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Show Thursday, December 3, 1931 THE TURKISH DICTATOR SPARES HERCVS LIFE Soldier Risked Execution to Aid Widowed Mother. London. "No traitor shall escape Kemal said fleath," Muntapha Pasha, dictator of Turkey, when. In 1023, "be tlgnei the death warrants previously expected by the sulian of Turkey, of those who had been traltars to their country during the war. The atory has Just reached London, however, of how the ghaxl relented for the first time recently and freed one of Turkey'! traitors. The memory of his widowed moth-er- , whom he adored, moved blra to mer?y In one of the most extraordinary stories coming out of the war. He granted state clemency to Capt. Sabry Bey, formerly of the British army, who bad risked death oj returning to Turkey eight years ago to see his mother before she died, lie was arrested only recently. Lieut Sabry Bey of the Ottoman fusiliers of the Imperial guard was recommended for aeronautics In 1913 after a distinguished active ervlce record In the Balkan war. and sent to England to train. He was attached to the Royal Flying corps, then in Its Infancy, and became very popular In the mess. Through his kinsman, E'rlnce Tewfik, the Turkish ambassador, who had fought with British allies In Crimea, be obtained entree Into the most exclusive circles of English society. When wai Britain declared against Germany in August, 1914. Sabry, like all the rest of bis comrades In the mess, got war fever. The tradition Inherited from the Crimea became too strong 'or him. Ue entered the ranks of , British Infantry regiment and fought at Mons, In the retreat, at Giveuchy and at Neuve Chapelle. Within three months and before Turkey entered the war, Sabry Bey bad won Its commission as an officer in the British army In active service. In the early days of November, 1014, telegrams from the war otlice at Constantinople arrived In London for Sabry recalling him to Turkey, which had already made up her mind to join the Germans. Sabry never replied and the Turkish ambassador was unable to obtain any trace of him. In 1916 he received the Mons Star, the Military medal, and was mentioned In dispatches by the British commander in chief. In the meantime the Turks held an Imand the sultan perial signed bis death warrant at the end of 1910. In 1023 Muntapha renewed It. Eight years ago the friendly com mander of a British torpedo boat destroyer shipped Sabry at a Bulgari an port and dropped him at the European side of the straits. The Turk swam back to his own country, despite the death warrant, because be bad received news that his aged widowed mother, of whom he was the only child, had become a paralytic. For eight years he remained hidden in her home disguised as a servant. Few people entered the house, as It was notorious that she. was the mother of a traitor who bad been convicted. A short time ago Sabry Bey attended his mother to the grave and In answer to the court-marti- priest's question, "What good Mosh lem commits this body to grave?' Sabry answered, "Her son." Ills arrest was a matter of hours. When the dictator was informed of It and Saury's history, he seut tor him. lie was taken before the chief executive under heavy guard. The ghazl ordered the escort to relense the prisoner and gave Mm a emu- plete pardon because he had thrice risked his life: once for Turkey in the lialkuns, again for Englund on the western front, and finally to console bis mother's last years. Mustapha reminded Subry that ha had also loved his own mother deeply and declared that since be had heard of the latter's cane he had been wondering whether, under the same circumstances, he himself would have bad the courage to come - cases of rheumatism and many diagnosed as neuritis are - L 1 Z tr "W'' One of the victors In the recent English elections was the Honorable Mary Pickford, who was elected conservative member ' - of parliament from North Hammersmith. OIL NOW SOARING IN PRICE NOVELTY WOOLENS "St have been taken In nets off Cape Hatteras." says a bulletin from the National Geographic society. "Today they are also fished along the coast of Finmark, the northernmost province of Norway and along ihe Atlantic shore near Morehetil, North Carolina. "Porpoises winter off the South Atlantic coast Schools may be seen almost daily, passing Just outside the surf. The largest animals reach a length of seven feet and weigh about 300 pounds. "The porpoise fishermen are as expert as fishermen who literally live in the codfish fisheries off New England and Newfoundland. Lockouts