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Show THE PACE KICHT Local -- Social Closing Out AT ONE HALF PRICE REAL BARGAINS One Sie One Sio 1J One Sie One Sue Black with Black J. A. Christensen and son Os car and Mrs. Eva Hoyt motored to Salt Lake City Wednesday on bus Russian Wolf Fur' Trim Black with Squirrel 18 ! Shavl Collar of Black With Fitch 1 lness. Fur THESE COATS ARE EXCEPTIONAL Miss Jean Kendall, a student at the U. 8. A. C. at Logan Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Kendall. VALUES Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Larsen of Richfield were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Steele on Christmas day. FELT HATS, YOUR CHOICE FOR 50c and 98c AND VELVET TURBANS METALIC $1.00 Brigham Garrett of Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dahlen of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pitt of Kamas are spending the holidays in Nephi. IN DRESSES or TWO FOR $9.95 REAL BARGAINS ONE FOR $8.95 This g.oup includes both Street and Dinner dresses New Styles and Colors. Costume Regular 95c values for Jewelry HEARING BUDGET adopting said budget will be passed on said day. Board of County Commissioners ,Juab County. Utah By J. H. Vickers. Clerk Dates of Publication. December 20 r.nd December 27, 1934. ''CLASSIFIED ATTENTION FEEDERS have the following feds on hand: Bailed Alfalfa hay, corn barley rolled or ground; Voco meal for milch cows; Beet Beet and and Molasses pellets; pellets, Barley pellets; Cocoanut sheep' si?e. Cotton sed pellets sheep and cow size. Blended Millrun; All kinds of chopping done at Robert Winn's old Warehouse. We Mr. and Mrs. Rex Christensen Cedar City six-n- t Monday at the home of J. A. Christensen. They motored to Manti to spend Tuesday with relatives. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foote and daughters Marjorle and Jacqueline spent Christmas day in Provo at Brazils & Almonds Furnished room and FOR RENT bath. June Kendall DIVORCE in a few pubicity. Mexican, stamps. IN A1EXICO Final days, no residence, no Write: Atty Box C, Mexico. B. 6b, In 10c CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to all who assisted in any way during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and daughter. FRANK HUDSON MRS GEO. R. HOWARD and family AXDKRSON Hyrum Greenhalgh of Las Vegaa Nevada and Ray Greenhalgh of the C C C camp at Zion's National Park spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H Greenhalgh Hyrum left Wednes day for Salt Lake City and Pres ton, Idaho to visit with relative. FUN;nL HOME Satibfaetory Service ITficitnt, rhone 108 NepW 2 pound 32c. Mixed Nuts with Peanuts 2 pound 27c. Pinenuls Roasted pound 20c. Pine-nut- s, Molasses 1 gal can Dixie Molasses 79c. Hand Soap 5 bars Par Hand Soap, - 19c. UTAH: 10c Kell-ogg- s, per package. as follows: Chili Beans 3 lb bags Chili Beans 18c Fresh Ground Chili Meat 12c pound For Sinking interest, on said city For sinking outstanding Beef Pot Roasts Cut from Grain-fe- d Beef, 12c pound. I Steer STORES "A Surety of Purity" I Mr. and Mrs James Sidwell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gillett of Rockland, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Greenhalgh and family of Lynndyl visited over the Christmas holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ingram, P-n- ald '("tfna.f iA.'t.Mi 'J- 'i 'iif - Turi frirnfr"iii ' niwrrmirjfrtwninfiri . . , tkimmi mi mini- - " This la the paddock of the new Santa Anita race efficlally opened on Christmas day. The cost of tie plant y. t" mtiminfi til y " VlilgTf track at Arcadia, near Log Angeles, Calif, which was about a million and a quarter dollar. ws Three Utah County officials-eVvisited the county icourt house in Nephi Wednesday and vcnt over the methods used by our county officials. Those making the inspection were Booth SorenscJn, Utah county auditor-elec- t; Clarence Grand, clerk-ele- ct and C. C. Jensen Incoming ct treasurer. 2,224.00 fund for payment of outstanding bonds of $2,450.00 fund for payment of and maturing bonds $8,600.00 Local and Social . 