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Show Thursday, December 27, 193 i THE TIMESNEWS, NEriU. UTAH Miami Coast Guard Planes Salute the Pandora PAGE THREE Scenes and Persons in the Current News The New Year wm m 11 iiiaim hi , jpw;mr--'i..- , ' -- Tht year U dying in th nixh; Ring out. boll, mnd 1H him di: - 7. v .... t . , I 'J'upjiJ' llllWfc ' I" l" In 1 m..v-v- .. I Mi li Arcturus, Acanar and SIrlus, saluting the Pandora, newest of the government's coast guard patrol boats, as she nears Miami, Fla., where she will make her permanent base. Three of the Miami coast guard planes, the Notables on Supreme Court Building Pediment ... .. .......i. i.i iii"hi i imi hbh.iii im.t.i. ii V )iJFT?r TP? .Vw. fcl': -- A ?s iW j&A J m. ' 'Ring out faltt pride in place tf blood, Tht civic ilander mnd tht tpita; Ring in tht love ml truth and riitht: Ring in tht common love of good. "" -y TV (I pry y - . sxr 01 t tht tare, tht tin, Tht faitltleu coldnet of tht timet; Ring out, ring out, my mournful rhyme But ring tht fuller minttrel in. V?ri A TP- "Ring out the want, ' I't'l- . "Ring out the grief, that tape the mind. For thoie that here we tee no more; Ring out the leud ol rich and poor; Ring in redreu to ail mankind. 1 "Ring out a tlouly dying came And ancient forme of party ttrife; Ring in the nobler modes of life. With tweeter manner, purer law. Jxkr.J:L2 . 1 "Ring out Am old. wing in th nrui; Ring, happy belli, merou the tnuu't Tht year i$ going, lei him go; Ring out the falte, ring in On true. . ......i..... wi', v.K By Tennyson 1 .., , je. ,. '. it Vr v ' " WTv-C- i!'mJm m J - 1 Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt consulting Santa Cluus about Christinas presi-ntfor the White Hons children. 2 Leugue of Nations delegates discussing the plebiscite in the Saur. 3 Great "Beulto Mussolini Sanatorium" at Rome Just foruiully opened by the premier of Italy who Is its sponsor. g New Santa Anita Race Course Is Now Open "Ring out old thape of foul disease; Ring out tht narrowing lust of gold; Ring out tht thousand wart of old. Ring in tht thousand year of peace. "Ring in tht valiant man and free. The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be." Lcstfe It to 4 iew ivtoxy ' C runes WAS 11:00 p. m., December VriilMrlWMI--- iw;,iam'ilali8S''"jm" :....&.StSiiBKi..-- " J .. Several notable men, some liylng, some dead, appear among these figures on the western pediment of the new Supreme court building In Washington. Left to right, the figures are: Former Chief Justice William Howard Taft, when a student at Tale; Elihu Root, former secretary of state; Cass Gilbert, architect of the building; "Authority"; "Liberty Enthroned"; "Order"; Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes; Robert Altken, sculptor of the pediment and former Chief Justice John Marshall when a lad. t s? ij .TCi.ifliiiirio1iwtiartiftiiiftJte i- x . i v., , - . . . Sjrw.roin?hiiHil Louis Wittenborn, Harold Hlckerson and Fames O. Eaton, of the Rank and File committee, in their Washington headquarters planning for the coming of another "bonus army" which, they predict, will make the last one look like a Boy Scout camp. The army Is due In Washington by the middle of January and "will Btay until the bonus Is paid." ' '" f. w lit 5 K 4 I 'I V :;lf X f ' ' ,jf it feiriynwtrr'rrf"-"j''j- that Mark's deals were not always ethical. Others said, "Get the busi- t,.. - v.,.....!,.., s..w..........f.v. irif imrt-tf- ftiifrifnww '"aaiuifr niirimiinYi' """-r Y,iv1',fiiftiai This Is the paddock of the new Santa Anita race track at Arcadia, near Los Angeles, Calif, which was officially opened on Christmas day. The cost of the plant was about a million and a quarter dollars. LEARNING TO SHOOT s. I ' 1 li i vv J. Presentinsr a Medal to Roosevelt t clean-cu- t meth- ods there was only admiration, though It seemed that Mark would win. Jerry left a sympathetic group, went to the telephone and dialed a number. "Hello! Nancy?" His voice was unenthusiastic. "Mark is up three hundred and ninety on me, and there is less than an hour to go. I'm sunk I" Nancy's voice came back to him encouragingly. "Hold everything and leave it to Nancy!" Jerry hung