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Show PAGE EIGHT THE 1 DONTMISS OUR BIG 7 DAY ! TIMES-NEWS- and Social Local A delightful birthday party was Kiven Sunday at the home of Miss Tht-lmOf key in honor of Miss Ntllie Gee of Moroni. A birthday c;ike formed the centerpiece, atid a freen and white color scheme was employed throughout the dinner. The following were guests at the af- dinner Mr. family: Mr. and Mrs. Heber Jenkins and family. Mrs. CJeo. O. Latimer, Arthur Latimer, Aletha, Keouh. riillte and Pasy Keough, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowles and family. FIRay Painter, and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Painter. Mrs. Jack Wright, and Dee Mr. Alvln Burton. Douglas, and Mar-car- Wriht. DaNell and Dr. and Mrs. Francis H. Beck-fcteentertained the central school teachers of 1929 at the home of Wilford Belliston Friday evening. A delicious turkey dinner was served after which four tables of bridge were played. A color scheme of red ad and yellow was carried out. High score prizes were awarded to Mabel Sjierry and Paul K. Walker. The hostess was assisted In serving by Mrs. Wilford Belliston, Mrs. Edwin Bailey and Donna Belliston. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crano, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bailey, Mrs. Alean Pace, Mable Sperry, Thelma o in the Address all inquiries care of this paper. All reply will be treated strictly field. Just What You Have confidential. Been Looking For TIIK CONTROL OF Fl'BLIC EXPENDITURES et Beth Burton. selling car ed, fastest 0 K served members of the and Mrs. A. V. Jacob-se- n; following Mrs. Howard Sin alley of Ottawa, I1L, who was presented with enp at the Cqok county fair at the Chicago stadium as the world's champion canner. (Continued from page one) revenue which is secured from these levies is distributed back to the various school districts. The state district school levy is distributed on a basis of approximately population, $25.00 the state high school levy is paid back to the school districts on a basis of the attendance in the high schools. For the school year 1930-19$24.14 per capita was distributed for the district school fund and $4.58 per capita for the hiRh school fund. Under this arrangement a county which is above the average in per capita wealth contributes to the aid of the schools in a county which is under the average in per capita wealth. Last year the total state school tax charged in Juab county was $54,476.43. while the total while capita school Original, 31 House Slippers! House Slippers! Local - Social Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Beckstead were in Provo on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner Mrs. Gerald Cazier visited in , Sandy, Thursday. and in Salt They Brought Their Home With Them CLASSIFIED J, Old Gardener SUGGEST Wetitern Newspaper Untoa. 10c&15c You have probably experienced difficulty in starting your car these cold mornings. If so why not follow our suggestions and let us drain out that thick oil and put the proper winter grade back in your car. YOU WILL NOTICE A DIFFERENCE. MX FRIDAY, NOV. Admission lOt 27 & SUN. 35 CLARK JOAN Crawford Gabel W-A-I-- T All the Hits Big Come HERE TUES. MON. AND GAY. IT'S RICH AND LAUGH ROMANCE LAVISH IS TALKIE OF "POSSESSED" THIS ZESTFUL BIG CITY LIFE ABOUT TOWN' "GIRLS Oswald Adventures PICKING IT'S MODERN Africa WE HAVE MANY OTHER WINTER DRIVING SUGGESTIONS. LEFT Today and tomorrow is bone picking time Most people will be consuming the odds and ends left over from the big Thanksgiving feed. By Sunday everyone will be longing for their regular menus. Staple foods will be greatly in demand by our shoppers tomorrow and our store will be able to supply every UNSUALS with SATURDAY ONLY KAY FRANCIS JOEL McCREA LILYAJJ TASIIMAN TOMORROW OVER LADIES" ILVEE MAPLE SERVICE with Claudia' Dell Walter Byron Marjorie Rambeau JOHN GILBERT In COMING SOON 'CARE WILL SAVE YOUR CAR" THURSDAY WEDNESDAY A few more Boys YANKOVERS 89c Real Bargains in Fleeced Lined Coats Nephi Merc. Co. WHERE THE DOLLAR HAS MORE CENTS NOTICE Cream station, The Nelson-Riclocated on South Main street will be closed on Tuesday, December 1st, er on account of moving to the