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Show THE PACE FOUR TIlfe-NEW- S, Jl; 1931 738 A., 193073 A.. 1260 b 35 A., 525 bu.; 193230 AS. 650 bu.; 3-av.- - 47 A., 778 bu.', 4933 80 A. Amos Q. Irons. Sec 6, 31, 32 36 2059 A.: 1930335 A. g065 bu.; 1931 300 A.. 4200 bu.; 1932235 A., 3192 av.- - 290 A, 4153 bu.; 1933 bu.: 3-- NEPHL, UTAH Thursday, 193080 A., 1784 bu.; 193180 A., Mrs. T. H. O Parkes J. Walter 1704 bu.; 193280 A., 1725 bu.; Paxman, Sec. 30. 160 A.: 193060 av.- - 80 A.. 1737 bu.; 1933 A., 1783 bu.; 193180 A.. 1644 bu.; 80 A. 1932-- 80 A.. 1428 bu.; av.. 80 J. Walter Paxman, Sec. 13, 320 A., 1618 bp.; 193380 A. A. A.. 1618 Li Lou W. Pitt, Sec. 24. 420 A.: bu.; 193380 160 A.. 2360 bu.; 1933160 A.. 2100 1930125 A., 3654 bu.; 1931123 A., r. 3U0 A. av. 2293 160 A.. bu.; bu.; 1333 bu.; 1933125 A.. 1765 bu.; Jos E. Irons. Sec 6, 7. 34 920 A. 1933160 A. av.- - 125 A., 2250 bu.: 1933 A. 1700 1930150 bu.; 1931120 A The Tim(esNws Entered In the Post Office at Nepht. Utah, as second clasa mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 3-- 3-- yr 3-- bu.; 1932150 A. 500 bu.; - 133 A. 1083 DU.; 1933 120 A. Smith M. Ingram, Sec 126 A 1930 5i A., 1424 bu.; 193163 A, 1157 iu.; 193348 A., 967 bu.; A. B. Gibson Roy E. Gibson av.- - 62 A.. 1182 bu.; 1933 38 A. Editor and Manager Publisher Alonzo Ingram. Sec. 25, 120 A.: 19 jO 40 A., 800 bu.; 193160 A, 673 bu.; 193240 A., 300 bu.; 70 1855 1930 A.. f av.43 A.. 591 bu.; 1933 bu.; 1931129 A, 40 A. Wheat Production And Acreage A- 3250"-- j "H Jolin Wm. Ingram Sec. 440 Statements of Members of The av. o u moo A.: 193080 A.. 980 bu.; 1931 uu.; iyjj 80 Wheat Production Control Amocl-atlo- n Lestera.,B. Belllston. Bee. 17. 18. 30 A.. 819 bu.; 193280 A., 770 bu ; of Juab County, State of A.: 193040 A., 800 bu.; 1931 40 A, av.- - 80 A.. 858 bu.; 193380 A. 1328 bu.; 193240 A., 602 bu.; Chas Rupert Jenkins, Sec 8, 40 A.: Utah. av.- - 43 A., 910 bu.; 193340 A. 193040 A., 800 bu.; 1931-- 40 A, Aybert H. Belllston, Sec, 30, 7fl A.: 600 bu.; 193200 A., 00 bu.; a v. of a statement is The following 193038 A.. 606 bu.; 193138 A.. 565 20 A.. 350 bu.; 193340 A. the production and planted acreage bu.; 193238 A.. 446 bu.; av.-3- 8 Wm. M. and Lettle Jenkins, Sec. of wheat in the year 1930, 1931 A.. 913 bu. 193330 A. 19, 80 A.: 193044 A.. 792 bu.; 1931 1933 1932 for of and and Albert H. Belllston, Sec 17, 18, 80 planted 30 A.. 435 bu.; 193244 A.. 573 bu.; Juab (of) County A.: 1930 50 A., 1216 bu.; 1931 30 producers av.- - 37 A., 699 bu.; 1933 for who have submitted applications A., 705 bu.; 1932 50 A., 839 bu.; 3- - 30 A. farm allotments. This publication yr. av.- 43 A., 913 bu. 193330 A. Wm. M. Jenkins, Sec. 30, 80 A.: is made in compliance with the reg- 40 A.. 613 bu.; 1933 40 A. 193040 A.. 680 bu.; 193140 A., 640 ulations of the Agricultural Adjust- 1930108 A., 2025 bu.; 1931120 A., bu.; 193240 A., 540 bu.; ment Administration. It is made so 2000 bu.; 1932 108 A., 1800 bu.; 620 bu.; 193340 A. that a check may be made on all av.