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Show THE PAGE EIGHT Local --.Social ALLEN'S CASH STORE 10 Lb 55c 7c For Package 25c CORN, Standard Brand, 3 Cans Blue Rose RICE, 5 lbs Northern White Beans 4 lbs Cocanut, Sweetened lb Citron Peel lb Banner Milk, tall cans 4 for White King, Large Size Bulk Mince Meat, 2 lbs Wheaties- Package 29c ... 19c .'.25c 9c 25c 29c - 25c 10c Veal Roast 90 A. 9c LB Beef pot roast Spring Lamb SHOULDER CHOPS 10c Pound Pound 3-- yr 3-- yr SHOULDER 35c FOR A.. 960 bu.; bu.: 193377 A. Soren P. ChrUtensen, Sec. 1, 13, 120 A.: 193060 A.. 1080 bu.: 1931 60 A.. 480 bu.; 1932-- 40 A., 600 bu.; av.- - 60 A., 720 bu.; 1933 0 A. Oeorge L Connelly and Jenny Petersen, Sec 35. 160 A.: 193080 A., 950 bu.; 1931 80 A.. 750 bu.; 1932 av.- - 80 A. 800 80 A., 700 bu.; bu.: 193380 A. Harvey R. Francom. See. 16, 29, 0, 195 A.: 193070 A.. 1700 bu.; 1931 156 A, 2475 bu.; 193285 A., 1000 av.- - 100 A., 1425 bu.; 1933 bu.; av.- - 77 A.. 1027 3-- yr Pound Package 4 193280 923 bu.; 3-- - LARD Mrs. Margaret Miller and Kir. D. to a Sparta were delightful party to honor of Mrs. Lucy Miller last Tuesday afternoon. The room was decorated in Hallow e'en colors and a delicious Hallowe'en dinner was served to the following guests: Mrs. K. C. Lund, Kirs. John Carter, Mrs. Lucy Jones, Mr, Jane Jones, Mrs. J. O. Irons, Mrs. James Bean the honored guest. Mrs. Lucy Miller and the Mri. Margaret M tiler and Mrs. D. D. C. Sparks. Mlas Minnie Belllston entertained her Sunday School class at a prettily arranged Hallowe'en party last Monday venlng at her home. The evening was enjoyed by the follow lug guests: Ina and Inas Howarth, Thelma Linten, Mary Olpln. Mar-Jor- le Carter, Fey Ingram, Florence Allen, Lynn J nklna Harold Olpln, Byron Belllston, Robert 8tephensen. Jack Oolden, Marsdon Cazler. Oarth Minnie Belllston. Ore nhalgh, and the hostess. Miss Tolley. Jeff Andrews Stellman WHEAT ALLOTMENTS Continued from page five C. Specials; November 3 & 4 Hewletts Tea Sugar One Half Pound NEPIII, UTAH TIltfcS-NEW-S, 12c 81 Owen L Francom, Sec 25 A.. av.- 3-- yr 32 29, 193028 A., 700 bu.; 1931 500 bu.: 193228 A. 500 bu.; A.: 1- -2 - 23 2-- 3 25 A. A., 566 bu.; 1933 An Interesting Hallowe'en party was given Monday evening, October 23, in the High School building by a committee from Miss Brown's and Miss Wright's foods class, to the other numbers of the Foods DeWho's Coin T Win? partment. A treasure bunt was the diversion of the evening. A wlerd Talk of the class series la caus- Hallowe'en story was given by Miss Delicious refreshments ing great excitement in the high Wright. school this week. "Who is going to were served. Special guests were win?" "Who plays for the Junior ?' Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Erlckson and "Who plays for the senior f" These Mr. and Mrs. Grant Oardner. are some of the questions that are The "Jackel X Gang celebrated going around the school. ; We shall seen who will win next Hallowe'en, Saturday, October 28, Friday when the seniors play the in the old post office building. The Juniors. Captain Rex Bryan will Oang members decorated the hall likely use Earl Sells, Wallace Ord. and furnished a delicious lunch to Malcolm Warren, the following: La Mar Kendall, Merlin Orme. Vance Phillips, Oeorge Parks and John Ord. Monte