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Show IAGE THE SIX CHARMING QUILT IS "SUN BONNET- Br CXANDMOTtlER CLARK y EJwiix Philip Many mothers and grandmothers would get busy aud uiuke the "Sun Bonnet" quilt for a homo darling If they could see Just liow cunning It looks when finished. One of the six pose of the baby la shown bere. The IS Inch block are stamped on white material. The applique patches are tamped for cutting and sewing on man colored beautiful prints. The outline embroidery U la s!mpl tltclv. Bend 15c to our quilt department aod we will mall you one complete block like the abve picture, also picture of quilt showing the tlx different blocks. Make this one block op and see how It looks when Six blocks, each different, will be mailed for 75c postpaid. This is another of our qullti and, like the others, must be worked up to be appreciated. Address Home Craft Co, Dept. D, Nineteenth and St. Louis Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Enclose stamped addressed envelope when writing for any Information. good-lookin- g Idea Box When Preparing Roast Beef A great many people prefer rare roast beef. If your family likea It that way, serve It rare, but be sure It la rare and not raw. Some doctors claim that raw roast beef la one cause of worms. Make sure your roast Is cooked long enough If you wish It to be digestible. THE HOUSEWIFE. Copyright hy Public Ledger. I no. WNU Service. Dinner for Company Nothing Is so Inelegant as trying to "put on airs." At a party you offer your guests a little more than you would have If you were dining alone, Uie reason being that you do not know exactly what they like nnd therefore provide a wider choice than you would for your family with whose tastes you are familiar. A gay and pretty house, a charming table, and food, offer the formula for a successful party. If the hostess Is straining every nerve, and It Is evident thnt she lias undertaken more than she can accomplish with ease nnd pleasure, a dinner or luncheon Is almost doomed to failure. Mrs. Leicester Lancaster In Good Housekeeping Magazine. well-serve- d d COMMON I Relieve Ihe distressing! symptoms by applying Menlholatum in nostrils and rubbing on chest. Household Hint When It Is necessary to keep food hot for late comers, place It In a closely covered dish and then set In a basin of hot water kept near the boil ing point. mmm A M n Jfi aincj Housewife's il An n nrnsrr ill JFit Wk WNU Barvloa. SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING CHAPTERS David rtnBdell arrive at New Tork from South Africa, commissioned by Lord Khondln and Professor Bronson, the astronomer, to dellvor photo grphle plates to Dr. Cole Hendron. Tony Drake calls at the liendrons' apartment. Kanadell arrives and Eve Hendron, with whom Tony la deeply In love, Introduces Tony to itansdell. A published statement by Hendron says Professor Bronson has discovered two planets that have been brought under the attraction ot our sun. The result of the Inevitable collision must be the and of the earth. The approaching bodies are referred to as Bronson Alpha and Bronson Bets, Bronson Beta will pass, but the other will hit the earth and demolish it. To devise means of transferrins: to Bronson Beta Is what la occupying the minds of the member of the League of the Last Days. of freckles that carried Into bis attained maturity more than a mem"The Bronson bodies. If they pass ory of the childhood he had so re on a parabola, will approach the cently left "Yes," Tony repeated. "I'm from earth twice. If, however, their course becomes modified Into an Cole Hendron. The dean told me your academic work. Profesellipse, the earth will meet them about ngaln In Its Journey around the sun. sor Gates showed me the thesis on Direct collision with one or another Light which you turned In for your of the bodies, or grazing collision Ph. D. He said It was the finest due to mutual attraction when In thing he had had from the graduate proximity, cannot be regarded ss school since he'd held the chair of Impossible. The succession of tides Physics." Dull red came In the young man's and earthquakes caused by gravmuch. I Just hapity and resultant stresses mav In- face. "Nothing to have an Idea. pened In or Probably due the render time, stantly, surface of this globe wholly unin- never get another In my life." Tony smiled. "I understand you habitable; but we cannot say that were stroke In the varsity crew two there Is no hope. "Certain steps must be taken. All years ago. That's the year you coastal cities In all parts of the were rowing everybody out of the world must be evacuated. Populaces water, Isn't It?" "There weren't any