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Show "TIHiE (BATTLE wi, 'Ijtt,Jrls df the ESPP J . NEPHI. ITAII TIMES-NEW- r rl . 'J V PAGE SEVEN BRISBANE tants are in VALUE. IN RECORD OF LIFE. IS BEYOND PRICE FILM'S danger of disappearing or of being absorbed in other greups, or to advlso travelers visiting such places on the way to make a film record of scientific value. One must not expect too much from the ides, attractive as It Is, of sending out special expeditions In search of suitable material. The committee's resources will no doubt be small, and It might vitiate the scientific value of the pictures tuken If they had to pay for them themselves by sale for popular THIS WEEK When a race or tribe dies out, the record of its hallt often dies with It. There may l left building" or 105 Billions. lie Calm pottery or drawing. If not writings, from which nrelieologlsts enn piece 103 Kyes for an Eye together sotiu- - iiicture of what theso Pleases The Unexpected lost peoples were like In their daily Fourth Place for Us life. Hut the ilcture Is incomplete, Secretary Ickes has a real plan, perhnps fraKinentnry. The lost races exhibition. licit there Is sound work and poHnchgfi what wight be culled remain remote and unreal. The to be done on less exacting lines. One In spending. He has confin now to find a new mlg;ht add the suggestion that It Is lrrlieulogUt idence In this country and its manners of vanishing ally In the film or, rather, arche-eloglst- s not only the wealth. As chairman of the re In day to come will find Ioplcs which should be recorded but sources board, Mr. Ickes favors themselves btvo1 by Alms made In the many vanishing customs ef peopending $ I0.',ttoo.uo0.000 in the our time of peoples w ho are now dls ples whose survival depends on their next 20 or SO years on public Cppearlni- - ninl adapting themselves to new ways of who will soon be works. record. The congress of an- lite. Manchester (Eng.) Guardian. IHj not "stand and gaze," or fall thropologist which hn Just been Miles of Trees Planted backward; that Isn't so much mon- meeting in Ionlon has decided to set ey for Uncle Sum. Mr. F. II. Eck- up a permanent committee to superIn an orchard near Milan, Italy. er, whose Metropolitan Life Insur- vise the "film documentation" of 71 miles of pear trees and St m!le ance company, biggest In the world. races which are n clanger of dying of peach trees are being cultivated bus assets of K,o0,000.0(X), will out. The committee will have two tinder the most approved conditions. tell you that In really good times oialn duties, It will try to brins The orchard is ono of the largest Irs the United States' Income wus $!H),- - Icigcther what materials of the kind Kurope, having 200,000 pear and 000,000,000 a year, $(V),OUO.OOO.00 already exist often, as they say, "In O.ooo peach bearers. Several variefor wanes, $30,000,000,000 of other the most unlikely tiluees, news reels. ties of each fruit have been planted Income. In order to determine the best suited tropical films, etc.," as a sort of ceti-tr01m reference library. The to soil and climate. The promoters "An eye for an eye and a tooth second duty Is to send out expeditions Intend to export their crops when for a tooth" mny suit to places where the native Inhahi the time seems propitious. countries. It does "capitalistic" tnn be-jo- - til '1 first. Sis" At' f 1 nl ::;v.--; "Ilie V' - Battle of the Keqs" .from By ELMO SCOTT 1 rA was Hon-klnso- n, lost n submarine which ted a turtle-shapepromised to use for attaching bombs and time one-ma- fuses to the bottoms of the British warships which had sailed Into New York harbor to aid In driving Washington and his Continentals out of that city. The task of operating this queer craft was entrusted to another Connecticut Yan kee, Ezra Lee, and although he failed In bis major objective, he did succeed In setting off a bomb from beneath the water which threw up a great geyser of water and scared the enemy out of the harbor. Later In the year the British fleet sailed south to aid in the capture of Philadelphia and an chored In the Delaware river below that city. Al though Bushnell's submarine had not been suc cessful, his Ingenuity was not exhausted. Trad! tion credits him with conceiving the Idea of load Itig a number of kegs with powder and putting them In the river to float downstream and explode against the enemy ships when they touched them. Most of them blew up when they struck the Ice cakes in the Delaware, but one did destroy a British boat This was enough, however, to throw the British Into something of a panic. They opened a terrific Are on every floating object in the river, with ship after ship pouring broadsides into the water and the soldiers gathered along the shores keeping op an Incessant Are. When Hopkinson heard of this Incident, be was so amused that he wrote a satiric poem called "The Battle of the Kegs." Sung to a variation of the tune of "Yankee Doodle," it became on, of the ;nost popular songs of Washington's onunentais during me remainuer or ine war. thnn that, it has come down through the years as an outstanding example of the mock-- f heroic poems characteristic of that period and it has been preserved In virtually every anthology of patriotic verse and native songs. So even (though Francis Hopkinson had never done aijofhing else but