are stationed on the beach above and below the point where the porpoise fishers await signals. When a school of porpoises is sighted, boats equipped with large seines are launched. The seines are Joined, forming a semicircular pen with one end secured to the beach. The netmen are able to watch the progress of a school of porpoises by the position of th lool.out who walks along the beach abreast the school. "When the animals enter the pen, the offshore end of the net Is rushed ashore. The porpoises lunge at the et and attempt to Jump over and dive under the mesh, but fishermen in boats out- are usually stationed side the pen to scare the surging animals toward the shore. Near the beach a smaller net is laid around the main portion of the school which Is beached first Then the remainder of the school Is swept In by the larger net "Although Jaw oil Is an Important product of porpoise fisheries, the animals also are valuable for their body oil, which Is extracted from the blubber by boiling. "In northern Norway the blubber Is eaten by the fisherfolk who consider It superior to many other sea foods. The flesh not consumed Is salted for exportation, while the entrails and bones make good fertilizer. For many years the Indians along the Maine coast have supported themselves by capturing porpoises. "Porpoise meat also is consumed aboard whaling boats. Whalers capture porpoises by harpooning. The blubber not consumed is cut into longitudinal strips 4 to 5 Inches wide, then minced, and placed In pots to boil. Each animal yields about two gallons of body oil Por oil Is produced by remov poise Ja-ing the animal's lower Jaw and exblubber, tracting the which Is boiled gently. A single Jaw contains about a half pint of Jaw Independence, Mo. The romance of a pretty little seventeen-year-ol- d huswife and a band ended In the Circuit court here when Judge C Jasper Bell annulled their marriage in Bentonville, Ark. Miss Eloise Shearer, sorority girl and leader on the Unlvers'ty of Missouri campus last year, was the young wife and Charles Sears, son of a wealthy Kansas City family, was the husband. Both live in Kansas City. Charles did not appear in court to defend himself in the annulment proceedings, but he was represented by his attorney, who did not contest any of the remarks that Eloise made concerning their marriage and love affair. Eloise said that they bad been twenty-one-yesr-o- There Is nothing smarter for daytime wear than a frock or ensemble woolens of one of the which make stunning color effect Its outstanding note. The coat dress pictured Is of brown and white novelty woolen. The diagonal fastening and scarfed neckline, are outstanding styling details. The brown kid pumps, cut high In front with a deep tongue effect In brown and white kid, are Influenced by the same victorinn trend as Is the brown felt sailor with Its fur band placed high on the crown. fancy-wove- n f Twe-Hcsde- d trot otecr Seven months old and bred from pedigreed stock, a steer which has Just been taken to Melbourne, Australia, Is a freak in many ways. One Is that It has two heads, another Is that It uses both, but only one when eating. The two heads meet at the center of the forehead. The animal hus four ears, four horns, but lost the sight of one pair of eyes six weeks ago. A showman paid a farmer I HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE It for $300 i 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms Biddy Outwit Weasel Radio connection in every room. How a laying hen outwitted a weasel is reported from Carnwath. RATES FROM 1.50 England. The biddy had been In I opfaiiit Moruum TsbtnuKU Jul the habit of laying an egg dally on ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. the doorstep of a farmhouse, and Just as renulurly a weasel sucked the offering dry. Apparently the hen discovered the theft, for It now takes The Big Parade the precaution of laying Its dnlly "What do Elks have that other anicontribution on the farmer's easy mals never have?" chair In the kitchen. And the weas"I don't know whnt?" v el Is too timid to enter the house. "Parades!" Exchange. Pon't borrow If you are alone, aren't Irritated? money Just because you-ca- Touth The toad, though ugly, is useful. you seldom fact Is theory, old age Is Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread Gum-Dippin- g non-ski- wear. See these extra values for yourself. Go to the Firestone Service Dealer near you. He has sections cut from Firestone and special brand mail order tires. Compare them point for point, and judge for yourself how Firestone give you greatest value for your dollar. Drive in today! iii ? So StOfl. MAKE Or TIDE SIZE CA Bratrt Tna c.ih Prid Tn C Oram Pric KnltBtl cial Brand Tjp. Mat cm Pile Each .1 Ford CherroUtf 4.40-2- 1 4.9 4.98 9.60 Chevrolet. 