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Show Thursday, 2 Nov. 1933 THE 70 A. Continued from Page Four Chas. O. Miller. Sec. 2, 3. 116 A.: bu.; IS32 75Al, IwTiia A.. 1000 av.- 3 A., 800 bu.; 193051 A.. 510 bu.; 193153 A. 825 bu.; 680 bu.; 193250 A., 600 bu.;. 1933143 A. J. R. Park, Sec. 13, 160 A.: 1930 av., 51 A.. 447 bu.: 193363 A. CHASE bu.; 60 A, 600 bu.; 1931 CO A.. av.- - 60 ROY CHASE. O. H. PIERCE, ED1932 60 A. tOO bu.; WIN WILKEY. Community A., 400 bu.; 193360 A. D Edgar Park, M. W. Mangebson, James L. Chase, Sec. 4. 8. 9. 10, Sec. 29, 32, 250 A.: 1930 1350 bu.; 1931100 A., 1000 360 A.: 1930140 A., 1260 bu.; 1931 125 A., 1500 bu.; 1932140 A.. A.. 1628 bu.; av.- - 134 A., 1386 bu.; 100 A. 1400 bu.; A., 1289 bu.; 1933 1933125 A. Jesse Pay. Sec. 24. 160 A.: 1930 James Chase. Sec. 33. 3, 4 10, 1490 bu.; 193180 a., 1000 wrXT'mA.: 1930425 A., 5100 bu.; 1931 1400 bu.; lu- - 1932 80 A, 350 A.. 3500 bu.; 1932-4- 21 A.. 4250 v , 80 A. 1460 bu.: 193380 A. av.- - 387 A.. 4283 bu;. 1933 Sevent first Quorum Seventy. Sec. bu.; -3- 50 A. 6 31, 384 A.: 1930180 A 2724 bu.; Edwin A. Chase Sec 9 10 114 A.: bu.; 1932180 A., 1931160 A.. 3194 45 A. av.- - 173 A. 2818 bu.; 1930 45 A., 675 bu.; 1931 2716 bu.; 450 bu.; 193245 A.. 450 bu.; 1933 175 A. avx.45 547 bu.; 193345 A. A, John R. B perry Richard Sudweeks Mrs. Vera D. Christensen, Sec Sec 7 8 1 14 5 31 32 23 6 1080 An 31 30. 32. 240 A.: 1930113 A.. 1130 520 A.. 8550 bu.; 1931420 A. 1930 120 A., 1140 bu.; 1933 bu.; 1931 7805 bu.; 1932620 A.. 8350 bu ? 113 av.- - 115 A, bu.; av, 470 A. 6866 bu. 1933420 A. 1171 A..bu.;1243 1933120 A. Celia Elizabeth. C. E. Stephenson.34 8. T. Howard. Sec. 22. 23, 26. 33, Tenant. Sec., 14 15 22 23 27 34. 560 A., 1930300 A. 2100 bu.; 1400 A.: 1930500 A.; 1587 bu.; 1931 155 A.. 400 bu.; 1932190 A., 193- 1- 500 A, 1973 bu.; 1932 500 A.. av,- - 195 A ..1070 bu.; av.- - 500 A, 4642 bu.; 700 bu.; 4368 bu.; 1933150 A. 1933500 A. Orson Harvey Pierce, Sec. 13, 14 John W. SidwelL. Sec. 18. 160 A.: 193180 A., 23. 24. 840 A.: 1930200 A., 3800 bu.; 193060 A, 1499fin bu.; A 1266 bu.: 3- - 1931150 A., 4200 bu.; 1933 75 A., t,. 1QT2 av.- - 140 A., 2933 bu.; 800 vr av80 A.; 1393 bu; 193360 A.- J933 bu.; a Thomas ana wanier w. owiaiCalif Utah Lajid & Pet Co., Ralph 11 14. 278 A. 1930268 A St. John, Mgr. Sec. 15, 21. 22, 23, A. 00 bu.; 1932 4438 bu.; 1931-- 00 25 27 33 34 35 2 3. 3580 A.: -- wr av.- 268 A. 3208 bu.; iji 241930500 A. 6669 bu.; 1931500 A.. mi k,. ia3 OA A. 3000 1932125 A., 100 bu.; Win Melvin Stanley. Sec. 36. 160 av.- - bu.; 375 A.. 3555 bu.; 1933000 A. & 80 A.. 1300 du.: ianrw Edward L. and Clarence L. Wil1000 80 A. 1200 bu.; 193280 A. av.- - 80 A.. 1170 bu.; 1933 key, Sec. 21. 200 A.: 193080 A, bu.; 960 bu.; 193180 A.. 480 bu.; 1932 80 A. av.- - 80 A., 613 80 A.. 400 bu.; W. W. Stephenson. and W. Thos. 1987 bu.; 1933100 A. A.. 120 1930 A.: 240 26. Sec. Edward l. and Clarence L. Wil,,. . ittl120 A.. 720 bu.: 1932 Sec. 15, 16. 