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Show I "HELP THE NEEDY" I JOIN NEPHI X I CHARITY CLUB HELP THE NEEDY" JOIN NEPHI CLUB CHARITY t Xcphi, Juah County, Utah. Thursday. The Times, Vol. 21, N'o. 49 1 IE DIRECTORS TO BE Dec. 1931 .5, The News, Vol. Concessional Library Gets New Copper Roof NAMED MONDAY HI 1 BYSTOCKHOLDERS Two directors with terms of throe years and one for a term of two years will be elected at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nephi Irrigation Company, to be held in the Juab County Courthouse on Monday. December 7. at 2 p. m. ER Nephi Mm Dies at Home Tuesday Following A Short Illness of PneuPorn In 1867. monia I r"i"- f!- I I I I I I Because of "heavy withdrawals" the Nephl National Bank failed to open Wednesday. A statement posted by the board of directors after they voted to close the bank. 'Due to rumors causing heavy withdrawals and demands and requirements which we are unable to meet this bank has temporarily suspended until matters are adjusted, when, if possible, we hope it may resume business. This action was taken and so ordered by the board of directors." A national bank examiner came to Nephl Tuesday evening and as sumed charge of the affairs of the bank Wednesday morning. i The annual report of the company will be presented by the secretary and treasurer, C. W. Glazier. All other business that should come before the meeting will be taken up by the officials and stockholders. A notice of the meeting is apC3, at died William Henry Bowles, pearing on page eight of this his home in this city Tuesday mornof The Times-Newillness a of short ing, following pneumonia. Funeral services were held in the Juab Stake Tabernacle Thursday afternoon, with Bishop P. B. Cowan in charge. The speakers were W. J. Cole, Issac H. Grace, Bishop Oswald Webb of Eureka and J. E. Mem-mo- tt. U 1 t is-s- s. on mm in The opening prayer was given by Roy Ostler, and the benediction was pronounced by Barton Brough. The grave In the City Cemetery was dedicated by Bishop Cowan. Musical numbers consisted of two vocal numbers by L. P. Anderson & Company, and vocal solos by Mrs. Mabel Lunt and Mrs. Alice Crapo. Mr. Bowles was born in Nephl, November 23, 1867, the son of Enoch and Amelia Bowles. He was married to Janet Ostler in this city and has spent his entire life here, with the exception of a short time In Mantl. He Is survived by his widow, Janet Ostler Bowles, his father, Enoch Bowles, and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Olivette Jensen, William P., and Arthur C. Bowles of Salt Lake City; Mrs. s. Amelia Kendall, Mrs. Evon Mrs. Harriette Crawley, and George F. Bowles, Provo; Walter O., Lenore and Venetta Bowles, Nephl. Also one brother and one sister, Edward Bowles, Nephi and Mrs. Mary Ann Ostler, Eureka. Twenty grand children also survive him. Wil-lam- High School News M provide for the costs of their par- ticular units of government within certain statutory limitations even though the taxpayers who pay the bill do not participate in the proceedings when the budgets are formulated. How can these public officials know what the taxpayers want and what they can afford unIn the elections held last week less the discuss their prothe Juab High School Band ele- blems taxpayers with their represen cted the following officers: Presi- tatives frankly in the leglislature, in the dent, Gerald Fowkes; Vice Presi- county commission, the school board dent, Marjorie Salisbury; secretary or the city council? and treasurer, Euniece Brough; The budget laws provide practical Reporter, Florence Wilson. methods which permit the taxpayer to take an active part in determuv A program of the Mason's d, ing benefits of government, some an education exhibition entire program of expenditures for of birds, - monkeys, and snakes, was state and local government is de presented to the students of the signed to permit every taxpayer to Juab High school, Junior High, and participate in the formulation of fourth, fifth and sixth grades Fri- these expenditures. This carries a day morning. heavy burden of responsibility for the It means that he can John T. Miller of Los Angeles, not taxpayer. sit idly by when budgets are and editor of The Character being formulated and then secure Builder, will be here to speak to the a reduction in the public expends Juab High School ' Student Body ures after the time for the consld' Monday. eration of the problem has been It is inconsistant for a The following is the enrollment passed. to sleep on his rights dur in the Juab High School at the taxpayer ing the time when he had an oppor close of the second per- tunity to influence the budgets and iod: Seniors, 31 boys, 31 girls; Junilater protest against his tax bill. ors, 48 girls, 38 boys; Sophomores, So say that It's no 35 boys, 37 girls; special students, use tomany people the attend budget 6 boys, 5 girls. This makes the that the oficials wouldn't hearings listen to total enrollment, 231 students. and if they did, they wouldn't pay Student Body Reporter any attention to him. But just the