1. , TOTAL $40,182.00 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its publication In The Times-New- s. Adopted and passed by the City Council of Nephi City, Utah this 15th day of December, 1934. P. B. COWAN MAYOR (SEAL) Attest: A. C. Stan-Cit- Recorder STATE OF UTAH ) COUNTY OF JUAB ) ss I. A. C. Starr, the duly elected, and qualified acting City Recorder of Nephi City, Utah, hereby certhat the foregoing Is a tify rue and correct copy of an full, ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO GOVERN EXPENDITURES OF NEPHT CITY FOR THE CALENDAR JEAR 1935, passed by the City Council of Nephi City on the 15th fay of December 1934 as appears on file and of record in office Witness my hand this my 15th day of December 1934 at Utah and the corporate sealNephi, of Nephi City Corp. Nephi, Utah A. C. STARR City Recorder SeaJ ' ' 'iisw John U il.;nlll, president of the society, placing the society's medal about the neck of President Roosevelt. Sprullle Brandon, member of the society's council, Is directly behind the President. The award was for Mr. Hoosevelt's work In promoting friendship among the nations of the Western hemisphere. Abandon LEARNING TO SHOOT f j to , " 1 ' Centuries-Ol- Tower d Cuniral, France, has decided that It no longer needs a watchman In St. Martin's belfry day and night, a tui has discharged the last of the vigilant men. The move Is also to reduce expenses. For hundreds of years men have watched from the tower and sounded the alarm in ease of tire. Nowadays the s ISO-fo- f i. 1 residents telephone the fire depar ruent and the blaze may be out before the watchman sees It. The famous belfry was shelled and destroyed In the World war, but after the armistice it was rebuilt and the big bell reining, only to fall and crack when the tower caught on fire. The bell was recast and hung again, with a new bell to take the place of the one melted by Germans. Of late years the watchman did not ring the bell, but telephoned the tire department. - v V Tokyo Bride' School Wins So successful lias become the new school for prospective brides in Tokyo, Japan, that a marriage bureau for students Is to be opened at the center. In addition, many new schools are being opened. The youth of Japan are causing this Increase by their enthusiasm over the graduates and marrying them. The marriage bureau is reported to have An order requiring all New York a long list of young men who are policewomen and police patrolwom-e- seeking brides. The school was to report for target practice once started last year under difficulty. at three the vveelis, every precinct Students had to face much ridicule headquarters to which they are at- from male members of their famitached, Indicates that the time is lies, but the girls persisted and not far off when they will be armed flocked to the kitchens and class while on duty with revolvers of at rooms to learn cooking and needleleast .32 caliber. There are now In work. At graduation time suitors the department 105 policewomen flocked to the graduates, and the The school was pronounced a success. and 50 police patrolwomen. ' photograph shows one of the on the range at police head-n -, n 1 Sunshine Killi Rattlesnakes quarters. Reason for the Curfew The reason for the curfew was that In the early days all the houses were made of wood and thatched straw, says the, Montreal Herald. There were no chimneys, and the smoke had to escape through a hole In the center of the roof, and thus Contingent and Administrative $11,745.00 expense 570.00 Maintenance of City Hall To prevent fires often occurred. Maintenance of Public Library 713.00 this happening at nlglit the rule of To open, improve and repair streets putting out all fires was strictly They were usually extinand sidewalks 1,880.00 enforced. For Consturctlon, maintenance guished by placing over them a, and repair of electric light and large copper hood. nower plants and systems $12,000.00 For maintenance, repair and Improvement of Waterworks system Chili Meat The following spent Christmas day at the home of J. A. Christensen: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christ ensen and children Richard and Marilyn; Misses Ivy and Fraces Christensen, Kenneth Woods of Salt Lake City and Christian Jensen of Moroni. .. police-iwome- Section 1. That for the calendar vear 1935 the following stated budget be, and the same Is hereby adopted and ordained to gov ern expenditures of Nephi City for said year; and within the expendable revenue for said year, appropriations from the respective funds of said City are hereby made Corn Flakes Post Toasties or W4. 