up, wondering, but strangely revived. Nancy was such a good little sport. At 11 :42 Nancy breezed Into the SWISS PRESIDENT I - J France, the world's champion motor cycle stuDtlst. Speeding along a curved road at 50 miles an hour, he climbs on a framework several feet above the handlebars of his motor cycle, steering by the balancing of his arms and body. $ r trade-in- Some of the boys insisted But for Jerry's H- - : i of w f'" ? nit & K. U ' 'in iiiiinnrmi An order requiring all New York policewomen and police patrolwom-eto report for target practice once every three weeks, at the precinct headquarters to which they are at... T ' mrnii aA4UMK4?' V gftilmiil ilnnnfi-tached. Indicates that the time Is not far oft when they will be armed John L. Merrill, president of the society, placing the while on duty with revolvers of at least .32 caliber. There are now in society's medal about the neck of President Roosevelt. Sprullle Branden, member of the society's council, Is directly behind the President. The the department 105 policewomen and 50 police patrolwomen. The award was for Mr. Roosevelt's work In promoting friendship among the photograph shows one of the police- nations of the Western hemisphere. women on the range at police n m i "Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars." "How Much?" show room and motioned over to a sport roadster. I - X'. Miwmiir'n?m-fi'tnirr-i"- Even the famous "man on the fly Ing trapeze" could take lessons la daring from "daredevil" Colndet of Cleveland Housing Project Under Way .: Salesmen of the "Speeda-wa- y 6" stood in groups discussing the bonus contest of the year an extra $1,000 to the salesman with the greatest cash total, exclusive ness H REMOTE CONTROL Preparing for Another Bonus Army IT3L Jerry "How much?" she asked. "Eight hundred and fifty dollars," said Jerry. Understanding dawned upon him. Nancy wrote a check for the amount. "Make out the papers," she said. "I want to drive it away." By that time the whole sales force had gathered around, including the distributor. Walker. The transaction completed, Nancy setled herself at the wheel and sped out the exit. Walker extended his hand to Jerry. "You win, Jerry! Congratulations !" Anderson, another salesman, remarked to Smith, "Did you get that? She planks down eight hundred and fifty to help Jerry win a thousand, which will pay for the car and leave a hundred and fifty over !" "What of It?" asked Smith. "Who that little peach?" mnaX "Why, she Is merely Jerry's fuiIm Tilt , ture wife. They are to be married Rodolphe MInger, reorganlzer ot tomorrow or rather, today. By Wrecking crews are here seen removing sore of the old buildings In the Swiss army, who was named the way. a hnppy New Tear, and the area In Cleveland, Ohio, where the federal public works bousing president of the Swiss Confederation nil clean deals!" tX WMtttin Newspaper Uatoa. for 1035 by the federal assembly. project is under way. Is NEBRASKA GOVERNOR f iYn rfln Brilliance, Brilliancy The words brilliance and brilliancy are so closely synonymous that the dictionary records them as An exception to Interchangeable. that Interchangcability might be taken In the event that two colors were to be compared. In such instance, brilliancy Is regarded as having degrees of quality. One would say, "The comparative brilliancy of two colors" rather than "The comparative brilliance of two colors." Literary Digest Reason for the Curfew The reason for the curfew was that In the early days all the houses were made of wood and thatched ' i straw, says the Montreal Herald. There were no chimneys, and the smoke bad to escape through a bole In the center of the roof, and thus fires often occurred. To prevent this happening at night the rule of putting out all Ores was strictly Recent portrait of R. L. Cochran, enforced. They were usually extinDemocrat, the new governor of Ne guished by placing over them a . . braska, large copper hood. -- mmrm - GANGSTER CAUGHT -- P v. V w V - ' I ; 'J frffirftiWi,YAS...jiiia-..Ajifc- y Joseph Burns, murderer and bank robber, and one of the last survivors or the Dlllinger gang, who surrendered to the police and government agents In Chicago. |