21. 400 A.: 1930 key, A. 120 av."a1320 80 - 1QMbu.;120 A. 190 A.. 2470 bu.; 1931185 A., 740 -- 1111 w,i av. rto.a noHihiirv Sec. 33. 158 A. bu.; 1932190 A.. 1330 bu.; 30 A 187 A, 1513 bu.; 1933 185A. 1931 193025 A., 407 bu.; 444 TINTIC DISTRICT bu.; 480 bu.; 193237 A.. Albert William Daw, Sec. 34, 35 31A. 444 bu.; 193320 A. 320 A.: 1930120 A.. 2475 bu.; 1931 Esther Tranter Sec. 19 76 A.: 70 500 1932120 A, 10 193038 A., 792 bu.; 193138 A., bu.; A, av.- -bu.; 95 A., 1079 bu.; 1933 685 bu.; 193238 A.. 456 bu.;. 75 A. A. av.- - 38 A., 644 bu.; 193338 Sylvester Grill, Sec 27. 320 A.: 1930 m, muo rr Vlrkprs ' Sec. 18.' 120A.: 30 A.. 700 bu.; 193100 A.. 00 bu.; A- 193050 A.. 1191 bu.; 193160 av.- - 15A, 193230 A.. 400 bu.; 1012 bu.; 193250 A., 873 oil-- ; 270 bu.; 193345 A. av- - 50 A. 1026 bu.; 193360 A. Frank Grill. Sec. 19. 320 A.: 1930 Alfred D. Winn. Sec. 11. 80 A.: 32 A., 280 bu.; 193100 A., 00 bu.; 193080 A., 560 bu.; 193100 A..av.-4-000 193215 av.- - 12 A.. 160 bu.; 570 bu.; A., 193280 bu.; A.. 110 bu.; 193322 A. A. 282 bu.; 193300 A. Howard J. Hassell, Sec. 1, 2, 450 Florence R. Winn and R. Winn, 225 A., 2250 bu.; -- 931 315 A.: 1930 tenant. Sec. 29. 30. 400 A.: 1930-1333 225 A., 3600 bu.; 1932225 A., 3150 A., 4534 bu.; 1931157 A., av.- - 225 A. 300 bu.; 1933 bu.; bu.; 1932158 A.. 1104 bu.; 225 A . A. av- - 189 A.. 2647 bu.;. 1933104 Miller, State Rob't Winn, Sec 8. 17, 320 A.: of William and Melvin owner, Sec. 15, 21, 27, 33 1930160 A., 696 bu.; 1931200 A., 880 Utah, A.: 1250 1930125 A., bu.; 1931 1388 bu.; 193200 A., 00 bu.; 125 A., 980 bu.; 1932130 A.. 1430 av-1A. 973 bu.; 193300 A. av.- - 127 A.. 1220 bu.; 1933 T. C. Winn, owner. bu.; , 'ean Winn, 270 A. 501 A., 1930150 A.: 598 25 36. Sec Thos W. McCormick, Sec. 5 .31, 1932 bu ; 1931140 A.. 1468 bi.; av.- - 144 A., 32, 680 A.: 1930110 A.. 1700 bu.; 150 A., 1390 bu.; 1931185 A.. 2450 bu.; 1933185 A., 1119 bu.; 1933160 A. 2100 bu.;, av.- - 160 A., 2301 Herbert H. Winn. Sec. 18. 26. 170 bu.; 1933-000 A. A., 00 1931170 A : 193000 A.. bu.; Nephi H. Packard, Sec. 31, 36, 800 810 bu.; 193200 A.. 00 bu.; A.: 1930120 A., 2270 bu.; 1931 85 A., 2385 bu.; 1933170 A. 180 A., 2186 bu.; 1932 180 A, 248 HfirJexander Wilson. Sec. 31 18 19. bu.; av.- - 160 A., 2301 bu.; 1933 A., 193082 A. 2460 bu.; 1931 130 A. ALv 3220 bu.; 1933 82 A., 1476 av.-8- 5 Sylvester Whiting, Sec 13, 21 24 bu; 193280 A. 880 bu.; A. 680 A.: 1930120 , 1030 bu.; 1931 A.. 2385 bu.; 193390 120 700 1932140 A., 975 Melvin Warren and R. F. H. War- bu.; A.. av.- - bu.; 127 A., 835 bu.; 1933 A., ren, Sec. 29. 154 A.: 193080 1932 240 A. 1200 bu.; 193174 A., 962 bu.; MONA av.- - 77 A.. 80 A., 880 bu.; REUBEN KAY, LEON VEST, OS 980 bu.; 193374 A. BORNE Community Worthington, J. E. Ostler, owner, Committee: YOUNG, Ostler E. J. Worthington, Eugene Le Sec 17, 18, 30 Ellerton, 640 Roy owner. Sec 6 190 A.: 193040 A. bu.; 193125 A. 375 bu.; 193240 A. av.