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Show Thursday, November 2, 1933 THE TRIES-NEW- S. PACE SEVEN NEPIII. UTAH Sally Scz n ! TANGLEDShaneWIVES Copyrtrht CHAPTER Tlie maid faced him. by Pfff y Shan. V Continued left the he She gathered up her gloves. She took one look around the pretty faultless room. Her haven. "Good A vvuaa- woman Kad herwll ia a taakab ia New York with a etrenge maa wh "Good peak ei aa awful aack." Whea be have aer for a auaseat b drive on. tor h by," she thought silently. fear aiaa. Site etepe at the Biltmere. atUl wocuferinc whe h ia. Her mmory i coo.. by." wealth h conclude the ia married to a From her eapaive clothinf and weddina rin She took her leave In a daze, Mrs. aaaa. At the Biltmere the aantele irl aieete a r"" woaua wha vanihe with th Du Vai, cordially (net th aame-- I Du Val full of admonitions, smiles Oscar Aa aantele Mr. woman, elderly girl'i $900. girl, addreeaina her a "Deri." wif of Mr. Du Val' aon. Rocky. Rocky I abroad, and tears Oscar Du Val neglecting aad Deri, bewildered. U token to the bone of Mr. Du Vai and her oculptor hueband. his precious work to bid her fareOacar. Doris falls ia lev with Rocky' photograph, but cannot remember having married h hide from ob- well the kisses, the smiling servbias. She visits a tor., and la abounded whea a aaleawomaa iait be- - U-e- n a difference where we are, tewa er la the weed, We aeed rood food, and cloth, and thins. And that (mean t Beat Made Good. For Quality PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY - The next phaae of the NBA Prefraai To of money. will be the prudent a bar now. to bay wi1y, aire the people tocan and in rack) amoant what they t bay a their need demand. Let a ( that all ear coed parehaaed ar "Intarawan- tain Made Product . Thi la oar cantribatioa ta better time that yoo. a a citizea, can make ana which will actually benefit yoarMlf. Keep the ball rollins by boyina "Intermoantain a fact. Good" only. Mak Hot a mere loran. Bay now. MRS. LENA LEVI. Mil ford, Utah. AT 400 Utah Oil Refining Service Stations in Utah and Idaho Goldfish Prolific Breeder The goldfish ia a prolific breeder, 83 are all other members of the arff .family and being ground ' feeders,-0- t "mudders", they destroy the spawn of other game fishes. Lakes and rivers infested with carp or goldfish usually have nothing else, and unless they are seined out they shortly dominate the waters. -- ASK TOUR DRUCGIST FOR j j "Jolly, Isn't 60C7 QQVGir SYRUP NOSE DROPS PRODUCT INTERMOUNTAIN AN Infection of Wheat During the threshing of the wheat the sick kernels break and the smut spores from them have started many a dust explosion. In any event they stick to the outside of the healthy kernels and with them are planted for the next wheat crop, which is infected thereby from the start. Utah High School of Beauty Culture dug.. Salt Calton Prsfessioa 3nf Flow Clllt lt City, Ulih Knows m Depress! Too can now learn a profession that will make yon independent for the rest of your f 15 per month only for the complete day, coarse of six months. Phone or write for our catalogue. Mail in coupon. NAME ADDRESS Till Beast Dog Days Dog days derives its name from Sirius, the dog star, most brilliant of the fixed stars. Since the early days of antiquity this particular period of the year has been associated with the greatest heat of the year. Ia n It?" "What?" "Oh having our own little love nest like this and being so fond of one another!" Doris' spoon poked tremblingly Into her grapefruit. "It may seem She looked at him Jolly to you." what had happened to her. "After breakfast we'll drive Into the village," said Rocky. "1 want to call up Doris without Mother Bnding It out," "Go alone." "You don't crave my company." "Frankly, I don't," "Well, I'm not so d n keen about you either. It's to save Mother's feelings that I'm going to take His face looked grieved, yoii." childishly so. "She thinks that we can't bear to be out of one another's $3.00 has a population less than 1,100, about" but is the seventh largest city in "Maybe not." Rocky stopped the the territory which has an areo of car and got out. "But I'll know miles. 690,000 square soon. You wait here while I tele- the sage of Chinatown. "Many an '.orjest garden of thought is lost ?r' an avalanche of words." A Ton of Air A room shaped like a cube contains a ton of air. SO foot phone." He came out a few minutes. later, "A fine bunch of looking glum. women I pick for myself," he growled. "1 come home to a strange nowhere bride, and my real wife to be found." "Couldn't you get her?" 