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Show J THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- Local News tr?Er? CLASSIFIED Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ostler and HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID f'Oit LOGS Any amount dozen family motored to 8alt Lake City or a carload-Rob- ert Winn Co. Wednesday. fflU Sell only for Cash All Prices Reduced Watch for further Announcements Mr. and Mrs. George Cromar of THREE MONTH'S OLD PIGS FOP, Eureka spent Thank.wdvliiK at the SALE at Bert Greenhalgh's. home of Mrs. W. A. Starr. KEDl'C'E YOl'R Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wilkey vLsited Al'TO LOANS CAR Payments or et some extra tills week in Lynntlyl. with Mr. and iioney by REFINANCING with uc. Mrs. Harry Wilkey. Call In or Write To Finance & Thrift Co. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Head enter57 North University Ave. Provo, Ut. a their at dinner at tained family home, on Thanksgiving Day. 1927 CHEVROLET FOR SALE of Mr. and Mrs. Hal McCune Coach new top. pood tires, Rood BARGAIN Salt Lake City were guests Sunday, mechanical condition of Mrs. W. A. Starr and family. Call Clurence H. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. M E. Crump of Salt FOR RENT FOUR ROOM Lake City were Thanksgiving vistf Call 40-of Mrs. Mr. home and itors at the Sid Wright, parents of Mrs. Crump. To Our Friends and Depositors Mrs. R. V. Stanley spent the past We regret very much that contwo weeks in Salt Lake City where she has visited with her sisters Mrs. ditions have made it necessary for business LcRoy Christensen and Mrs. Ray us to tcmHrarily susiiend until such time as matters can be Bean. adjusted. We wish to thank our loyal deMrs. Clinton Kirkan and daughter Maklne of Salt Lake City retur- positors and friends for their supned home Thursday after a week's port and we have faith that matters be so adjusted that our deposvisit with Mrs. Kirgan's parents, will itors should not suffer any loss. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey. (Signed) Nephi Natl Bank by Ralph Brough, Cashier. Miss LaVeve Petty, who is attending the U. S. A. C. at Logan, spent the Thanksgiving holidays FOR SALE BALED ALFALFA $15.50 per ton Juab County Mill with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. & Elevator Co. M. Petty. Logan, Sunday, after spending the Shearing Corral week-en- d with Miss Reld's parents. E. Ostler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reld. 5 NEPHI, :- SONS UTAH - Local and Social Local and Social The Ladles Kensington club met Mrs. W. W. Jenkins of this city attended the funeral of Mrs. Ruth at the home of Mrs. Sadie Tolley Chase In Salt Lake City Monday. A literary program, Thursday. music and social chat were enjoyed. Camp "Salt Creek" of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold Delicious refreshments, appropriate their regular meeting at the home to the holidays, were served by the of Daughter Beulah Irons, on Fri- Misses Irene Tolley and Rheta Birdie day. December 11. The program SDerrv to the following: consists of community singing, vocal Jones, Jennie Winn, Kate Bowles, solo by Mrs. Vivian Hoyt, and Jenerva Jenkins. Jennie Beck. Jane history by Mrs. James Stanley. A Gadd, Loretta Ord, Ora Sperry, cordial invitation is extended to all Stella Garrett, Ada Jonhson, and the hostess. Sadie Tolley. eligible members. 1 FRIDAY SATURDAY jj 1 10c&25c SATURDAY, DEC 5 The boy friend of BAD GIRL Is here FRIDAY, DEC. 4 in Ken Maynard "BRANDED MEN' Africa Adventures Admission SISTER" SOB Oswald ti 25c 106 in again Admission James Dunn Linda Watkins 10c & 25c MONDAY SUNDAY CHARLES FARRELL and MADGE EVANS to happiness & Comedy Richard Arlen Peggy Shannon Jack Oakie Regis Tooney News in "TOUCH DOWN' notify J. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, and Mabel Wilson of Provo. and Clarence Wilson, commercial teachWe take this opportunity to show er at the hl(?h school at Oakley. our to the many Idaho, were Thanksgiving guests of friendsappreciation who helped us in any way Mr. and Mrs Alex Wilson. during the recent bereavement, at the illness and death of our husRay Murdock and his orchestra band and father. will play for the annual Sophomore Mrs. W. H. Bowles and family Hop to be held at the Arlington hall, on December 4th. The stu dents belonging to the Sophomore NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS class are going everything in their MEETING power to make the Sophomore Hop a real successful affair. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Because of the confllctlon with annual stockholders meeting of the another meeting, the time of the Nephi Irrigation Co. will be held regular American Legion Auxiliary at the Juab County Courthouse, on meeting has been changed to Thur- Monday, December 7, 1931, at 2 o'sday, December 10. at 3 p. m. The clock P. M. The purpose of said meeting is to meeting will be held in the city hall elect one director for a term of as usual. two years, and two directors for a The Juab Stake Presidency an- term of three years; to hear the nounces the program for the Union annual report of the company, and meeting to be held in the high to transact such other business as school building next Sunday. Dec. may properly come before the meet6th as follows: General assembly. ing. C. W. GLAZIER, Secretary 2:00 to 2:30 P. M. Relief Society. M. I A. and Primary, 2:30 to 3:30 P. on. M.; Priesthood quorums, 3:30 By The Stake Presidency. S. L. Anderson en tertained the members of the famThe ily at Thanksgiving dinner. following were present: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lyman and daughter Roasts Today BeeS Jessie Camille of Hollywood: Mr. of and Mrs. Wayne L. Anderson Spanish Fork; Donald Gadd of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Anderson and family. V 1 Before you make a sel ection of CHK15 1 MAS CARDS Stop in at this Office and look over our most attractive line. We have some of the nicest cards displayed I IK ik, '; Swifts Silverleaf lard needs no Introduction to Nephi housewives. Its popularity is attested by an enormous wad universal sale. Saturday we will sell 4 pound pails of Swift's Silverleaf lard for 45c- - Our O. P. S. Butter is churned fresh daily by one of Utah's biggest creameries. It's the best. Saturday, 32 1 Per pound. milllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllll SPARE TIRES WAITING FOR ALL BOYS AND GIRLS W i w I1; Nephi Merc. jtJl' Phone "CARE WILL SAVE YOUR CAR" Albie Booth, sensation lightweight back of the Tale team and present captain, conferring with Benny Friedman, coach of the tam, before a game. Friedman was the famous back on the Michigan team several years ago. F SUPERSTITIOUS q SUE Sunltist livv! Nephi, Utah . I kji j' rkiNTlKj& viHULinrnE)!! P. SKAGGS FOOD STORES "A Surety of Purity" This Week Advance Showing Of the Season's Smartest Ladies Walk Over Hosiery and ... Ladies ... At no time in our history have we had such an attractive display of Ladies Silk Hosiery and Handkerchiefs as now. Attractive in styles and attractive in prices. Please remember that Ladies Walk-Ove- r Hosiery is as famous for is for wear as it style. Come in at once while await you. selections of full a range The new crop oranges are now on the market. These large Sunkist Oranges will make your mouth water just to look at them. They are large colored beautifully and full of healthful sweet juice. They're the finest ever and a real bargain at 26 each, 19 per dozen Saturday. $6.90 Times-New- s 18 iL Fancy Handkerchiefs Oranges The I Co. Albie and Benny to-da- SELVEH MAPLE SEHVICE Cg! everything, too, a bag chock full of toys mechanical ones, constructive ones, artistic ones and games and dolls and everything a kiddy could hope for. Mothers will find excellent selection and most moderate prices. MONDAY will be our great CHRISTMAS OPENING DAY. All kinds of useful presents will be on display. Toys of all kinds. Suits for Boys at reduced price's. Ties, shirts, dishes veil, all you need for useful gifts. 'PI SHE HAS HEARD THAT " If a bride is at all fearful of the outcome of her great adventure let her wear a little packet of salt during the wedding ceremony for It le a charm to keep old man bad luck from dogging her rtepe. ir--p r- - 1 Fvjul fcOsM He's fat, and he's jolly, and Tie's just waiting for a chance to talk to good little boys and girls who want to tell their secret wishes to him. He has a supply of Large A flat tire won't worry you but how about a and let us inspect flat battery? Drive in y insurance against battery failyour battery inconvenience. and ure, delay A correct size and type for your car is always a good investment. 1 v Tin I . 1 nr "S3 OPSButter -- PLATE 1 SwiSt Lard TIMES NEWS 13 'v dinner, Pot Roasts cut from very choice high grade beef will sell for only 10 it Per pound. Many of our customers remark about this better grade of beef our market is cutting regularly-sayin- g it is the best they have ever eaten. Be sure to get one of these Beef Roasts Saturday. in our assortment. THE NEW EXIDE "44" HCRC f Our market has a real treat for your Sunday In honor of the birthday anniver sary of Mrs. J. E. Memmott. Mrs. Cleon L. Memmott entertained at a family dinner at her home Wednesday evening. Those enjoying the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Memmott, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Memmott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Boswell and family, Roscoe Memmott and the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Memmott and family. through HEART BREAK Finder Miss Mr. and Mrs. & II INTER-MOUNTAI- N Miss Phyllis Reld and Miss Uleta LOST Good Saddle, double rig, beAllen, a sorority sister, returned to tween Len Pay's home and the CIS. SflN TB 1 Orvald Warner of Copierton. visited this week with his parents. Mr. FOIt SALE GOOD JONATHAN and Mrs. W. A. Warner. APPI.ES 8 e C. H. Garrett. On account of financial conditions we are discontinuing all credit and FOOTE Thursdaw NEPHI, UTAH S. 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