Bailey, Leo Anhimself for his senior team. derson. David Salisbury. Jack Starr, Captain Dick Oarbett will prob- Milton Shaw, Don Whipple. El Rsy ably use John Ord, Monte Bailey, Fehr. Daryl Olpln, Joel ChrUtUon, Maurice Harnett, Jack Starr and Jack Cowan, and the gang: Nan Sudweeks as his main Brough Lu Dean Wade, Jtne Dint. Raymond ftays. The schedule Is as follows: Marjorie Jackson. Margaret Wrlfrht, seniors vs. Junior high: Junior vs. Beth Burton Enid Howarth. Alton bophomores Wednesday; Thursday Ellison. Betty Starr Shirley Irons, senior vs. sophomores and Juniors Alice Hall and Malda Starr. Chap-eronwere Mrs. L. J. Wade and vs. Junior high: Friday seniors vs. juniors and sophomores vs. Junior Malda Starr. The time was spent In playing bridge, dancing treasure High. hunting and eating. Aim Of 8chool Departments Did You Notice? The aim of the different departments of the school this year are How the teachers hated to resume school work Monday after as follows: the big wild exploits In The English department, under their the supervision of Mr. J. V. Stlmp-so- n, city. They are almost as reluctant as the students. The marching la for each student to acquire a decent mastery of our language as soldiers In the band "We're In look far aa reading, writing, and speak- the army now." The worriedCast-Will of the Opera ing is concerned and to employ al- on the faces The ever their has he get skill all parts? the they ways language Hurrah! swimming pool Is ready acquired. wlld-flr- e that music The department, under the The news spread like at last we might splash and paddirection of Mr. Erlckson. Is to trajn each student thoroughly and to give dle to our heart's content . an equal opportunity for each stuThe home economics department dent desiring musical training. The Agriculture department, un- under the supervision of Miss Eve-ot der dlercUon of Harry Beagley. Is lyn Brown, Is to make this kind to train the boys desiring practice work an important part In the girls and knowledge O'J this vocation so and make them all on the same that their work In this line will be equal. a success In their future life. The Social Science department, under the direction of Mr. C. W. Fred M. Weenlg of Riverton spent Johnson. Is to develope within the part of Saturday and Sunday in students the desire to become bet- Nephl, the guest of La Von Harris. ter citizens and to understand the social conditions of the world. 5c Lamb Stew, lb -- We Buy Local Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Egg 1930150 193070 936 bu.: 34, 30, A., 950 bu.j 193270 A., av.- - 71 A., 946 bu.; A.. 1980 bu.: 193170 A., 960 bu.; 800 bu.; 193270 A., 750 bu.; 193372 A. av.- - 110 A., 1180 bu.; 193365 A. Margerate Powell and Augustus Richard H. Gardner, Sec. 1, 12, W. 8unbridge. Sec 29, 56 A.: 1930 26 A., 468 bu.; 193124 A., 140 240 A.: 1930118 A.. 2006 bu.: 1931 av.-2118 A.. 1770 bu.; 1933118 A., 1180 bu.; 193226 A., 390 bu.; av.- - lis A., 1652 A., 332 bu.; 193324 A. du.; bu.; 1933 118 A. Eugene Powell, Sec 10, 530 A. Lowell Hanson, Sec 15, 320 A 1930113 A.. 1725 bu.; 1931 3 A., 1930100 A., 1770 bu .: 193195 A.. 950 bu.; 1932 125A 1000 bu.; av.- - Ill A.. 1223 bu.; 193395 A. 1710 bu.; 1932100 A., 1590 bu.: av.- a., DU.; 1933 93 A. Ralph O. and Tena Peterson, Sec. J. E. Hanson. Sec. 15. 320 a 6. 