good crews must be moved to high, regions. Provision for feed- that year. We Just happened to ing, clothing and domiciling m- have the least bad ones." Tony looked at the youth's hands igrating people must be made. "The scientists of the world are nervously clenching and unclench In agreement that the course out- lng. They were powerful hands lined above Is the only logical one which nevertheless seemed to pos to pursue. Since the first approach sess the capacity for minute adjust of the Bronson bodies may be ex- ment. Tony smiled. "No need of pected to take place with effect being so modest, old fellow. It's upon the tides and seaboard on Just as I said. Cole Hendron In and about the end of next summer, New York Is getting together a general migration should begin at bunch of people for some work he wants done during the next few once." On the morning succeeding the months. It's work of a very private spread of this statement, Tony stood nature. I can't tell you what. I can't even assure you that he will in the vast, populous waiting-rooof the Grand Central station. Yes- accept you, but I'm touring around terday there had been Issued march- In the attempt to send him some ing orders for fifteen hundred mil- likely people. You understand that lions of human beings. If they did I'm not offering you a job in the not know that It was to be the sense jobs have been offered In the end of the world, at least they were past. I don't know that any salary told that It was the end of the world Is attached to It at all. You will be supplied with a place to live, and as It had been. He listened to fragments of conprovided with food. If you accept." The tall youth grinned. "I sup versations In progress In his vipose you know that offering a cinity: "I tell you, Henry, It's silly, that's chance to associate with Cole all. If anybody expects me to give Hendron, to a man like me. Is Just up my apartment and pack up my like offering the Job of secretary to duds and move off One Hundred and St. Peter, to a bishop." street just because a Kighty-flrs- t Tony looked at the s few hapblue eyes and liked the young man. pen to think there's a comet coming, He felt Instinctively that here was then they're crazy. . . ." one person whom Cole Hendron "It's the end, that's what It Is: and the committee would surely ac am one I see to for It. and glad cept. The name of the man before When the sea starts to rise and him, he recalled, was Jack Taylor the earth starts to split open, I'm his record for a man of twenty-fiv- e going to stand there and laugh. I'm was startling. He grinned at the going to say: 'Now what's the good youth's speculation. "You're a of all the farm relief? Now who's physicist, Taylor. If you were In collect Income to tax? my going Cole Hendron's shoes, and were tryNow what does It matter whether ing to take a group of people to a , Good-bywe have prohibition or not? place of safety, Just where, under world.' That's what I'm going the circumstances we anticipate, Good riddance'! I would you take them?" to say, "Good-by- . hope It wipes the whole d n thing The other man was thoughtful for as clean as a billiard ball. . . ." an Instant "That's Just what wor "It's ridiculous. They've been ried me. I can't think of any place righting about their fool figures for on earth that would offer a refuge generations. They can't even tell essentially satisfactory." whether it's going to rain or not "Exactly. No place on earth." tomorrow. How In the h 1 can Tony emphasized the last two they say It's going to happen? Give words. a scientist one Idea, and a lot of Jack Taylor frowned quickly, and trick figures, and he goes haywire, suddenly the freckles on bis face that's all. . . ." stood out because his color had de "I drew It all out and bought gold. parted. I got two revolvers. I filled the "God Almighty! You don't mean house with canned goods. I said: to suggest " 'Here you are, Sarah. You've been Tony lifted his hand and dropped telling me all your life how well It "I'm offering you a letter that you can run things. Take the will give yon an Interview with Cole money. Take the house. Take these Hendron. Do you want to go and two guns. I'm leaving. If we've only see him?" For a minute Taylor did not angot a couple of months left, I'm go ing to see to It that I have a lit- swer. Then he said dlsjolntedly : That's what I "Marvelous I G d Hendron's Just tle fun, anyway. said to her I and by G d, here I the man the only man I To think am. . . ." that anybody would come around to Tony shook his head, ne rode give me a shot at such a thing!" through a long dark tunnel and Tears suddenly filled his eyes, and then out