'Couldn't I get her?" shouted ants. Then she was riding over the road beside Rocky. He spoke once on the long Journey MEDICAL ADVICE If you want 1- : "I'll tuke you as far as New "Hut York," he suld unpleusuntly. then I'm afruld we'll have to part company " forlorn. horrified, Frightened, Doris still felt that she would rath er die than let him know how com pletely helpless she was. " "You can drop me at the she said. Bllt-more,- tv 'v to keep -the bowel action regular and comfortable i f spews as rare as cuius a a iua&e cunsupaieu m a avoid danger of bowel 6traln Vi use a siiuiu iuauuvc sr a e e A. 1 Can constipation be overcome? Yesl" say medical men. "Yesl" declare thousands who have followed their advice and know. You are not apt to cure your constipation with salts, pills and tablets, or any cathartic. But you can overcome this condition just by centle regulation 'with a suitable liquid laxative. Dr. CaldivdTs Syrup Pepsin has the average person's bowels just as regular as clockwork in a jew weeks' time. habit-formi- "O. K." r 11 don't know what is in it, don't chance it. The contents of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is stated plainly on the lubel; fresh herbs, pure pepsin, active senna. Its very taste tells you syrup pepsin is wholesome. A delightful taste, and delightful action. Safe for expectant mothers, and children. Drugstores have it. ready for use, in big bottles. Doris' throat was dry, her cheeks hot from the sun. The drive was never going to end. Doris decided that she could sleep In the park that night She could pawn her baggage and look for a Job. Rocky smoked cigarette after cig This test has proved to arette, his eyes squinting, his Why Hospitals use mouth sardonic and unhappy. Cars many men and women laxative a liquid that their trouble was And crowded and Jostled them. not "weak bowels," but The dose of a liquid laxative can Central park at last, where Doris can be action measured. The be strong cathartics! to had decided spend the night. She controlled. It forms no habit; First: select a properly was beginning to be frightened you need not take a "double prepared liquid laxative. again. Rocky would set her down or two later. Nor dose" a day Second: Take the dose at the Biltmore without a word will it irritate the kidneys. you find suited to your would Then where she go? The right liquid laxative will system. Third: gradually reduce the dose until Then Rocky turned off Fifth avebring a perfect movement, with bowels are moving of no discomfort at the time, or nue Into a side street aud brought their own accord. afterward. the car to a standstill. He got out. The wrong cathartic may Dr. Caldwell's Syrup walked around the car and opened keep you constipated as long as Pepsin has the highest the door. She looked at him blankly you keep on using ill standing among liquid "Well?" In buying any laxative, read laxatives, and is the one "Get out I've decided you're com the label. If it contains a doubtgenerally used. lng with me to have a showdown ful drug, don't take it. If you with Doris." "Is this is this where jou live?' "As If you didn't know It" Smart Bird Keeping Them A love bird, exhibited In England, Doris sighed. It was so hot She "Can you keep all your promises?" opened her bag and drew out her "Yes," answered Senator Sorghum, can recite two poems and say twelve "Come on," Rocky "some of them on file indefinitely." sentences; but wisely refrains from powder case. commanded Impatiently. writing letters. Detroit News. Washington Star. "Oh all right." She had small hope that Rocky's wife would be able to unravel the mystery, but the cool Iron grill before Rocky's door looked so Inviting. He smiled at her. "I'm sorry for all my rudeness," he sold. "There's something about you that drives me wild. I've seldom met a girl who could get my goat as successfully as you can." "I must be wonderful that way," Z IN AN HOUR Doris agreed. IM AFRAID ILL HAVE TO JMISJ They entered the elevator, and THE TUG DANCE AT r WELL, DlO BAYER Sr- -I Rocky pushed the button. The tiny CLUB TONIGHT. IP LOVE TO STOP THAT I v ASPIRINHEADACHE elevator was painted dull blue and ' ?J GO, BUT IVE N DONT GIVE l AN AWFUL decorated with three large mirrors. ivn, 0IO- -) IT CERTAINLY I HEADACHE. I I UP! SENO OlT f V L AND IN A FEW .Looking at herself Doris saw POR A BOX CTF I ) 4 MINUTES! ITS' BAYER. ASPIRIN rtCV-P that she was flushed and bright-eyeTAKJE TWO AND REMARKARIF(BUT ) from the heat. She thought that Ve HOT ATRACE .TABLSTS RIGHT I she had never