-u- a A., 1942 Du. 1933120 A. Edward Jones, Sec. 19. 151 A.: restatement claims, and so than William Bailey, Sec. 289 A.; 193025 A., 625 bu.; 1931 15 A., 300 ports may be made to the county 1930126 A., 1972 bu.; 1931162 A.. bu.; 1932 25 A.. 375 bu.: 4 yr. av.- Wheat Production Control Associa- 2410 bu.; 1932126 A.. 2000 bu.: 3- - 20 A., 400 bu.; 193315 A. 8 tion on any inaccuracies which may yr. A., 2127 bu.; 1933180 A. Geo. V. Jones, Sec. 17, 320 A.: 1930 wiirora Bailey, Sec. appear in the statements. 185 80 A.. 1085 bu.; 193100 A., 00 bu.; The allotment for this county has A.: 193089 A., 1376 bu.; 1931 av.- - 35 A 193260 A., 75 bu.; al 96 A.. 1526 bu.; 1932 been deflntlely calculated from 89 A., 1370 290 bu.; 193300 A. av.- - 91 A.. 1424 bu records of the United States bu.; i.1s Ed. Leonard Jones, Wm. Stanley 180 A. Department of Agriculture, and is Jannet. Sec 6. 23 24. 321 A.: 1930 Owen BosweU, Sec. 12, 160 This is the bushels. 282,618 75 A.. 1259 bu ; 64A. 920 bu.; 1931 A.. 800 bu.: 1931 total allotment for the county. av.- - 25 is a' 1932120 A.. 720 bu.; Therefore, if any farmer receiver a 600 bu.; 193246 A.. 500 bu.; A. 338 bu.; 193365 A. - w n, 1833 greater allotment than his past pro15 A. ojj DU.; Mable Wanda Janett. Sec. duction warrants, he is thus depriv Stephen Boswell. Sec. 31, 160 A 60 A.: 1930 17 A.. 235 bu.; 1931 of 193080 in A.. farmres this other 1840 county a" ing bu.; 193180 43 A., 731 bu.; 193217 A 200 bu.; 1800 bu.; 1932 80 A., 1200 their Just share. av.- - 25 A., 388 bu.; 1033 bu.; Total production figures of those av.- - 80 A., 1613 bu. 193380 A 43 A. x nomas uauey. Sec. 1. 80 a who apply for contracts together loin Grace H. Judd, Sec. 11. 241 A.: 1930 40 A., 620 bu.; 1931 with those who do not, must be con 40 A, 680 138 A., 2632 bu.; 1931100 sis ten with the official county pro uu., w a., 640 bu.; av 1175 bu.; 1933138 A., 1685 bu.; A, 3- 40 01 613 records as shown the A., duction bu.; 193367 A. by av.- - 125 A., 1830 bu.; 1933 yr. of v,m United States Department lite risen, J06 M.. Sec 1. 2. 11 3fi 100 A. the Agriculture. If the county totals are 147 A.: 193080 A.. 1600 bu.; 1931 Edward Kendall Bee. 13, 291 A.: 67 official it A., 675 bu.; 193260 A.. 1000 bu.; totals, greater than the 1930146 A..2072 bu.; 1931 144 A, av.-7- 3 will be necessary to make a down A.. 1091 bu.; 1933 67 A 2160 bu.; 1932146 A., 2336 bu.; 3- ward adjustment. nnsiensen James, Sec. 20 120 av.- - 126 A., 2189 bu.; 1933 140 yr. 1930-A.: confidena 61 A.. 854 bu.; 193157 A. Any person may make A. tial report if he finds any state- 572 bu.; 1932- -1 A., 663 bu .; Mrs. J. W. Kendall, Sec. 19. 80 A.: ment here which he believes to be av.