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Show THE PAGE TWO Intermountain News Briefly Told for Busy Kea'lers MKN GO BACK TO HOICK. I.AM It FEEDING IKOJECT. A I KM AN IN DKAT5I FALL LA KB CITY. IT.-S- the state's gressman, ult Luke's monthly payroll was by $50,(K), when between 250 and 300 men returned to work at By EDWARD tho penver 4 itlo (Jrantle Western Itailrond shop. NEITHER toJapan northeChina was TSOISE, IDA. Approximately accept plan dehead of Nevada ami 115,000 vised by the league of Nations head of Oregon Iambs are on feed lu council for an Inquiry Into the south central Idaho and Hoise areiu situation. reiKirta the istale depurtment of agriand the twelve culture. Total number of lambs on members of that feed In these two districts Is intibody made a furmated at 11,000. Mont of the lamb ther attempt to are fed on a gain basis of 0 to 7 draw up a scheme cents per pound, while some Iambi that would please i from individual owners are on a both sides, but with- to 2 cents per w out apparent suc spread basis of r;' jxmnd. The salient cess. V point of this latter BOISE, IDA. Potatoes and onions are about the only farm pro1 nit- ine of a "c duce yet to be moved to market, tee of study" to the state department of agriGen. C. P. Munchurlu, onlg inculture. Summerall stead of having an SALT LAKE CITY, L'T. The mandate for Invcxtlgatlng crushed body of Norman Totter, 3(1, express all of China as well as Manchuria, United was found lu his shattered as the recent Japanese proposal Air Lines airmail plane 14 miles southwest of the Salt Lake City air- provided, the committee would be Manchuria Instructed to port. 1'ot'er crashed almost within and to IncludeInvestigate If they think China lie elKht of the Salt airport. It advUuble. As demanded by the was euroute from Oakland, Cal. Japanese, the committee would have a IDA. Buying I'OCATKLLO, no power to Investigate troop movepun, George Itichardson, 60, rail- ments or to Interfere otherwise with road mechanic, shot himself In the the war. nor to Intervene in any dihead at a service station here. He rect negotiations between Tokyo and Is survived by his widow anil three Nanking that might be opened. daughters. Want of work is believDr. Alfred Sze, In an uncomproed to have prompted bim to end li is communication to the counmising life. cil, tolj how China looked on this BOISE, IDA. ISeports of the two scheme. He said : "An Inquiry without at the same forests show that there is an average of 20 Inches of snow on the time providing for Immediate cesBoise timber nrea and 17 on the sation of hostilities and the withSawtooth, both national forests. drawal of Japanese forces becomes Greatest depths on the Boise are 30 a mere device to condone and perinches at Hayfork mine, 21 inches petuate for a more or less Indefiat Kcmpncr ranch and 40 inches on nite period the unjustifiable occumountain above Atlanta. pation of China's territory by an Bald Greatest measurements on the Pay- aggressor who has already virtuette are 22 inches at Kocky Bar, 18 ally attained his unlawful object at Featherville, 10 at Soldier rang- while these discussions have been er station, and 51 on Atlanta Sum- going on. In the circumstances you mit. will readily see It is quite ImposDItlGGS. IDA. Driggs residents sible for me to consider the proliave a coal mine within but a few posal In question until the basis yards of the town. A dozen men dig above mentioned has been adeit out and take to town for sale at quately laid down." half normal price of coal. A When and If a committee of InTern has been opened. quiry Is named, its chairman may In an be Gen. Charles I. Stimnierall, forSALT LAKE CITY, ITT attempt to curb the enormous losses mer chief of staff of the United through lack of noxious weed and States army. He lias been suggest Insect control, a list of nil noxious ed for this place by the Japanese weed infested farms in Salt Lake and probably would be acceptable county is being prepared and next to China. Still another plan for solving the spring quarantine notices will be served on the owners. This quaran- Manchurian problem was to be subof removal tine will prohibit the mitted to the council by the Nanfarm products or livestock unless king government, according to Dr. all noxious weeds on these farms Wellington Koo, who has Just been are so handled and controlled that Japanese foreign minister no seeds may be distributed to oth- appointed and assumed his new duties. er land arens and such products are officially released from quarantine on the southern coast of ly inspectors of the state depart- DOWN is a small strip in ment of agriculture. , which Is situated the city of SALT LAKE CITY, UT Apand that Is still In the hands propriation at this session of Con- of China or was gress for construction of the Moon last week. But eviLake reclamation project in the dently the Japanese Uintah basin is requested In a peti- decided to take tion sent to the IT. S. reclamation over this area also, bureau by the Utah Water Storage for Doctor Szegave commission. the league council UT. Thru AMERICAN FOBK, Information thai the cooperation of the local Lion's the troops of the destreets club and the city fire and mikado were movpartments, a community skating ing from south rink has been constructed In the Mukden In armored city baseball park. cars with the intenEUREKA, UT. Development of a tion of crushing the Gen. Jiro huge tract of mineral ground situat- opposition In Chin-choMlnami ed to the west of the Big Hill proThis action Tintic district in East the was explained by the Japanese on perty has been started by the Internation- the ground that their intcressts al Smelting company. there were menaced by bandits, but SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Carlot the Chinese assert the activities of shipments of fruit and vegetables bandits there and elsewhere in Manto the Salt Lake market in October churia are promoted by Japan to totaled 114 cars, 33 cars less than In excuse their militant course. October, 1030, it is shown by the Despite reports of dissension In monthly unload report by Leonard the Japanese cabinet. It Is apparent S. Fenn, state federal market news that the militarists, led by Gen. Jiro reporter. The report shows that Minimil, minister of war, are havshipments to the local market by ing their own way. They will not truck from outside states during the permit withdrawal of the troops month were the equivalent of 31 from Manchuria, nor are they afraid carloads. of exasperating the Soviet Russian The first government to the point of forceST. GEORGE, UT. snow in St. George City in over two ful action although always assuring years fell here recently when a total Moscow that Russian interests will f Indies came not be endangered. of three and down. Seeming efforts of the league CosSALT LAKE CITY, UT. council In Paris to put on the tumes of the fifteenth century will United States the onus of settling be affected by Salt Lake girl scouts the affair are not when they go a'caroling Christmas meeting with success. There has Eve. Miss Emily Lynch, local scouts' been talk there and in Washington director, states, that the girls 40 of Invoking an economic boycott ot of them will wear costumes remi- Japan If the Tokyo government perniscent of five centuries ago when sists In refusing to keep the peace, they help provide Yuletide cheer at and our government has been apthe Salt Lake county gpneral hos- proached on the subject. pital and at other places. "The league is asking us to comIIEBEtt CITY, UT. A shipment mit ourselves before It makes up Its own mind what it wants us to of 700,000 trout eggs of the Lochlev-e- be committed to," an official In will be the received variety by declared. "We're not Washington federal of east Midway hatchery, It." Ileber City, within the next few going to do days, announces W. C. Crump, chief of the deputy In the Utah state fish and COMPLETION in 1932 Instead game department. After six months of In May, 1033, with a view to asin the Utah hatchery and rearing industry and emponds, the Portland consignment sisting business, will be planted In I '.ear lake, the ployment, was asked of the fedeial Utah official said. In exchange for government by the Mlsslslppl Valat Its annual conthe s'lirmont, a similar number of ley association rainbow trout eggs will b? sent from vention In St. Louis. Senators Glenn and Lewis of Illinois and many either Kamas or Springville other SDoke In favor of speeding 37,-00- 0 Mun-churla- ii l'i W. PICKAKD one-hal- Sino-Japane- n Republican con- Farmer-Luborlte- arup the construction gued that the objection raUt-- by the army engineers to a quick finish Ice and possible floods would not be considered valid If the waterway were a private enterprise Instead of a government project. The association voted In favor of federal bond Issue to carry on the work MEMBERS of the Semite who as progressive Rerapidly. Senator Glenn recently urged upon publicans were reported to be orPresident Hoover and secretary of ganizing for opposition to the reWar Hurley the need of early com- election of Senator George II. Moses pletion of the work, and said he of New Hampshire as president pro violated no confidence In declaring tempore of the senate. They are both of them were iu favor of this said to be actuated especially by Moses' attack on them a year ago, course. when lie dubbed them "sons of the Nye of North DaHEARINGS by the senate lobby wild Jackass." were resumed in kota, Norrls of Nebraska and Coua-en- s of Michigan were supposed Washington, and John Holland, the committee's chief Investigator, told to be leading the movement and It an Interesting story of deals In was believed they would support sugar stock by two United States Senator Wesley K Jones of Washsenators Watson of Indiana aqd ington for the place held by Moses. Both of The regular Republican leaders Davis of Pennsylvania. them, Holland said, bought stock of feared all this might result In allowsugar companies operated by I'.ror ing the Democrats to assume conG. Dahlberg of Chicago, giving their trol of the senate as well as of the notes In payment, and later turned house. li. the stock for considerable paper profits, which afterwards disap"pIIERE Is an unfilled vacancy peared. Other prominent men, he - among federal Judgships In the said, also bought Dahlberg stock and Chicago division of the eastern Illilost, these included Al Smith, John nois district, nnd George E. Q. JohnJ. Raskob and Senator Moses. Holson, United State. land told the committee he could district attorney WST?5T1 find no evidence that Senator there. Is strongly 4 Davis had lobbied for a high sugar urged for the place T tariff. Dahlberg In Chicago denied by Senator Otis F. VjjS ' that there was anything unusual or Glenn, Illinois. The reprehensible In the transactions appointment of Mr. with Watson and Davis, and also Johnson would be v iv f:A i com ie S. declared false the rumor that he l"ii!icui in J"! 9 i had made a gift of $10,000 to Davis. ways, but It also This Week RELIEVES HEAD CHEST and BACK COLDS bj ARTHUR BRISBANB A More Cheerful Country Salt Stays in the Ocean Tests for a Pacifist Why Sheep Give Thanks This western land like every other part of the country has its share of depression, but Eastern visitors observe in Los Angeles' crowded streets, more cheerfulness than In New York or Chicago. is more ;. f" ' Stainless ''Rub In land inhalant unsurpassed ? in prevennng ana relieving coia congestions "'duMirrt: .,1 iinL3JunbnuoDinj: SINCI 18J3 ' Biddy "Contribution'' llev. Frank W. . Stephens looked askance at the titter from his congregation. Then he saw a hen ' rui Ait aui J; 'ON OUR 2 DAY VACATION' marching up the aisle of his church 'n Mt Sterling, Ohio. Past the pulIt, into the choir loft marched the ien. xne congregation sac speu-onnas the hen laid an egg. Ush-r- s lollected the "contribution" and Jected the hen. Indianapolis News. - j Perhaps "depression" easily borne in brilliant sunlight than In cloudy cold. Also, this section of the country with Boulder Dam under way, and government work six months ahead Corns to Lot! Their Catch of schedule on the $165,000,000 Job, Lake City on Salt had the Two dozen has Its greatest problem, WATER perch langh a pair of anglers at Seneca lake. SUPPLY, permanently solved. on This New York. As the fishermen caught V 2 DAY Los Angeles and twelve other the fish they put them In a burlap cities in this Boulder Dam district bag hung over the side of the boat. All Expense' recently voted, five to one, with Their only mistake was In falling to Rate notice a large bole in the bottom of admirable courage and foresight, bond Issue of two hundred and the bag, through which their catch twenty million dollars to build an disappeared as fast as caught. Fo aqueduct to bring the water to the All On Penan ft) Seals Bark, Rout Burglars thirsty land and Its enormous room accommodations Including When two men broke Into a fish quickly growing population. BMnJa, srag, and apciai ntertala-maa described bslowt The Government hesitated and Market at Montrose, Scotland, late 1. Front Room with bats delayed about spending 165.000,000. it night they awakened two captive On night B. Full