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Show PACE FOUR Silk Worm's Secret Later Brought Artificial Silk Announcing NEW DEALER hajf.ton with pirk-uo4y, Al prty puimti trlth paHl, eatwpy tp m BUtum-i3ttnd press, aft-ward- a bodies. AA O N A LLY there is ONE TV" ATI Your Health Is Your Greatest tury INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS m:w Until the middle of the last cenfew people thought seriously of applying to the silkworm to learn the process for manufacturing artificial silk. Then, nays the Montreal Herald, fate brought together a young French student, Count Hllalre de Chardon net. and I'asteur, at that time disease mysterious studying known a pebrlne, responsible for the doaths of large numbers of silkworms. Inspired no doubt by the zeal of his great master, the young Frenchman began to Investigate the silkworm's "private factory." He found that the Insect fed exclusively on the leaves of the oak and the mulberry, and expelled the excrement through two tiny orifices In the form of a gum, which on contact with the air soldlfled Into a fine thread, tie set to work to reproduce the process. Utilizing several existing Inventions, notably the system for producing wood pulp, discovered accidentally by F. O. Keller, a weaver of Saxony, In 1884. startled the textile world by an announcement of his successful manufacture of artificial silk. g This he obtained first by cellulose from the pulp of mulberry trees, then converting this substance Into nitro cellulose, which he finally dissolved and forced under pressure through orifices Into hot air chambers, thus leaving a meshwork of silky fibers. Unfortunately, the material gave such spectacular proof of Its Inflammability that In the Interests of public safety the authorities prohibited A way Its further manufacture. was soon found, however, of avoiding this, and the ban was lifted. Preparing for Another Bonus Army outstanding fact about Inl; it'll j jkiiiik'Mii ternational Trucks of special interest to the public just now the International Harvester Company is announcing brand-neseries of improved and beautiful trucks. a JOCALLY there are TWO International news items the above, and the fact that we have been appointed distributor for Internationals in this community. We are proud of the opportunity to handle this great line of trucks which for thirty years has been building a reputation for quality, performance, and economy. With the new streamlined Internationals we can equip you with units of any size, for any type of service on which you hauling, backed by after-gale- s can always depend. Come in and see the new Half-To-n International. That Clever Chameleon i w Char-donne- J y (. - ". -- Wealth 'A CIVE YOUR CHILDREN COD LIVER OIL IT WILL PREVENT COLDS De Happy With Good Health! Ord t. win-nln- IT IS TOO LATE CALL YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE &z Mangelson DRUGGISTS Louis Witteuburn, Harold Illtlt3rson snd Fames O. Euton, of the Itauk and File committee. In their Washington headquarters plunulnj; for the coming of another "bonus army'' which, they predict, will make the laot one look like a l'.oy Scout camp. The army Is due In Washington by the middle of January and "will stay until the bonus Is paid." NEBRASKA GOVERNOR SWISS PRESIDENT v. Ml" wf.i... rAt""' iff ' I Ml '$ 1,11-- lgp f Eiwm Cleveland Housing Project Under Way HI i ' i 'i 2 Can Do Numerous Tricks John M. Brough No creature In the world can do more "tricks" than the clever Uttle chameleon, notes a wrltor In the St. Louis First of all, he can change his color almost In the wink of an eye to match his surroundings, making him practically Invisible. Nature has enabled him to do this as a matter of safety, for this lizard Noisiest Bird The scream of the peacock can moves so slowly that otherwise he would fall easy prey to snakes and be heard a mile away, but the noisbirds. iest bird In the world la the cockaAnd his eyes are almost as retoo. A single bird can make i din which would drown dozen caion markable as his skin. They are horns and dim the sound of a steam large and round, they stick out, and whistle. A white bird, hailing from they are entirely covered with eyeto the cockatoo. lids except for a little round hole. Brazil, is runner-uThis Is the bell bird, about the size The chameleon rolls his eyes almost of a pigeon. It lifts Its head In constantly and the eyelids roll right the air and makes a noise like the with them Moreover, he can look In two entirely different directions bang of a hammer on an anvlL with these two eyes at the same time. The chameleon's tongue Is also unusual, being half as long as his body and provided with a. sticky end. This long tongue will dart out as fast as lightning to seize an unwary Insect, which Is helpless when caught in the stickiness. Cause of Freckles Freckles are caused by coloring matter from the blood which becomes deposited In the skin. 1 Somewhere Start The Aew Year ... in iifiuiiiui city. . .there is