Florence Wilson. opposite is true. Officials hear those who complain, protest and demand, a very small minority, and never know the desires of the majority be Marriage of Nephi Girl they are never expressed. He Is Annouced This Week cause is apt to interpret the loud voice of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harris wish to a single individual as an expression announce the marriage of their dau- of the will of the people. In the next article we shall dis ghter, Aleta to Mr. Arvil Swasey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swasey cuss the variousare budgets and ex formulated. of Mona. The marriage took place plain how they Friday in Provo. Nat-urelan- six-we- ek - Engagement of Daughter Announced By Parents Announcement Is made by Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sperry of the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to J. Andrew Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Clayton of Paris, Idaho. The marriage will take place in Nephi on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Christiansen and family spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Salt Lake City. Leader Give Opinions On The Charity Drive Now Being Conducted In The City To Help The Needy. The Nephi Charity Drive, which was commenced Monday noon is progressing in a very satisfactory manner, says LeRoy Whitehead, general chairman of the drive. The various committees appointed by the Nephl Kiwanls Club to do the canvassing of the commuinlty. report that the people are donating in a very liberal way, and it hoped that sufficient foodstuff and clothing will be collected that will take care of the needy of this city during ON during the coming months. It is indeed pleasing to the Nephi Kiwanis Club to have the whole hearted support of the people in Having defeated Manti by a 0 this drive, and we are herewith score in the Sanpete town last publishing statements from some of Thursday night, the Juab high the heads of various organizations basketball artist have been turning within our city: their whole-hearte- d attention toThe drive launched by the Kiward the first game on their own floor, to be played In the local gym wanis club for means and proFriday evening. The opponents for duce for the benefit of the needy is the local team are the Moroni high a most worthy undertaking and players, winners of the consolation should have the hearty support of championship in the state tourna everyone. ment last March. A. H. BELLISTON The Nephl squad is looking for The Charity Drive sponsored by some hot competition in the Moroni contest. The teams met three the Kiwanis Club is very commendtimes. Moroni winning once and able. This is a Christian communNephi won two game at home. ity and no one in our city should The Nephi team was the only one be allowed to go without the necesto defeat the consolation champs sities of life this winter. I would with the exception of Murray, state urgently request all the people who can to give freely to this cause. I winners. Cleo Petty was named as captain feel that all the means and supplies of the Juab high aggregation at a raised will be wisely distributed. HARRY BEAGLEY, recent meeting of the players. Cleo Is playing a pretty good game at Mayor of Nephi City the foreward post this year. He is The Charity Drive which is being a conslstant scorer, having topped the scoring in the district play last sponsored by the Nephi Kiwanis year. He will probably be supported Club is most timely. And as comat the other forward position by munity service is one of the alms of Glen Anderson. Glen is fast on the projects of the American Legion floor, and is developing a better eye Auxiliary, we wish to commend the for basket shooting each day. worthy movement and pledge our At the pivot position. Jack whole-heartsupport. Brough, lanky Junior will, no doubt, AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Jack played on the By Mrs. Ruth Howells, Pres. get the call. second team last year, and has been The Service Star Legion deems displaying a straight eye for the basket in workouts thus far this the present efforts by the various year. He is being rushed for the committees and the people in the position by Tom Cowan, who is al interest of the needy to be in spiritmanifestations of the highest qualso playing a fast game. Three veterans are back in suits ties in human nature. And what for the guard posts. Wallace Gar- greater consolation can one have rett, captain of last year's team is than the feeling and knowledge that in running ahead of Fred Morgan and his efforts, tho but small, havewant Gerald Belliston for one position. some way contributed to allay Garrett is likely assured of the and suffering by his fellow man.job, while the other two will bat We sincerely hope that we are f ultle it out for supremacy. ly warranted in believing, that the The Moroni game will start at utmost consideration w,ill be given 7.30. being preceeded by a game to needy men, and, between the M Men teams of the being equal, a preferrence will