- - 65 A., 699 bu.; 193367 A. SIsson C. Chase, Sec. 13, 140 A 193040 A.. 700 bu.; 193140 A, inaccurate. Such reports should be bu.; 193240 A., 640 bu.; made to the community or county 1930-- 52 A., 1225 bu.; 1931- -65 a" 609 av.- - 40 A.. 649 bu.; 193340 A. Allotment Committee either in writ- 975 bu.; 193252 A.. 1260 bu.; Fred Kendall. Sec. 23. 25, 28, 36. ing or verbally. The reports will av.- - 56 A., 1153 bu.; 193365 A. A farmer William Joseph Carter, Sec 29 431 A.: 1930226 A., 4876 bu.; 1931 be strictly confidential. 206 A., 2870 bu.; .1932226 A., whose statements are said to be in- 80 A.: 193080 A.. 1760 bu.; 1931 A., 3561 bu.; accurate will need to prove his pro- 00 A., 00 bu.; 193280 A.. 1440 bu .; 2938 bu.; 4 yr. av.-21933 205 A. av.- - 40 A.. 800 duction figures. bu.; 193300 A Guarnett Kendall, Sec. 10, 80 A. Farmers have been asked to furnGeorge Chrlstensen, Sec. 36 80 A 193060 A., 1080 bu.; 193100 A., ish evidence of production and evi- 1930--80 A., 1703 bu.; 193100 a' 00 bu.; 193380 A. 1060 bu.; dence of sale, such as threshermen's 00 bu.; 193280 A., 839 bu.- - r" av.- - 40 A., 535 bu.; 1933 141 A. certificates, elevator certificates, or av.- - 40 A.. 635 bu.; 193300 A. Thomas and Paul Kendall, Sec Martha M. Carter, Sec. 24 119 A other records and receipts. Satis28, 1240 A.: 1390160 A. 1800 bu.; factory evidence will be required of 1930-- 80 A., 2000 bu.; 193139 a" 27. 1931230 A., 2240 bu.; 193200 A., any farmers whose statement la 600 bu.; 1932-- B0 A., 1120 bu .; . ml''S"i-"",,""av.- - 59 A., 1240 V4 questioned. av.- - 195 A., 1346 bu.; bu.; uu bu.; Mrs. J. S. Cows" 1933,0 The following statements have J A. ' 193300 A. . Sec. 30. 78 A been condensed to save space. "A." 193038 A State Land Board and Cleon H. and 948 'bu" acres 193138 bu.; planted represents Sec. 5, 6, 7, 8, 420 A.: 1930 "932 38 A.. 760 bu.; A, Kennee, represent bushels harvested. The 2664 148 A. bu.; 1931141 A., 2820 6 1?&VZ 38 A.. 907 bu.; 193338 A 1932148 A., 1776 bu.; bu.; 3 Thos S. Davis 16. Sec : 425 A 17, average year - 145 A., 2420 bu.; 1933141 A. 'and produc-fe- r 1930145 A., 2914 bu.; 1931110 A.. av.-Sam'l tion of Linton, Sec. 19, 35, 231 A.: and questV' vr'armers should re 2341- bu.; 193280 A., 1236 bu.; 1930196 A., 2646 bu.; 193140 A., licatlon torsions regarding thisCom-J-Pf- re av.- 112 A., 2164 bu.: 193365 A 720 bu.; 1932116 A., 1508 bu.; Alice Golden, Sec. 17, 18 A.: 1930 rero their Community av.- - 98 A., 1437 bu.; 1933 or the County Allotment 18 A., 549 bu.; 193100 A.. 00 bu.: 193218 A., 414 bu.; a. av. 9 A., 120 A. Committee. Sam'l Fenton Memmott, Sec. 20, NEPHI - TINTIC DISTRICT 41 DU.; I33 00 A. Maber G. Golden. Sec. 6. 115 A 181 A.: 193063 A., 1638 bu.; 1931 ROBT. WINN, THOS W. VICK-ER- S. A., 1134 WILPORD BAILEY, Com- 193065 A., 1050 bu.; 193150 A., 100 A., 1200 -bu.; 193263 av.- 75 A., 1323 bu.; 1933 ouu bu.; uu. ; so Committee. 865 a., lajz bu.; munity 100 A. Abraham J. Bowers, Sec. 19, 92 av.- - 55 A., 838 bu.; 1933 50 A. Sec. 20, 29. 284 193149 666 Jos. W. A, bu.; Golden. Sec. 17, 52 A Cleon L. Memmott, 2200 A.: 193037 A., bu.; 1931 A.: A., 1930110 629 A.. bu.; 10 193237 735 bu.; a., 040 du.; 1931 8 A iju 2016 bu.; 1932110 A., 1870 112 A., 18 av. 41 A., 676 bu.; 1933 49 A. " A., 558 bu.; iJii av.- - 110 A., 2028 bu.; bu.; Carl J. Bowles, Sec. 25, 105 A. av.- - 15 A., 427 bu .: 19338 A. A.. 193140 H. Jos 660 bu.; Sec 22, 23, 26, 1933112 A. 193040 A., Greenhalgh, 524 175 A., 3850 bu.; 1931 Jas. E. Memmott. Sec. 12, 13, 600 bu.; 193240 A., 630 bu.; ojo a.: 1931 5680 A. 40 bu.; 130 A., A.: 1930284 1933 1820 630 A., av. 40 A., bu.; 150 A., bu.; 1932 1650 bu.; av.- - 151 A., 2440 bu.: 240 A.. 4080 bu.; 1932284 A., 4825 Andrew J. Blackett, Sec. av.- - 262 A., 4861 bu.: 5 1931 A. 125 A. 5 bu.: 1933140 bu.; 5 A.: 1930 A., A. J. Gowers, Sec. 6, 160 A.: 1930 5 A., 125 bu.; 1933240 A. 125 bu.; 1932 tsu a., zuuo bu.; 193180 A. 1440 Cleon L. Memmott, Sec. 29, 95 A.: av. 5 A., 125 bu. 1933 5 A. A., 1680 bu.; av.- - 80 193040 A., 500 bu.; 193140 A., Alvin Roy Bowles, Sec. 13, 152 A.: 76 A., A., 1773 bu.; 193380 A. 1931 600 bu.; 193240 A., 640 bu.; 193076 A., 1450 bu.; 981 H. H. Greenhalgh, Sec. 7, 22 23 736 av.- - 40 A., 580 bu.; 1933 40 A. bu.; 1156 bu.; 1932 76 A., A.: 1930195 A., 2230 bu.; 1931 E. Memmott, Effie L. Foote, av. 76 A., 1196 bu., 1933 76 A. 2tt Jas Sec. 8, 160 A., 193030 A. 1620 La Vern Bowles, Sec. 24, 140 A.: A., 3060 bu.; 1932195 A., 2100 bu.: av.- - 210 A., 2463 bu .; 1933 1930 14 A., 300 bu.; 193118 A., bu.; 193180 A., 1820 bu.; 193280 av.- - 80 A., 1516 atf 242 A. A., 1112 bu.; 300 bu.; 193214 A., 250 bu.; 18 A. Walter P. Gadd, Sec. 1, 144 A.: 1930 bu.; 193380 A. 16 A., 263 bu. 1933 Robert B. Broadhead, Sec. 4, 5, 70 A., 2119 bu.; 193174 A.. 1293 Chas. William Morgan, Sec. 36, 185 60 A., 100 bu.; bu.; 193270 A., 1190 bu.;. A.: 193093 A., 3255 bu.; 1931 av.-7- 1 9, 32, 120 A.: 1930 1931 86 A., 2416 bu.: 193293 A., 1960 60 A., 1300 bu.; 193260 A A., 1530 bu.; 193374 A. av. 60 A., 1067 bu.; av.- - 91 A., 2544 bu.; 1933 Estella B. Garrett. Sec. 31, 123 A : bu.; 900 bu.; 86 A. 193360 A. 30 A., lyau 30 A., 810 bu.; 1931 Wm. E. Broadhead, Sec 32, 233 750 bu.; 193240 A., 624 bu.; Delphia Bernettia Morgan, Sec. 128 av.r as A., 728 bu.; 1933 16 A. A.: 193044 A., 572 bu.; 1931 18. 173 A.: 193030 A., 552 bu.; 1931 30 A.. 449 Jos. O. Garrett, Sec. 6, 40 A 35 A., 593 bu.; 1932 A., 2400 bu.; 1932 64 A., 780 bu.; av-3- 1 A., 531 bu.; 1933 yr. av. 78 A.. 1250 bu. 1933127 A. 193030 A.. 600 bu.; 193100 A., 00 bu.; "Mrs. Melvina P. Broadhead, Sec, du.; i93a 40 A., 450 bu.; av 35 A. 3- 290 A.: 1930 145 A., 2600 18 A. 262 bu.; 1933 40 A. Myron H. Miller, Sec. 11, 320 A.: Jane Gadd, Sec. 36, 160 A.: 1930 1930100 A., 1142 bu.; 1931100 A., bu.; 193130 A., 645 bu.; 1932145 av.- - 87 A., 1486 75 A., 1892 bu.; 1931 75 'A., 1362 884 bu.; 1932100 A., 604 bu.; A., 2000 bu.; 100 A. av.- - 100 A., 877 bu.; 1933 av.-7- 5 bu.; 193275 A., 1325 bu.; bu.; 193330 A. Samuel D. Broadhead, Sec. Alice Miller. Sec. 24. 150 A.: 1930 A., 1526 bu.; 1933 75A. 193 A.: 1930 65 A., 750 bu.; 1931 Geo O. Golden, Sec 1, 8, 18 320 A.: 75 A., 1288 bu.; 193175 A.. 1165 av-7- 5 80 A., 2240 bu.; 193230 A.. 300 193065 A., 1109 bu.; 193165 A.. bu.; 193275 A., 1117 bu.; 1065 bu.; 193365 A., 982 bu.; av. 58 A., 1096 bu. 1933 bu.; A., 1190 bu.; 193375 A. av.- - 65 A., 1044 bu.; 193300 A. 85 A. Jos G. Irons, Harry J. Irons, Sec 5. Samuel D. Broadhead, Sec. 11, Geo. O. Golden, Sec. 17, 25 A.: 6, 320 A.: 193030 A., 520 bu.: 1931 80 A.: 1930 40 A., 480 bu.; 193100 1930 18 A., 500 bu.; 1931 50 A., 720 bu.; 193200 A., 00 bu.; 8 A., 200 av.- 32 A., 488 bu.; 1933 A., 00 bu.; 1932 40 A., 429 bu.; bu.; 932 18 A., 528 bu.; av av.- - 20 A., 227 bu.; 193300 A. 13 A., 373 bu.; 19338 A. 80 A. 0, Mrs. Frances Burton, Sec. Robt. P. Garrett. Sec. 6, Ostler Bros., Sec.- - 2, 24, 25, 26, 110 214 A., 1930117 A., 2215 bu.; 1931 A.: 193031 A., 640 bu.; 193131 1, 11. 12, 35, 30, 36 3470 A.: 1930 157 A., 3660 bu,; 1932117 A., 1869 A.; 460 bu.; 193231 A., 337 bu.; 752 A., 9024 bu.; 1931607 A., 6070 av.-3- 1 av., 137 A., 2750 bu.; 1933 A.. 479 bu.; 193331 A. bu.; bu.; 1932752 A., 9024 bu.; 157 A. Chas. H. Garret, Sec. 120 A.: ac.- - 770 A., 8039 bu.; 1933607 A. 196 A.: Rulon H. Bracken, Sec. 7, 1930 77 A., 2400 bu.; 193180 A, Geo. H. Ostler and C. K. Black1930 98 A., 2041 bu.; 1931 98 A., 2240 bu.; 193277 A., 1172 bu.; ett. Sec 29, 101 A.: 193026 A., 560 av.- - 78 A., 1937 bu.; 193380 A. 1830 bu.; 193298 A., 1967 bu.; bu.; 193128 A., 588 bu.; 1932 Hosmer L. Grace, Sec. av., 98 A., 1946 bu.; 193398 A. 10, 408 bu.; 193323 A. 40 Florence G. Brough, Sec. 24, 11, 14, 15, 500 A.: 1930270 A., Geo. H. Ostler, Sec. 1. 65 A.: 1930 A.: 193000 A., 00 bu.; 193140 6200 bu.; 1931234 A., 5300 bu.; 1932 00 A., 00 bu.; 193160 A., 357 bu.; 00 270 A., 4000 bu.; A.. 1100 bu.; 193200 A., bu.; av.- - 25 A., av.- - 252 A., 193200 A., 00 bu.; 4- av.- - 26 A., 516 24 A., 408 bu.; yr av.- - 20 A., 464 bu.; 193300 A. 5045 bu.; 1933234 A. 220 A.: C. A. Hall, Sec. 3 40 A.: 19309 bu.; 193323 A. Aaron F. Bracken, Sec. 25, 1930147 A., 2704 bu.; 1931 165 A., A.. 225 bu.; 193118 A., 360 bu.; Willard Ockey, John Wlllard. Le 2716 bu.; 1932147 A., 2226 bu.; 329 A., 162 bu.; av.-1- 3 A., land and Clarence James, Sec 10. av. 153 A., 2548 bu.; 1933165 A. 299 bu.; 1933 18 A. 154 A.: 193077 A., 2156 bu.; 1931 170 A.: Ernest Brough, Sec. Perry C. Hall, Sec. 12, 30 A. 1930 77 A., 925 bu.; 1932 77 A 925 193080 A., 2065 bu.; 193190 A. 10 A., 100 bun,; 193120 A., 340 bu.; bu.; av.- - 77 A.. 1135 bu.; 1933 1900 bu.; 193280 A., 200 bu.; 1932 10 A. 80 bu.; av.