write "The Battle of the Kepa," his fame would be secure. But there wer&otlier things In his record to make him """worthy. He was born inwho1'hiladelphla In 1737, the served as a Judge ion of an Englishman the admiralty and a member of the provincial - I KH5ore r II 1 11 ' X- 'A . Abf- - ? yr not appeal to Russia. There, to avenge the killing of one man. Kirov, Stnlin'g friend, 23 more have been shot, making a total of 103. "A hundred and three eyes for one eye, a hundred and three teeth for one tooth," Is a high price, and the number killed may be an Illustration for Last year Dr. Charles Penrose Keith of the chuich vestry learned that Elizabeth Conile, a daughter of Hopkinson, was buried in the old graveyard. He obtained permission from the Hopkinson descendants to dig in this plot In the hope of solving the mystery of the signer's burial place. When this was done, part of a skeleton was found and the bones were sent to Dr. Oscar V. Batson, professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania, who made a careful study of all the available evidence about Hopkinson, Including the known authentic portraits of him. Taking into consideration the probable height, weight and age of the man whose bones were dug up In the Hopkinson plot In the Christ Church graveyard, as well as the profile of the skull, and checking these with what was known of Hopklnson's stature and appearance at the time of his death, the anatomist was able to establish satisfactorily the fact that the grave of the signer had at last been found. The announcement of this discovery Is especially appropriate at this time, for January 5 marks the anniversary of an event in the history of the Revolution which brought Hopkinson almost as much fame as the .fact that he was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It was a comic opera battle which gave him the Inspiration for a poem that was set to music and became ne of the most popular soldier songs of the struggle for liberty. That was the famous "Batpe of the Kegs." During tlvfe Revolution, as before and for long afterwards, England was the "Mistress of the Seas." Exct for the victories of John Paul Jones, the fledgling American navy was pitifully Inadequate to cope wjth the sea power of Great t0 offset this was American ingenuBritRlnjut ity wJJicn flrst manifested Itself in 1776 when a V t.y - LISTEN IN SATURDAY 111 112 2 p. m. P. S.T.J 3 p. m. j METROPOLITAN the Continentals "in "Sonos that Cheered "TV XL- .- II ' tiri tunc? i'eveiy yl. Magazine) WATSON IECENT press dispatch from Phila delphia brings the news that science has solved a mystery of more than a century and that the "lost grave" of Francis a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and one of the most brilliant men of the Revolution, has been found at last When Hopkinson died in 1791, he was burled In historic Christ Church graveyard. Evidently his Inst resting place was unmarked at the time or so lnsufliciently marked that through the passage of years all trace of it Injf 1 1 TIIK Thursday, December 27, 1931 M.S-T.- GRAND OPERA The unexpected Is Interesting Ceraldlne and Is the essence of humor. Two Direct from its New York stage announced by old geotlemen, failing In their atFarrar. Complete Operas . . . three hours . . . sll N 13 C Station. tempt to strike oil, retired to the poorbouse. In the poorhouse backTHROAT yard they found, first, a good coal struck then oil deposit, Louis Mosenza of New Jersey ried Emperor Wang to the celeswent hunting deer, walked 20 miles, tial world, so the gift of a crane found nothing. At night he found Chew scroll signifies a wish of permanent a large deer banging In his kitchen. health. It walked Into the front yard, Mrs. Mosenza shot It Charles Dana Gibson, able artist, Geologists Fear End with friends went moose hunting, r , f of Falls of Niagara traveled far, by buckboard In the pay that the recent fall Geologists Maine forest, found nothing, packed rock at Niagara falls was only an of A to back the station. guns, drove Incident in nature's program for the fine bull moose and two cows complete destruction of the falls, un walked across the track. They less something Is done to preserve could not get out their guns in them. About 80,000 tons of rock fell Hopkinson time. Joseph on January 17, 1031, and such falls (A Silhouette bij Tini Greot.Seal ot ths have been observed by geologists tfopkinson United States Charles Wilson Peale) An KRA report says the United since 1S42. The water from Lake States comes fourth among nations Erie that tumbles over Niagara is In the march toward recovery and singularly free from grit and gravel, is gratified. There was a time when so there is nothing to wear away the fourth place did not particularly bed of the stream. When the forc with which the water falls undergratify Americans, but "small mer cies thankfully received." mines the softer rock under the hard 1" "Arise! Arise Sir Erskine cries; In tbe report Is the Gallants, attend, and hear a friend dolomite the substructure gives way Interesting thout "The rebels more's the Thrill forth harmonious ditty-Str- ange statement that countries still on nnd the rock under the water crashes. a boat are all afloat, things I'll tell that late befell the gold basis France, Italy, Bel Erosion has been wearing the falls And ranged before the