to the station at One Hun- - he stood up and walked In two street The mighty strides to the window. dred and Twenty-flfttrain moved nast the final ontnost Tony slapped his back. "See you tenements Into a verdant landscape In New York. Better get going with the river on one side the right away. So long, old man." Deeply moved, proud that any Hudson, In which tides soon would rise to sweep high and far back race, any civilization should the Palisades. Tony glanced duce human beings of the temper back, once, toward the teeming and fineness of young Taylor, Tony city. The first flood would not top walked out onto the university cam-those tallest towers etched there; pus and hurried to keep an appoint the pinnacles of man's triumphs ment with an obscure but talented would for a while, rise above the professor of chemistry whose Intides; but all the rest? Tony turned vestigations of colloids had placed away and looked out at the river, his name on the long list furnished to think of It to Tony by Hendron and his assotrying not e e e e e e ciates. Settled In a chair, Tony glanced Tony, having applied himself for around the comfortable furnishings months to acquisition of the primi of the student's room and the a tive proficiencies In growing things gazed at the student himself. A and in the manual arts, had found himself appointed by Cole Hendron lanky youth with red hair, blue eyes and a sprinkling as his personnel officer. Tony pos CHAPTER IV Continued 6234 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , Hair a'allW RawiN Dandruff-Stop- and Faded Hair Beauty to Grar tnd 11 WH iirumiBi nifp Cham. Wa., In f LORES TON SHAMPOO Heel fo eonneetionwith Parker's Hah-- Balaam. Maln-- a theu. or drog-sjismail at 60 cents by Biii soft and ftnffy. Hiscox Chemical Works, I'atcbocoe. N. X, S. Thursday, December 27, 1934 NEPIII. UTAH stand, Jutf as we did la the oM days, eh?" The dining room doors were opened. They sat down. Lelghton served consomme, aud Tony picked up bis silver spoon with a dram feeling of unreality which psychoi oglsts have noted and ouly badlj explained. Hendron brought him to hi senses. "Tell us the news, Tony. We've beeo living down at the laboratory ever since you left Eating there, sleeping there. We have dormitories now on the floor above. What'a going on In the world? You know, we even bar newspapers now. They're too much of a distraction, and Dodson has Instructions to keep track of the news, but not to give us any, unless It will have an effect on our work." He took Tony began to talk. what opportunity their questions gave, to eat "It hasn't made as much difference as you'd think. There was a general strike In Chicago two weeks ago that tied up everything. No electric light and no water; nothing for a day. There was a terrific riot In Birmingham. The police forces In hair a dozen cities walked out The state governments weren't able to cope with the situation. Id some cases It was Just that the people decided not to work any more, and In others It was pure mob uproar. The federal government waa be. stepped In everywhere. They took "Oh, Tony," she suld, her yolce over blanket control of the utilities, almost giving way, "I'm so glad to saw to It that trains were kept runhave you back! I've read all your ning, power houses going, and so on. Nominally workers are Jailed reports." "I've read nl! your acknowledg- for dereliction, but actually I think ments of them." said Tony hoarse- they have found It necessary to exly. It was all that had passed be- ecute them." tween them. Reports and acknowl"I think the people looked first to the President, anyway; and the edgments. In lieu of love letters! "Father will be right out We've President had the good sense to rteen working steadily ever since kick politics In the face and take vou left. You and Dad and I are full authority upon himself to do Toing to have dinner together anything and everything which he thought would keep the country In "Anyone else?" asked Tony operation. There was som trouble In the army and navy, still more In the National Guard, especially with "No; who would there be?" "Your South African, I thought, soldiers who were fathers and wanted to remain with their families. I probably." "Not mine, Tony !" suppose there are nearly half a mil"Your father's, then, ne keeps lion men doing police duty right him in the laboratory for you." now." Hendron looked keenly at Tony. Hendron, wearing his laboratory apron, walked briskly Into the front "That's all according to the plan office. "Hello there, Drake! Delight- that the League worked out before ed to see you back. Your candidates the news broke. A man named have been arriving