aooru dinner Los Angeles and twelve sister cities :eals, kept In a tank adjacent to the First Blunt e fifty-fivmillions ffice. Barking In no uncertain tones promptly voted t. Breakfast and lunch Second day more than the total government in- the seals caused the burglars to flee ft. Car itorase vestment, to take care of the water. empty-hande- d before they could gain One night a. Two theatre tickets entrance to the office. First day Dam and aqueduct will he ready t. Two theatre tickets in six years, and the next step will Second day Mutual Compliments Good Week days Week end Holidays be the spending of $25,000,000 by Maud Did you hear what your the Imperial Valley. That bond friend Edith said about you? When possible write for advance resissue will build a canal adequate in ervations snd mention "All Expense" Marie No. I was in the other plan. Card will be mailed you. Othersize and make the valley independabout her. wise request card when registering ent of a canal now In use that runs group talking "Cheaper than staying at heme" through Mexico at the mercy of HOTEL revolution or international difficulnuman minds are like parachutes, ties. funcDewai Lord only says They are open C. W. West W. E. Sutton There will be no cessation of tion when thej Ass't Genl Mgr. Geo'l Mgr. population growth on this Pacific .Salt Lake City. Utah Flattering Coast, until the saturation point is reached That, fortunately, is far Naturally women like a strong, siWhere Women Trip Up off, for airplanes will make town lent man ; they think he is listening lots of Pacific Coast mountain tops to them. The first step In keeping a secret is now bare, and this desert, far from keeping secret the fact that you have movies and soda water fountains, Driving 60 miles from home, sleep- one. iJoston Transcript d ' M'r.til.1 ha nr. ti? ...I will be safe many a year for those ing in a cornshuck bed, eating strange as a reward for the Bitter-Swethat like solitude, and are unlike food and going back next day Is an i excellent work tie tf vou call It so canthan "outing" "negroes Schopenhauer's be sweet, people who may Revenge In has done the line E. Q. not get enough of one another's take it are usually soured by It. of prosecuting gang- George Old people don't wnnt the trouble d Johnson company and like tc sters and grafting crowd, I am told, fifty in one small of reforming anybody; they only Nothing Is so hateful to witness as politicians for evasion of their In- room." scold aboui 'em a family row In which ynt are not Income taxes. Senator Glenn denied ' volved. that he had yet made any recomWhy ioed a child disobey? BePopulation on this coast MUST mendation to t he President, but Increase The pure in heart are comparaceasing, as salt cause he wants his jwn will like other supporters of Mr. Johnson Increases without in the ocean, almost twice everybody else tively scarce. were Insistent that he should be as salty now as when our ancesappointed now, though he has three tors lived in it hundreds of millions to serve as district attorney, of years ago. Salt, once it gets in and Mr. Hoover, It was reported, the years ocean, CANNOT get out, for wants him to finish his term. only pure water is lifted by the If Mr. Johnson Is elevated to the sun's rays. Human beings, when bench, his successor is likely to be they get into this beautiful country, Dwight H. Green, who, though only perfect climate, and atmosphere of When your children have the "sniffles from one wintry thirty-fou- r been one has old, years week to the next, give them Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver democracy, WILL not leave of the district attorney's most genuine Oil. Doctors tay that :ts rich Vitamir contcnf wards off it. efficient and valued assistants In the .olds, 'ncreaser esistance to Ulncss, promote? growth. iVnd ts valuable Vitamin D and mineral talts build itrong bones prosecution of tax dodgers. Mrs. Kate Crane-Gart- z dislikes and 'xeth Scott's Emulsion is good foi adults too; tt helps the idea of preparedness. them 'ceer. wel in wintci Its pleasant flavor makes it easy THE Democrats In senate and She asks, "Doesn't the peace 1Fhouse to take Scott & Bowne, Bloomficld, N. J. Sales Representfollow the leadership of caravan across the country trekking ative, Harold F Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Ar- with a to the petition gigantic Listen to Scott Rmulsion'9 "Romanes