looked better in her " r AWAY. ILL Is , OF HEADACHE LEFT. LL Q IC PHONE lis! life nor felt worse. The elevator stopped. Rocky opened the door. "Doris, Doris !" Rocky's 'voice 'boomed emptily through the apartment. Rocky's wife was not there. As they went in they saw that the place had not been occupied for a A Discovery That's Bringing Fast Relief To Millions long time. Dust lay on everything un an was that evidence and there Now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches, rheumatism, neuritidy Job of packing had been done WHY RAYFP tis, neuralgia . . . the fastest safe relief, there, but not recently. it is said, yet discovered. "II ll said Rocky. "My devoted ASPIRIN Those results are due to a scienwife seems to have left me, nnc WORKS SO FAST which tific a didn't-eveBayer discovery by leave and baggage. She Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or me a note as far as I can discov a Bayer Tablet Drop in a glass of water. disintegrate, in the amazing space of er." He bent over Doris and seized Note that BEFORE two seconds after touching moisture. it touches bottom, it her suddenly by the shoulders And hence to start "taking hold" of has started to dis"And now, my dear young lady, it's pain a few minutes after taking. integrate. 1 W hat it does in this op to you to explain. Just exactly The illustration of the glass, here, glass it does in your what Is the game?" tells the story. A Bayer Tablet starts stomach. Hence its fast action. to disintegrate almost instantly you Doris stared back at him. "Take swallow it. And thus is ready to go to RA your hands off my shoulders." work almost instantly. "When you answer my question When you buy, though, see that About Having You Kiss Me." But the glare In her eyes had you get the Genuine BAYER Aspirin. had Its effect. She saw that he For Bayer Aspirin's quick relief er tears. Rocky's bitter taunt re- was to be more angry Does Not Harm the Heart say "BAYER Aspirin." always curred to her he seemed to think than pretending was. seemed he actually They she was some kind of an evil wom- to have reached a deadlock. "This an. His eyes were so unfriendly Is silly," said Doris. "You know and cruel. If he knew the truth he well I know no more perfectly would turn "her over to the police. about stupid old wife than your Perhaps he would anyway. you do." She packed quickly. What the fuA slight grin announced that fewest Hotel ture held In store for her she could Rocky knew himself beaten. His not guess. IRRITATION more on shoulders became her grip Doris accused herself unmerci- friendly. "So you think Doris Is fully. Plie ought to have known stupid." that Mrs. Du Val was not acquaint- . The girl flushed. She did think I Relieve all drynes. ancjV ed with her. One does not run Into so, rather she had conceived a dis irril.'ilion by applying friends so easily. when one is lost like for Rocky's wife for some rea moiiiiioi.il urn nioiii In New York. son not clear to herself. Yet she and morning. How, now, would she find her did not want Rocky to think so. so er It's to'hear much think "I stupid mind friends, her parents, shied away) her husbard? Then about her," she said faintly. she thought again with terror of the don't know whether she's actually man In the cab. If she did find her stupid or not." "You're sweet," said Rocky, unex friends, it meant finding that man PARKER'S HAIR RAISAM pectedly and kissed her. again. Dandruff-StoRamon Hair rallinc lit "fX It seemed forever that his lips Of course. he was her nusband. She looked at herself earnestly In stayed on hers, but It was actually the mirror. The face, young and only a moment before she was pushyy mc(ii Chwa. W.. PtglioKiie.N.T. rLOKESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for nae in anxious, looked back at her. She ing him away. "I don't think I connection with Parker' Hair Balsam.Make thm was absolutely alone In the world. care at all about having you kiss hair soft and fluffy. 60 cent by mail oratdrue 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms me," she said confusedly. "I don't Kista. Hiacox Chemical Worka, Fatchogua, N.Y. And now she was going out In It " Radio connection in every room. believe without friends, without money." had let her go as suddenly RATES FROM fl JO Rocky knocked peremptorily on as Rocky Ton Hae RANGE OR WORK HORRF8, If he had seized her. "I don't 4 Ol.TS, bmlti or nnhmkv M.C JLttS for sale. write the door. Jttit oppotiit Mormon Tabcrnsctt KtU tliASULt.H I low I Ctmritou, think care at all about kifsJnf "Are you ready?" he asked curtly. you," he retorted. ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. YVNU W 4433 "Certainly," she said promptly. (TO B8 CONTINUED.i THE TEST: Ease Pain Now In Few Minutes II ff S 1 V Ftxvfr 72sV . IOHTNl to know $3.00 Too Many Words "Debate confuses," said Hi Ho, IT lliPr nnsmlllngly. Rocky opened his eyes In pretended surprise. "You mean to say It Isn't to you with your love of adventure? Fickle woman, and on our wedding day you were so crazy about me!" Doris was scarlet. For a moment she thought that Rocky meant they had hud a wedding day. It was too If only he would stop confusing. teasing. It was baffling enough not sight !" Taking It on Chin Doris didn't know what to say. "Four years in college," a pro- His making fun of love Infuriated school fessor tells his class, "is her. She looked at him In stunned Not until only shadow boxing." one enrolls in the School of Exper- helplessness. Who was she? What was she doience, he means, does one begin to was the real here? Where ing on chin. the take it Doris? Why wasn't she here In stead? per week will be paid Mrs. Du Val rapped at the door for the best article on "Why yon and came In. "Ah my children should tue Inter mountain made like quiet little love-bird- s Goods'" you sit I" Similar to aboTC. Send your story in prose or verse to InShe glanced at Doris' plate. "But termoantain Products Column, P. O. you do not eat I" She shook her Box 15&S, Salt Lake City. If your finger. "You are too excited. Rocky story appears in this column you has talked to you too much." ceive check for Doris smiled. "Yes he hasn't given me time to dress, even!" She W.N.U S.lt Lake City gave Kocky a sly glance. Week No. 1344 He came out of his gloom with Marine Biology a humorous leer. "But you're so The climate off the coast of Ber- beautiful dressed or undressed. muda is such that work in marine Why should I?" biology can be carried on throughDoris drove to the village with out the year, and the waters furn- him. She sat quietly except for an ish excelent examples of marine occasional answer to his sarcastic life. The Bermuda biological sta- references to her "sustained Innotion has recently been erected and cence" her "touching consideraequipped with the latest laboratory tion" for his parents! When she equipment. could stand it no longer she cried : "Oh, keep still. You oaven't the Capital of Alaska Sitka, original capital of Alaska, faintest Idea of what you're talking -- k- By Peggy gan, grinning d "I'm not embarrassed. She him calmly. Ills grin became lifeless, awkward, lie reddened. "Isn't this all rather unnecessary V serve I ion. Sh (on back to th Du Val home, mare myatified than ever. Rocky return, she asked hi in. nt ber to discover the deception. He demands to know who sh I and wby hi wif He Kpoke slowly, the awkward Sh cannot tell him. to deceive hi innocent parent. They agre. lor the sake of hi ness disappearing. "I was Just parent, to pretend, lor the time being, they are husband and wife. thinking It would have better I guess If Doris hadn't sent me one she was as pretty as you. I hud all sorts of Rocky. "And you let me go through not been partly because was all this nonsense of telephoning Rocky's wife, because she supthoughts looking at you a minute herl How much longer du you In- posed to have the Du Yul seed Hgo." within her? She smiled gently. She half want- tend making a Jackass out of me?" flourishing Doris had known,' at least, all ed to add ' "But you know Doris lie eye) her accusingly. "You knew along that she was not going to didn't send me to you." But there all the time she wasn't there." She felt as If her last nerve was have a buby. Mrs. Du Val would be was something vaguely pathetic about him now. Poor fellow ! He about to snap. "Stop speaking to very angry when she found out how In that tone," she cried. "And Doris had taken advantage of her didn't know why she was here any me If you happen to have been born a sympathy and love. more than she did herntlf. And is that my fault? Stop the What should she do? anyway she wouldn't start the Inev- Jackass, car. I prefer to walk." Rocky had said that the limit had itable argument until she Lad to. Rocky stepped on the gas. "Stop been reached.' Yet why did he not "You know I could almost believe h 11 From now on, this expose her to his parents? whatever you might happen to tell It? Like But the kindly Du Vals were perme about yourself right now." nis fight gets serious! There are plenty of unpleasant places for girl ceiving at last that something had lips