building on West Center street. The station will be open to receive your cream on Wed. morning ..Juab County Dec. 2. Dairymen's Association ks Coop-er-Pyp- hall, Thursday, November 20. Miss Jones was in charge of the .entertainment and refreshments. Miss Powell was the prize winner. Mr. Braithwaite was chosen as the person with the best "misfit' costume. The Thanksgiving program was The given Wednesday afternoon. program was as follows: Prayer, Mr. Braithwaite; studentbody singin?; readings, Beth Conley and Dell Warwood; Song, Dona and Martha LEVAN HIGH NEWS Francom; jokes, Burnett Stevenson; trobone solo, Mr. Gardner; song, Lillian Peterson and Sara Aagard; The freshman and sophomore story, Mrs. Thela Wankier; piano classes and the faculty of the Le- solo, Bessie Benedict; story, Faye van high school were entertained at Shepherd; selection, Jsand. Reporter, Juul Dalby a misfit party at the amusement PARIS" in Pound Red Mexican 17. 3 pound Beans, Box P. B. Soda Crack- OFFERS THE GREATEST VALUES We are holding our standards we will continue to hold them. These times have tempted dealers in many lines to lower quality in order to tempt business by prices that seem lower. These prices are often higher, in respect to value, than before. Generally the article which seems cheap is likely to be cheap. We are not tempted to follow any such trail. For 23 years THE TOGGERY has bought the best merchandise the world's markets afforded, and has sold it at right We will continue this policy always reducing our selling price if, and as, the standard price goes lower. To hold rightly our reputation means a great deal to us. We think it means much prices. to those we have the privilege to serve. ers, 306- - Campbells Tomato Soup, per can. Baby Beef Pot Roast, 106 Q.RSKWCCS also Laurel and Hardy 5 QUALITY STILl 7J "PHANTOM OF AMBASSADOR BILL RICH MAN'S FOLLY HIS WOMAN SQUAW MAN HEART BREAK " colors and prices BLACKS N BONE BARGAIN MATINEE Saturday Shipment of house slippers-al- l BROWNS GREYS SAX-apho- INTER-MOUNTAI- 19S1, Velvets values $3.50 per yard Reduced to $1.49 House dresses, fast colors, usual price $1.00 79c NOW Silks values up to $3.50 going at 98c 25c Rubber, Rubberized and Cambric aprons "Earmark" The origin of the term 'earmark' can be traced to the practice of cutting a deslcn Into the ears of cat per tle as a mark of ownership. Mr. and Mrs. June Kendall were Lake City Tuesday and Wednesday on a business and pleas of aid which the two dist: UTAH and ricts in Juab county received from ure trip. NEPHI, the state tax for district and high Mrs. Louis Beagley and daughter schools was $53,580.34. so that the School District and the Tintic Joan of Salt Lake City are visiting Juab Chas. E. Stephenson, Mrs. Mrs. District received $896.09 less this week with Mrs. Beagley's parLester Brlggs, and Mrs. M. S. Jack-ma- n School the state school tax than was ents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lunt. from entertained at a shower In against Juab county prophonor of Miss Josephine Stephen- charged The management of the Venice erty for this tax. This total does Theatre a November at the son, bride, Stephtakes this opportunity to Include Juab county's receipts not enson home on Friday and Satur- from the state thank the boys, girls and parents and interest land Games and social day evenings. fund in the amount of attending the can goods matinee I if rsJ$fr" chat were the features of the eve- rental last Saturday, for making this mat , $4,812.16. nings. Many beautiful and useful The levy for county purposes is inee highly successful. were received by the bride. made There were about 300 children and gifts up from the following items: Dainty refreshments were served general fund, poor attending this matinee at parents and Indigent, Mrs. Arvilla to: Lunt, Mrs. Alice and advertising, interest and which nearly 100 bottles of fruit, 200 fairs Le-Priel Mrs. Velma Sanders. Mrs. Park, fund, and old age pensions. cans of food, also a few potatoes and Sperry, Misses Eva Pay, Vilda sinking road levy consists of a 2.5 mill beans were received and all turned The -Lillian Carter, Francis Christ Tay. for the maintenance and repair over to the Relief Society. rnscn, LaVon Harris, Margaret levy We appreciate you generous supthe state highway within Juab of Mabel Anderson, Mabel county. Smith, port to this worthy cause and trust HowSadie Ruth Howarth, Haynes. The municipal levy for Nephi city you enjoyed the show. ard. Minnie Belliston. Alicia Read. shows (Signed) E. H. STEELE a total of 9.5 mills. This total Mrs. Nellie Florence Stephenson. is made up as follows: streets and Mrs. Fern Paxman. Mrs. Cowan, mills, town halls or Franris Orme, Mrs. Pearl Jenkins. sidewalks 3.5 .25 mill, library .5 mills, Mrs. Jane Smith, Mrs. Rhea Beag-Jp- y. memorials Mrs. Zelma Golden, Mrs. Lizzie interest and sinking fund 5.25 mills. In the above we have very briefly Ostler, Mrs. Emma Memmott, Mrs. analyzed the tax levied on property Lula Mrs. and Amy Warner, situated in Nephi city. This analyHIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID sis shows the general purposes for FOR EGGS Any amount dozen ' i ;5 i i w . which taxes are now being raised or a carload Robert Winn Co. and provides a basis for the further study of the problem. 'The taxpayer Is probably interested in the total amount of his tax bill more than in FOR SALE B FLAT TENOR Cheap Call J. O. Tayany one item, but the total bill is made up of many items each levied lor, Levan. for different purposes. If taxes are IN SEDAN, be reduced the reduction must be FOR SALE ESSEX and riper squashes Condtion. if taken Good THK are, the better they will to Bargain applied directly to the Individual at once J. V. Cooper. which make up the total. Old Man Depression has no terrors for these resourceful brothers, keep. Still, Immature squashes and items Our next article will explain how Idaho. Clement and Maurice March, who are students at the University of will if well properly-carepumpkins GOOD JONATHAN FOR SALE keep various When they returned to school this fall, they brought with them their own for. After being picked they the total tax items which make up APPLES See C. H. Garrett. the determined upbill are christened which have a the real house, "Depresthey living quarters, should be thoroughly dried by being on and will point the way to the sion Special." The home boasts two bunks, a bookcase, tables and chairs placed In the sun in some airy taxpayer who is interested in the THREE MONTH'S OLD PIGS FOR from authoriSALE at Bert Greenhalgh's. and a stove. The brothers received permission university place where the temperature will effective control of public ties to park their house on campus grounds when they arrived with It not run higher than 45 degrees at REDUCE YOUR AUTO LOANS on a truck. night. A covering of hay or blankets or CAR Payments get some extra must be ready In case of frosts. by REFINANCING with us. money When well dried they may be put Planting and Reaping Call In or Write To The best armor of old age 'a a Into winter quarters. A furnace Finance & Thrift Co. t life preceding It ; a 57 North University Ave. Provo, Ut. cellar, if not too warm, lg a good life employed In the pursuit of place to store these vegetables. A useful knowledge, honorable acdiy chamber or an attic near a tion and the practice of virtue chimney will also serve. The best In which he who labors to ImIs 50 to 55 from detemperature prove himself from his youth or 43 at night grees, varying from will reap the happiest fruits. to 60 during the day. Cicero. Warner. Elmo Hansen, Alice Sowby. Mae Andrews, and the host hostess Dr. and Mrs. P. H. . 3 Mrs. John C. Painter entertained A dealer in this territory to at dinner Friday evening in honor of her husband's birthday anniverrepresent the lowest pricA delicious was Mrs. . Attention Christeihsen. Mr. and S Ladies Miss Verna lieeu. Clean Oarid. Miss Nellift dee, Clarence Ockey, Miss Thclma Ockey and Loran sary. Those present were: Mrs. Eva Jones, sons Kiiene and Raymond, and Miss Marian Hand of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pexton. Mrs. T. H. Burton, Blanche, Alma and Clark Burton. Elmo Hansen. & 7 ? fair: Mrs. J. Pexton entertained the members of her family Sunday, to a birthday dinner, the occasion beini? her 74th birthday anniver- F WANTED a sary. to the 1931 Thursday, Nov. 26, CHAMPION CANNER D. Continues Until the 30th NEPHI, UTAH . Laughing Gravy "A Surety of Purity" y y : V |