oftht Sea" every Sunday at kansas, their leader In the senate, President, mean anything to you?" ':S0v. m. over Stations KHJ Lot Angela. KOIN Portland. KFRCStm will surin tmcim. SOI. Seattle, K VI raeossa and iti.fi" Sposan Increase oppose they any Yes, unfortunately. It means taxes and any great Increase In any PATHETIC FUTILITY Robinof the government, levies. We should work for peace, hope son says such action by congress for It, pray for it, march for it. would "approach confiscation" and But we should always be ready for would be likely to prolong Instead the other thing. of relieve the depression. He' proposes a bond issue. The example of heaven is surely Senator Robinson argues that good enough for Mrs. Crane-Gart- z Thief's Money Welcome taxes should be raised solely to ob- and other pacifists. A robbei sntereO the room of tain revenue and not for the purPacifists should humbly rememaf Philadelphia pose "of distributing wealth or re- ber the lines in Revelation, "and Charles McKeevei He is op- there was war in heaven; Michael and stole $3 In :ash and a gold ducing large fortunes." In theii place he left five posed to a general sales tax, but and his angels fought against the watch. would consent to a sales levy on dragon; and the dragon fought dimes McKeevei went to the police At ha 'oremoit Desert Resort station to report the loss, and as he of thaWest marvelous luxuries. He said in his statement : against his angels." dimate warm sunny the flve dimes on thj days clear starlit "The most practical method to diIt was fortunate for heaven and left he threw "'to lights dry Invigorating a thief s montake floor, air refusing oads splendid gorgeous eiountain minish unemployment Is to revive the earth that Michael and his Outside th station a police- scenes finest hotels the ideal winter home. industry. Increase In taxation Is angels were "prepared" for trouble. ey." Mfrrr ere ft, Cfterre a poor method for overcoming de"And the great dragon was cast man found a hungry vagrant. He the unfortunate the gavg spurned inIn other words, while out, that old serpent, called the pression. creases may be unavoidable they devil, and Satan, which deceiveth dimes and the hungry man hurried California cannot be expected to contribute to the whole world; he was cast out away happily to get his breakfast the forces calculated to restore con- into the earth, and his angels were fidence and courage In the sphere of cast out with him." investments and enterprises." Heaven, of course, wanted peace He added that while he recog- In those ancient days, but kept prenized the necessity of balancing the pared for war. That's what we budget, he did not look for a great should do. reduction in public expenditures. Have you heard of the liver-fluk- e that destroys thousands of THOUGH he Is now W.eighty-eigh- t is sheep? The larvae of the liverfluke Gen. A. Greely years still actively interested In the ex- live in snails, are dropped by snails ploration of polar regions and he on pastures, eaten by sheep with has Just been ap the grass, and the sheep die. Liver-fluksnails and sheep pointed chairman of the national com- probably would say, "Men can mittee that spon- never do anything about that." They sors a new Ameri- are mistaken. can expedition The Department of Agriculture which will start for the Arctic next June announces that airplanes will drop to spend two years copper sulphate dust. It will kill the snails, the liver-fluk- e larvae on Ellesmere mail-bo- x the northern- will have no place to develop, and not be killed. the will sheep on land most the Friends far away in miles ot years How they'll That Is something for sheep to be globe, ('apt. Flavel welcome a card from you this Christmas! And how M. Williams will be thankful for, on this Thanksgiving Gen. A. W. commander of the Day. you'U tnjoy tending them cards if you have the leisuri Greely party, and Dr. H. to visit mentally with each as you address the envelope. Today men accumulate money, B. Maris will be its scientific diout and wear themselves lose and tee how much their So shop early nd mail early leader rector, and the doing it, as the tumble-bu- g of the nearer those distant friends seem' Greely expedition characters exhausts his energies storing of is helping them make their plans. They will have radios, np treasures In his storehouse Men will not be tumble-bug- s forairplanes nnd modern comforts In