moved slowly Into a cynical excrooks In New York !" He stamped gone wrong with the newlyweds. pression. "You women !' Doris escaped Into the bathroom, violently on the starter. "Where do Doris did not eat Rocky glowered. you suppose that woman Is at this locked the door. Oscar Du Val pushed back his When she came out, she found hour? Not home from last night's chair. "Rocky", you go off somewhere I expect," the breakfast table heavy with cof- party, with Doris for a few days where She "You you're unspeakable." can be alone together." fee, oatmeal, grapefruit, pancakes, you to the farther side of bacon and sausages. In the center drew herself "Yes, yes,", said Mrs.' Du Val was She car. the Rocky seething. a bowl of early roses lent a bridul ."It Is" not good for young In a bitter brood- - eagerly. to be always with us old touch. Rocky was standing at the seemed engaged people lng. They said nothing more until ones " window, whistling. Doris stood still, severity In her he opened the door of the car for "We love It," Doris spoke impulto alight. "It hasn't occurred to herDoris expression. sively. from his extended retreated ' you, I suppose, that I might like to Rocky glared at her. be left alone for a minute." Her bund. "I can get out of this car "As a matter of fact, Doris and I hnlr was pinned back quaintly but quite well without assistance." are leaving for .New York this afterHer face was careless- outHe seized her arm and pulledlike hera noon, If you don't, mind,' he snid. becomingly. roughly. "Stop acting ly dusted with powder and. Judging Doris' heart leaped with fe:ir. So from the way she held the robe fool." she was to leave this place leave on to stood Doris eye, eye They closely about her. she had very Mrs. Du Val, her only friend In the the step above him, outraged, pant- - world. And where should she go little on. man had her Rocky pulled a chair up to the lng with fury. This in New York? She ' table and sat down. "Draw up, so completely at his mercy. she She rose. "I'll go and ' so no had She was helpless. place said. "What time does pack," ilream girl, he said gleefully. the train to to. no And turn one he to go "Rather, darling, let me arrange Insulted her, humiliated her. She leave?" your pillows for you." "I'll drive you In my car," said There seemed nothing else she could not think of words to express . Rocky. had her gone ejse Everything fury. could do about It, so Doris walked Doris mind. her from swiftly out of the scrambled Into bed. Rocky poked He too was filled with hate. His room so that they would not see pillows behind her. sur-reje- maka STATUS THE STORY FROM THE BEGINNING room as she "If you're embarrassed," It la have gone on steadily, with the patience of their kind, perfecting their Frankly, television us an Industry apparatus without inviting the pubU not near. Those engineers who lic's plaudits. Their stage of acexceed have laid their curds boldly upon complishment anything the table by making public demon- which hag jet been revealed In pub-Idemonstration. T. Coulson, la strations of their sets have only succeeded In showing us that tele- the Forum and Century. vision has Dot passed the experimental stuge In their laboratories. Dining Oat "No chicken a la king?" Others have contented themselves "Not for me. Your cook hatea with the statement that television Is Dot yet ready for the public and kings." TELEVISION'S 'I iWwrttjfe hhfclTi: - " S aasa'V' I ; i I "I Don't Think I Carr at All mouth was drawn into ugly lines. His eyes looked at her mercilessly. "You " he began. The cheery voice of Oscar Du Val boomed at them. "Ah, my children, home again I Good. I thought you might be late for lunch.'' Rocky reached out bis hand to- -' ward her, smiling hypocritically. It was the last straw. She raised her fists in the air and struck out desperately. In her madness she hit the umbrella stand. It knocked over, bitting Rocky violently. Taken by surprise, he uttered a loud "Ouch." "I hope It hurts!" Rocky whispered, venomously, "This is the limit. This ends everything." He rubbed his wounds tenderly. "And not too soon for me, either 1" said Doris. They went In to luncn. Mr. and Mrs. Du Val noticed nothing amiss. The meal seemed long and unendurable. Rocky was silent and Doris felt depressed. brooding. Where did she belong? Where should she go? She considered taking Mrs. Du Val Into her confidence. Rocky's mother had been so kind had seemed such a refuge. Yet had that . NASAL Salt Lake City's her--th- HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE |