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Show PAGE SIX THE TIMES-NEW- Thursday, December NEPIII. UTAH S. And Still Nothing Gained THE FEATHERHEADS f rVELL, WHY DOMT YOU ASK KLAGG FOR 4 RAISE? ) X UH.. X'CAUSE DON'T THINK WE'LL GIVE IT yv towe!.' . rJOTHlrJG VEMTUPEO. WOTWrMG GAlWEDf ) YOU AAAY )( BE LEG IN I AT RIGHT CAM V that. THE JCE BOX X HAVE Afe Jfll fZT IT? HLvENTURED- J BUT STILL X CWCKEKJ JJ 1 GAINED NOTHING v y !'.' 1931 3, McrcolizcdVax Keeps Skin Young MU out, tea MB 111 kll (MmC IfMiU Your Im!pu4 0 vlr. Xiww wriahlc iMiiiiart ! M MM VUHllU.. UwwC ihm Mi towpi.r- ru4M. UUmmUm4 Kut inn iM - itioMfcMl km Ink ptal lUinlif Puw4mq Aiaimini.M. Stl C Cburck Placed in To reduce the fire hazard auj protect workmea and pasuiershy durlnif th repairing of St. I'uul'i ctiurcb, famous landmark of lower JSroadway In New York city, the entire atrue-to- r was Inclosed In a iteel-cag- e caffoldlng, aaye I'opular Mechanlca Magazine. The cage U 2)0 feet high, and S.OUO couplings and 2,500 pipes were required to complete the frame. MUSCULAR-RHEUMAT- IC PAIIIS FINNEY OF THE FORCE Chalk Up an Error on Susie WHAT PlGHT HAVE YOU, I .Sergeant JUST CLUB'.? YOO MIGHT AS WELL THAT BECAUSE X WEAR A fikjmev... IN FOG YOO FOR TUJO HOURS !( TAKE THAT! AMD CEAIEAABER WEifT TIAAE TO BE OBEDlENiT !' ALLOW I WAS IN EftROfc PERHAPS MY JOOGMEMX AAft.RNNEYL.. AFTER ALL WE MUST CECOGMIZE cosip' i've been! ioo icing BECAOSE'YOO WEAR A STAR, TO STCtKE A MAN WITH YOOR NIGHT ALL IN ACCORD WITH YOUR VIEWS ON PENAL JUSTICE, AM NOT AT , CERTAIN AUTHORITIES. OP GLASSES' ihcm DRAW out with a Muscular lumbago, and ttuTness generally ropona Doctor! call it to goad old Mmterole. becaiueiuwarm-Ing "caunter-irritan- f action penetrates and stimulatctblood circulation and helps to draw out infection and pain. Ic gets action and it not one just a salve. But do not stop with cooapplication. Apply this toothing, the to ling, healing ointment generously affected area once very hour for five hours. Used by millions for over 20 yean. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. All druggists. sorenpn To Mothers Musterole is also rnade in milder form for babies md small children. Ask jot Chil dren s Musterou. 13S ii sftlTEi Tfn Envied Mora to B Wife Don't you envy the Joneses having all they've got? Her Hub No, I envy those who have got all the Joneses have and the money to pay for It ! Cincinnati His Along the Concrete Ortr Pe Peeve Enquirer. IF I HUKRV I stfi CAN CATCH THE f Wt iMOTtTsB.Tls, ss. nostril. stuffy Irritation bv uk at "Mentholatum in nose. Rub brolly on chest to Improve blood . soothe and circulation lis! ia ii w 77 j'i. liaoy yccrv terary a-- f .. 0 tmt Firo ! Fire ! cr Trc j prevent Jars and tubes 30& know," sighed Annt Hannah, "I know It's wicked to Judge folks, but every time I singe a hen I get to thinkln' about poor old Cousin Ilen-r- y. an the life he led." Wallace's I Farmer. STRONG iggjp if 2 --t Polytechnic College of Engineering 134 ud HidiMa St., OskluJ, Cililimum nHEH THE.F&OST Leading Engineering School In TechnictI Sciencea Establithtd in 1894 Over $200,000 PUnU Chartered to grant decrees in toil University Sundarda Xt. (Opyrteht, W. K. IfCopTPljht, C.) By Charte MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL ttOSS OWE IN GilT HEM LVSSEVV. UERfiS A GOOD A MSEO THIS PAPEf! ANWAM A. UVKlS WEAR S"CoevCOW ,LL. OOT OV5 UV PASTURE OWC in SO HE AOVEQTVO , I UI0 -- v V Students assisted courses. Write W. B. GIBSON Credit One to "Exchange" Sughro COVM IVXTU' LOCAL PAPEA GAVE A "VAtXt x All In anbjecta omitted. tensive practical thorough courses Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Mining;. Architectural and Structural Hew couraci In Aeronautical and Airplane Engineering. Special in enarcea Airplane Mechanics, Auto Machine ghup, Electris Mechanics, Shop. Ijrnition, Battery, etc. Complete Klfctrical, Hydraulic, Steam and Testing laboratories, in WCM w THIS w. S. D. WUEW U& SOVAE eOVUS &AVJUVV& COULD ALLU6 TW MViOOW, LQOKEO OOT SEE VJOX COWft OOOLSS OP TUEVA A VAAM NWTV I - EAtH OME UE AU' t)E8M VAAU CLAVKNEO HAD -- W LOST eOVJ : x I LEAJV4G VT AWO ( I fiOLLECTlMG r y j (Yn A' I Sambont two yean' -- to TU4 FELVR & V.HO BCV3UGUER v vvroi-- . THE CLANCY KIDS z- ,N 'Jk - Registrar A natural sleep of three months Is credited to a woman In Brazil. Couldn't any good housewife do that if she had time? Buffalo Evening Mt News. "Flora rlWONOeR DROTE KVt STARTS U( Cf?0STF?OM rt- - Uf Uion'T PuTMCOUTof BVSNCSS IF .CAIHCLPIT. 7 see WHAT THt-N-- By PERCY L. CROSBY ht &J what Her - S vpro. r- r ii Uiu ty(LL Back rJiuce'r tit n; ii Is a Foxy wife whose hnsband on her." can't put anything over That's Putting It Across Jhz scorn Aim financing their fret catalog. W. I. WOOD Slumber OLE FlRe.WAfER 1 tor President sorae of rare -- In ) 1 at HOUR i (M OH AS b' McC,NN0Te???c",8yndlcat ff "How's that?" "When she heard him talking In his sleep she went to sleep herself and talked right back at him." Vancouver Province. Ona may as well he Interested In the question whether Mars as In anything else. KILL COLD GERMS mm rnr-T- r na lirtlllliaifWiisFral CJecrs head instantly.Stops cold spreading. ' Sprinkle your : - . handkerchief during the day your piliow at nighf.- McKesson PRODUCT W. N. U, 1&Jl,9 8alt Lake City, ah drug STORES No. 49-1- |