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Show .THE PAGE FOUR Local and Social Entered In the Poat Office at Nephl, Utah as aecond class mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Editor and Manager Associate Editor .. LEVAN HIGH NEWS Levan News Mrs Anle Poulson returned home Saturday from Salt Ltke City after spending the past month with her Mr. and daughter, and Mrs. LeGrand Mangelson. Miss Iona Mortensen returned to Salt Lake Sunday, having spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mortenson. Mrs. J. M. Bosh spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week in Salt Lake City with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thacker. Mrs. Hary Hickman and children of Tooele are spending this week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mortensen. came down to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Bown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson. e, Fred and Jay Stephenson of Nevada spent a few days of last week with relatives here. Christian Poulson and Roy Miller of Salt Lake City were visiting in Levan Saturday and Sunday. Leo Chrlstensen returned home on Thursday after spending the past week In Centerfield with his sister, Mrs. Darrel Chllds and family. Raymond Jennings of Ogden spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mans E. Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bown of Provo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Francom of Tremonton, Utah, spent a few days the first of the week with relatives in Levan. They came down especially to see Mr. Francom's mother. Mrs. Martha Francom, whose health Is very poor. Beatrice Lundsteen of Salt Lake City was visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neils Lundsteen a few days of last week. Byron Taylor of Helena, Montana and a friends of Salt Lake City spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Taylorv ' Mrs. George Markam and children of Oregon are enjoying a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson. Mrs. James Chrlstensen entertained at dinner Thanksgiving eveCovers were laid for sixning. teen relatives. The remainder of theovenlng was spent in playing giumes and social chat. Mrs. Ruby Chrlstensen entertain ed last Wednesday In honor of her birthday and wedding anniversary. The home of Velma and Wanda Malmgren was the scene of a delightful party on Saturday evening. The time was spent in playing cards and games after which a dainty Dutch luncheon was served to those present. Following Is the conjoint program to be given Sunday evening, December 6. Congregational singing, prayer, vocal duet. "Carry On." Olive Taylor and Vlnnle Chrlstensen; talk "Immortality Or The Life Hereafter," Elgin Gardner; Instrumental duet. Russell and Elbert Sf lection, string band; retold story. Gardner; reading, Effie Sherwood; Joy Nielson; song, Donald Bosch. son-in-la- Cal-lent- Miss Minnie BclUstcn spent Sunday In Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Burns spent In Nephl and Salt the week-en- d Lake City. at the home of his the week-en- d parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Garret. Abner Bigler of American Fork spent Monday at the home of The J. J. club dance will be held her daughter, Mrs. Alonzo Ingram. Friday, December 11. Work Is going Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gease of forward to make this Apron and Overall Barn Dance one of the Provo spent Thanksgiving at the most successful dances of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Foote. school year. Committees In charge of the preparatory are: Decoration, Mrs. Myrtle Finch of 8alt Lake Lucille Anderson, Martha Francom, City visited Sunday with Mr. and Wanda Jackman, and Francis Niel- Mrs. Owen Boswell. son; advertising. Miss Powell, Juul Dalby Miss Jones and Norma TayAttorney P. N. Anderson was In lor; refreshments, Bessie Benedict Salt Lake City on Friday and Satand Noaml Mangelson, and general urday where he transacted business. management, Faye Shepherd, Faye Pierce and Faye Jackman. Mrs. John Chase Is visiting in OgLola Wood and Mildred Brad field den this week with her daughter, were hostesses to the club Saturday Mrs. V. E. Facer. evening, Nov. 28. at the home of Miss Wood. Mrs. A. C. Dalby spoke Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gowers to the girls on "Girl Problems." and family of Springville were SunGames were played during