daily, nnd Carey Is largely responsible for It we've put them to work. Dodson He's an economist. I believe he's a sessed, decidedly, a knack with people; and so Hendron was sending him about to recruit young men for the extraordinary duties of the crew of the Space Ship. Her father bad asked Eve to aug gest, provisionally, the women who must go along; and Tony bad met some whom Eve had selected. Strange to think of them standing with you and with a few other men out of all our world's creation on the soil of an empty planet! What would they be to each other there? Stranger still, to gaze at night Into the sky, and see a spot of light beside a brighter orb and realize that yon might become a visitor to that spot In the sky I Tony returned three weeks later, to New York city, where Hendron now spent most of his time. Upon hla arrival In the city, late on a July afternoon, Tony went at once to see Hendron and Eve. He had business with Hendron none with Kve; he merely longed to see her ind be with her, more than be dared display. Not much change was observable In the city. There were three policemen In the front offices of the laboratories, and be was admitted only after a wait. Eve came Into the reception room first, and shook hands with him coolly. That Is, outwardly it was coolly; but Inwardly, Tony felt sure, she was trembling, even as CAP 4 AND good-humor- PATTERN jm is. m PROMISING Mr. and Mrs. ley were honest hard-workin- g f: folks. By self-deni- they hat, .anaged to send their con to Harvard. One day a letter arrived. "I know you will be pleased," wrote the son, "to learn that I have won the squash championship.'' "Well, well!" beamed Father Pen-le"We'll make a farmer out of that boy yet, mother." 102 Probably about now you have decided that you Just must have a satin frock. You're right I And here Is the model you have been seeking In which to make It It Is a dress you can wear afternoon or evening and always look smart The Jabot Is not just an ordinary Jabot but something cut In one with the yoke and Joined In the bodice on new and very chic principles. The sleeves, too, do things differently, and while there Is nothing different about the pleats at the bottom of the skirt, front and back, they afford graceful movement for the slim panels. Pattern 2029 Is available In sizes 10, 13, 20. 34, 30, S3. 40, 42, 44 and y. Defined Wee Betty Mother, I feel io cited 1 Mother Excited, dear? I don't think you know what excited means. Wee Betty Why, it'a being in a hurry all over. Diagnosed "Doctor," said the pest who always was trying to get free medical advice. "I have the queerest noises in my head; what do you suppose cause it?" "Maybe the wheels In there need oiling," he snapped. Compensation Eentover That drouth cost us over 6,000 bushels of wheat Mrs. Bentover Yes, but there Is nothing without some good. During that dry spell we could at least get some salt out of the shakers I Farmer Jeal-nisl- 'Twas Ever Thus "You look worried. What's the matter?" "Ding It, my doctor Just told me I've got to quit worrying or else." SLUSH FUND, OF COURSE Vat it did- - 46. Size 30 takes 4 fabric Illustrated yards step-by-st- 89 inch sew- ing Instructions included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURB TO STATE SIZE. City Official Where are we to get Address orders to Sewing Circle the money for cleaning the streets Pattern Department, 243 West Sev after these heavy snows? enteenth Street, New York City. Assistant Out of the slush fund, of course. MISLEADIING MELODY Case of Necessity "What was the Inspiration for your "You can learn a great deal from success?" the rich man was asked. old songs," remarked the statesman. "Well, frankly," he grinned, "it was the meals my wife cooked when They may be misleading," an we were first married. I realized swered Senator Sorghum. "When right off I'd have to earn enough to posterity revives 'We Have No Bahlie a cook if I didn't want to die nanas' a large number of persons of Indigestion." may be led to infer that with all our .crop failures the most we have had a contend with was a scarcity Don't Be So Modest Visitor And what's your name, of tropical fruit" Washington Star. my good man? ' Youthful Assumption Prisoner 9742. "How is your son getting on In his Visitor Is that your real name? Prisonei" Naw, dat'a me pen name. new position?" Santa Fe Magazine. "First rate," answered Farmer Corntossel. "He knows more about the business now than the boss does. Huh! "So you think you lead a dog's life, All he has to do is convince the eh?" said the man who had been lis- boss." tening to his troubles. Busy "Yeh 1" he growled. "The only adCaller I would like to see the I have over the dog Is that vantage ' T rtnn't hftvo tn arrntrh f!naH Judge, please. Secretary I'm sorry, sir, but he Is at dinner. Did He Get the Job? Caller But, my man, toy errand Employer Personal appearance Is a helpfnl factor In business success. is important Secretary It can't be helped, sir. Employee Yes, and business success is a helpful factor in personal His Honor Is at steak. Pearson's Magazine. appearance. light-hearte- school-teacher- h GET SMARTNESS IN SATIN FROCK BELLS' M good-humore- d gray-heade- d pro-ov- WNU W TIMES-NEW- d " "The Succession of Tides and Earthquakes Caused by Gravity and Resultant Stresses May Instantly or In Due Time Render the Surface of Thlt Globe Wholly Uninhabitable." and Smith and Greve are enthusiastic about them." He looked at- his I've got a little watch. "Five-fifty- . work to do here. Then we want yon to come up to the house for dinner." As Tony unlocked his apartment door, Kyto sprang to his feet "I take your presence," Kyto said, "with extravagant gratitude." Tony laughed. "A bath. Kyto, a dinner Jacket, something In the way of a highball I haven't had a drink since I left. Good Lord I It's refreshing to see this digging again. How's my mother!" "Excellent as to health. Telephoning dally." "You'd better ring her up. I telegraphed her occasionally, but heaven only knows when I'll see her. She is a darn good sport" " "A person of profound esteem-ableness.- Tony looked with surprise at the back of the Jap as he started toward the telephone. The approach of the Bronson bodies had made his servant more loquacious than he had ever been before. Aside from that, no change In Kyto was discernible nor did Tony anticipate any change. Tony moved with a feeling of Incredulity. The Hendron apartment was exactly as It had been. Eve appeared a new Eve who was a little different from the old Eve. She wore a green evening dress that be remembered from an hour spent long ago on the balcony. "Hello, Tony." In her eyes was the same wonderment, the same surprise and unbelief that he felt Hendron appeared Immediately aft er his daughter. "Drake! Evening, old man. Well, this Is odd. Here we guest at the White House right now and has been for ten days." "I've seen his name," Tony said, and continued: "As I was saying, It hasn't made as much difference as you would Imagine. I think that the work of keeping the public Informed has been marvelous. The radio goes twenty-fou- r hours a day, and the newspapers appear as often as they have anything fresh to print People are kept encouraged and reassured and directed. Of course, part of the general calmness Is due simply to mass Inertia. For every person that will get hysterical or do something foolish, there are about ten who will not only fall to get hysterical, but who cot even recognize that their lives are presently going to be changed. Anyway, that's the Impression you get of It. The Answer to That One Lofty Assumptions "You have been getting some bad "Were you ever kissed?" the old advice In business." maid was asked. "I have," answered Mr. Dustin "Well, If I should die tomorrow it would not be from curiosity," she re Star. "I had a highbrow group of advisers. But highbrows are always plied. Cincinnati Enquirer. Inclinations. suspected of high-ha- t Instead of a brain trust I got merely So It Goes Barney Did the doctor cure Kelly a brain crust" )f Insomnia? Tim He did. Now Kelly tan't She Was Willing Curate (admiring a bowl of bulbs) rteep nights wondering how he's go- How lovely to think It will soon be tng to pay the doctor I TO BE CONTINUED.) opening time, Mrs. Bird. Mrs. Binks Well, now, and whoSlave Colony in Haiti Equality for All On the west coast of Haiti there Friend How's the boy since he ever would have thought of you say-IIs a most unusual colony. a thing like that! But I'm game :ame back from college? It went there following the Civil Man Fine I Still treats us as to pop out for a quick one If you slsts solely of American negroes equals. feel like It London Tit-Bitwar in this country. While this colony practices voodoolsm, witch doctory, and so on, they have never mixed with the natives of the Island. They govern themselves and wonder of wonders have never been bothered, even during Haiti's many revolutions. Of course, they are necessarily rather primitive, but the colony has prospered. They have shipping arrangements whereby they sena their products direct to the Dnrted States. The preacher of the colony Is also their school teacher. He sometimes comes to the States to catch op on what Is new end takes back at many books, papers and Ideas as he can afford. Pathfinder Magazine. n' con-wh- o s. |