Nephi ward and Fountain Green. be accorded them. SERVICE STAR LEGION The Nephi team was defeated in a recent encounter with the Sanpete By Mrs. Gertrude Foote, Pres. team in Fountain Green, but the locals are determined to show a I am heartily in sympathy with real comeback on the home floor. the Charity Drive now being con The first game will begin at 6.30. ducted in our city, or for that matM Men basketball will begin next ter, any movement that has for its Wednesday and the Juab high objective the relief of those who school will be playing several pre through.no fault of their own, find season games between now and the themselves hard pressed to obtain starting . of the season in January. the necessities of life. It is the duty For the readers of "Baskut Bawl' of every citizen to lend a helping last winter, the column will come hand, during these times of stress, next and lack of employment, to his less to life in The Times-New- s . 30-1- Three Reading Clubs RED CROSS DRIVE Seminary Students To Give Program In Are Organized Here CONDUCTED HERE Mt. Pleasant Sunday At Meeting Monday On Monday evening at the City Hall a meeting was held for the purpose or organizing groups to continue the reading project work commenced lest year under the di rection of Mrs. Alma Esplin of the Utah State Agriculture College. Three groups were organized with the following leaders: Child Care and Training Study Club Mrs. Wm. Bailey; Cultural Club number one, Mrs. C. W. Johnson; Cultural club number two, Mrs. Letta Squire. An interesting course is outlined for this years work, and all ladies interested are cordialy invited, to join this project. There is no fee and the books are furnished by the Public Library. IS HUGE SUCCESS A group of second year students of the Juab Stake Seminary are presenting a program in Mount Pleas-on- t, Sunday evening, December 6. conducted Cross Red drive The This program is carried out on the diunder the in East Juab County same lines as the programs in rection of LeRoy Whitehead, Roll Manti and Fountain Green given this by evsuccess was in a Call chairman year's graduating class. The theme ery way, considering the financial is "Joseph Smith. The Modern mem conditions. Over one hundred Prophet." Items on the program, with Beth berships were taken out in Nephi conof and Levan and a number McCay in charge, are listed as fol tributions were handed in by those lows: congregational singing; prayer who felt they could not. afford.--Maw Powell ; 'Selection Girls Chorus; membership. Reading, Afton Garrett; Talk, "Was women of this Twenty three city Joseph Smith Qualified For His volunteeered their time to make the Work," Katherine Kay; Piano Solo, commiCross and the Red drive Melba Fowkes; Talk, "The Meanttee apreciates their efforts. The ing of Joseph Smith's First Vision", Red Cross solicitors were the follow- Tom Cowan; Musical Quartet; Talk De-lMrs. Mrs. Joseph Carter, ing: Joseph Smith Judged By His Ac Haynes, Mrs. Eleanor Golden, Mildred McPher-soMiss Geneva Irons, Miss Laura complishments," Violin Solo, Clarice Chatwln; Miss Miss Eleanor Burton, Morgan, Talk, "Joseph Smith, The Modern Bessie Greenhalgh, Miss Zoe PowProphet,' Principal LeRoy White Mrs. Clarence Warner, Miss head; Girls' ell, Chorus, "We Ever Pray Minnie Belliston, Mrs. Frank War For Thee"; Congregational singing; F. M. Mrs. June Prayer, Leah Douglas. Beck, ner, Mrs. Kendall, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. Gil bert Bailey, Mrs. Flossie Carter Mrs. Camila Bailey, Mrs. Robert Winn, Miss Irene Chase, Mrs. Kate Bowles, Miss Bearl Shaw, Mrs. Ray Gadd, all of Nephi and Mrs. Eva Shenherd of Levan. In If there are some in the city who not were visited by the Red Cross and who would like to become a Mrs. Ruth Ellen Hawley Chase, member or contribute toward the cause can still do so by getting in 66, for many years of resident of Nephi and Eureka, died Saturday touch with Mr. Whitehead. Half of the proceeds of this drive morning at 1.30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Price, at will be retained by the Nephi Chap Lake City. ter to help pay for the expenses of Salt Born Sept. 21, 1865, at Deseret, the Red Cross nurse, who is giving Utah, and is survived by the fol classes here and in Levan for the next three months and also for lowing daughters: Mrs. Winnie Price Mrs. Alta Frisby, Eureka for some special case work that de Salt Lake; Utah; Mrs. E. W. Dunn, Oakland mands attention. Cal.; Mrs. William H. Luke, Oak land, Cal.; Mrs. William J. Bullough Salt Lake, and one son, J. W. L, Ward In os The regular monthly meeting of the Juab County Commission will be held on Friday, December 11' at which time the business of the county for the month will be taken care of. Republican Leaders Are Making Tour The American Farmer would have faced complete disaster but for the emergency action of the federal government during the past two years, William J. Lowe, state chairman of the Republican party, told local party chieftians during a con ference here Wednesday morning. He declared that the farm