31, 75 A.: 193028 A., 560 bu.; 28 A., 193030 A., 630 bu.: 1931 50 A 193123 A.. 500 bu.; 1932 av.- - 27 A., 549 bu.; 850 bu.; 193225 A., 450 bu.; 588 bu.; av., 35 A., 610 bu.; 193360 A. 193325 A. Martin Stephensen, Sec. 18, 79 A.: Ralph O. and Frances J acton an, Sec. 31, 260 A.: 1930--60 A.. 1300 bu.: 193034 A., 510 bu.; 193145 A, 1931100 A., 1850 bu.; 193260 A., 540 bu.: 193234 A., 340 bu.; 1200 bu.; av., 80 A., 1612 bu.: av.- - 38 A., 463. bu.; 193345 A. Louise Shepherd, Sec. 20, 67 A.: 1933100 A. Elizabeth Jennings, Sec. 32, 160 193027 A., 702 bu.; 193140 A.. A.: 1930 1700 bu.; 193227 A., 324 bu.; 25 A., 550 bu.; 1931 av.- - 31 A.. 908 bu., 1933 30 A., 510 bu.; 193225 A., 300 bu 40 A. av.- - 26 A., 453 Peter Sorensen, Sec. 36. 228 A.! bu.; 1933 30 A. Leland S. and William 193080 A.. 1200 bu.; 193180 A., Sec 2, 240 A.: 193080 A., Jackman, 1100 bu.; 1200 bu.; 193280 A., 800 bu.; 1931160 A., 2080 bu.; 193280 A., av.- - 80 A 1066 bu.; 193380 A. 960 bu.; av.- - 120 A., 1709 bu.: William E. Shepherd, Sec 30, 31 670 A.: 1930170 A., 1400 bu.; 1931 1933160 A. Elsie M. Morgan, Sec 35, 55 A.: 200 A.. 1300 bu.; 1932170 A., av.- - 180 A., 1283 bu.; 193023 A 468 bu.; 193123 A.. 1150 bu.: 430 bu.; 193223 A., 453 bu.; 1933200 A. av.- - 23 A., 453 bu.; 193323 A. Augustus Shepherd, Sec 1, 2, 120 Eliza Morgan, Sc. 35 36 62 A.: 1930 A.: 193052 A., 700 bu.: 193146 A, 20 A., 325 bu ; 193130 A., 450 600 bu.; 193346 A., 500 bu.; av.- -- 48 A., 600 bu.; 193346 A . av-2- 5 du.; wmzv a., 225 bu.; A., 368 bu.; 193030 A. Albert A. Searcy, Sec 16, 630 A.: Delyle Morgan. Sec. 12. 13. 31. 3B -- 93085 A., 1870 bu.; 193180 A, 178 A.: 193075 A., 1125 1440 bu.; 193385 A., 1445 bu.; bu.; 1931 108 A., 1545 bu.; 1932 75 A.. 780 r av.- - 82 A.. 1588 bu.; 193300 A. av.- 84 A., 1115 bu.; 1933103 A Nephl Q. Taylor, Sec. 6 132 A.: o. Maimgren, Sec. 35, 36, 147 A 1930 85 A.. 1870 bu.; 193180 A., 825 bu.: 1932 1150 bu;. 193260 A., 1000 bu.; 67 A., 1340 bu.; avx.- - 63 A., 1123 bu.; 193355 A. av.- - 50 A.. 1066 bu.; 193350 A. Travis McClure. Sec. 18. 40 a Miller ACellle, N. G. Taylor, 193067 A. 1206 bu.; 193165 A Sec, 19. 54 A.: 1930 22A., 350 bu. 300 bu.; 193220 A., 200 1931 27 A.. 485 bu.; 193222 A, 330 bu.:, ... nnu HA. av.- - 23 A., 388 bu.; 1933 bu.: A., auu DU.; 1833 20 A. Ruben A. Mangleson, care Fed 27 A. erai iana Bank, Sec 12. 80 A.: 1930 Hugh Taylor, Sec 17, 80 A.: 1930 50 A., 650 bu.; 193130 A., 240 40 A.. 1000 bu.; 193140 A. 800 bu.; av.- - 40 A.. ou.; iaj-- i su a., 400 bu.; av 1932 40 A., 800 bu.; 43 A., 430 bu.: 193330 A. 866 bu.; 193340 A. Lorenzo Mangleson, Sec. 21, 32, Schulor P. Taylor, Sec 17, 170 300 A.: 1930120 A., 1560 bu.; 1931 A., 193081 A., 2000 bu.; 193188 A., a., 3000 bu.; 1932120 A., 1500 bu.; 193287 A., 1800 bu.; 1800 bu.; av.- - 121 A., 2120 bu.; av.- - vi a., 17BH bu.; 1933 88 A. 1933125 A. Augustus W. Tunbridge, Sec 18, Ruben A. C. Mangleson, Sec. 1, 2, 19, 65 A.: 193028 A., 440 bu.; 1931 22 A.. 300 bu.; 193228 12 207 A.: 1930124 A. 2356 bu.: 11, A., 460 av.- - 26 A., 400 bu.; 1933 193183 A., 1245 bu.; 1932124 A., bu,; 22 A. av.- - 113 A., 1737 bu.; ibia du.; Peter Christian Winters, Sec 18 193383 A. Charles A. Mangleson, Sec 25, 28, 19, 112 A.: 193051 A.. 1632 bu.; A.' 30, 157 A.: 193073 A., 1380 bu.; 193168 A., 812 bu.; 1932--51 av.