- - 15 A., 77 A. av. 83 A., 1988 bu.; 1933 83 A. 217 bu.; 193320 A. William Ockey, Sec. 30, 36 State of Utah, Bent R. Bryan, Brent D. Hall. Sec. 12, 33 A.: 155Joseph A.: 193075 A., 891 bu.; 1931 1, 1422 A.: 1930 300 A., 192929 A., 580 bu.; 193100 A., 00 Sec. 00 A., 00 bu.; 193285 A., 1090 bu.; 6733 bu.; 1931300 A., 2686 bu.; bu.; 193229 A., 609 bu.; av.- av.- - 40 A.. 495 bu.; 1933 av. 340 14 A., 297 bu.; 193329 A. 1932 360 A., 3448 bu.; W. L. Hoyt, R. V. Stanley, Sec. 00 A. A., 3955 bu.; 1933360 A. Thomas Glenn Booth, Sec. 17, 154 23.: 640 A.: 1930150 A., 2260 bu.; Andrew W. Olsen, Sec. 33, 63 A.: 26 A., A.: 193014 A., 280 bu.; 193130 A. 1931 150 A., 1045 bu.; 1932150 A. 193016 A.. 585 bu.; 1931 400 bu.; 193210 A., 280 bu.; av.- - 150 A., 1538 bu.; 528 bu.; 193216 A.. 304 bu.; av. 1311 bu. av.21 A., 472 bu.; 193326 A. 18 A., 320 bu.; 193320 A. 1933 00 A. Wilford Belllston, Sec 10, 18, 200 A. Harry J. Irous, Sec. 33, 4, 5. 7, 8 Joseph W. Olpln, Sec. 7, 180 A.: 850 at Nephl, Juab County. Utah Published Every Thursday 2 Nov. 1933 - 16 A, 525 bu.; 193314 A. Walter J. Paxman, Mrs. E. P. ecofleld. owner Sec. 32, 80 A.: 1930 av.- 125 A. 18, 13, 24 A.. 5120 bu.; 23. 660 A.: 1930-3- 20 1931237 A., 4853 bu.; 1933320 A. av.- - 292 A.. 4925 bu.; 4800 bu.; r. Clarence Paxman, Sec. 1933320 A. John C. Painter Sec. 8. 68 193018 A.. 473 bu.; 193114 490 bu.; 193219 A.. 647 bu.; A.: A., 3-- 193140 40 A., 935 bu.; A., 765 av.. bu.; 40 A.. 835 bu.; 193340 A. Harold Ralph and Robt Park, Sec. 35, 187 A.: 193075 A.. 675 bu.; Continued on Page Five bu.; 193240 A., 805 3-- 4-- yr av.- 3-- List of Nominations, General Election Nov. 7, 933 1 OFFICIAL BALLOT 3-- -9, j. 3-- 3-- 4-- yr 3-- 4-- 3-- av.-40- 3-- yr ar.-13- 4-- yr. af-ficl- 3-- 3-- yr For Delegates to Convention to Ratify or Reject the Following or tne united states. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution The Congress has proposed an amendment to the constitution of the United States which provides: ARTICLE Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constituton of the United States is hereby repealed. 1 Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for X aeiivery, or use therein ot intoxicating liquors, m violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited. Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratiled as an amendment to the Constit ution by conventions in the severalStates, as provided in the Constitu tion, within seven years from the date of the resubmission hereof to the States by the Congress. The Congress has also proposed that the said amendment shall be ratified by conventions in the States. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Do not vote for more than 21. To vote for all candidates in favor of ratification, or for all candidates against ratification, make a cross-mar- k in the CIRCLE at the head of the list of candidates for whom you wish to vote. If you do this make no other mark. To vote for an individual candidate make a cross-mar- k in the SQUARE at the right of the name. To vote for a person other than candidate listed on the ballot, write in nme in blank column. 