- - 35 A., 525 bu.; DON'T GET UP NIGHTS 560 bu.; Local and Social 4-- 3-- yr Com-mite- O'er, 4-- 3-- yr - 3-- ;t. 3-- yr 3-- yr 3-- 4-- yr yr 3-- yr 3-- 3-- yr c. 3-- iji 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- 4-- o-- 4-- yr 4-- 3-- yr 5-- 4-- yr 97 3-- yr 3-- 3-- 4-- yr f 3-- yr 3-- yr A-- e: nMS-NW- 3-- Laron W. Wilson, Sec. 29, 75 A.: A., 659 bu.; 193143 A.. 954 bu.; 193232 A., 241 bu.; av.- - 36 A., 618 bu.;, 193343 A. Sec 12, James Greenhalgh. 53 A.: 192953 A., 1166 bu.; 1931 53 A., 848 bu.; 193200 A., 00. bu.; av.- - 26 A., 503. bu.; 1933 193032 3-- 4-- 53 A. a bladder nhvslf. ts, rlrlvo and excessive ar.ids out impurities that cause irritation, burning and rrequent desire. Get a 25c test box of. BUKETS. the bladder physic, from any dru2 store. After four days if not relieved of getting up nignts go DacK ana get your money. containing buchu leaves, juniper oil. etc.. acts on the bladder similiar to castor oil on the bowles, 11 you are Dotnerea witn bacnache, r leg pains arising from bladder disorders vou are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you wm get your regular sleep. Qeorge D Haymond, druggist, says Bukets. is a best seller. Adv S, Mrs. Ronald Jarret, Sec 13, 151 A.: 193060 A., 1700 bu.; 193140 A., 640 bu.; 193260 A.. 1164 bu.; av.- - 50 A., 1026 bu.; 1933 4-- 40 A. Effie Jane Miller, Sec. 1, 2. 202 A. 1930112 A., 1360 bu.; 1931 70 A , 1000 bu.; 1200 bu.; 1932112 A. 4-- Make This 25c Test You heed av.- - 91 A., 1100 bu.; 1933 Center of Things WllKN things are planned, it's understood they'll be at TUB NEW MOl'KJS Almost every important event social or business has for its locale Salt Lake's Finest Hotel. That accounts for its overwhelming popularity among out ol" town guests, tool The Newhouse Hotel I Salt Lake SPECIAL Intermoiinlain Double Kale Single Rate Plus 50c $2.00 to $4.00 Single Double ....$2.50 to $4.50 All Outside Rooms 2aeh With Private Bath Carage Facilities Adjoining 4-- yr Water President H. Sutton General Manager IV E. Chaunrey W. West Ass't Gen'l Manager Be Cautious 3-- yr Be Prepared 3-- yr -2 3-- yr J 3-- vr 1- -3 3-- yr -- 3-- yr 3-- vr CSS 1- -2 3-- ! 4-- yr 3-- yr 1- -3 J-- Ord & Mangelson 3-- vr 3-- 1- -2 a-- 5i 4-- yr 4-- vr I .u-- yr Rite - av.-21- ay 3-- yr 2-- 3-- X V 3-- 20 3-- yr 2-- bu.-3-y- 3-- 2-- 4-- yr 3-- 3-- yr 2 2-- IMtMMSSSttMtjTTi" 4-- yr 2-- k 3-- yr 3-- HORSES or COWS 4-- yr 3-- 3-- vr -a " By-Produ- 3-- yr 30 - eeveeeeeeeveeeeee 3-- yr A. Constitutional Amendments ffldDW Joint Rpiolutioa Proposing ma Amendment to Artlcl IS of th Constitution, Addition of Section Relating to Minimum Wsrs for Women and Minors: and General Welfare of Any and all Employees. Be it resoWed by the Legislature of th Stat of Utah, of all the members elected to each bouse concurring therein 2 SECTION I. That it is proposed to amend Article 1 of the Constitution hr the addition sf a section which