4.50-2- 0 S.ftO g 4.50-2- FtrrJ. CherroUt' 1 Cast PrM Tin Pm Pair -- I?ur?nS ia.Q 4.75-19.SG.- 65 .7S S.75 75-20 5.00-1- . 9 6. 98 PonrJae .4o 4-- 5 I a Prk. Each Tin t.l4 'S.S.68j ix.14 Chrralcr- -i Vikinu 16 Hudson.- -. S.75l5.75l I3.0 S.r5.9 -- ) 5.00-2- Nub i 5.00-2- 1 0 7-- 7.10 O.SO 73S 7.35 14-3- 0 Franklin Cask Prlea 17.00 8.9j (7.00-20- 'a tote .10 16. 3511 1730 f, ol 30x3.... 32x6.... 36x6.... 6.00-2- 1 H.2q ai.7 15.35lXO.SO and BUS TIRES Fiiailon. OMtaM Typa Ca Prlca tact 17.S XO.75 X.O IS.X e 15.35 . Pm Ordai Tm $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.25 I. Tif j flrattoaa Oldnald Typ. Mora Non-Ski- d Depth, Inch .... MoroPIiesUnder Spatial Brand Mai! Ordar Tin 18.OO 17.80 f'ZlZt? .658 a Tread ll.5 11. Tia""'" GITS YOU ParPak 19 11.45 11.45 XX.SO Hup'mbl LaSalle' 2WI1.47 11.47 XX.30 Packard.. 16.00 11.61 XX.60 21 Pieree-Stun 13.43 lxs.40 6. 17.171 7.37X4.f3! Bnl.fc Tn 8.71 7S 18 TRUCK jfcff Outlaid 7.9d 15.30 7-- Oakland-Pea- r 15.50-1- 91 If B- kj j01da'bl-- J Caak Brand Mall Of Mr Gardner-Marmo- n. RooMT.lt illx.-- SUE Jordanw Keo a 'Chandler !ItSto D.de Tn Buick-8.SOI Ol.l.'bl... Auburn.. 5 da I OldfiaU TIDE 1 Whippet-- 1 FSmSih) or MAKE CAS Ordar S.60 lO.OO 4.7W S.9 5.69 II.IO so. FkMtan SmHimI Typ. PRICE CONSTRUCTION COMPARE QUALITY "Blackfish Jaw oil Is of equal merit for lubrication. These fish, which widely range the Atlantic ocean, are usually captured by harpooning. d Salt Lake City's J.IIE patented construction feature of Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread gives extra protection against punctures and blowouts. Also stronger bond between tread and cord body. This is only one of the extra values you get in Firestone makes Tires. Another patented feature the cord body stronger and safer. The Firestone Tread d gives greater protection against skidding and longer oiL married while they were spending a week-enin the Missouri Ozarka Judge Bell Inquired whether they were alone on the trip. "No, no!" she replied. "There was another couple a married couple with us. We all had a few cock tails and Charles suggested that we go to Bentonville, a sort of Gretna Green, and get married. When we got there I gave my age as over twenty-onyears. We were married." They went on a four-dahoney moon trip to Chicago, Miss Shearer x ffg PRETTY BRIDE AND RICH BOY HUSBAND SEPARATED Romance of Ozark Mountains Ended by Court. STOP YOUR COLD IN 12 HOURS WITH ' Estimating the amount of hay In a stuck teems, on the fare of It, to be largely a mutter of guesswork, but federal experts have worked out a method of figuring which has been found to come within 0 per cent of r Breaks a cold .in 6 hours., accuracy on all occasions. Drive !t away in 12 houri. The method Is based on the shape Relieves - ;5 'V of the stack as the deciding factor. Headache Neuralgia PaW An overall measurement Is taken; that Is, from the ground on one side over the top to the ground on the other side. In the case of a round-tohunstack, for instance, forty-sidredths of the width Is subtracted from fifty-twhundredths of the overull measurement and this result Is multiplied by the width and length of the stack. With the cubic foot lowest Hotel capacity of the stuck, It Is then a simple matter ,to divide by the number of cubic feet per ton of the various grains which go Into the stuck. fW ttB(J Tmmb Mmfe , f . FISH-JA- W Washington. Because the Increasing numbers of aeronautical instruments, watches and other delicate mechanisms are causing a hortage In the supply of fish oil. a ;overnment agency has undertaken a survey of the sources of such lubricants. Oil from the Jaws of porpoises and blackfish, which now Is chiefly used to lubricate these mechanisms, has soared In price. "For two centuries porpoises fur-sight- after-dinne- h Used for Lubricating Delicate Mechanisms. caused by germ action. Consistent Bse of 1!. & M., The Penetrating Germicide, will quickly relieve tlm acute pain and In most cases the land prefers Spanish. 