- - 53 A., 1086 193178 A., 1950 bu.: 193273 A. 816 bu .; bu.; 1113 bu.; av.- - 74 A., 1481 bu.; 193368 A Alma Winter , Sec 18. 19, 139 A 10 A. Martin W. Mangleson. Sec. 13. 14 193047 A.. 950 bu.; 193176 A 24. 6, 18 12, 1 865 A.: 1930395 A. 1200 bu.; 193247 A., 940 bu.; 8052 bu.; 1931470 A., 5568. bu.; av.- - 56 A., 1030 bu.; 193376 A Eric Wankler, Sec 18, 95A .: 1930 1832395 A., 7129 bu.; at.- - 420 --50 A., 950 bu.; 193145 A.. 1035 A., 6918 bu.; 1933470 A. av-4- 8 George Neilson. Sec 31. 65 A. bu.; 193260 A., 750 bu.; 193025 A., 375 bu.; 193125 A A., 911 bu.; 193345 A. Arvll C. Wankler, Sec 30, 86 A : 400 du.; 193225 A., 350 bu.; av.- - 25 A., 375 bu.; 193325 A. 193034 A.. 612 bu.; 193128 A, Leslie Reese Painter, Sec 22 23 26 448 bu.; 193234 A. 544 bu.; av.- - 32 A., 634 70 A.: 192970 A., 1050 bu.; 1931 bu.; 193328 A. 70 A., 910 bu.; 1932 00 A., 00 bu.; Hyrum P. Winter, Sec. 1, 13, 18. av.- - 35 A., 490 bu.; 193345 A 77 A.: 193040 A, 600 bu.: 1931 291-- 2 Nicollne S. Powell, Sec. 10, 11, A.., 790 bu.; 193240 A., av.- - 38 A., 630 270 a.: 1830110 A., 1200 bu.: 1931 500 bu.; bu.; 100 A., 1100 bu.; 1932110 A.. 1000 193329 A. av.- - 106 A., 1100 bu.; 1933 ou.; Cmristlan J. Winter, Sec. 6, 11 19, 153 A.: 193076 A. 1390 bu.; 1931 100 A. Alex Peterson, Sec. 8, 17, 80 A. 74 A, 1125 bu.;, 193285 A, 1055 av.- - 78 A., 1190 bu.; 1933 193040 A., 1000 bu.; 193140 A. bu.: 800 bu.; 193240 A., 800 bu.; 74 A. av.- - 40 A., eoe bu.; 1933 40 A, Joseph Wankler Sec 29, 177 A.: Wm. Shepherd and Hannah Mane 193085 A., 1410 bu.; 1931 64 A., 1120 bu.; 193285 A, 1280 bu.; Peterson, Sec. 7, 12, 275 A.: 1930 59 A., 1200 bu.; 193135 A., 525 bu.: av.- - 78. A. 1270 bu. 193364 A. av.- - 51 A., 193269 A., 590 bu.; John C. Jensen, Sec 25, 26, 30 771 DU.; 1833 35 A. 36, 205 A.: 193085 A., 1020 bu .: Erastus P. Peterson. Sec. 19. 24 193185 A.. 935 bu.; 193285 A 30. 116 A.,: 193052 A., 990 bu.: 850 bu.; av.- - 85 A., 935 bu.; 1931 52 A., 890 bu.; 193252 A. 193385 A. av.- - 52 A 903 bu.; 830 bu.; Adv. 3-- yr Short's 3-- 3-- yr ieo 3-- yr 3-- yr 4-- yr 3-- BLACK PIRATES ag 3-- Have 3-- yr 3-- 3-- yr 3-- yr Them COME IN t. 3-- 3-- yr Co. in Rich Blues Greens, Henna and Black. i Everyone will want a new dance frock for Nov-- . ember holiday. A Hanson Style Shop J t I GOOD THINGS TO SPECIAL LUNCHES 1 i EAT is 3-- yr Cinnamon Rolls Dough Nuts 1 Cookies Pies CLASSIFIED Confectionery Let us service your radiator now and prevent an unexpected freeze-up- . China bare Poland X. L. BAKERY for k-- jt Serv- iceSix Weeks old pigs for sale. . Ken Blackett. 2t. 1 Mangleson Wilson and they get homesick for you. return Riches. miss them, of course, home for rent, see Alex .! 3tpd. Ladles Black Kid Glove to Times-NeMaymev LOST . --I ... I . -- Prank Why not telephone them now and then or tell them to call you. n Low night rates begin at . v , . . .. w. WILL old SELL. OR TRADE pigs Phone 41. AT THE ,am vI cKais 6 weeks CLEAN COTTON RAGfc TIMES-NEWS OFFICE GOOD MILL RUN $13.00 PER Ton. Smaller quantities at 65c sack OUR POULTRY FEEDS ARE O THE BEST QUALITY & PRICES FRESH! The Long Distance operator will be glad to tell you the late to any . done. WANTED 8 :30 p. m. A telephone call wll chase the blues. ' V. Ehillipson. Phone station-to-statio- RIGHT Juab County Mill & Ele OV milk that we're T about It's and good talking FOR SALE QUICK fresh at every delivery. Not- - X 1929 Durant Coach, $200.00 or less. us a In advance for day iiy 1926 Chev Coupe-$50.0OUR FRESH MILK. . 