board's policy in steadying the price of agricultural products saved the farmer billions of dollars. Mr. Lowe praised the Hoover administration for its emergency re lief measures in the drought strick en western states. He said that un der the farmer feed loan bill pas sed at the last session of congress 622 Utah farmers had filed appli cations for loans, aggregating $10 7,769, and these applications have been approved as of November 21. Mr. Lowe and Byron D. Anderson, Secretary of Republican State Com mittee met with the party leaders in Nephi Wedensday on their trip through Southern Utah. B. Y. U. Student Reads Play Here Thursday Miss Monta Wentz, of the Brigham Young University Student Body association was in Nephi Thursday evening, where she recited the three-aplay, "Let Us Be Gay." The presentation of the play was under the auspices of the recently organized Dramatic Art Club of the Juab high school. Approximately two hundred townspeople and students of the high school were in at tendance. nt ct n; Former Nephite Dies Salt Lake City Nephi Charge of Sunday Night Program The Nephl Ward M. I. A. will be in charge of the program Sunday evening. It is interesting to know that Dr. John T. Miller of Los Ang eles, well known lecturer will be in Nephl on that day and deliver an address on "Character Building. Dr. Miller is a native of Nephi and during the past number of years he has traveled extensively and has studied character building, in addition to editing the magazine "The Character Builder." Alice Sowby will give one of her Christmas readings interesting which always meets with approval. Wallace L. Martin is in charge of a musical number. The double mixed quartet of the Nephi ward will also be prepared with a musical select ion. Ass'n To Hear Dr. J. T. Miller Parent-Teacher- 's AssThe regular Parent-Teacheociation meeting well be held in the High school auditorium Thursday evening. December 10, at 7:30. The Fidills Choral Club will furnish the musical program. Dr. John T. Miller of Los Angeles will be the speaker of the evening. Dr. Miller began his work in Nephi and is returning to give the people the best he has attained in the past 35 years. There is no question but that Dr. Miller has a real treat in store for the people of Nephl. Come out and bring your friends and neighbors to get the best he has to give on vocational guidance and other phrases of Human n, grand-childre- great-grandchil- d. Washington. Funeral services were held in Salt Lake Monday. Cannon Is Conference Speaker Here Sunday Sylvester Bishop of Q. Cannon, the L. D. S. . presiding church, was the visiting speaker at the Juab Stake Quarterly Conference held in Nephi Saturday and Sunday. The conference was a Priesthood Convention and members of the various quorums were called upon to take part in the sessions. Concluding the conference, the Juab Stake M. I. A. had charge of the program Sunday evening. Mutual workers and recently returned missionaries of the wards of the stake spoke. Kill Over 1,000 Rabbits More than 1,000 rabbits were kil led in Dog Valley and Untie Val ley last Sunday, when several hund red men from Provo and surround ing towns staged a hunt to obtain food for the needy of that county. According to E. Carlyle Hinckley and Fred Newell who were In charge of the hunt, the men enjoyed their hunt, and m addition procured large number of rabbits which were distributed to the needy of Provo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. Forrest entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Bryan and family. Covers were laid for twenty-fiv- e. Pink rose buds Those forming the centerpiece. present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Bryan, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bryan and son of Brigham City; Mrs. J. D. Call and Mrs. C. M. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Al Wilkins and daughter of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Loyle Adams and) children of Ogden; and Mr. and Mrs. Bent Bryan ' ed all-el- Chase, Texas; 20 and one The following brothers and sisters W. P. week. also survive Mrs. Chase: Hawley, Salt Lake; J. C. Hawley, Oasis; Mrs. Minnie Jenkins, Nephl, and Mrs. Pearl A. Homer, Seattle rs Utah County Sportsmen III FRIDAY The famous gilded roof and dome of the Library of Congress, which have gleamed in the sun since 1897, abilities, are being replaced by a duller having lost their glitter, and, more important, their but more substantial covering of sheet copppr. The photograph shows some of the workmen putting the finishing touches on the roof. ne Mrs. Wallace L. Carter and Mrs. Raymond Houghton entertained at a birthday dinner in honor of their mother, Mrs. W. H. Howell Tuesday. Covers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. Voll Howell, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Howell of Wlnnemucca, Nevada, MT3. Rula Hudson of Cheyenne, yoming, Mrs. Thoral Howell, Mr. and Wallace L. Carter, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Houghton. Ir.'Jt rain-repellin- g en The