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Show The Page Four 1511 6, GET THE PROTECTION OF THE GOODRICH SILVERTOWN'S NEW LIFE-SAVE- TREAD R Unless you make your next tire the new Goodrich Safety Silver-towyou'll be cheating yourself and your family out of the skid protection ever offered the new Tread. Also Golden Ply Life-Sav- blow-ou- t See this to-w- it: protection. NEPHI CITY Tax Sale No. 16. John Andrews care H. D. Goldsbrough. Pt lot 3 blk 28 plat A. Beg at a pt 7 rd 10 lk N from SE cor of lot 3 th W 2 rd 10 lk S 18 lk E 2 rd 10 lk life-savi- tire today. FAMOUS COtDCNKV T PROTECTION, TOO Goodrich SAFETY Uftsvt mm Silvertown cm pen my how-ou- t motktkw Gordon Wood Service 107 South Main Nephi CATERPILLAR m v. nti orF. hack-typ- e, TRACTORS N 18 lk to beg. Nephi. Tax Sale No. 11 Edward Harry Bird. SWK lot 3 blk 10 plat B Nephi. Tax Sale No. 72. F. W. Bryan. Pt lot 3 blk. 15 plat D. Com at NE cor of lot 3 th S 7 rd W 13 rd N7 rd E 13 rd to beg. Nephi. Tax Sale No. 75. Thomas C. Fow-ke- s. NV4 lot 3 blk 17 plat D. Nephi. Installment No. 13. P. J. Sanders. All lot 2 blk 15 plat C. Nephi. Install. No. 18. L. P. Anderson. SMi lot 4 blk 10 plat C. Nephi. Install No. 66. Gladys Lucille Tidwell. SK of lot 2 blk 29 plat B. Nephi. Install No. 112. Edmund Russell. Pt. lot 3 blk 6 plat C. All of lot 3 except pt heretofore deeded to Nephi Irrigation Co., Nephi. Install. No. 255. Mabel Golden. Lot 3 blk 19 plat B. Nephi. Install No. 316. Joseph E. Belliston. All lot 4 blk 3 plat B. Nephi. Install No. 343. Elliott Miller. Sec. 4 13 S 1 E. Beg at 15 rd 4 lk S of NE cor of SEVi th S 22 rd 17 Ik S 78 deg W 12 rd 8 lk N 25 rd 23 lk E 11 rd 0 8 lk to beg. 1 ac Nephi. InstaU No. 486. Charles E. Stephenson. EVi of lot 2 blk 14 plat 114-16- A. Nephi Install. No. 536. Bertha E. Green-halgLot 1 blk 14 plat B. Nephi. Install. No. 551. William Morgan. NV4 of lots 1 and 2 blk 11 plat A. Nephi. Install. No. 552. C W. Morgan. SH of lot 2 blk 11 plat A. Nephi. Install. No. 582. Herbert Burton Est. SHi lot 3 and NVs lot 4 blk 28 plat B. Nephi. Install. No. 587. Alfred Dean Winn. All lot 2 blk 11 plat C. Ne phi. Install. No. 739. Thomas W. Stephenson. Lot 4 blk 2 plat C. Nephi. Install. No. 857. Herbert H. Winn. All of lot 4 and pt of lot 3 blk 56 plat A. Beg at NE cor of lot 3 th S 13 rd W 13 rd N 149.5 ft E 50 ft N 65 ft E 164 Vn ft to beg. Nephi . Install. No. 906. W. H. Sperry. Pt. of lot 3 blk 52 plat A. Beg at NW cor of lot 3 th S 82 ft th E ASK US ABOUT 18.8 ft N 82 ft W 188 ft to 15,000-HOUbeg. Nephi. DIESELS I Install. No. 932. Ann A. Belliston Pt. lot 2 blk 30 plat B. Beg at SE cor of lot 2 th W 13 rd N 12 rd 18 4 lk E 13 rd S 12 rd 18 4 lk to beg. Nephi. Install No. 946. David Cazier. Pt lot 3 blk 26 plat A. Beg 20 ft W of NE cor lot 3 S 75.4 ft Wly 111 ft N 74.2 ft m or 1 to N line of sd lot th E 111 ft to beg Nephi. Install No. 972. Herbert II. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST- Greenhalgh. Pt lot 3 blk 3 plat B. RICT COURT IN AND FOR JUAU Beg NW cor lot 3 th E 216 ft S 215 ft W 54 ft N 91 ft W 162 COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. ft N 124 ft to beg. Nephi. Install No. 978. Harry Beagley. Lot 4 blk 23 plat D. Nephi. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF 1107. J as. Painter. All JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT, a bod J lotInstall 3 and pt lot 2 of blk 1 plat corporate, A. Hi lnt In com at NW cor of Plaintiff, lot 3 th E 13 rd S 13V4 rd W VS. rd to teg. Nephi. NBFHI CITY, a municipal corpor- 13 rd N 13 Install No. 1235. Harriett E. Caration, Wilford Bailey, Mayor of Ne- ter. All lot .1 blk 10 plat C. Nephi. phi City, and all tax payers and residents of the previously existing Nephi school district, namely LEVAN School District No. 1 and all trust-es- s No. 473. Floyd Bosh. All of said School District; and all LotInstall 2 blk 29 plat A. Levan. other persons unknown, claiming Install No. 754. Peter Albert or interest estate title, any right, Peterson Poder. Lot 3 blk 45 plat In, or lien upon, the real property described in the complaint adverse A. Levan. to the plaintiff's ownership, or clouding plaintiff's title thereto, MONA Defendants. Tax Sale No. 113. Clarence Ell ertson. Lot 3 and 4 bHc 7 plat SUMMONS C. Mona. Install. No. 72. John Yates. Stt THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID of lot 4 blk 8 plat C. Mona. DEFENDANTS: Install. No. 236. Allen Rowe. Lot You are hereby summoned to 1 blk 3 plat C. Mona. after within days twenty appear Install No. 313. Allen Rowe. Lot summons this of upon service the 2 blk 3 plat C. Mona. you, if served within the county Install. No. 884. William Gibson. is action this in which brought; Lot 2 blk 4 plat C Mona. after within otherwise, thirty days Install. No. 1143. Clarence Ellertservice, and defend the above en- son. Lot 1 and 2 blk 8 plat D. In of case and your Mona. titled action; failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT the demand of the complaint, which Tax Sale No. 118. F. A. Keyte. has been filed with the Clerk of Sec. 17 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg SW said Court. This action is brought to recover cor NW N 30 rd E 80 rd S 30 rd a judgment quieting plaintiff's title W 80 rd to beg. Beg 60 rd W in and to Lot 3, Block 14, Plat SE cor SWVi NEVi N 1H rd 46 "C", Nephi Survey of Townsite ac. Lots In Nephi City, Juab County, rd E 100 rd to beg. 16 33-1Less 4 ac for RR. Utah. Tax sale No. 119. F .A. Keyte. P. N. ANDERSON, Plaintiff Attorney Sec 17 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg at pt 50 rd N and 6 rd W from SE P. O. Address cor of SWVi of NWVi of sec th Venice Bid., Nephi, Utah Dates of publication, April 21, 28, IN 11 rd W 14 rd S 11 rd E 14 rd 0 to beg. ac May 5, 12 and 19, 1938. h. ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR ma V R 3-- 3-- W99rdN43rdWlrdS 134-16- r ac. Tax Sale No. 257. Charles E. Bigler. Sec 7. T 13 S R 1 W. NH of. NEK; SEVi of NEK 120 ac. Less acreage for roadway deeded to Juab County. Ill ac. Tax Sale No. 258. Charles E. Bigler. Sec 8 T 13 S R 1 W. NWVi of NWVi 40 ac. Tax Sale No. 275 Inez M. Barnes. Sec. 12 T 13 S R 2 W. NW1. of SEK. 40 ac. Tax Sale No. 276. Inez M. Barnes. Vi int of Sec 12 T 13 S R 2 W. NEK of SEK 40 ac. Tax Sale No. 277. Inez M. Barnes. Sec. 13 T 13 S R 2 W. NWK of NWK 40 ac. Tax Sale No. 320. Ray Sherwood. Sec. 34, T 14 S R 1 W Beg at SE cor of NEK of SEK of sec th N 40 rd W 80 rd S 40 rd E 80 rd to beg. 20 ac. Tax Sale No. 323. Charles E. Le May. Sec. 28 T 14 S R 3 W. NV6 of SWK SEK of NWK SWK of NEK 160 ac. Tax Sale No. 324. Charles E. Le May. Sec. 29 T 14 S R 3 W. SV; EK of NEK 400 ac. Tax Sale No. 325. Charles E. Le May. Sec. 30 T 14 S R 3 W. NEK of SEK SEK of NEK 80 ac. Tax Sale No. 357 Horace Monroe. Sec 