the early day guests of Mr. Gowers' parents, Prizes were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oowers. part of the evening. awarded to Martha Francom, Mrs. Dalby and Wanda Jackman. ReRalph Garrett, who Is attending freshments were served. school at the B. Y. U. visited over The special Thanksgiving Day the week-en- d with his mother, Mrs. program was given by the student Louis Garrett. body. Wednesday, the 25th. The following numbers were presented: Bernell Gowers of Ogden is visStudent Body, singing; prayer, Mr. iting a few days In this city with recitations, two 4th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eraithwalte; grade students, Beth Conley and Gowers. Dell War wood; song, Martha and Dona Francom; Jokes. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hudson of Mr. Cedar City and Mrs. Geo. R. Howtrombone solo. Stevenson; Gardner; song. Lillian Peterson ard and family of this city spent and Sara Aagard; reading Mrs. Thanksgiving day In Payson. Thela Wankler; piano solo, Bessie Benedict; retold story, Faye Shep-- J Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sorenson and herd! band selection. baby of Levan spent Thanksgiving Mr. with Mrs. Reporter, Juul Dalby. and Mrs. Ed. V. Downs. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Rosequlst were the honored guests at a party Miss Georgia Francom returned given at their home Saturday night, home Monday after a two week's h twenty-fifttheir commemorating visit In Provo with Mr. and Mrs. The table W. L. Gardner. Wedding anniversary. and rooms were decorated with white and orchid chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Stellman Cowan of Super was server to forty relatives, Provo and Miss Martha Cowan of after which a short program was Salt Lake spent Thanksgiving with given and the remainder of the Mrs. Roy T. Cowan. evening spent in playing games. At midnight the wedding cake was Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gardner and served to all. Many beautiful gifts Miss Ruth Francom of Provo visitwere received by the honored guests ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Those from out of town attending Francom. the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malmgren of Centerfield, Mr. Miss Deon Belliston of Salt Lake and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs and Mr. and City spent the Thanksgiving holi Mrs .Herman Mangelson of Nephl. days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chrlstensen A. H. Bellston. entertained a number of friends Wednesday evening at their home. Mrs. W. I. Brown, Mrs. J. L. BelGames were played by and a delic liston and sons Walter and Jimmy, ious luncheon served to Mr. and spent Thanksgiving in Salt Lake Mrs. Arvil Wankler, Mr. and Mrs City. Preston Chrlstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Conelly, Mr. and Mrs. LyMr. and Mrs. Owen man Wankler, Mr. and Mrs. James of Ruth, Nevada visitedMainwaring last week Chrlstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben end with C .H. Garrett and Mr. and Mangelson, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jack Mrs. Lavern Bowles. man, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bosh, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Christensen. Mr. Mrs. Kate Bowles and and and Mrs. C. S. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beck family and family George Connelly, and Mr. and Mrs. were dinner guests on ThanksgivFarrel Wankler. of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Beck. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell and ing day daughter Reba of Magna spent the Miss Evelyn Brough spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. week-en- d in Salt Lake Miss Powell's sister Mrs. Hazel Bosh and Brough is studing voice City. there with family. Miss Margaret Summerhays. Mrs. . NICE LINE Ladies and Gents HOSE In Xmas Boxes 50c, $1.00 or $1.50 per box Mrs. Gerald Cazier and daughter Geraldine, and Mrs. Lola C. Jensen and daughter Deleen spent Friday in, Salt Lake City on business. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Eager left Nephl Monday for Logan where they will continue their studies at the NEPHI. UTAH S. AMERICA'S WORLD Dan Wllky spent Thanksgiving with his mother In Caliente, Nev. Published Every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah A. B. GIBSON ROY E. OIBSON, TIMES-NEW- RESPONSIBILITIES By II. J. HAAS Thursday, Dec. Underwear FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS GOING AT COST! JUST ARRIVED BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY DRESSES FRIDAY - SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cowan, son Stanford and daughter Katherine of Vernal visited Bunriav with Mr Cowan's mother, Mrs. Jos. W. Co wan. frniJtml.4 mericanBankttiA tiatialitm E are la a Jack Oarbett ana Vaughn And changing world, wits many new financial problems rews oi Bt. oeorge spent Thanksgivwhich we ha. no decedents. ing day at the home of Mr. Oar-bett- 'a and many old Garbett.parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. SP ECIAL iy tr problems which have so Mr. and Mrs. Stanlev Pitt nf r. changed as to mas. Miss Pearl Oarrett and Vlck vamoun of Salt Lake City were the be unrecognisable. American week-en- d guests of Mr. and Mrs. bankers have Brlgham Oarrett. been called InMr. and Mrs. George Blackett of to world af- Cedar spent Thanksgiving in fairs to blase this CltVCity With their narrnt Mr inrl new trails of Mrs. J. W. Blackett and Mrs. j. R. u n k n o w a Salisbury. W e finance. Mr. and Mrs. V. R FnrrM may expect theae calls to talned the members of their immedM. i. HAAS iate family at dinner on Thanksbe more in the future than they have giving. Covers were laid for eleven la the past. We are the world's guests. financial leader and we must accept Mr. and Mr nwn T namt the responsibility which goes with and famllV SDent ThnnkfuHvinir Hiv It . in Payson at the home of Mr. Bar- Let us look to the future with neti sparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Every one has experienced H. Barnett. a great sorrow some time, perhaps so great we felt we could never overMiss Deon Becurlpv a rnuhnm come it, but time la the great healer the Utah State Agriculture College and eventually we have come out of at Loean snent th ThiniruM with As her parents. Mr. and It is with Individuals, so It Is holidays it with nations. Our nation has had Mrs. Harry Beagley. Miss Beagley to returned Logan Sunday. much sorrow In the 155 years of Its existence. In that time we have Mr. and Mrs. Frlcar Rnenrn ni passed through the major depres- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Boswel of Salt sions of to Lake City visited and Friand the day with friends Thursday and nIMvm in present. this city. I venture to state that in each of Miss Nelda Beck anont Thant. these periods there were those who had doubts of the future just as we giving day in Elsinore at the home have them today, but what happened Anaerson ana ramlly. Miss after each depresrlon? Our country Beck spent the remainder of the Thankselvlnff hnllriavaw In DMn.M mtwuiciu recovered, to be better and stronger where she visited with friends. than ever. Its peo' 1p were Introduced to modes of living they . Miss Dnrnthv Rollchnm w muuui never dreamed of, until today, not- Pleasant, spentj j holl- Thanksgiving withstanding our depression, we "'mi nci muLner Mrs. j. H live on the highest plane of any Salisbury. nation in the world. Should we not Mr. and Mrs Tsttila Ttoacrinv onH Judge the future by past experidaughter Joan, and Boyd Lunt of ence? Surely our people are better pre- Salt Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt during pared, financially and intellectually, . nr.u. i i . to cope with even greater problems nic ximiiKsgiving nouaays. than they have been In the past, so A PartV Was at the hnma nt why not look to the future confident & Mrs. George Christiansen. Satur-nlgh- t. that fundamental social and ecoin honor of Miss Jewel Soren-se- n, nomic problems will be adjusted. the occasion being her birthday Confidence Is not established by anniversary. uames and delicious refreshments were en loved hv tthvoi any one thing but by an accumulation of things. If we can get con- Ingram, Grant Price. Leah Douglas. fidence started on its way, gathering jjuiiuia tsaney, raye Howard, James a little here and there, it will accel- Cox. John Bowers, and the guest of erate Its speed as It goes along. honor. Jewell Sorensen. This is not the work of any one man r Mr. and Mrs Allpn to perform but Is the crmulatlve ef- Tremonton at spent Thanksgiving fort of each and every one of us. wie nome oi Mr. ana Mrs. Frank What we are In the future Is not Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Warner and the result of what we have done on daughter Myrtle accompanied them any one day