will read as fol- A To esppca-- t President aad Join with S3 by th lows : EEC. The legislature may, by appropriate legislation provide for th establishment of m minimum wage for woasen and minors and may provide for tha comfort, health, safety and general werfar of any and all employees. No prarisioe of this constitution shall bo construed as a limitation upon tha authority af tha legislature to confer upon any commlsaioa mow or hereafter created such power and authority as tha legislature may deaaa requisite to carry out th provisions af tin section. TI V J&slefs4ss fbst abHsatJea September i, 191. Bmbllcatloa November 4, 19SI. CL -- lawlessness; give the legislature power of -- liquor control This Wny Hear Postmaster Genera! J. A. FARLEY Speak for President Roosevelt November 5, 8:30 p. m. AJtTICLB Over KSL TO VOTEHS tl To vote for n candidates In ftYr of ratification, or far all candidate! ags ratifi In the CIRCLE at, the head or the list of candidate for. whom you wish to vote. If ya To vote for ia the SQUARE at the r Indivual ea v.aidate ma:: a r. (X) To vote for a aersoa other than candidates tinted on the. bailot, write ia aan la Mi I'OK KATIFICAT10N AGAINST KATIHCATION. f proposed charift in ef proposed chanse hi CoesUtatles ef the Vailed steles GLEN O. ALLRED'. INEZ KNIGHT GEORGE S. BXL.LIF CLARENCE JOHN O. L BAMBERGER BEES LEY EPHRAIM I C. ELLIS, QJ CLAYTON , .. B HAMPTON A. ft. L. B. FRANKLIN sam a FRANKLIN Q S. HARRIS. Q J. FRANK KILUAN Qj JAMES VI 1. MAW CUNN - FRANK . . ,. Q .'. WILLIAM HERBERT UfM, A OREM R. fALMER- Q - "find of, Posv Regulation of Sale, Manufacture, JJse. or Traffic in Intoxicatinc Liauors. loa ot W. REHERD. Q j C, i-- &PH1NOER .... ( ROIIBRT Joint ResoluVVi Proposing an Amendment to Article 22 of the Constitution of theVLit of Utah by Repealing .Section 3 Thereof Relating to woniaaw- .- louise y. bqbisqn: T. N TAYLOR ItrPER....i.t-- g trnjiA.. M. Vi'a elating to Intoxicating Liquors Q MtKA- Y- HYLON T. PLUMB sbCORNICK. VI TUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. TWO HENRY M. MERKEL . 01JOW.:gJ MRS. S. CBOVEB won YESQ FOX.., J. HENDERSON t HANSEN HOLLENleC'K-.- U f MRS. JOHN K. HARDY WILMER MR3. JOHN A. HENBBICKS L. E, CARBON WILLIAM JB MAT. GILMOI R FRANKLIN JOSEPH CALDER RUTH MAY 1 M1AH DAY A B. 1 Q Q ALLEN,.- ,- HYRUM solution Proposing an Amendment to Article 16 ef'the Constitu- by the Addition of a Section Relating to a Minimum Wage for n and Minors; and General Welfare of Any and All Employees. ABEL JOHN EVANS. S. BROWN LAWRENCE Ajci hSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. ONE .Relating to Minimum, Wage for Women 1 and Minors 9 CHAS, W, DUNN BERGESON SOPHUS BERTELSON A 1 lnstitBtkMi of the Utf.ted Sutes O L. taut To violators; nullification aiiil t o avert LTo stamp out "Sactioa 1. The elthUenth srticle of amendment to U Constitution of the I ,. bctioi 2. The transportation, or importation int. any