F. F. A. of the Juab High school gave the assembly program Thursday. Opeing prayer was offered by Mr. Whitehead; then Mr. Beagley spoke. The remainder of the program was a demonstration of television, which was presented as follows: "Paul Whiteman with his famous Farmer orchestra," played two numbers; Mr. Johnson, the great "yoddler and banjo player" gave two selections; Mr. Sperry with his accordian rendered a seltwo dance ection; selections, "Whitman's Farmers"; Mr. Beagley and Mrs. Johnson, the two Hawai-an- s, a banjo and guitar duet; violin solo. Coach Isaacson; Harmonica solo, Earl. Warner; Saxa-phosolo, Boyd Greenwood, alias "Rudy Weedolf." The F. F. A. were able to present this program with the assistance of Mr. Sanders of the Nephi Floral. E PRESEASON GAME TAXATION GIVEN The Control of Public Expenditures III. Who is Responsible? If a property owner goes to the local store and orders a pair of shoes, some hardware and groceries, and wtnehhllebmisdeai sh sh sh shs and when the bill is madeup, protests against the total amount, what can he do about it? The merchant will probably show that the various items are correctly added and fairly priced, but even then the customer may protest against the total and if he does, he will take one of several courses. He first will probably look over the list of. goods and determine if there are any things that can be left out entirely. If there are any such when discarded will result in. a total which he can afford to pay, he will undoubtedly weild the pruning knife on his list, then pay his bill and go on his way, well satisfied with his purchases. But the problem may not be He may quite so simple as this. have learn that after been discardad the amount is still more than he can afford., and he may be forced to reduce his expenditures upon actual necessities. There is much in common the above illustration and the situation that confronts the ordinary taxpayer when the budgets are being formulated, but there is this essential difference: If the property owner does not buy his goods he does not receive any, and consequently does not have a bill to pay at the store; but if the property owner does nothing about purchasing benofets of government, some one else will do it for him, and he along with other taxpayers will have to pay the bill. In fact, the duly elected officers of the various taxing units are authorised by law to No. 49 NEPHI NATIONAL PEOPLE OF IIEPHI BANK CLOSES ON TUESDAY EVENING ARE SUPPORTING l IS 12, fortunate Edward Kendall Honored On His 71st Anniversary The family of Edward Kendall entertained at a birthday party, Sunday, November 29, in honor of Mr. Kendall's seventy-firbirthday anniversary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kellerstrass in Provo. The day was pleasantly spent with games and music. A delicious chicken dinner was enjoyed by sixty mem bers of the family. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ken dall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Harris and family of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkey and family, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Kendall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kendall and family Mrs. Isabell Larson and family, Mr, and Mrs. Rex Tolley and family Mllo Bracken, of Nephi: honored guest, Edward Kendall, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kellerstrass and st family of Provo. Poultry Specialist To Tuesday Y. U. at Provo, poultry specialist, will be the man. DENNIS WOOD We have bequathed to us by our sturdy Pioneers, the spirit of helpfulness, and brotherly interest. The misfortune of a neighbor was our misfortune and his joys or sorrows were shared by all. I am sure that descendants of these sturdy characters will be equal to the task of the present day, that none will go cold or hungry. Let us adopt our Pioneer spirit of sharing equally with one another and "Carry On" together. THOMAS BAILEY Bishop of Nephi Ward North Ward M. Presents I. A. One-A- ct Play "The Florist Shop" was the title of a pley presented at the North Ward M. I. A. Meeting last Tuesday evening with the following cast: Maud, office girl, Dorothy Chase; Mr. Slovockie, properitor of the shop, Joseph Smith, James, errand boy, Ernest Chase; Mr. Jackson, Nephi Chase and Miss Aymes, Alyeth Bigler. This play was the first of three contest plays to be presented in one-a- Talk Here on Friday the Anouncement was made that Grant Ivans of the B. fellow se ct ward. Judge Cox To Hold Court Here December 14 speaker at a meeting of poultrymen to be held in the County courthouse Judge LeRoy H. Cox will open Friday December 4, at 7:30 P. M court in Juab County on December 14th. This Is the last term of the family; Miss Alice Ingram, Alif All men and women of this com Bryan and Rolf Bryan and the host munity are cordially tt el sh sh sh year, and the clerk of the court reand hostess Mr. and Mrs. S. E. For- munity are extended a special in ports that there are very few cases rest. to be heard at this term. vltation to attend this meeting. |