1 T 16 S R 2W. Lot 3. SEVi of NWK SWK 240.15 ac. Taxv Sale No. 366. Horace Monroe. Sec 11 T 16 S R 2 W. NEK of NEK WV4 of NEK 120 ac. Tax Sale No. 367. Horace Monroe. Sec. 12 T 16 S R 2 W. NVi of NWK 80 ac. Tax Sale No. 368. Horace Monroe. Sec. 14 T 16 S. R 2 W. NEK of NEK 40 ac. Install No. 116. Juab Development Co. Sec. 25 T 15 S R 2 W. Beg at a pt which bears S 26 deg 59 min E 113 ft from Kaeppler cor sd Kaeppler cor being 1957 ft S and 1748 ft E of NW cor of Sec. 25 th S 71 deg 59 min E 175 ft S 18 deg 01 min W 431 ft to N R of W line of LA & SLRJt th N 71 deg 58 min W 175 ft along sd R of W line N 18 deg 01 min E 431 ft to beg. 1.73 ac m or 1. Install No. 282. Esther S. Tranter. Sec. 32 12 S. 1 E. Com. .17 rd 24 lk W of SE cor of NEK of sec th N 95 rd W 41 rd S 95 rd E 41 rd to beg. 23 ac. InstaU No. 307. F. A. Keyte Sec. 31 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg at 254.1 ft S and 415.8 ft E of K sec cor of N bdy of sec 31 th S 1 deg 44 min W 546.3 ft S 4 deg 24 min W 408.8 ft S 19 deg 40 min E 118.4 ft W 404.8 ft S 285.8 ft W 845.9 ft N 3 deg 19 min E 245.5 ft N 32 deg E 529.1 ft N 23 deg 51 min E 495.3 ft N 26 deg 07 min E. 137.9 ft E 978.7 ft to beg and cont 33.664 ac except there-frofollowing tract See des. No. 61 on res card cont 9.580 ac or net. Install. No. 365. Jas. W. Paxman Sec. 15 T. 14 S R. 1 W. SVi of NEK NVi of SEK 160 ac. Install No. 463. Harvey P. Warren. Sec. 32. T. 12 S R 1 E. Com. 20 rd 6 lk S and 17 rd 12 lk E of NW cor of NWK of sec th E 122 rd 12 lk S 40 rd W 81 rd 12H lk N 20 rd W 41 rd N 20 rd to beg. 25 ac. Install No. 469. Samuel Linton. Sec. 35 T 12 S R 2 W. SK of NEK NV4 of SEK 160 ac. Install No. 523. Norman W. Sec 18 T 11 S R. 1 E. Beg 53 rd N of SE cor of sec th N 27 rd VV 80 rd S 27 rd E 80 rd to beg 13 Vs ac. Install No. 524. Norman W. Sec. 17. T 11 S R 1 E. Beg. 27 rds N of SW cor of sec 17 th N 53 rds E 80 rds N 80 rds E 80 rds S 133 rds W 160 rds to beg. 93 ac. Less the following: Sec. 17 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg. 27 rds N of SE cor of SWK th W 160 rds N 26 rds E 160 rds S 26 rds to beg. 26 15-1- m to-w- it: 91-1- n. n. ac. Thursday, May R 1 W. 40 ac. Install No. 854. Harry Beagley. Sec. 33 T 12 S R 1 E Beg 26 SCIENTIST REVEALS "PEDIREE" OF CLEAN MANUFACTURERS ac. "Man is too complacent in SEK Tax Sale No. 134. R. J. care Petra K. Warner. Sec 5 T 12 S R 1 E. Beg NE cor of SWy of NEi4 th W 160 id S 60 rd E 160 rd N 60 rd to beg. 60 ac. Tax Sale No. 178. Earl Nielson. Sec 9 T 13 S R 1 E. Beg 19 rd 5 lk S of NW cor of NEVi of NE!4 th E 3 rd 13 lk S 26 rd W 26 rd N 26 rd E 22 rd 12 lk to beg. 0 4 ac. Tax Sale No. 219. Utah Vallek Land and Water Co. Sec 1 T 11 S R 1 W. Lot 2 and SWVi of NE14 NVi of SEVi. 160 ac. Tax Sale No. 224. LeRoy Mc- Pherson. Sec. 12. T. 12 S R. 1 W. Beg at NE cor of SEVi of sec 8 rd 8 Iks N 80 deg W 47 th rds m or 1 to N bdy line of SEVi of Sec. E 46 rds m or 1 to beg. 1 31-16- 0 Nephi, Utah s, Install No. 851. James L. Jarrett of SEK Sec. 23 T 13 S Notice of Public Sale of Real Estate Juab County has WHEREAS, received tax deeds for the real estate hereinafter described, which said real estate has been heretofore sold to said County for delinquent taxes, and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate from such tax sales has expired; NOW THjLKEFORE, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Revised Statutes of Title Utah, 1933, as amended by Chapter 62, Laws ol Utah, 1933, the undersigned, the .Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah will offer for sale at public auction to the highest . bidder for cash, on Friday, the 27th day of May, 1938, beginning at eleven o'clock A. M. at the front door of the County Court House at Nephi, Juab County, State of Utah, the following described parcels of real estate situate In Juab County, State of Utah, Times-New- ra id lk W of SE cor of SEK th W 27 rd 22K lk N 15 sec. W 160 rd 10 lk E 29 rd S 160 rd to beg. 28 98-16- 0 TO THE acc- 40 ac. This is a fallacy". Newton and Katie Luella Newton Kay. Sec. 21 T 11 S R 1 E. NK of SWK SEK of SWK SWK of SEK 160 ac. InstaU No. 948 David Cazier CPat). ESec. 15 13 S 1 E. NWK of SWK SWK of NWK 80 ac. Install No. 949. David Cazier (Pat.) Sec. 15 13 S 1 E. NEK of SEK SEK of NEK 80 ac. Install No. 950. David Cazier. Sec. 31 12 S 1 E. Com at SW cor of SEK of SWVi of sec th N 40 rd E 15 rd to what is known as big Hollow then meandering up hollow SE 54 rd 10 lk W 44 rd to beg. Less 5 ac for big hollow 7K ac. Install No. 964. S. R. Winn. Sec. 23 13 S 1 W. NEK of NWK 40 ac. Install No. 966. Bertha E. Greenhalgh. Sec. 8 13 S 1 E. Beg at 34 rd 10 lk E of SW cor of SWK th N 8 rd 17 lk E 34 rd 15 lk S 23 rd 5 lk W 34 rd 15 lkN 14 rd 13 lk to beg. 5 ac. Install No. 967. Bertha E. Greenhalgh. Sec. 22 13 S 1 W. Beg cen of sec th E 160 rd th S 16 rd th W 160 rd th N 16 rd also all of SVi of NEK 96 ac. Install No. 968. Bertha E. Greenhalgh Sec. 8 13 S 1 E. Beg at 10 rd 11 lk S and 55 rd 8 lk W of NE cor of SWK th S 11 rd 12K lk W 33 rd N 3 rd 12 lk N 47 deg E 12 rd E 23 rd 20 lk to beg Beg 10 rd 11 lk S and 55 rd 8 lk W of NE cor of SWK sec th N 23.83 ft W 23 rd S 23.83 ft E 23 rd to beg. 2 ac. Install No. 969. Herbert Henry Greenhalgh. Sec. 22 13 S 1 W. NVfc of NEK EK of W NWK of SWK of sec. 280 ac. Install No. 970. Herbert Henrv Greenhalgh. Eec. 23 13 S 1 W. NWK of NWK of sec. 40 ac. Install No. 971. Bertha E. Greenhalgh. Sec. 17 13 S 1 E. Beg at pt 72 rd W and 15 rd 24 lk S from NE cor of NEK of sec th running S 15 rd 24 lk W 41 rd N 15 rd 24 lk E 41 rd to beg. 4 0 Louis Pasteur, and has appropriated his name in such a manner that no informed person wUl mistake its origin,, he ponts out. Its roots also run deep in more modern studies of human and animal pathology. Anyone who looks on this achievement as simple should trace the history of human suffering and loss of life through epidemics of disease, Dr. Carroll asserts. Four barriers are listed to the maintenance of a permanent supply of safe milk: ignorance, carelessness, prejudice and greed. Even in the shadow of research institu tions, city governments will go to considerable expense and take a great pride in supplyine its resid ents with meat inspection at the same; time shutting their eyes to me sale or infected milk, Dean Carroll states. Efficiency in the operation of pasteurization plants deserves more attention than it now rpfpivAQ in efficient pasteurzation gives a feeling of security which is far from justified, by actual bacterial counts. uieannness in thea field is not onlv a matter rc importance to the nennlA but is also one of the cornerstones of product aualitv. successful merchandising in the iuiun: win largely depend" Dr Carroll believes. Dairying as a nrofpssinn """J" with men who might be