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Show THE PACK SIX fiSffisd REGULAR DEBATE 0.r Ptf Peeve Along the Concrete fefeU push Thursday, November 2, 1933 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- CAP AND M Iftfm a m flow.iri, BELLS1 Ml The conductor and a brakeman on a MitiitHiiu railroad differ as to the proper pronunciation of the nam Kurella. I'assengeni are often start led Un arrival at this sU" hear the conductor yell : X. "You're a liar! ioure a Then from the brakenianjv other end comes the cry: "You really are. ,.tou really are. Hong kong, South China Morning Tost. .e Woof! Woof! "I see," remarked Mrs. Grouch, "Are the banking regulations re- - looking up from the paper, "that fellow who married the ludy evangelist gpotiHible In part for customers' slowness In paying bills?" Wareliarn says he Is going to prove he can get are asking. For what? Ito aloiia without any woman." cause a customer came Into a Wure-ha- ' "Huh!" growled her husband, "If store and apologled for not he wunts (o show how smart he Is, settling his account, ills alibi was let him prove he can get along with one. Any fool can get along without now. "I'll pay pretty soon," he promised, one." Cincinnati Enquirer. "as soon as the bill gets bigger. It costs so much now to make out GATHERING IT IN checks that I bate to pay out money to the government for small amounts 1T1 when I'm nlcke just as much for a blKfiW- t.tu. Brockton Enterprise. ALIBI BRAND-NE- nier-clinn- ts m S PUMPKl- KOH , I HE FK ATH FR HF. A T)S Go LETS ll A LETS A LITTLE. TH.S HA,-- N- f """" K sbj certftR lbT MB FRY WB FOR. Ccll-a- ll JVpmT I now A I I what po you TMink: CFLTCUT 1 TT V WHAT.7 f NO 6S - ES? WHAT SEP UP A 1 mosquitoes swarming round you." said a sympathetic friend to a mariner who had been cast away upon a tropical Island. "I had a terrible experience," the seaman acknowledged. "My case was "How do you find business?" worse than that of the man who "I don't find It. I pay a man to wrote 'Water, water everywhere, nor go out and And It for-ie- ." any drop to drink.' It was 'Bites, bites everywhere, nor any bite to Personal Benefit eat.' " Friend (on beach, as they watch girls exercise in bathing costumes) Do you think this sort of thing is Without "What did you think of the dog really any good for reducing? Stout l'urty Rather I Why, I walk show?" "I didn't see a single frock I three miles every day to see it. London Humorist. liked." Egging Him on J! see-n- o- E4SREALLV HO Truly Terrible Tou must have had a terrible experience, with no food to eat and Z I PUZZLE CROSSWORD ji f'!1 I' I0 3 Tf'i'i p5 HI, 75 is iS ika g FINNEY OF THE FORCE in .j help! Ni"rir?-- , Br Ted Oteuihlia Ponce I J Puooifrl MB DAWfS vgON't GO MO MOR6 AM' O' LOST MB M MON,fOQ CUE- -! SUR& GOT OH TM6 fc "A? STOP,,, La- He Crashes Through Again ' I J5 mu. s .: " Jl "Ma t 3S -- -J 20 27 JJ 33 J ii JJ- yia ,37 - 75 tt1 tr 7r wJw tt pi "T myNWwll The Pocket Lawyer BOBBY THATCHER .. . y,r-(lK f2r. I AS . I WAC, CAVIMC li: THEV UNEARTHED BV BOBBVANO TuBBy WHILE PURSUING A WOOD CUUCX .. TuE BOX'S have HAD NO EXPERIENCE pauaf mt :3oy P;;"TV4ElR SCANT KNOViEooe op HAS iki Hf PEOPl-- e ,T t.no -- tkitiHtllil 11 Mf3 AMD MV AUMT OWM -- HERB MUSEUM RIGHT .wi-LIT Oft- - wi UP, rr n -- . i BUT EVER'BOD IM TOWH TIME HE BUYS A HOUSE OR. SOMETHIM..- - ITfe POCKET LAWYE- R- WE'D BETTER BORROW IT. V SEE! WHAT R TO DO NEXT" IKI HB.hTTTS ( KNOW WHAT SOOM AS THE VEf FOUMD THEVLu ALU. BET DO WW HERE OICGIM' FOR SKULL. BONES AKO we keep THEM FOR OUR&tJLP AAKr. cotta V POP S$S- -? VC l fCoryrtzM. I9J?. by Tht BH Synd.ui.. Inc.) (Ulj.l'fl Liver & Bacon By c1,6u,R.t! wf)EN MV UMCLt f TeT& M6ET5 VA.e X alwavs AK"s,fowy y TJa, ij 9" 73 . "-- ALOKJ4 AT5oUT - 22 - MIJSUE. L o--H4r- I sV-oim.- ' C M, PAYNE J M 1 ' LJ I Y) I 1 I 1 1 j rtu drop 1 ano sea im 5WEHT COOKieil WHATA &AL WHATA GAL, ) -I LL. SAV XVl CLOTHEe A HOT UOOK.M' . 1 1 . UOOK DADOY? IV . ? Righto, Bino!!! - V WE SAW AT TM -- EL " K" - Above A 1 10 V TTTTTtl 8 - till 1:43 Copyright, 11 12 13 14 15 20 22 25 28 31 3B 38 37 88 40 41 43 44 46 47 53 54 55 68 59 62 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 74 75 78 80 83 Pupils of military school Unit Rubbish Foolish action Poniards Famous Swiss rive Born Inclined plane Clergymen Wood nymph A booth Inner court of Spanish dwelling Willow basket Drninajre pipe Sister of CIree (Gr. myth.) Jabs Part of foot Vessel In a bumble rank Period of time Salt of stannic add (chera.) Back turner Called to mind Abandoned ship Heap Panse (poet.) House for unknown dead Singer Remove extremity Seed Affirmative Inventor of sheenlns; procesa Guide Adviset counsel (8cot.) Great Sailor Heroine in Spenser's Faerie Qaeen At Solution PfEfM patcher Earthly paradise rTniMuiRi-ncioiPiAlP E AJC V EUT A, PtlAlN S i IlAC JcOIn P R me rTJr "L g PE BIuInIs IA N N C- - : 1 P aJs e R raESE LIE O PE D EC LJr-ll.- J M R p E P uR p R E wa PJ YEA5 F1 Jp J5. Sum NE OT ,jYoP E L 5 R R EJN PE HHl T tJe sfcfp i bjG u i s e PlP E TjE Rrju NCLE tlE r op eI .Ie a t e r utg I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ft E N T tE EpotE T T Jh A a n(e EHD J 8 Tpn c s gjn t a - "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES" - ? 3T Horizontal. 1 To drop or cant down . 6 -- Tonarhen by use 11 The tall, of notes IS Secretion of kidneys (musical) IT -- Wound about 18 In resrard to 18 A waterfall SI Private warfare S3 Tree Wife of a maharajah (Hind.) 2 To mark with rldares 27 Prisoner servlns certain term (colloq.) 29 Headpiece SO Philosophy of morals 82 Assistance 83 Little devil 34 Rested 85 To dnw ont and twist threads 87 Contuda with 89 Mumble 48 Reticent 5 One who releasee 48 About 49 Painful BO A sound used to convey meanlns: 61 Act 62 One who listens 'Remunerated 57 The burbot 5S Diseased person 50 Expression of affirmation 51 -- Segment, circle 68 Spirit 64 Deface 65 Inventor of a kbi bums 68 Hlirh priest (Bib'.) 69 Warbles 72 Girl's name. 73 Give up 76 Llshted 77 Written laws 79 Cloak 81 Oriental Koltar 82 Hinder 84 Father's or mother's broths 85 Musical drama 86 To eat or wear away 87 One who eats Vertical. 1 Ancient European silver coin 2 Kradlrate 3 Pertaining- to Mlthra 4 Motherst a Tsraloa; term 5 Named 6 Constant teaslns; desire 7 Act of swlmmlas; " op CiuiliAP Discoveries S1V1ATTER sril-T- CALI-EOVT- THE SUBJECT BEEH CAJHED 6 READ'MG t r.nn-- u.e Ix" ri 7 53 By GEORGE STORMI Tuts THH CRICK A MO SWIMS COGS THROUGH THE PASTURE.. JOMESBORO AND 5T ; I ... PUT 'EM ,u - - 7S 7 , tSMA . , . J T To - ts--y 'Mil 1,1 yii'i'iiiKi WOULD PAY TEM CEHT3 TO SEE BOH HEAR OS EXPLAlM ABOUT IT.... mil; imiii IM ?rssi&?z& 7 r 39 ,'! jg i- i?a i pT'tr8 s.s 7A 'Vj ;i I . ft jja MU ; LJ 31 r 2 3t EVERYWHERE fcrTi-7r.i?tr- |