3-- 23-2- 4, 3-- yr 3-- For Ratification of proposed change in Constitution of the United States Against Ratification of proposed change in Constitution of the United States O O 3-- yr 3-- 3-- yr 15 O Glen O. Allred ( ) Inez Knight Allen George S. Ball if ( ) Hyrum B. Calder .. Clarence Bamberger ..( ) Josenh E. Cardon . John O. Beesley ( ) Chas. W. Dunn Ephram Bergeson ( ) Abel John Evans 3-- 3-- yr 3-- 4-- yr 3-- vr' MayFox. A. S. Brown ( ) Mrz. JOttiiK. Hardy Lawrence Clayton ( ) Franklin S. Harris e 1930-32-l!- U T. Earl Clements ( ) Miah Day ( ) ( ) Mat. Gilmour ( ) James Gunn McKay L. B. Hampton ( ) Henry M. Merkel Franldin Hansen ( ) Mrs. J. A. Hendricks ( ) William R Palmer L. A. (Hollenbeck ( ) Hylon T. Plumb Mrs. L. Bl McCornick ( ) Herbert W. Reherd R. L. Olson, ( ) Louise Y. Robison Mrs. S. Grover Rich ( ) 3-- yr pub-mitt- en 4-- yr . ( ( ) ) 3-- yr 3-- yr acreap-,fCes,'",;n- .. ( M -.- 3-- bt4iui3 UreS. 3-- 3-- yr 3-- yr. A C Ellis, Jr. tt if t Wm. J. Henderson ( ) J. Franklin KiUian . Wilmer J. Maw 3-- 3-- 3-- yr iiy 3-- 4-- Z Frank M. Orem 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- . 3-- yr 3-- 3-- yr 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- ti 3-- .. C. S. Springer Franklin Riter ( ) T. N. Taylor Sam D. Thurman ( ) Robert D. Young 3-- 3-- ( ( ( ) ( ) ) ) 3-- 3-- 3-- 3-- yr 3-- 4-- 4-- yr 19-3- 31-3- 3-- 3-- yr 4-- yr 1, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No 2. Relating to Intoxicating Liquors A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article 22 of the Constitution of the State of Uah by Repealing Secion 3 Thereof Relating to the Prohibition and Regulation of Sale, Manufacture, Use, Advertisement of, Possession of or Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors. 3-- yr 4-- yr. STATE OF UTAH, 4-- yr 3-- yr. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 1. Relating to Minimum Wage for Women and Minors A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article 16 of the Constitution, by the Addition of a Section Relating to a Minimum Wage for Women and Minors; and General Welfare of Any and All Employees. YES NO ss. COUNTY OF JUAB 4-- yr 19-2- 4, 3-- yr 3-- 4-- 16-2- 3-- 4-- 3-- 3-- yr NO YES 3-- yr. 4-- yr 3-- X I, J. H. Vickers, County Clerk of Juab County, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the original lists of nomination as filed in my office to be voted on by the voters of Juab County at the General Election to be held on Tuesday the 7th day of November A. D. 1933. 4 ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in Nephi City, Juab County, Utah, this 31st day of October, A. D, 1933, 3-- (SEAL) J. . VICKERS, Juab County Clerk. |