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Show its Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, mes, VI. 23, No. 44 OF INDUSTRY R. S. Boswell county agent of Sevier county Is in sympathy with the Ideas expressed In The Times- News recent editorial concerning greater poultry Industry for Nephi and gives his personal views on the poujtry business for his area. Xa"""" letter I have follows: Just read with a es Judges have been named for the by the Nephi City city election council as follows: South Ward Amy Warner, Reed Belliston. Win. Burton. Mattie Vlck ers. Brent Bryan, T. W. Vickers. V. M. Foote has been named constable. Nephi Ward S. G. Ord, Mrs. Robert Winn, James Andrews, F.d-Bailey and Bert Bean. A sixth member Is yet to be named. Lisle Bigler is constable for this district. North Ward Mrs. Gideon Sid-we- ll. J. W. Howard. George H. Ostler. O. W. Lunt, E. L. Jones, and N. A. Nielsen. W. P. Gadd, constable. A. great of Interest, your editorial in the last publication entitled 'areai er Poultry Industry, Nephl's Only deal Salvation.' You are to be congratulated on this frank and pointed statement. Everything you have said is true. Thbre is no greater industry to work hand In hand with wheat raising than that of poultry. And since it is the best that Nephi can do, it behooves them to stay with it through thick and thin. are making Good poultrymen money under the present prices of eggs in spite of the Increase in price of feeds. The poultry industry has been comparatively easy in the past because the price of feeds have tesn cheap. In this event the producer of the feeds has lost money. "It seems to me that every wheat srower in Juab County would do part of weJlVby trying to feed-u- p ernDlovment at the otner times of the year when he is not busy DBI COURT IS HELD HI The October session of the Fifth Judicial District Court in and for in the county of Juab Nephi Monday, with Judge LeRoyCox on the bench. District Attorney Ellis J. Pickett of St. George was also present at the sessions. The court wa primarly occupied with the criminal case of State of Utah vs. Ottoe Jaeger and Prank G. Dodge. They fere charged with assault on Andrew Colliors. They were found not guilty zy a Jury. as much of the grd possibly living "torSrtamlly as heestimated can. Some leaders have the that at least 90 per- centv of obfarmer's family living can be tained from the farm. : liv"In addition to producing the look ing, every community has to for one r rmoreqiqqxqocflfawawa for one or more cash crops. Fortunate is the community that has several sources of cash crops and is the community with one cash crop. "I desire to add my personal congratulation to your civic organizations and the Nephi Poultrymen Incorporated, for the leadershipflockin boasting for larger poultry "Q.jJffortto wort-una- te City Hall Wednesday The Ladies of the American Le gion Auxiliary will hold a meeting in the city hall Wednesday, November 8, at 8:00 p. m. under the dicom- rection of the membership mittee. A membership drive is being to sponsored beginning November 1, to interest and urge eligible ladies Join. Those of the membership ccanmittee consist of the following yadies, Mrs.' Vera Howell, chairman, Mrs. Beulah Irons, Mrs. Silvia Peters. Mrs. Wanda Burridge, Mrs. Genieve Gibson, Mrs. LeVel Svedin, Mrs. Eleanor Foote, and Mrs. Flor ence Inscore. . Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McCune and Mrs. George Cromer and children of Salt Lake City were week-en- d guests In Nephi, at the home or Mrs, W. J. Starr.- Miss Ruby Painter of Salt Lake City was a weekend guest of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Painter. Miss Afton Greenwood of Logan was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winn on Saturday and Sunday, Miss Helen Sindsen of Mount Pleasant is visiting at the home of Mrs. W. J. Starr. Miss Marie Kendall of Provo d her mother, Mrs. John W. Ken-ca- ll on Saturday and Sunday. Miles Anderson of Ephraim visited at the home of his parens, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Anderson, over the vis-Ite- week-en- d. Dr. B. C. Linebaugh and snn of Pleasant Grove were FriThe following program will be Kayle ofi Mr. and Mrs.Gilbert for Nephi. Reading, 'Mrs. Ruth day guests presented: "With best wishes for your suc- Howells; piano solo, Clyde Christen-se- Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley atcess, .. yocal solo, Marion Christensen; Convention the Teachers clarinet solo, Keith Brough; read- tended 'Sincerely your, held in Salt Lake City last Thurs"S. R. BOS WELL,, Florence Crane. ing, " Friday and Saturday. Al lmembers and eligible mem- day, "County Agent." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of bers are urged to be in attendance. Salt Lake City visited over th'! veck The Service Star Legion are ex end with relatives of Nephi. onrtincr cm invitation to all Ex- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bowles and Service men and partners also all children and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins of Service tar members and partners Salt Lake City spent the week end to attend the banquet on Novemat the home of Mrs. W. H. Bowles. ber 11, held at the Armory hall at Kent Kendall of Provo is visit 6:30 p. m. prompt . The Daughter of Utah Pioneers ing at the home of Mrs. W. H, The American Legion Auxiliary will give after-naan a most enjoyable Bowles. men will serve the entertainment in the taberMrs. Lola C. Jensen attended the 11, Armistice Day at 12;30 nacle Thurday, November 9, at 2:30 held In Salt o'clock moon: Make your reserva- p. m. in honor of the first telegraph Teachers Convention Lake City last week-entions with either President Mrs. Ed- operator of Nephi, Mr. W. A. C. Miss of Ora Judd Logan visited ith Beckstead, or Mrs. Prank Brough Bryan, who was also one of the first with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, before Thursday, November 9. 35c telegraphers of Utah, being called R. Judd on Saturday and Sunday, a plate. by President Brigham Young to Mrs. John Schofleld visited at the craft. this home of Mrs. J. W. Brough last All other native and original pi- week. National Aritists Appear study corbe will are oneers honored and Texaco Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chappell Here dially invited to be present. All of Nevada spent all of! last week of Camps of the County members at the home of Mrs. Unity known artists, Two nationally their partners are orged to be visiting Chappell. Powder River Jack and Kittle Lee. with attendance. in Mr. and Mrs. Mayors and honored Nephi with a visit Wednes- An invitation is extended to the daughter BonnieGeorge of Lyndyll and Mr, tour for the Texaco a good-wi- ll to the public Daughters and Mrs. George Christiansen were join day. when they appeared here on general of Utah Pioneers in giving honor Salina visitors on Sunday. oCmpany, distributors of Texaco Pe- where honor is due and be with us Miss Ruth Christenson returned troleum Products. afa to to Nephi last Friday after an exenjoy pleasant and restful Accompanying the two singers of ternoon. tended stay in Helper as the guest cowboy songs, were W. H. Eaton, of her sister, Mrs. Jack Martell. and J.v Larry Lynn, representative . Board of Utah The Juab Miss Alice Cowan was a Salt Lake Gallagher of Salt Lake City and Pioneers metCounty at the home of Mrs. City visitor last week-enother Texaco representatives. soOrme in a delightful Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Frazier of The party has been appearing Heneritta last Saturday. The evening Woodruff returned to their home throughout the intermountain counas cial diversion consisted of a social chat Wednesday after having visited at try during the past few weeks,River and music. were the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Refreshments crew, as Powder a "Mop-up- " to: President, Alice McCune, Foote the past month. Jack stated It. They nave appeal-on servedElva Mrs. Bailey, Beulah Irons, Mrs. Mrs. P. P. Christenson Is visiting ed in towns in Utah from Logan Sarah Brown, Mrs. Stella Olpin, in Helper with her daughter, Mrs. the north, through Salt Lake City M. Lunt, Mrs. Nellie CowJack Martell. and intermediate towns, and are Mrs. Rose Miss Sarah Orme and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Gardner an, hostess. on their way to Los Angeles. Mrs. Heneritta spent Sunday in Salt Lake City vis While they, appeared in Nephi the honored guest, ' iting with Mrs. John Anderson. Wednesday, theyput on a short pa- Orme. Week-en- d guests of Mrs. Brig-harade, and in the evening, a program The Daughters o Uftah Pioneers Garrett included Mr. and Mrs. at the Forrest Hotel lawn. equipped cars through the extreme kindness of Stanley Pitt of Provo. Two public-addreEugene Gowers and family visiteach valued at the sium of $9,000.00, the County Commissioners, haveroom Southeast the ed in Salt Lake City last week-en- d. are used by the party in putting message to the of the Court House for their piorcer Mrs. Gowers returned to Nephi over theirgood-wil- l relic home. A splendid collection with them after having spent the public. --o of pioneer relics from Levan and past week visiting with Mr. and a Nephi have been placed there ard Mrs. A. J. Gowers T, For Jr., of Salt Lake Tuesday, November 7th of Mrs. will be on exhibition, Tuesday, NovCity. rogram under the direction as outlined hours of between the 7th, ember Dr. Harrison will be at the Nephi Bally has been rUbert inDrug store Ti.siay. OVollows. for the