ever. That Is something to be exploring the region where General thankful for. Greely met with disaster and The change will come when ths where eighteen of his party starved or froze to death because they had Intelligence of men and their YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM no means of letting civilization sciences are devoted to providing for of instead everybody, enough know of their plight, too much for a few IQ 1931 Western Union.) d y 77 My 2 DAY Ii$10 nt Air-Mind- HEWHOUSE feUVv ' ii STIRRING up the animals Is n of John J. Raskob, the dynamic chairman of the Democratic national committee. Ills latest achievement in that way Is the sending out of a q 20-fo- Chin-chow- only PROGRESSIVE: and Independent members of the houe expect to wield control of Its actions, and at the cull of Representative LaGuardiu of New York those in that category, both Republicans and Democrats, met Wednesday in Washington to make their plans and formulate their demands. The Invitation to this conference, which was signed also by Paul J. Kvale of Minnesota, , the lone said that even though the Democrats might elect the speaker, neither they nor the Republicans could hope for a working majority without the aid of the Independents. One of the demands of the progressives Is liberalization of the bouse rules so that "bcss control" may be eliminated. Japanese Armies on Move Again While League Coun ril Stumbles Raskob Irritates the Drys National Political Goship. IIEAVV KNOHFAI.I. SEEN. I.AW.K A ICE A Ol'EN. SALT teenth Texas district to succeed the late Harry 51. Wur.bach, who was News Review of Current Events the World Over Thursday, December 3, 1931 NEFIII. UTAH TIMES-NEW- to uestlonnalre SS.r.SO conirlbu-ter- s to the party campaign fund of 1028 to get theiJ views of whether the Democratic national convention should declare for resubmission of the issue to J. J. Raskob prohibition the people. They are also asked what they think on other matters of party policy, but the liquor proposition is the main one. Needless to say, Mr. Raskob himself is thoroughly wet, and as he says in his letter to contributors, he believes the time has come "for the Democratic party to face this Issue squarely and to present to the people a definite plan under the policy of states' rights and local of his The move was a follow-upresentation of the home-rul-e plan for liquor control last March to the national committee. He evoked then a bitter outburst, particularly from southern lenders, many of whom felt deliberate injection of the prohibition Issue was a fine way to wreck the party's 1032 prospects. This time the drys again responded with strong protests. Their board of strategy, of which Edwin C. Dinwiddle is executive secretary, issued a statement which said "wet millionaires" were bringing pressure to bear on both parties to make their platforms wet by threatening to withdraw contributions in the 1032 contest. Some New Yorkers saw In tne Raskob questionnaire a deliberate effort to split the support of Frank tin D. Roosevelt, who Is still the leading contender for the Presidential nomination. Senators Robinson of Arkansas, Hull of Tennessee and Connally of Texas, interviewed In Washington, decried Rasjob's efforts. The Democratic national committee has been called to meet January 9, and this matter undoubtedly will be a major topic of discussion. p REPRESENTATIVE of speaker of GARNER the next house, partook of a "harmony breakfast" with John F. Curry, chieftain of Tammany Hull, the other day, and It Is said persuaded hitn to abandon his plan to have a member of the Tammony delegation made floor leader. truce was comThe Inter-partpleted when Representative John McDuflle of Alabama withdrew from the race for floor leadership. Immediately thereafter Representative Henry T. Rainey. veteran from Illinois, publicly announced his candidacy and word went down the tine that he had the active support of Representative Garner. Mr. Rainey claimed he already has been pledged 133 of the 217 Democratic votes. Democratic control of the house was clinched by the election of R. M. Kleberg, Democrat, In the Four- seventy-one-year-ol- ... et snub-nose- For winter COLDS -- Sunshine" All Winter Long PALM SPRINGS I ffU spy 5tly e, 8 Distant Friends are only on the other side of the if a a gray-bearde- d 1S81-18S- 4 Burgoyxie CHRISTMAS CARDS NeviDiper (j,l931. br Kins Fuiuin Srnditit. Int.) |