called pat- uu saiuis, ne claims, listing Louis Pasteur who provided sanitary methods for the maintenance of high quality and fin products; Gail Borden, who built the enormous condensed milk industry; DeLaval, who the cream separator, and provided Stephen Moulton Babcock, who devised the Babcock test for huttprfat - GRADUATES You've planted your feet on the threshold, You've studied and worked and "come through." And now opportunity beckons And holds out a welcome to you: Here's hoping each step of your journey Rewards you with greatest success, And here's wishing you, too, in whatever The dairy industry has a long 905. W. H. Sperry S R 1 W. NEK of and notable pedigree, Dr. Carroll says. Safe milk as it is known toSEK 40 ac. Install No. 916. William Blain day traces its ancestry back to 73-1- 106-16- ac. A future that's all happiness. bovine-transmitt- NEPHI DRUG of SWK; NWK of SEK; T 16 S R 1 W. Install No. 1140. Martin Stevenson Sec. 18 T 15 S R 1 E. Lots 2, 3, and 4 and SEK of SWK Less 1.14 ac deeded to Juab Co. for roadway 158.86 ac. Install No. 1142. N. W. Ellertson. Sec. 30 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg 2.75 rds N of SE cor of NEK Sec. 30 th N 78 deg W 113 rds m or 1 to Creek th N along creek to SW cor of Lona L. Ellertson prop, and NW corof property herein conveyed th S 73 deg E 1814.6 ft m or 1 to E line Sec. 30 th S to pt 10 ras 14 Iks N or SW cor of NWVi Sec 29 th S 77 deg E 53 rds 14 Iks s 1 deg W to pt 2.76 rds N and S 77 deg E 53.80 rds m or from SW cor of NWK Sec. 29 th N 77 deg W 53.80 rds m or 1 to beg. 17.1 ac. Install No. 1148. Samuel Nielson. Sec. 9 T 13 S R IE. Beg at 24 rds N of SW cor of NWK of SEK th W 1 rd 8 lk and N 56 rd E 1 rd 8 lk N 35 rd E 20 rd N 45 rd E 104 rd 8 lk N 18 rd 1 lk W 44 rd N 16 rd 19 lk E 3 rd 13 lk N 26 rd E 6 rd 3 lk N 6 rd 5 lk E 10 rd S 6V4 rd E 3 rd N 13 rd E 44 rd 9 lk S 160 rd W 80 rd S 56 rd W 80 rd to beg. 132 0 ac. Install. No. 1251. Lola Jackman. Sec. 35 T 12 S R 1 W. Beg at 40 rd N of SE cor of SWK of sec th W 160 rd N 20 rd E 160 rd S 20 rd to beg. 20 ac. Sec. 32 1 IT MAKES 81 BIOJDElMEa-at local electric rates SEE KELVINATO R'S tmu. ing Speedy Cube release! QCp OLh KELVINATOR'S New, cleTer,adjutablo shelves. Kelvinator - THE CHAMPION ICE-MAKE- R Lomax Appliance the carefully planned, clearly executed, research which the youth of today are carrying on. have too much faith in the vitality and fundamental soundness of the dairy industry to believe that it can meet a problem which will seriously and permanently handicap it," Dr. Carroll avers. taf 6 NOW and Buy SALT LAKE'S FAVORITE HOTEL LARGE MODERN ROOMS 4 FAMOUS RESTAURANTS DINE DANCE IN THE NEW MIRROR ROOM FRIDAY SATURDAY SIGHTSEEING HEADQUARTERS L SAVE Mt per cent on your fly spray for the entire summer. Place your order before June 1, for this special discount. 10 i. K Wtn ProiJcM 2-- CUmoy W. Wut MtMfW va IVOR H. SUDWEEKS Phone Your Watkins 93-- J Dealer Nephi, salt LA;in:Rr"'-fflfl- Utah Hli a hJ SB H 135-16- The Board reserves the right to reject any bid in a sum less than the total amount of delinquent taxes, costs and Interests, accrued on the property covered by such bid. Board f County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT SAYS " WHY PAY MORE?" NOT JUST IN BRILLIANT STYLE ...BUT IN ROOMINESS AND RIDING COMFORT . . . IOW PRICE HAS NEVER BOUGHT SO MANY FINE-CA- R SATISFACTIONS BEFORE JUNE KENDALL, Chairman. Attest: Fred L. Gadd 13 2-- Company "I n. 123-16- 1 ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY BUYS A Clerk Install No. 525.Norman W. Sec. 29 T 11 S R 1 E. Beg. Dates 5.of publication April 28, 1938; at 10 rd 10 lk N of SWK of May1938. 