city. In Philadelphia City. back nt an average of a little more gium, Holland, Switzerland show 'Twas early day, as poets say. least evidence of progress. combined with than three feet a year. If that rate Rythmic crew chewing, in "The new vessels motley sun was rising. Just when the exercises of the head and neck, was continues the 16 miles of falls and With Satan for their guide, sir, A soldier stood on log of wood Rumania's parliament discussed revealed recently at New York to rapids between the present Hp of in wooden Packed or bags, up kegs. And saw a sight surprising. a young lady with red hair named 2,000 models, members of the Models the cataract and the lake win wear Come driving down the tide, sir. As in amaze he stood to gaze Magda Lupescu, for whom the Ru- Guild, as the newest beauty formula. away by the year 23053 and there for war! Therefore, prepare bloody n will be nothing but a swiftly moving manian sirs-be king, Carol, has shown The advice came from a Those kegs must all be routed. The truth can't He denied, some partiality. It was suggested specialist In response to a request river. Engineers suggest a system of Or surely we despised shall be, spied a score of kegs or more In defense of King Carol that "hia from the guild for Information re- submerged deflecting weirs by which And British courage doubted." Come floating down the tide, sirs. there would be an Increase in the critics are too weak to be Immoral." garding the system. A sailor, too, in jerkin blue, The royal band now ready stand, A dozen exercises are Included In thin volume of water on the AmeriThat new view of Immorality The strange appearance viewing, All ranged in dead array, sirs, can side and a greater fall that would the complete routine. The Instructwould surprise several First damned his eyes in great surprise, With stomachs stout to see it out, characters. Including the good St ions for the one illustrated : "Start cover some of the exposed surface-oThen said, "Some mischiefs brewing. And make a bloody day, sirs. the Canadian side. Anthony. It was not understood with chewing gum one or two The cannons roar from shore to shore. "The kegs now hold the rebel bold the man who said he could sticks. After a few seconds, begin that The small arms make a rattle; Packed up like pickled herring; "resist anything except temptation" the exercise by tosslisg the head College of Moral Since wars began I'm sure no man And they've come down to attack the town was a person of unusual strength. from side to side. Then open your Is a college of morals, The church E'er saw so strange a battle. In this new way of ferrying." month as wide as you can. Close it a university of right living and a The soldier flew, the sailor, too. while endeavor Mr. Joseph J. Flske observes gradually, and all the The rebel vales, the rebel dales. culture room where the laws of life And, scared, almost to death, sirs, chew your gum." With rebel trees surrounded. are worked out Dr. W. Rem fry that among the "one hundred and to This Woie out their shoes to spread the news, exercise Is designed to tone Hunt. hills and floods, The who had Incomes of a distant eighty-on- e the woods, of ran And 'til out breath, sirs. With rebel echoes sounded. million dollars a year during the the muscles of the chin and lower Others promote a fine neck The fish below swam to and fro, Now np and down, throughout the town, war, the Jews may be counted on Jaw, Attacked from every quarter the fingers of one hand." He line and beautiful cheeks. Most frantic scenes were acted; And some ran here and some ran there, thinks this Interferes with Hitler's SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY "Why, sure," thought they, "the devil's to pay Like men almost distracted. 'Mongst folks above the water." theory that members of the Jewish Chinese Good Wishes race control the world's money and Some "fire" cried, which some denied, for Every Room Conveyed by Symbols Radio The kegs, 'tis said, tho' strongly made own most of it But said the earth had quaked; 20O Rooms 200 Bath From the earliest times, fish have Of rebel staves and hoops, sirs, And girls and boys, with hideous noise, That theory, of course. Is non- played an part In Chinese Could not oppose the powerful foes, Ran through the town sense. There Is no Jew among the life and art,Important In the Book of Odea and The conquering British troops, sirs, richest men In the United Stateg, we find constant references to them. From morn to night these men of might Sir William, he, snug as a flea, who are, or were until recently, The homonym of fish Is "abundance," Displayed amazing courage. Lay all this time John D. Rockefeller, Andrew W. and It Is a symbol of power and rank. And when the sun was fairly down Nor dreamed of harm, as he lay warm Mellon, Henry Ford and George F. They are among the charms given to Returned to sup their porridge. In bed with Mrs. Loring. Baker. keep away demons and evil spirits. he a starts upright, Now, in fright, a pen, men each A hundred with The homonym of eagle Is "heroic,' Awaked by such a clatter; Wise King George of England so that the Or more upon my word, sirs. picture of an eagle on a He rubs both eyes and boldly cries, knows which way the straws are rock Is a symbol It is most true would be too few of heroism and of HOTEL "For God's sake, what's