1935. s, FOOD JTn YEAR nn QJ. S RAG CS f CALENDAR WHEREAS. there having been and City prepared by the Mayor Recorder of Nephi City tentative with the City council a of essenbudget and an estimate tial expenditures of snid city for togeththe calendar year 1935 revenues er with the anticipated cf said city for said year; and WHEREAS, by order of the City 15th, Council Saturday December 1934 at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chamber In the City Hall was designated as the time and place oi proposed for the noicnn nubile meeting and hearing upon pasthe proposed budeet and the annroo-rtnt.tsage and adoption of an ordinance to eovern the exoenrlitures of said city for the calendar year 1935: and WHEREAS, notice of the holding of such meeting having been rtven by leal publication of such a newsnotice in The Times-Newpaper of general circulation in said city, by the City Recorder and said budget and appropriating ordinance having come on for hearbefore the City ing thereupon Council and said meeting; and WHEREAS, all the matters relating to said budeet and appropriating ordinance having been considered and done and the City Council being fully advised In the premises: therefore, BE IT ORDAINED EY THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEPHI, CITY, Mixed Nuts, no peanuts Santa Anita Race Course Is Now Open New THE it:. . DITURES OF NEPHI CITY FOR Nuts 1 f U v, t ' AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO GOVERN EXPEN- Brazil Nuts, 1 lb bag 13c Almond Nuts, 1 pound bags, 17c per bag. Nevada XI ) AN ORDINANCE Wallace Tolley of the U. S. A. C. at Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aiken of Spring City are spending Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hoover of the holidays at the home of their Provo spent Christmas at the parents, Mr and Mrs. C. R. Tolley, home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cowan. Lloyd Goble of the C C C camp Tom Salisbury of the C C C camp at Zion's National Park spent the and Christmas at the at Veyo spent Christmas at Ne-h- l. week-en- d home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peterson of Levan spent the Christmas day at Mrs. Nellie Crandall of Los Anthe home of Mrs. LeRoy Brough, geles California and Emmett O'Gara of Manhatten Beach California are Mrs. Lola Jensen and son Gor- spending the holidays at the home don are visiting with Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. M M O'Gara. Mrs. D. Z. Bigler at Pamona, California during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tempest Jr adr. son and Miss Marian Blackctt Douglas Jones who is attending and Lawrence Blackett of Salt Lake the U. S. A. C. at Logan is spendCity were guests at the home o ing the holidays with his paernts, Mr. and Mrs, Orson Cazier SunMr. and Mrs. E. Len Jones. day. Miss Aline Ellison, a student at Douglas Shepherd the U. S. A. C. of Logan is spend-- 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Idaho were house Idaho Falls, ing the holidays with her parents guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ellison. on Wednesday and Thursday of this Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cooper left week. Friday for Los Angeles California Owen Ash of Provo and Mr. and where they will remain lndefin-atel- y. Mrs. LeRoy Ash and Dona were week-en- d guests of Mr. Thomas Christensen, LaVern and and Mrs Oscar Brough. Ray Christensen of Mount Pleasant Dr. and Mrs. Frank Frampton Christmas day at the home of Mr. and children Florence and Junior B. V. and Mrs. Cooper. of Sa Francisco were guests f Dr Frampton"s sister, Mrs. Oscar Mr. and Mrs. George Christian sen and daughter Winnie visited Brough Wednesday and Thursday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jvii . ana ram. a. w. COnover anaj George W. Mayer in Lynndyl Sunuaugnier Maruyn or salt Lake day. City, Itha Parkes of Downey, Idaho and VeraDean Parkes of Mrs. L. E. Dunian and sons George Provo and Flora Parkes of Ogden Marion and Frank of Salt Lake were guests of T. H. O. Parkes the holidays over