1928 Chev truck $125:00 NOTICE $100.00 for any automobile thtt MEADOWBROOK can be driven to the garage on our- aemonstrator. A real snaD. New DAIRY It's point. our . on The Mountain States TeL & TeL Co. car guarantee. CITY MOTOR CO. . List of Nominations, Municipal Election, Nov. 7 REPUBLICAN PARTY TICKET DEMOCRATIC PARTY TICKET yr IJJ 3-- yr 3-- yr 3-- yr 3-- For Mayor PETER B. COWAN For Councilman, WTLFORD 1- -2 WILFORD BAILEY 3-- 3-- yr 3-- 3-- yr For Councilman, 4 year Term WILFORD BELLISTON . For Councilman, STEPHEN For Councilman, Term WALTER F. BROUGH ALVA , For Recorder GOWERS . ' . For Treasurer LEAH EVANS . 2year Term For Councilman, 2year Term : For Councilman, . . ... - CLARENCE For Treasurer FLORENCE R. OSTLER year Term Councilman, . Term ' . . For v, " 4 Councilman, " Term" JOHN RICHARDSON For Recorder ALBERT STARR - W. HOWELL For Councilman, Term ROBERT P. GARRETT For Term BOSWELL For Councilman, For Councilman, 3-- yr yr For Mayor For Mayor For Councilman, 2year Term ' Q ORSON CAZIER 4 year Term J. COLE ' - O Q 3-- 4-- yr i ,, . - tv,;. . . Term . For Recorder t For Treasurer . i... " COUNTY OF JUAB SS. STATE OF UTAH, I, Bessie Higginson, City Recorder of Nephi City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above Is a true list of the candidates certified to me to be placed on the official ballot of Nephl City for the municipal election to beheld November 7th, 1933. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sea! of Nephl City, Utah, this 1st day of November, 1933 (SEAL) 3-- yr 3-- yr t Attention given school students f5 NEPHI CAFE and Confectionery " J 3-- yr 3-- Radiator Protection Radiator Alcohol, per gal $1.00 $ 1.45 Glycerine Prestone $2.95 see real Fur-Trimm- ed 3-- yr 3-- yr Frosty Nights Call For " $5.95 To $16.95 Sons and daughters away at college. You 3-- yr A Values From Street Dresses on Sale SMART STYLE Sizes 14 To 20 If cold weather demands a new coat Coats-a- t values in Srart Miss Them? 3-- LET'S GET ACQUAINTED SILVER r.IAPLE SERVICE dance. Semi Formal It All Armistice for Dresses 3-- yr ' 3-- yr te Jackson Motor m 1- -2 bu.-3-y- Let us check your Battery. A New Genuine Ford 15 Months Battery for only $6.95 Guarantee. 15-Pla- New "Sunday Nite" 3-- Have a factory rebuilt motor installed in your Model "A" for $47.75 which is less than an overhaul. Be Ready for Winter It is time for radiator Antifreeze, Alcohol, Flozene, Glycernie and Prestone. We - i A '''' I 3-- 3-- yr Ford Car Owners NEW DRESSES 5 j-- yr 3-- yr. TUESDAY NOV. 7 Do You - If I 3-- yr 3-- yr ELECTION DANCE ARLINGTON HALL M. es Paystrup, Sec. 1933 Social Event. High School . News John L. Francom, Sec. 20, 29. 32, 114 A.: 193046 A., 920 bu.; 1931 53 A., 2120 bu.; 193248 A. 736 bu.; 3-- yr av.- - 48 A.. 1259 bu. 193353 A. Oeorge Francom, Sec, 30, 29, 320 A.: 1930160 A.. 3274 bu.: 1931 160 A., 4800 bu.; 1932160 A., 2400 1933 bu.: 3-- yr av.- - 160 A, 3491-bu.- ; 160 A. C. V. Flnell. Sec 16, 320 A.: 1930 85 A., 2050 bu.; 193179 A.. 1700 193362 A. av.-80James R. bu.; 193375 A., 1185 bu.; 3-- yr 1645 bu.; 193379 A. 35. 177 A.: John A. Grant, Sec. 11, 480 A.: 193172 A.. 2 Nov. Thursday, City Recorder. ; |