the matter?" Their valor to record, sirs. blowing. Friends wanted to give tense and vigorous life. Tho wild a new he did him, Such by subscription, then espied feats At his bedside yacht goose and the duck are symbols of they perform that day Sir Erskine at command, sirs; costing $150,000. He thanked them, conjugal fidelity, and mutual assistUpon those wicked kegs, sirs. said he could get along well with ance, so pairs of earthenware or porThat years to come, if they get home, Rates $1.50 to $3.0Q Upon one foot he had a boot, his old sailing boat, and advised celain ducks are favorite wedding And t' other in his hand, sirs, They'll make their boasts and brags, sirs. The Hotel Temple Square has a that the $150,000 "be applied to peo- presents. highly desirable, friendly atmosA white or golden pheasant on a ple out of work." That kind of phere. You will always iind It immacking stays on bis throne. scroll Is an allusion to a council hall ulate, supremely comfortable, and council. Hopkinson was the first scholar entered said to have done much to fan the spirit of revoin the Han Lin academy, and thus thoroughly agreeaile. You can thereat the University of Pennsylvania (then the Col- lution In all who read It Throughout the Revolu fore understand why this hotel is: The marquess of Donegal tells the symbol expresses the wish that lege of Philadelphia) and was graduated with Its tion he continued to use his gifts as a writer In the London have the may happiness, that HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Sunday recipient Despatch first class. Ue studied law and was admitted to a series of satires directed at the British, which Chancellor and official preferment. Hitler, flying over east longevity You can also appreciate why: the bar In 1701. After serving as secretary to a were published in the newspapers of the day. Prussia, was attacked with gunfire The crane Is a bird of good augury, f fa a mark of distinction to sfoo conference between the provincial authorities and Besides being a signer of the Declaration of from another airplane, that fled at and only surpassed by the phoenix. t thit beautiful ttosteiry tbe chiefs of several Indian nations, and as li- Independence and one of the leading propagan Immorof is the steed after tbe aerial It ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. missing. brarian and secretary of the Philadelphia library, dists of the Revolution, another honor that bas high speed Perhaps that did not happen, but tals, for It was a crane which car- he went to England In 17C6 and became an Inti- been claimed for him by some historians Is that It might happen. mate friend of Lord North, Benjamin West, John he was the designer of the first Stars and Stripes Penn aad other notables. as our national flag and that he had a hand In TJnited States cotton growers deUpon bis return to this country he resumed designing the first great seal of this nation. Alcide by a vote of 9 to 1 that they his law practice, kept store for awhile and be- though the evidence as to his part In giving us want an extension of the Bankhead came a member of two societies which united In these symbols is not as conclusive as one might the production of cotact, limiting 1769 to become the famous American Philosophiwish It to be, certainly It Is more credible than ton. Consequently, production will cal society. In 1772 be was appointed Inspector the evidence upon which Is based the legend of be kept down and prices forced up. of the customs at New Castle but was removed Betsy Ross as the "designer" of the flag. . . . circulate among ourselves, in our own So far so good. because of his radical Ideas. Be nest moved to One other achievement of Hopklnson's deserves Another result will be that forN. a was and member of tbe J., Bordentown, community, that in the end build our schools and mention in the long list associated with his eign countries will gratefully Inprovincial council of that colony from 1774 to name. He not only wrote the poem which be crease their cotton safe churches, pave our streets, lay our sidewalks, increase 1776V In tbe latter year he was elected to the came one of the most popular songs of the Rev- from competition cfproduction, United States Continental congress from New Jersey and be- olution, but he also gave our farm values, attract more people to this section. to the nation a son, surplus cotton, and this came one of America's Immortals when he voted who In 1798 wrote the song cotton export trade will country's Joseph Hopkinson, gradually for the Declaration of Independence and later which, until Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Buying our merchandise in our local stores means fade away. Perhaps that is "all signed It Banner" swept the country 16 years later, was right." dollars at home to work for all of us. Cotton growers should keeping As early as J.774 Hopkinson won a nam for as the principal national song know. regarded popularly himself by publishing an allegory In wh'eh he of tbe new republic That was "Hall Columbia." C Kins Ti1lct, Ins. recounted the wrongs of the colonies and this is WNU Service O br Wutira Nawipaper Unto, ' LISTERINE FOR SORE for Beauty, Models Advised fed '"W" THE BATTLE OF THE KEGS pity-Wi- well-know- well-know- n half-nake- d. Temple Square IS us that our ir ftfo EBoltmrs |