Christmas.Mrs,. City are spending at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan and Miss Dorothy Brough who is at- Kieth Cowan of Twin Falls, Idaho tending the B. Y. TJ. at Provo and and Clarence Cowan of the C C Elmo Brough of the C C C camp C camp at Zion's National Park at Salina are spending the holidays visited oVer a the at the home of their parents, Mr. horde of theirChristmas mother Mrs. Ella und Mrs. W. F. Brough. Cowan. i Is all Paul Downs, who is stationed at Tort Douglas, spent Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul has been V. Downs. Ed. assigned to the 38th Infantry band and Is a solo singer In the orchestra ai Fort Dou'slas. Oi-p- in CARRIAGE BABY Irons FOR SALE Mrs Bsulah this Miss Ruby Painter of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Naef Cit end family and Ray Painter of Eureka visited over Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Candy Local and Social Notice is hereby given that a bud-p- et public hearing on the annual of Juab County for the necfor the year essary expenditures 1935 v.ill be held Friday, December 2P!h. l'3A at ten o'clock A M. at the County Court House In Nephi, Utah. An appropriation ordinance and nv . hi V Local and Social Old time Mixed Candy, 2 pound bags, 19c per bag. Satin Ribon Mixed candy, 2 pound bag 22c per bag. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gease. ON ANNUAL people Painter A. 69c 50.000 4 ly ces. of Ray Garrett son of and Mrs. James Garrett will be pleased to learn that he has passed the examination of C. P. Hanson Style Shop NOTICE OF PUBLIC than V I When projects temjMrary work. are completed these people will be unemployed, and in addition prob-uby200,000 coal miners, railroad men and others. General electrification plan proposed In lieu of present hydro plan would provide permanent employment for aproximately 200.000 perfrom sons, permanently relieving relief rolls from 750.000 to 1.000.000 nirn, women ana children. For Friday, Saturday & Monday we offer you the following at Reduced pri- Friends 69c $1.59 - t.uti ona Mr. HOUSE DRESSES Regular $1.00 for Regular $1.95 for fContinued From Paye One) tons would providf an additional revenue of 1141,000.000 00 to the railroads of the United States. Railroad labor receives approximately 53 per cent of the operating revenue of the Class A railroads. Railroad employees would receive f78 900,000 00 additional revenue anThe average earning of nually. such employe of Class A railroads is approximately $1500 00 annually, so aA additional revenue of $78,960, 000.00 would provide employment to 56.600 additional employes. program Prefent hydro-e!ctri- c actually gives work to probably less te. Bud Haymond of Pocatello, Idaho is Blinding the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Haymond. Black with Grey Fur Set iv try Presenting a Medal to Roosevelt on 94.000,000 tome difficulty to overcome in starting off the New Year. Let us We know our tore lias advantages. We know that some do not know these advantages. Our business and our customers increased greatly in 1934. Thanks to every one of them. Meriting of continued patronage is our big endeavor. Try us. Our sincerest wishes to you are for a very prosperous New Year. Dick Greenland, superintendent of the, C C C camp at Moab is spending the holidays In Nephi. FOUR COATS ONLY 16 Most Tolley returned to the Veyo O O C camp Wednesday after a holiday visit In Nephi, Claud Thursday, December 27, 1934 ELECTRIFICATION IS EXPLAINED STARTING 1935 6Hh McPehrson or the C C C camp at Veyo spent Christmas with his family at Nephi, Sale NEPHI, UTAH . TIMES-NEWS- One ordinarily Chinks of a desert rattlesnake as bashing In the sun all day long awaitinY? his Prey- - Sul prlsingly, however, direct sunshinerepquickly kills this : . V,i k members. . inc. j nis tus pruvy; j of the Yoseiuite Fieltty. School In specimen.... National park. rattlesnake was desired foiV ' musf?,liIfl. exhibit but in a natural ed condition. Members frthV,t vn school, therefore, placed a rattit ea, an exposed position where he di St in convulsions under the dlree rays of the sun In 17 minute. 1 Scientific American. cYflld-bloode- a unT, Je After Christmas- Then What? Po res HS 5-1-- 1 ! ja" C? 5Q.75 T, M V i |