Nephi Ward M. L- 2:00 and 7:00 o'clock p. m. We of the the Miss Dorothy Chase of vite people community Provo A.. Relief Society ononis; nwunoya weeuwuuu. to visit this wonderful and interest spent Saturday and Sunday visiting ca Selection, with Mr. and Mrs. Sisson C. Chase ing display. Reading, Mildred Ockey. D.U.P.NEWS be d. with . d. m ss ed up-sto- rs . V - ' x'r . Notice To The Unemployed With the setting up of a government office at Nephi, unemployed men must for employment on the $40,000 project to begin Immediately. Friday, Saturday and Monday are the days set apart by the committee for the registering. W. C. Andrews has been named local representative, and has his office In that of the County Attorney, on th second floor of the County Court house. niu ' n; 7 SERVICEMEN PLAN PROGRAM a- Local and Social Extends Cordial The case of E. C. Olson vs L. C. Lawton, to quiet claim onthe Queen dry farming. Mining property in west ' "Poultry guarantees work every of Sheba was also heard. The case was day and it also guarantees aa pay Juab under advisement by Judge . day every day. This will be sup- taken wheat Cox on the briefs of the attorneys, plementary- income for the growers ef Juab County.--.-,- . Tite! A "No one is making a great deal To Meet cash on the farms today. For Legion Auxiliary Invitation NAMES OFFICERS Officers of the Nephi Klwanis Club for the 1933-3- 4 season were selected Wednesday noon when the members of the association held their weekly meeting. . Resuluts of the election are as follows: Herman L. Mangelson, president; J. A. Whipple 1st Myron R. Gilbert Moyle, 2nd vice president; ' Bailey, George D. Haymond, P. L. Jones, I. M. Petty, J. E Reld. A. E. Smith and L.J.Wade, directors. ' Brief Items of Interest To People of Nephi Local and Social Mrs. S. D. Broadhead assisted by Voters of Nephi are invited to be guests of the Ladles Republican Club of Nephi and the Republican City Committee at the Republican headquarters, in the Armory building, next Tuesday, (election day.) The headquarters will be open during the entire day, with the eats being served from 4 to 8 p. m. ' is The refreshment committee headed by Mrs. Rhea Beagley, president of the Ladies organization. The members of the city committee are aiding with arrangements for the day. In addition to the refreshments, the city committee will have a tabulated chart, showing the returns of the city and of the state on the amendments to the consti- daughters, Fay and Fern, entertained a few friends Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Christ-ensewho were leaving for their home In Glendale, California, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Christensen, Duwane and Bud Ray of Glendale, in the Arlington hall Friday California, returne dto their homes evening. Saturday after visiting with Mrs. is to The camp leave Monday Christensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. for their winter camp S. D. Broadhead and familv and morning at Washington. other relatives and friends in Nephi. There will be no adnission no cnua study Group of the tution. charge, and light refreshments U. S. A. C. Extension Reading Cir- -' will be served. cle met at the home of Mrs. A. H. o An attractive surprise party was BeUiston. Mrs. Belliston finished and Mrs. Hyrum Toj- her report of Kristin Lavransdatter givenat by Mr. home their Friday, October TLose present were: Mrs. Roy T. ley in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Spen Amos Irons, Mrs. James 27 C. C, COLUMN Ostler Mrs. cer and Merle Tolley. who Stanley, Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Mrs. Geo. are Tolley leaving for Oregon to make Howarth Mrs. Ernest Brough, Mrs. R. H. Bracken, Mrs. Fred Black, their home. Music and visiting were the evening's entertainment, There are two new introduction Mrs. Vera Howell, Mrs. Harry Black to make this week; after which delicious-- , refreshments ana nostess tne Mrs. elliston. were servd. Thos present were: Mr, Captain Milton P. Morgan, if. The Daughters of Pioneers of and Mrs. Earl' McPherson; Mr. and Res., of Sacramento., California lias arrived at Camp Nebo preparatory Camp Hort Wall will meet at the Mrs. Sherrill Riches; Mr. and Mrs. of home Mrs. D. K. Brown. Nov- Jimmie Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. La to taking his assignment as C. O. when the army personnel is recalled ember 10, at 2:30 p. m. The Bi- Vaughn Ellertson, Mr. and Mrs. to Fort Douglas, Utah. It is defin- ography of Thomas Knowles and Art Ostler; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mcgiven by Mrs. Sarah Brown and Pherson; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tol itely decided that the Conservation his wife Elizabeth Osborne will be ley: Ben Byron; Mr. and Mrs. F. camps will be entirely under Re- Mrs. The topic Tolley, Douglas, Ray and Ruth Tol Unity Chappell. serve officer control, but as yet the exact date of the regular excavation "Industry in Pioneer Homes," will ley, the honored guests Mr. and Mrs. Is not obtainable. Captain Morgan be discussed by Mrs. Ella Cowan. Spencer Tolley and Merle Tolley Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. and the host and hostess Mr. and promises well to be an able succesS. E. Ingram included, Mrs. Ern- Mrs. Hyrum Tolley. sor to Captain Irish. est Horsley, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nominee on the Republican City n Reserve Lieutenant M. H. Smith, Holden and Maxlne and Paul of Price. ticket met at the city hall Saturday transferred to 958 from the Joe's to act as mess Miss Waneita Young from Ida- evening, where they named officers Valley Camp officer,' is already taking a very ac- ho, is visiting in Mona with her of the Republican City committee. chair T. V. Vickers was tive interest in camp affairs. Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. man of the committee and Edwin A. Young. Other members Victor Gadd. is the only Nephite secretary. Tom Hall entertained at a de- Bailey, are Gordon Wood, Wm. Burton, H. to leave in the first convoy for will lightful Hallowe'en costume party C. Crane, George Duckworth, Jesse Washington. Utah. Eighty men at his home Ocleave Monday, November 6. This tober 30. A Monday ofevening, Pay and Bert Jackson. These memclever and bers variety and officers are to be on the comprises the first of three group3 amusing progressive games were committee for two years. which will all leave before the end the prize being won by Harof the week. You're surely playing played, A dainty HallowDuckworth. Florence C. Olpin entertainIn luck. You'll lose me with tne ry e'en luncheon was served to the fol- edMrs. the operators of the Mountain first. lowing friends: Maurice Chapman. tates Telephon Company Wednes1 Wilson Foote, Harold Howells, Price evening at 8:00 o'clock, at the Jack Pace, Clifford Garbat, day Allred, of her mother, Mrs. Leah Marriage of Young Duple Perry Hall Merrion Price, Morgan home Chase. Covers were laid for ten Captain W. R. Irish, commander J3f Camp Nebo of the Ci vilion Conservation" corps,' on behalf of the personell and men of the organization, issue a cordial invitation to the people of Nephi and surrounding towns to Join them in their Farewell dance, .to be held No. 44 14, -- this curb. We obeyed again, and the lenses of our telescopes and is was worth money to stand there therby spring the electric and see that string of yellow cabs, that spread rainbow beams power likes racing around the track like a train arches of glory everywhere over of golden rockets; suddenly stop the Century Exposition, and we ping at signals from the train mas stood way up there, two crateful ad. ter and shooting away again as he mirers of the inspired aided - passengers into the proper men who have discoveredgenius of to cabs and slammed the doors behind twine earth beams with starways beams, were as we gett over which we aspire to say hello them; and then, lng more interested in seeing the to folks who raise floweres over cabs glide into and out of that there. circle like an endless stream of We pronounce Chicago to be the golden phantome, one stopped in most advanced, orderly and charm front of us; the door opened; ing city in the world. the director hurried us into our nnugs last ana well at They do Chicago, handed our valises and while the world hears of the into the great depot, the whole rocket rackworld seemed to have arrived; a our card to the chauffeur, slammed eteering through loud speakers, far vast sea of happy faces and post- - the door and we were on our way ' At The News, Vol. in the greatest city of charms, mysteries and achievements. We did not know where we were going, and wings at swarm time. by the time we had settled down, "On the train the Legionaire clasped hands, looked out of the windows at the stupendous buildboys told us that when "we arrived the waves of humanity and at the depot, if we would stand ings, aid, 'Olory,' our rocket stopnsd. about the place until they sould the door opened, the chauffer held make arrangements for hotels, they out his hand, we paid him 20 cents would nave things made right for and turned to see a colored man us: so we located ourselves near stepping into the entrance of the "INFORMATION", and n wrestled a hotel with our valises in hand. We few minutes with other folks like were splendily located. Buss No 26 us, to keep our stand, until tome passed our hotel about every five one in uniform aproached us and minutes bus fare, 10 cents to the askel. 'I wonder If I could do any- Fair Grounds: 60 cents entrance, We for you replied, and people?" thing on earth to see and 'We want to find our way to a good enjoy,everything free as long as we could hotel". He handed us a card, and Keep our eyes open. We walked said 6tep over to the desk where looked, studied, sat. rested see show that red can and you light took refreshments grasped all the lady this card.' We obeyed, pres we could absorb of and exthe ented our card and the lady said, position and then went amazing a took out, been "Yes, have saving this hotel riae across the line" and asfor you, take and present this card cended the towers"sky near 700 fect ovto one of the guards out there and er the waters of the lake. nrt he will direct you. We obeyed - there .on the tower tops, waited galn and the guar took us up to and watched to see our earth, time, what appeared to be the Yellow 5:50 P. M.. when the rays of the Cab race track and told the track star Arcturus moving at the rate of master to take care of us. He said more than 186,000 miles per second, 'Come this way and stand right at for 125 years would drop through ently returned from a trip to the World's Fair at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have the following to say concerning their trip to and from Chicago and of their experiences while visiting the fair: "At Salt Lake City. 5:50 P. M. September 29, we boarded the Union Pacific Special train for the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago. "A thousand miles of withered cornstalks shook their dry leaves at us as we passed through Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa. We crossed the Mississippi River at Burlington, where we entered Illinois on Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. "As we slowly passed over the long bridge, we said 'Hello' and the 'Father of the Waters' rippled welwe snuggled up tocome to us gether and shivered a little bit. We scanned the fields along the way and were surprised to find that, in Illinois, there were no farmers using pitchforks on Sunday; and as we entered the suburbs of the 'Windy City, church bells were tolling their' chimes and folks with books under their arms were moving stately along the walks. "We arrived at the great Union Railroad Station, Chicago, at 10 o'clock that morning. On the train, which was about as long as we could see from one end to the other The Legionaire boys kere very nice to us; we adopted them as ours, and they on the train, measured up 100 per cent Americans, day and night we are proud of them. Everything was absolutely perfect, and when we, two silver haired Black Hawk Indian War veterans, stepped from the train Name Judges OS Election SEES NECESSITY 1933 ling forms; everybody wondering Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Bryan, where they were headed for; like one of Nephl's oldest couples, rec bees buzzing about, shaking their BACKS POULTRY NEPHI 2 Elderly Couple Review Incidents At The Century of Progress Exposition county, ageni FORMER Nov. n, ARMISTICE DAY TO BE OBSERVED BY WAR VETS The following program for the Armistice day will be followed out as outlined except for changes that may have to be made on account of bad weather or other unforseen reasons. General assembly of Service men at the Legion room 11 a. m. Ex --service men's luncheon In Armory, program Included 13 o'clocic noon. At 2 p. m. the beginning of two hours of sports at the County Fair grounds. Thte Juab High School Band under the direction of Mr. Erickson will leave the County court house at 1:50 p. m. and march to the fair grounds and remain during the program of the afternoon. Beginning at 3 p. m. a boys base ball game lasting about four' inn- bushel' lngs, prize to winners. peanuts, loser 1 quart peanuts. (Byron Howells in charge). Bicycle races: Boys 10 to 12 years; Boys 12 to 14 years; Prizes not yet decided (E. R. Shaw in charge), Bicycle races for girls, any age. Obstacle race: Boys 14 to 16 years any one may enter; Prizes not yet decided. Victor Cooper in charge. Cross Country race: any may enter. jrour fony races: inese races arc for boys ponies and not for professional race horses. There will be three races and the winner of these races will make up the fourth' race. Prizes to be given. There Is no entrance fee. Clyde Haynes In charge. A small fee of 10 cents will be the and tor each charged . . person ,. , . .1 .4 1 i entire gate receipts wm db oiviucu between the first and second place winners of the various events. We extend an Invitation to everybody to come out and spend an enjoyable two hours with the young . folks. The regular Big Carnival Dance of the season will be staged in the Arlington. Our Armistice Day dance has become one of the outstanding attractions of the ieaso miss It. ... ',.,..- 1- -2 . I c 1 1 K , Local and Soda! C, - Hol-de- 0 ed . Is Announced The marriage of Miss Marvel Taydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cris Rasmussen of Mt. Pleasant, to Ar nold Warwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Warwood took place at the lor, bride's horn Wednesday, November Greenwood, Byron Forrrest, Harry Duckworth and the hpst, Tom Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clayton of Salt Lake City and Miss Mildred S perry of Ogden were week-en- d guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. S perry Jr, Jim Coleman of Provo, a student of the Wasatch Academy, was a dinner guest on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A guests. The evening was spent in playing lotto and prizes were awarded to Miss FJoris Orme and Miss Eleanor Burtch. Those present included: Miss Mabel Howarth, Miss Florls Orme, Miss Ruth Haynes, Miss Eleanor Burton, Miss Irene Cooper, Miss Mildred Bean, former employees. Mrs. Pearl K. Sherwood, Mrs. Zelda P. Hill, special guest Mrs. J. A. Whipple and the hostess, Mrs. Florence C. Olpin. After the ceremony a lovely In honor wedding super was given of the young couple. ' Many relatives and friends attended. Those Sperry Jr. from Nephi attending th esupper were: Mr. and Mrs. Elias Warwood, The Junior Branch Service Star The social service section of the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bowles, Milton Legion will meet Saturday, Novem Ward. Relief has Society Nepho Warwood, Viola Warwood and Jas. the program for next Tues- ber 4, in tht city hall at 3:30willp. m. Shaw. The young couple will make be The following program 2:00 at p. m. day their home at Nephi. Piano Dellene Jen 1. ' ed Earl Hawkins, manager of the Arlington Hall, announces that a grand election ball will be held Tuesday evening. The complete re turns from the city election, state repeal and federal repeal, (Utah vote), will be given out at the hall. A radio will be installed to get the latest returns on the state issues. The snappy "Black Pirates" are to furnish the music for the dance. Mrs. A. H. Belliston will give the lesson on "The Law of Consecration." A musical selection will be furnished by the Relief Society Chorus. A full attendance is de sired. Brother James Garrett will give the Theology lesson in the North Ward Relief Society meet ing to be held next Tuesday, November 7. All members are urged to attend. Along with the regular testimony meeting to be held Sunday at 11:30 program will be given: Piano solo, at the North Ward the following Hugo M. Erickson; vocal solo, Mrs. Delbert J. Fugal. The following program will be presented during the Socrament meeting of the South Ward, Sunday November 5; Vocal solo, Mls Marlon Christensen; violin, solo. Miss Donna Jexton. Mrs. James T. Belliston was the guest of honor at a surprise party at her home last Wednesday evening. The affair was given by members of her family. A hot supper was scerved at one long table, the banquet consisting of things raised in a family garden; the plot being Those owned by Mrs. Belliston. present beside the honored guest were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mr .and Mrs. George A. Sperry and family, Mr .and Mrs. W. H,, Belliston and family; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and family, and ' Mrs. Belliston James ' L. Belliston and son. r Marriage licenses were issued during the past week by County Clerk J. H. Vickers to Joseph L. Garrett, 21, Nephi, and Ellen Thir Anderson, 18, Moroni and to Nolan LeRoy and Wllma Edwards, 23, Nephi, Margaret York, 19, Santaquin. ' . The following birth announcements have been- made duripg the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Meivin KobDins, Doy, October 22; Mr. and Mrs. Lorlone .''. Lunt, boy, October 28,; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Burton, baby girl, Octo- ber30. The first Utahna Bee-Hi- ve swarm of the South Waternd bg swarm of the South Ward entertained at a Hallowe'en' party1 Friday night at the home of Miss Zoe !' Powell. After ghost stories, games and a treasure hunt, a delicious hot supper was enjoyed by Malba Havcock, solo, presented: sen; Thanksgiving talk, Mrs. Sarah Ruth Burton, Nan Brough, Alice Elliston, Margaret Lunt, Ruth AnBrown; reading, Marjorle Carter. derson, and the leaders. Zoe PowThe marriage announceme 'ts of ell, Venlta Bowles, Afton Ellison the following couples halve been The Officers of the Nephi Ward made known: Joe Garrett Nephi, and Ellen An- - Officers and Teachers to the regular 7 o'clock meeting, held every aerson, Moroni. Nolan Edwards, Nephi, and Wll M. I. A. are desirous of having all ma York Santaquin. Tuesday evening, Arnold Warwood, Nephi, Mid and Geneva Irons. Marvel Taylor. Mt. Pleasant. Reporter Afton Ellison. |