1938; May 12, 1938, May NWK th N 14 rd 13 lk S 77 deg 19, E 53 rd 20 lk S 1 deg W 14 rd lk N 77 deg W 53 rd 14 lk 0 to beg. 4 ac. Install No576. R. J. Burraston care Karen H. K. Warner. Sec. 5 T 12 S R 1 E. Beg SE cor of NWK of SEK th N 100 rds W 160 rds S 100 rds E 160 rds to beg. 100 ac. Install No. 752. Freda Miller' and Lena Jones. Sec. 12 T 15 S R 2 W. 3 Int In NWK 160 ac. Install No. 753. Freda Miller and Lena Jones. Sec. 11 T 15 S R 2 W. 3 Int In NEK 160 ac. Install No. 811. Ooorge C. Stephens. Sep. 24 T 14 S R 1 W. SEK of NEK 40 ac. Install No. 825. Ann A. Belliston. Sec. 17 T 13 S R 1 E. Beg at CO. SO ECONOMICAL! tent. There are n numW nt lems yet unsolved: oxiHiH in bottles, troubles encountered in ine condensed milk plant, breakage in bottles and other difficulties, fir- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, General Land office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 22, 1938. NOTICE is hereby given that Moroni Monroe of Scipio, Utah, who on January 20, 1933, made Add'l Stockraising homestead entry for NEK, NKSEK, SEK NWK, NEKSWK, Section 12, Township 16 South, Range 2 West., Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Grant L. Thompson, Notary Public, at Scipio, Utah on the 10th day of June, 19.38. Claimant names as witnesses: No. 050332, 47 rd E and 20 rd and 18V4 lk S of NW cor of NEK th S 17 rd 6' lk W 51 rd N 17 rd 6H Ik E 51 rd to beg. 5K ac. Paul Memmott, Merlin Monroe, Install No. 826. Ann A. Bellteton Angus Memmott and Horace MonSee. 17 T 14 S R 1 K. Beg at 22 roe, all of Scipio, Utah. rd 18K lk S and 4 rd W of NE THOMAS F. THOMAS, J cor of NWK th S 17 rd 6K lk W Register. 18 rd N 17 rd 6K lk E 18 rd to Dates of publication. April 21, 28, 1.94 1938. ac beg. May 5, 12, and 19, C you do Install No. 1102. W. H. Bailey. aCCOrdine to Dr. CnrrnH Ho Knli SEK of NWK; SWK of NEK; es, however, that they will all yield NEK 1938 CONGRATULATIONS Install No. 858. Herbert Henry epting useful developments from Winn, sec 11 T 13 S R 1 W. NK the past", according to Dr. W. E, Carroll, dean of the Utah State of SWVi 80 ac. Install No. 859. William C. Oc- - Agricultural college school of agkey Sec. 25 T 12 S R 1 W. Beg riculture, because he realizes that at sw cor or SWK th N 130 rd E we have electric heat and light 160 rd S 50 rd W 80 rd S 80 and power and communication today, he assumes that we could not rd W 80 rd to bog. 90 ac. Install. No. 901. David Cazier possibly be without them. Likewise,' since he knows that market (Patentee) Sec. 36 12 S 1 W. SEK milk of SEK 40 ac. today is clean and wholesome Install No. 902 David Cazier SW he considers it only natural for K of SWK of sec 31, 12 S 1 E. milk to be kept in that condition. Install No. Sec 35 T 12 19, Df LUXE TUDOR SEDAN sprlngbase, 85 ... 112-in- wheelbaae ch h.p. . . . Diagonal folding of front scat back gives easy access to rear Luftftage compartment reached from outside... Mohair or broadcloth" upholstery. 123-inc- h FOR CARS DELIVERED IN $ 729 00 ... DETROIT-TAX- ES EXTRA EQUIPMENT INCLUDED J . P. tor J Prk is for th De L TuJnr Sedan tllutlrmted, fully equipped. |