Right! I someone ivno i would like to YOUR hear T7"k r I t r ITT Millc t "Happy I New Year" TELEPHONE r I to being It's r The Best Meodowbrook Dairy there I taBn Tha j NEWHOUSE HOTEL Satt Lai City, UtaJa Mrs. J. M. Descrying Popularity . . close-buttone- d Its L OfTerlng ho irKlrridual room at a prtce moctorata. srwriwrtlngl that la s p I T A L i"! hi f SingleBatesto S4 X I I Double SX.SO to 1 $4--5 400 Room 400 Baths I Quicksilver Quicksilver, or mercury occurs In nature In a free state, both In lodes and placer deposits, but only in very small quantities. Commercial mercury Is obtained chiefly from canna-ba- r ore, the sulphide of quicksilver, from which the pure mercury Is extracted by subjecting it to high temperature and then condensing the vapor. The largest and richest deposit of mercury ore known Is at Almaden In central Spain. It has been worked since the time of the Romans. d The Child "Many scientists feel that forcing a child to use Its right hand for writing and other purd poses will cause him to be and irritated and may cause such nervous disorders as stutter to Left-Hande- d A Y W. E. Sutton General Manager U.rthy Sea Clocks Without worthy sea clocks mariners were unable to compute longitude accurately. This made sailing a hazardous undertaking. Reefs and shoals wrought havoc. Pendulum clocks, then the best of timepieces, were no good aboard ship. Almost immediately after parliament's proclamation, two men. Independently of each other, Invented the marine chronometer. One was an Englishman, the other a Frenchman. The Knglishman, Harrison, pried his reward out of parliament, but only after a long legal bout with the legislators. slow-minde- Chauncey W. West Assistant General Manager I i i i 3S '.IP- s t 5 i 'jiiv .yvj$-- - - W V w.m. v a .. -- v- - s j ' Recent portrait of R. L. Cochran. Democrat, the new governor of Si z Rodoliihe Minger, reorganlzer of Swiss army, who was named president of the Swiss Confederation for 1935 by the federal assembly. . the Secrets of Nature Among the mysterious secrets of nature is the effect of war on the masculine birth rate. During and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Eoswell, Mr after a war. countries which have pnd Mrs. Lelancl Boswell and lost a large number of men almost Wrecking crews are here seen removing some of the old buildings in Stephenson of Salt Lake City show an appreciable inthe area In Cleveland, Ohio, where the federal public works housing spent the Christmas holiday at Invariably in male births. Colter's crease Is under way. project the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weekly. Boswell. m WUIUSIH1 jiJ, 1 1 An Invitation to See Men often sneer f Lioi say. . . j I Perfume Kills Germs at the feminine habit of using perfume. But woman as usual. Is right Science has proved that perfume is not merely a toilet luxury. It is a strong antiseptic, more powerful in some cases than carbolic acid, and certainly far more pleasant to the sensitive nose. The substances from which the odors of flowers are obtained are the liquids known as "essential otls." Scientific research has shown that these oils oil of roses, oil of thyme, oil of rose geranium, oil of rosemary, oil of lavender, oil of bitter almonds, oil of cassia and the like are superior to carbolic as antiseptics. There cannot therefore, be any doubt at all that to live among the scent of flowers, or nse perfume made from them is not only very pleasing but decidedly healthy. Pearson's Weekly. chased fi-frit&&- s Globe-Democr- 935 on display at our showrooms SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 Three years ago, he startled V-- 8 low For the out at a 1935, he's presenting CENTER-POISthe automobile industry by bringing price. comfort. makes in motor the ride a glide. It car RIDING an important advance It's always news when Henry Ford introduces a new car. - E The reason for the remarkable comfort of the New Ford V-- 8 is a fundamental change in automobile design, with new weight distribution, new seat position, and new developments in spring suspension. You ride forward, toward the center of the car away from the rear axel and away from the bumps. Hence the name Center Poise Riding, For almost the first time, ai car has been specially designed to give real comfort to back seat passengers. The wider,' longer, roomier New Ford V-- 8 for 1935 will be introduced this Saturday and we will have it on display at our showrooms. Please accept this as a cordial invitation to see it and learn clutch and newly dehe full story of its distinctive new features, including the new brakes. signed easy-pressu- re self-centeri- comfort and fine car performance makes it an outstanding value. The combination of fine-ca- r and of its The luxuriousness appointments has never been approached in the low price car. upholstery Jackson Motor Co. Authorized South Main Street 8H! Dealer Nephi, Utah LONGER, WIDER, ROOMIER, WITH DISTINCTIVE BODY LINES AND A NEW IDEA IN MOTOR CAR COMFORT t |