State, Territory, or for delivery er use therein of Intoxicating liquors, ia violation of the lews thereof, Is "Section 9. This article shall be inoperative unless It shall have been ratified I' totion by conventions is the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within a submiMion hereof to the Sestet by the Congress." INSTRUCTIONS go-in- to law VOTE This Way , Ia wltnesa whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, this 1st day af Sep- wnDw, avee. (SEAL) 1 other "sWulrod by the Senate end Beuse of tUpnsenUtlves at the United Stsl s U stth House OQKuirin ehereui). tht the bttewiar srticle is h tsa Coettitwiea e( Hie United Stales, 'which shall be vslid to sir intents sad put alien ratified br mmekions ia thMeourths et the severs! StsUs:. T EARL CLEMENTS. Secretary of State. L Ceeeesstsa to saaair er Bejeet ass VeVeeiaf PrseeeW.aaMS I M. H. WelUng, Secretary of State af the But of Utah, do hereby certify that th foregoing la a full, true and correct copy of the Constitutional Amendment proposed by th regular and special session of record In my office. I. To give the state and local governments revenue now g Iloose-vo- lt mtntea that have ratified the 2 1st 22i&i2c!i2aeiit which r e -peals the 18th amendment - - 8. Joint Resolution Proposing aa Amendment to Article XXII of th CaaatitB-tio- a of th 8 tat. of Utah by Sanaaling Section Thereof Relating t th Prohibition and Regulation at Sal, Manufacture, Use, Advertisement af, Possession of or Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors. Be It resolved by th Legislator af th Stat of Tltah, twe-thiraf aU members elected ta each lions and two-thirof all th members af aaa House concurring therein t SECTION 1, Repealing Section I ei Article 22. That it is proposed to amend Article XXII of th Constitution af Utah la th following particular, That Section 8 of Article XXII of th constitution of Utah be and tha same I hereby repealed. SECTION S. Duty of Secretary af State. Tha Secretary of Stat is hereby directed to submit th proposed amendment contained herein to to the electors of the state at th next general election In th manner provided by law. 8ECTION I. Effective Date, If adopted by tha elector of the state this amendment shall hav effect on the first day of January next succeeding a determination by the Board of State Canvassers of th result of th election designated la Section 3 hereof. VflDTE MEIPEA TTCD Election Day you will be handed two Repeal ballots, TOn sure to vote both as indicated below. Jf CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT IN KELATION TO MINIMUM WAGES FOB WOMEN AND MINORS MRS. Mr. J. munuy cor'nutee: 3-- HOTEL mSE WHOUSE Com- - 3-- yr A The MflfrVIN TOPHAM, 3-- CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT LATING TO INTOXICATINCJ LIUOfcB . At LER. Erlck O. fiyland. Sec. 21. 22. 