11. & M. Treatment will stop thu Cleveland Plain Ieuler. growth of the germs. Your druggist should be able to Conditions That Unite upply B. & M. in $1.23 and 75 ceut Whole Animal Kingdom sizes. If not, send bis name and we K. fl ROLLINS Will Bhlp direct. A conference of eminent scientists COMPANY, 53 Beverly St, Boston, recently met at the estate of Copley Mass. Adv. Amory, of Washington and Boston, at Mututuek, Quebec. For ten days that Is, students of aniecologlsts Cost That Error Papal mal life In relation to Its surroundSpain Much Territory ings discussed problems and flnil-lnIn their particular fields of offered to divide a Solomon King small boy to whom two women laid ornithology, nut m otology, marine biolclaim, and won a great reputation ogy, etc. The results of the confor wisdom by so doing. Pope Alex ference were so profitable that plans for another meeting In 19.11 were ander VI born Roderick Borgia actually did divide the world, and made and a committee appointed to got no speclul credit for it even In his formulate a permanent organization. One of the own day. points especially lie waa an abler administrator, a stressed In the discussion was the more versatile politician, a more" Interrelation of the various animal statesman, a greater patron groups. Including man. Fluctuations of the arts and sciences and a much In one species are often felt throughbetter friend to the common people out the animal kingdom. Certain than was the Hebrew monarch, and varieties are of such Importance that's about all the good It did him. that they are known as "key anl rodents Vasco da Gama had rounded the mals." Mice and mice-lik- e Cape of Good Hope to give Portugnl r.re "key animals" in many parts of a foothold in India. Columbus had the world. When mice are abundant sailed west to discover what might In the Canadian Northwest foxes, prove to be a new continent, and he snowy owls, wolves and bears cease represented Spain. It was inevitable to prey on partridges. When the that there should be conflicting mice decline, animals turn again to claims, and perfectly natural that game, and Eskimos and Indians suf the rival rulers should turn to the fer for food. Weasels and ermine die out In numbers when mice are pope as the logical umpire. Alexander did not find the prob- scarce and snowy owls fly south in lem difficult For generations the search of food, only to die in the Portuguese had been sailing south- warm climate. ward along me wesi Airn-uand their claims were obviously to The Irrepretaible Sex be preferred along the routes they "Strange there are so few women r followed. The Spaniards, through speakers." their Genoese agent, had found land "It's probably because they can't than easier was In the West. What wait that long." to draw a line from north to south Itealism in the movies has never on the map and let the broad AtlanIntroduced the sound of a cofof dominions new yet the tic separate fee grinder one of the most characthe rivals? Every one was happy. It was seven years before the Por- - teristic In a lumber camp. g ' Hard to Estimate Contents of Haystack Not I.utin-Amerlea- ii Arl Relics Recovered Pisa. A fine fresco by Splnello Aretlno, another representing the annunciation, and two monolithic granite columns were discovered during restoration of an old church in RIpolL " PACE SEVEN ttlguese discovered that Brazil stuek out so fur to etisiuanl that It rrosNed the ''e's line, and that the holy father had git en lliein far more than they hail dreamed of. They were quirk to colonize, and that Is how Brazil speaks Portuguese to this day, although every other Most back. W&X&if' n.:i NEPIII. IT A II S. Pain Quickly Relieved One Mary Pickford Is in Parliament t- TIMES-NEW- - 5.20 SamoPr.ee.. $6.65 .605 .250 S 5.20 6.65 Tif FlrMen. aVASpaeM Santinal Typ. Brand Mai Ordar Tlra 17.02 16.10 .598 .250 .561 .234 - 4.75 5 4.75 ($4 J85 J4-8- A "Special Brand" tire tm mad hy a manufacturer for distributors such mail ordr houses, oil companies, and others, under a name that does not identify the tire manufacturer to the public, usually because be builds bis "beat quality' tirrm under his own name. Firestone puts hi nana on EVERY tire be makes. Flraaton. OMIWd Cam p Trot Prtca frt 34.9 S7.90 3.70 XO.OO DOaU&! QuarantemfTrry tfre ma no facta red by Firestona bears the namsM FIRESTONE" and carries unlimited guarantee and that of our 25,000 Scarries Dealers and Service Stores. You are doubly protected. 's Listen to the Voice of Firestone every Monday night overN.B.C nationwide network y said. Judge Bell restored her maiden name as she had asked In her peti tion. Mrs. Florence Shearer, the girl's mother, was named as next friend for the girl, for purposes of the suit She accompanied ber daughter la the courtroom. 7 f Copyright, 1981. The Flraaton Tin ft Rubber Co. Firestone Service Dealers and Service Stores Save You Money and Serve You Detter V |