview Sunday. The three young men were in Holland together on missions for the L. D. S. church. I Dixon -- DIST- RICT COURT OF THE STATE These boys arc making a canoe, OF UTAH, IN AND FOR JUAB one of the "crafts" being demonCOUNTY strated la home towns throughout America during Boy Scout week. lies ' j its THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF Since America's future movement has Scout the Boy youth, BERKEL.i, a corporation, gained popular support plaintiff vs WILLIAM G. ORME, ET AL, Defendants NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S SALE on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1938, 11 o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the Juab County Court House in Nephi, Utah the following described propttr t T i MZ erty situated in said county, 1: Parcel Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section 8 Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, thence south 25 rods; thence West 71 rods and 19 links; thence North 25 rods; thence East 71 rods and 19 links to place of beginning; containing 11.14 acres, more or less. Parcel 2. Beginning 20 rods South and 34 rods and 13 links Archery Is one ol the many acEast of the Northwest corner tivities commanding Scouts' atten of the Southwest quarter of tion. But the important 1938 Boy the Northeast quarter of SecScout theme will be safety, endeavtion 34. Township 13 South, i oring to cut America's Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence West 194 traffic toll of 1937. National Scout rods, and 13 links; thence North headquarters is preparing stage and 57 rods and 13 links; Thence radio sketches, posters and mlscel- 190 rods; thence South 5 lanemx mi'r ' to aid the drive deg. East 57 rods and 14 links to place of beginning; contain ing u9.j4 acres, more or less. The property herein describ-t- d contains in the aggregate 80.68 acres, more or less. j i . n-of Together with all the water flowing from Sutton's Canyon Creek and also of all together with the water flowing from Gardner's South Canyon creek. ' VI Together with three shares of the Capital Stock of the Nephi Irrigation Company, 1 share of said stock being evidr i I "' enced by certificate No. 391 4 inlfct 'X.'fj and 2 shares of said stock boing evidenced by certificate No. ,rt 40,000-deaU- one-four- th a. Biqelow Weaver Ruas Bigelow Weaver Rugs n Boy to-w- it: A HI f UVtN SI From 20 to 30 per cent Activities Of IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL VV For a Limited Time the World's Largest Rug Mill Allows Us To te Mr. and Mrs. George Christiansen, Mrs. Alma Haycock, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Harrocks of Santa-qui- n were in Sunnyside Sunday visiting with Mr and Mrs. Elmer Morley. -- m. mis first-ratin- T. H. Burton. r Taylor-j Russell S LOCAL - SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Gertrude Foote was a visitor in Logan last Thursday and Friday. She attended the Parents day observance at the college, as a guest of her son Wilson. She was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Torgensen. Mil WatarfN Iiatnalf Fraztar DMManr Ca, IMU loaraoa LW i l-'- 1 ard-KN- SEE BOULDER DAM t. S. PACIFIC LIMITED 392. M Cmn. iTTZjiowiaa anarnooB. s. f ises. Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, .,. Issues and profits thereof. DATED THIS 28th day of April, 1938. If. STATIONS EVERYWHERE in UTAH & IDAHO Sheriff of Juab County, By R. E. Winn. Deputy, Date of 1st publication, April 28, 1938. Date of last publication. May 19, 1938. - On. K. M ELISOR. u,!! !c ,ir .rra N Mia i aefcara. Ka. aiakayall Praaf PLAN YOUR one-four- th Together with all other rights of every kind and nature however evidenced, to the use of water, ditches and canals for the Irrigation of said prem- 1938 BIG SAVINGS After fifty years of service the Mrs. P. P. Christison is visiting in Parker school at Provo, will be Salt Lake City this week. moved into a new modern build and teach Miss Afton Elliston left Nephi ing. All former students are cordially invited to attend Saturday for a months visit in Los ers the Homecoming and Farewell par Angeles, California, with friends. ty at the Ola Parker school, on Tri-Sta- 19, Thursday, May ;i k - Sc., m l4 v ween exposl-iioii- s )ip: up tn stores, window! ruHwiiks as America's youth what tt knows and can it i this picture a group of Scout avistmn. always a pop- - moil-(r.iic- s tiidfia' 5f.irr 'sUL X L. PETTY, Agent , |