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Show rilK Thursday, December 27, 1934 Ancient Bmge cf Bulgiuaa Six miles from the North sea Ilea Bruges, a modern Belgian city still quietly resting In the Middle ages, little changed since It wus the ceuter of the HaiiM-atlleague. The chimes of Us belfry bate been celebrated from thu Thirteenth century. Us towu hall Is six Its beutitlful hundred years old. Gothic churches were built liefore In Columbus discovered America. It lloepltal St. J cum are Meuillng's uiost Important painting. Vistas of old quays, and cauuls wltli many -- N cum-tnerclc M M M M M M M M bridges are fringed with gardens of ancient bouses. Monument to Faith The "Little House of Divine Providence" a home for the sick and destitute In Turin, Italy, Is a monument to fulth In humanity. It was started more than 100 years ago 0 with four beds. It takes care of Inmates at a cost of more than 115,000 a week. Yet every cent that It has received In Its history has been voluntarily deposited by benevolent souls lu a money box stuck In the wall iiear Its front door. M M n PAGE .FIVE NEFIII, UTAH w m o n H m M ?::: M M M M hi if I (I i 'I J" J M M M 4 -- lift M M Peculiarities of Camel The fact that the cauiel cau't be sheared or pulled Isn't the only peculiarity about hi m. There's also the curious fact that the extremes of the desert temperature Intense heat by day and chill coolness at night require that a camel must be kept cool by day and warm by night And for reasons that the scientists can't explain, camel's balr cloth retains that paradox of M M M M m i5 n EB E M M M M m M M M M Elephant Light Sleeper The elephant, by reason of Its size and strength, might be expected to enjoy at least ten hours' sleep. Not so, however, for It seldom has more than two or three hours' rest at a time, it seldom lies down and spend the greater part of the night In restless shuffling and M M M M M M M te Largest Ship Elevator The largest ship elevator In the world Is at Nlederfinow, Germany, connecting the Havel, Elbe and Oder rivers. Barges arriving at Nlederfinow must be raised or lowered 120 feet, depending on the direction which they are going. M Hat Lowest Temperature According to the weather bureau, northern Minnesota In the Lake Superior section has an average temperature over the entire year probably lower than any other section of the United States. Camel Cannot Swim The cauiel Is about the only crea-turthat cannot swim. It Is buoyant enough, but there Is something wrong with its balance, so that It's bead goes under water and It drowns. e The Word "Money" The word "money" Is said to be derived from the Roman "moneta," the name given to their silver by the Romans because It was coined In the temple of Juno Moneta, 69 a Require Little Food Those extraordinary animals of or South Africa, the aard-vark- s earth pigs, weigh about as much as a man, but live almost wholly on a diet of tiny termites. M M M M M M M M Inl M M M M HVsWnKnssnnVBlHBSBBll jpMelWellBlll sssBnSolnWfsnW "flBI M M M M M nM M M rt m M hi New Years Eve Doors Open At 9:30 P.M. M m m M M Tribal System Ended Indians of the Northwest followed the lead of Navajos In the Southwest, discarding the old tribal sheep-her- d system of Individual ownership. M NEW YEARS WIGHT M M n M M m Largest Clock What Is said to be the largest clock with moving figures in the world was made for Installation at Paddlngton station, London. M M Perpetual Motion Jud Tunklns says debt Is so hard te atop that It's about as near per- M hi M m - M M m hi J Fastest Flying Quail Baby Elephant Playful Baby elephants are as playful and Intelligent as dogs, says a jftfUUBtt, H M N N H an Bodies Like Stove fVuinan bodies are like stoves OS per cent of the heat generated $ radiated. M M M M M snenninyBeBBi&e2an&eM M M M M M Capitol Dome 4.800 pounds of mixed paint to paint the dome of the Cap men itol In Washington. Thirty-fiv- e working three months are required in North Michigan and southern Canada have the largest, strongest and fastest flyAng quail In America. ?u": M M It takes Would Be Long Ride ft would take an automobile traveling 60 miles an hour 175 years te reach the sun from the earth. (JjaaM m Where Wlvo Are Found Nearly all young girls In Sweden, when they finish their schooling, take a course In cookery and house keeping as well. as he thinks we'll M M M M M Jv M '' Armor an was armor When worn, esquire would tufrn somersaults In com plete mall except for the helmet, In order to accustom himself to the weight ef the armor. ooiogtet. S. M OolUer'a Weekly. petual motion ever get m Hi Mb m 10,-00- b. li it, TIMES-NEW- M till M m m m n J Hill Li LIZ vJ I B LZI U n UU LL KHVU VmJLI Li U ' tS Hi Uu JiJLJ Gent 40c M M M w M M M M M M M M M m M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M-m Short WCTPIjW Kendall's wt Lj sMI Ulj M M M M M M M M a M m |