but the result of all as far as Provo on their return that we have done for all-tiThe home, returning to Nenhi American Bankers Association Is evening. endeavoring to do its part. IndiMrs. Florence O'Gara. whn u vidually our efforts may not count the winter In Nephi at the for much, but they are part of the spending nome oi ner Charles Haynes, whole plan and taken In the aggre- received wordlatner last week of the burnsum to Of amount the total ing gate they their beach house at. Man. of all our efforts. hattan Beach, California. About ,500 damage was done to the structure and furnishings, which was fully covered by insurance. PUBLIC INJURED A TWO QUART, HIGH GRADE HOTWATER BOTTLE ASSORTED1 COLORS SPECIAL AT ni. . .7 WHILE THEY LAST, A THREE PIECE PYRALIN SET, COMB, BRUSH AND MIR. ROR IN PLUSH LINED CASE, ASSORTED COLORS, AT ONLY $3.95 One Dollar Down Will Hold Any Set Until Christmas ' Nephi Drug Odd Place for Will graved on a leaf of one of his chairs. LINE OF HATS, DRESSES, AND COATS GOING AT YOUR OWN PRICE AT $1.20 $1.05 IISHT Call! iate br JO i. u to mr Bomb "Xst Cdf Long McCune Millinery 4d08, QnleJkea, Distinct TELEPHONE- - March 13. 1882, provided sion of $5,000. for a pen- Wall Street dm-riM- BY BANK GOSSIP CONDENSED STATEMENT National Association Declare) Community Interests Demand Protection Against Idle Rumors THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEPHI, UTAH AS OF DECEMBER 1, 1931. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Furniture and Fixtures Federal Reserve Bank Stock Other Assets $509,617.01 17,000.00 :: Farmers should rid themselves of any false hope of outside aid from legislation. The only recourse left for the producer on a reduced price level is to produce hk goods at reduced costs, and nearly every farmer can likely put into force a few economies In production. Farmers must produce as"iargely as possible the materials they use, and get away from cash purchases until prices come down proportionately on the things they buy. The cheapest way in the farming business Is k raise your own teed and not let e ether man get your dollars. 3,450.00 8 477 34 U. S. SECURITIES OWNED $122,000.00 CASH ON HAND AND DUE FROM BANKS 190,775.36 TOTAL CASH RESOURCES 312,775.36 $851,319.71 Home Preston, Ida Mrs. Polk the Fir.t The first President's widow to draw a pension from the United States was Mrs. Polk. The act of One of the strangest wills .n record Is that of a Frenchman, M. Augusts Pasquler, who had It en- The Folks Back Kanab Co. .... DOTH In their advertising and la U. S. A. C. their direct contacts with cusMr. and Mrs. Ralph Brough and tomers and others, bankers should and persistently dedaughter Eunice and Harold Bel- "consciously liston were dinner guests of Mr. and vote more time and thought to keepMrs. Walter F. Brough on Thanksing people mindful of the fact that while the bank has many obligagiving day. tions toward its customers, equally Is it true that the depositor also has certain obligations to the bank to enable it to properly maintain its position in the community," a recent statement of the American Bankers Association declares. c "A bank admittedly is a institution and there is a mutuality of obligation resting upon both the banker and his customers to maintain the effective functioning of that institution that Is superior to the interests of either," it says. Bankers might well consciously devote greater effort to building up the public viewpoint in their communities that due to their public obligations and burden of public interest the banks are entitled to proor maltection against icious gossip and rumors, the statement says. "As to banks in some states, bank slander laws afford this protection," it points out. "We recommend that this protection be availed of by defiPay them a visit by telenite action wherever practical both phone. They'll be glad to as a matter of immediate expedihear your voice. It costs little. For example, nation ency and also to awaken public opinto station night rates: ion as to the dangers of idle gossip about a community's banks." from NEPHI to 1931 Local -- Social semi-publi- Ladies Silk 3. ' LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits Rediscounts DEPOSITS .....$ 50,000.00 76,430.38 58,956.16 665,933.17 $851,319.71 FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEPHI, UTAH ESTABLISHED BSS1 1886. OVER 45 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BANKING. |