320 A.: 1930 12k A.. 2987 hn 181- 1Charlps n Tn11iv rfttirnnrf M- "5 A.. 2100 J25 Al 2400 WSaturday a'ter a stay In Salt Lake av bu.: 15 A., 2495 bu.; wun menas ana relatives. Call your Doctor for all Major Accident and tuy 1933125 A. Wallace Tfilltv of Fnhritn visit Clarence N. Cox, Sec 33, 34 28 27 Ailments or when in doubt. ed Friday. Rattirrtnv anil Rimrinv in 720 A.; 1930200 A.. 2450 bu.; 1931 Nephl. at the home of his parent 200 A. 2200 bu.; 1933200 A., 2100 Mr. ana nars. unaries Jt. loney. ou.; -- 3yr av,- - 200 A., 2250 bu.; 1933 Th fnllnwinir Kpnhl rwnnta at 100 A. heir! tended tha funeral iwrvierm for T. O., John and Heber J. Fowkes, Mrs. J. R. Alder of Salt Lake City James Piatt, Sec. 4, 160 A.: 1930 Sec. 33. 4 , 8. 400 A.: 1930143 A.. on Sunday Mrs. Thomas 40 A.. 400 bu.; 1931 viewers 40 A., 400 bu ; 2860 bu.; 1931119 A.. 1785 bu Mrs. Mattle Vlckers. Mis Mabel 1932 30 A., 250 bu.; av.- - 36 1932 143 A., 1859 bu.; Syr av -A.. 350 bu.; 193318 A. Howarth and Harold Vlckers. 135 A.. 2168 bu.; 1933119 A. John S. and David Nellson, Sec. Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Topham. Sec. 28, 33 198 Fred Warren included: Mr. and 5 8 19 20 360 A.: 1930157 A.. 3529 A.: 193079 A., 1941 bu.; 193177 57 A.. 655 bu.; 1932 Mrs. R. H. Ogden and Mrs. II. C. bu.; 1931 A., 1775 bu.; 193279 A 1740 bu 157 A.. 2450 bu.; Larsen of Lyndyll. av.- - 107 A., A.. 1818 2 3 hn 10.VI Mrs. George Wilkey and Miss 1865 bu.: 193357 A. 65 A. J. W. Topham, Sec. 27, 28 360 A Dudley Swasey. Sec. 11, 14 390 A.: Ethey Wilkey returned home Sunday after a week's stay in Salt Lake 1930 43 A., 430 bu.; 193120 A. 193038 A.. 287 bu.; 193114 a'. uuv at true nome or r. uuu cars. 200 bu.; 193250 A., 500 bu.; 39 bu.; 193259 A.. 644 bu ! -Sfc av.- - 34 A., 332 bu.; 193320 A. av.- - 37 A.. 323 hn union tiirgaii. tan in a ?.,' eAlfred W. Seamons. Sec. 20 as Sc Dfvlnnmnt rv, r Iiand Starr 100 A.: 193030 A.. 600 bu.; 1931 187 A.: 193024 A., 396 bu.; 1931 m. rwier Mgr., Bee. 33, 32, 5, 8 25 A.. 250 bu.; 193230 A., 300 bu.; 18 A., 28 12 A.. 208 bu.; 4. 9, 3280 A.: 1930335 A.. 4100 8bu.; 1932 bu.; av.- - 28 A.. 383 bu.; 1933 20 A. yr av.- - 18 A.. 277 15 A, 1931390 A., 3150 bu.; 1932335 A.. bu.; 1933 Jas. Wm. and Thos Lester Kay Jas W. Vest, Sec 5, 7, 32 33 451 3325 bu.; 353 av. 3225 A., Sec. 24. 322 A.: 1930160 A.. 3260 A.: 1930146 A.. 2492 bu.; 1933350 A. bu.; 1931 for a all Minor Ailments, common colds, cuts, bu.; 1931132 A., 1429 bu.; 1932 156 A.. 1262 bu.; 1932 117 A.. 1147 fe Dev. Co., John W Starr Land av.- - 146 A 160 A.. 2566 bu av.- - 139 A.. 1633 bu.; Bruises, etc. 1933 Fowkes, Tenant, Sec 4, 8, 80 A bu.; 2342 bu.; 1933128 A. 150 A. 1929 75 A.. 1H75 hn urn a Check Mrs. Wm. H. Garfield. Sec. 5. 103 up on your medicine chest and replenish Robert Earl Vest. Sec. 13. 32, 110 1350 bu.; 1932 00 A., 00 bu.; A.: 1930 20 A.. 340 bu 193160 A. a.: the 43 A., 800 bu.; 193133 necessities v.- with high quality Drugs and i30 a., bob bu.; 193375 A 694 bu.; 193220 A.. 175 bu.; a., jao du.; 1932 43 A., 518 bu.- Fred A. Searle, Sec. 4, 5, 33, 276 Goods here at store. our BV- .- 33 CO A 403 1B33 bU.: A., av.- - 39 A., 670 bu.; 1933 ss . K.: 1830118 A.. 1500 bu.; Raphael Garfield, Sec 12, 91 A.. 44 A. 193170 700 A., bu.; 1932 118 A 193052 A.. 1260 bu.; 193113 A., Orson Sibley Williams. Sec. 31 32 Jo bU,: 3"yr av 102 A- - "33 bu.; 52 A . ROO hu 700 bu .: 1932 118 A.: 1930 50 A.. 7sn hn 1933 73 A. av.- - 39 A.. 920 bu.; 19335 A. jo a., 420 193250 A., 800 bu.; LEVAN Horace H. Green, Sec. 6 195 A.: -- yr av.- - du.; A., 5g7 bvl.. L S. JACKMAN. R. II. ig33 j GARDNER, 193042 A., 350 bu.; 193142 A.. 50 A. HUGH TAYLOR, Community Com300 bu.; 193242 A., 252 bu.; D. Younfir. See i Branch m 90 mittee : Florence Wilson and Frank Wil av.- - 42 A.. 301 bu. 193330 A. 29. 140 A.: 193020 A.. 300 Ollie Sonny Aagard, 8ec. 13. 29 son of Provo were week-en- d bu.; 1931 guests A.: Earl H. Green, Sec. 29, 15 35 A.. 580 bu.; 1932 20 A.. 150 A" 1930- -5 A.. 1580 bu.; of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson. 19306 A., 150 bu.; 19316 A.. 188 uu ; av.- - 29. A.. 333 bu.; 1933 193195 A.. 1555 1932-Dar-- 1 Mrs. Edwin son W. L. BAILEY bu.; A. 95 Malgren and 6 A.. 210 bu .: -- vr av.- - 6 bu.: 1932 '23 A, av-- 95 A- - 1430 bu ell of Centerfleld visited At. tha A 182 bu.; 19336 A. i 3A'n Mrs. Edw. Kav Willinm rv:hn. m home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs John W. Kay, Sec 13. 53 A.: 1929 nouns, eec Z9, 160 A.: 193060 Neils Aagard. Sec. 26, 48 A.: 1930 last week-en- d. 38 A.. 700 bu.; 193138 A. 300 A., 1080 bu.; 193190 24 1530 A.. 240 ; A.. bu bu.; 193116 A., 240 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. av.- - 38 193260 A.. 960 bu.; 193200 A OObu.; bu : Lloyd Hobbslncluded Mr. and Mrs. .3 A., 650 bu.; 193338 A. j93- 2,- 24 A.. 360 bu.; A.. 1290 bu.; 193390 A. Nels Keller and two daughters, rM-n- a STORE bu.; 193318 A. Emmo E. Kay Sec 12, 13, 355 O.: 18 18. 28 2a us Jeston D. Hans Anderson and La Vera and Alburta Keller of Salt Lake 1930110 A., 1035 bu 1931150 A, A.: 193030 Young. A. 360 bu.; 193130 A Stephenson. Sec. 2. 240 A.: 1930 2067 City. bu 1932110 A..847 bu.: 420 bu., 193230 A.. 300 bu.; 120 A.. 1500 bu 1 1n.11 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Bennett MV av.- - 123 3 A., 1316 bu.; 1933 av.-3- 0 O'JXl A., 360 bu.; 193330 A. 1932-120 bu.; and children of Huntington were A.. 1210 bu.; av.-1150 A. Alonzo Youne. Sec. 18. 2H an id 1503 A., the house guests of, Mr. and Mrs. I. bu.; 1933120 A. Elizabeth P. Kay. Sec. 19 29, 58 A.: 193020. A., 240 193110 James Anderson, Sec. 19, 26 20 M. Petty recently. if WHERE A.: 193036 A., 360 bu.; 19311 A., A.. 170 bu.; 193212 bu.; 30 192 A.: 1930-- 76 180 bu A.. A.. 1140 bu ;' 22 bu.; 193248 A., 250 bu.; av.- - 14 A., 198 1933 16 bu.; A. 1700 bu-- : 1932- -76 av.- - 281-- 3 A. BARGAINS A., 210 3 bu.; 1933 Herbert E. Young, Sec 16. 19, 29, Jo3i:100 A' ANDERSON FUNERAL M A- - 1414 bU": 5 A. 142 A.: 1930 mLOA4-- 5 50 A.. 900 hn iwi 120 HOME Ernest Kay, See. 15, 16, A.; 50 A. 257 bu.; 1932 AWAIT 50 A., 700 Woyd A. BoKh Ror. 1 AV, on A 1930 35 A., 550 bu.; 193140 A., aaVi aStU av.- - 50 A., 785 bu .: 1933 25A A.: 193091 A., '1090 600 bu.; 193235 A.. 500 bu.; Efficient, Satisfactory Service bu.; 1931131 Henry W. Younp. Spr. ib 10. 00. YOU! flooq ou.; 183291 A.. 910 bu : av.- - 36 3 A., 550 bu.; 193335 A, 145 A.: 193050 A.. 1400 hi'i ion' Phone 168 av,1482 a., ill 1933-1 Reubent Kay, Sec. 12. 13, 7. 8 19. 20 Nejbi bu.; 60 A., 1200 bu.; 1932 A.', 50 1000 131 A, 806 Acres.: 1930323 A., 3275 bu.! du.; av.- - 53 A.. 1200 hn im Antone Christensen, Seo 3, 133 A 1931 230 A., 2400 bu.; 1932323 -5A. 193050 A., 1000 bu.; 193148 a" , e,. a Mt) , av.- - 258 3 A.. 2850 bu.; A, John B. and Herbprt. ut votoa av in a.. 1483 bu.; 1933- -1 2841 3 bu.; 1933238 A. Sec, 20, 31, 173 A,: 1930 73 A.! 193050 A 1000 bu.; 193148 A., Floyd Eugene Gevte. Sec 17, 30. 31, 1485 bu.: 1931 43 A., nfin V,n iq-jDON'T BURY 'EM Edward M. and Prottnn WE WANT 'EM 200 A.: 193057 A., 1100 bu.; 1931 45 A., 695 bu.; av.- - 55 A.', 1043. ensen. Sec. 2. 80 A.: 1930-40 72 A., 864 bu.; 193257 A., 390 bu.; ou.; A aa A. 600 DEAD lajj OR WORTHLESS bu.; 193140 A., 400 bu.; 1932 av.- - 62 A., 784 bu.; 1933 Geo. P. Olsen. Sec. 12 sn a min av.- - 40 A 406 a., uu du.; 72 A. 00 A., 00 bu.; 193138 A., 400 bu.; 193340 A. Daniel A. Neff, Sec. 8, 9, 120 A.: A., 00 av - 19 A Christian Chratensen, Sec 2, 11 14 193039 A.. 500 bu.; 193150 A, 315 bu.; 193338bu.;A. 36, 249 A.: 1930123 A. 1845 bu.; 1931 603 bu.; 1932 39 A.. 429 bu.; . and Elzv Ephraim Kliprton 95 1932123 A., 1845 av,- - 42 A., 510 bu.; 193350 A. 13, 30, 32. 33. 40fl A: a' bu - A., 1425av. bu.; 113 2a itns k., . Willard Molyneux, Sec. 33, 31, 112 2175 bu.; 1931136 A..inanio7 bu.': 1933- -95 220 We Buy Animal A, A.: 193040 A., 920 bu.; 193140 1932127 A., 1450 Phone av-1bu.; Herman Christpnspn anH tflmiro A. 800 bu 1932 40 A 720 hn 1941 bu. 1933136 A. Pelts A., Hides, Company Taylor. Sec. 11. 31 as lom.o a . av.- - 40 A., 813 bu.; 193340 A. Entetyrise STARR 1930 fiO A., 1200 bu.; 193171 A.,' Wool Colorado Earl Newton, Sec 4, 19, 332 A : HEBER J. FOWLES, D. 30 M. POW . 1930120 A., il900 bu.; 1931 12P X 1500 A., bu.; 1932110 A., 1100 bu., av.- - 116 A, 1500 bu.; 1933-- 00 Mrs. 3-- A. Five PAGE Fred Newton, Sec. 4, 29, 30 60 A 193030 A.. 300 bu.; 1931 00 A 00 bu.; 193330 A.. 220 bu.; av.- - 30 A. 260 bu.: 193330 a WCli6f ll 29 .? 39 169 A.; A., 992 bu.; 1931 39 A.. 390 bu.: 193263 A.. 580 bu.. v.- - 54 A.. 547 bu.; 1933 0 A. Wllford R. Newton. Arnold Kay tenant Sec 32. 33 24 A.: 1930 10 A., 215 bu.; 1931 10 A., 195 bu av.- - 10 A., 193310 A.. 205 bu.; 205 bu.; 193310 A. 3-- 3-- 193300 NEPIIi; UTA & p. YOUNO NOQ , AJl (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for by Associated Forces for Repeal, 340 South Main, Salt Lake City, Utah.) |