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Show TIIK PAGE TWO Intermountain News Briefly Told for Busy Reader Events the World Over AM THK CII1IJKKN. STl I)V PLANNEH. SCKMC LOOP I KCED. RAT BATTLE FOl GUT. LIGHT IIOUC LAW OKKII. tax study that only present tax systems but possible remedies will be undertaken by a new statewide arte of committees growing out of the meeting here of delegates called by the state chamber of commerce. Increasing taxes are causing the invest Igat Ions outlined by the conferA ence. BLACK FOOT, IDA. The commissioners of Bingham county and the residents of the Sterling section re in the grading of tbout three and one half miles of road. PKOVO, UT. Forty five additional attendants will be employed at the state mental hospital soon as a result of the decision of the state board of Insanity to comply with the stale eight hour law. In the past a number of employes had been working from ten to twelve hours a day, and a recent opinion of tho attorney general held this practice Ulegul except in cases of emergency. TOOELE, UT. A free luncheon Is being served to undernourished children during the noon hour by the local Legion post and auxiliary. OG DEN, UT. Excellent success has attended the rat extermination campaign carried on for a week In this city. UT. Work is In proDELTA, gress on the Oak City road. Local labor is being used on the project. IIYRUM, UT. In the neighborhood of one and a qunrter million dollars has been paid out to Cache Valley farmers by the sugar companies operating In the valley. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. A petition signed by practically all the residents of Wayne and Garfield counties and endorsed by the Salt Lake chamber of commerce, seeking construction of a CO mile highway service to by the federal forest Join Wayne county's wonderland with Bryce canyon, has been dispatched to Utah's senatorial delegation. The proposed highway would involve a federal expenditure of around $70,000. It would com pie a scenic loop between the Wayne county scenic spots, Esca-lant- e and Bryce canyon and Grov-e- r. Lynndyl-Leamingt- t TOOELE, UT. Work on the cut on the road from Tooele to Stockton has been completed and the road opened to traffic. OGDEN, UT. Cash amounting to $3371, and nmny silver trophies will be offered exhibitors at the Ogden livestock show, January 8 to 14, as special prizes by breeding off associations, public spirited firms and commission houses. The special prizes are beiug offered In conjunction with the regular awards paid by the livestock association. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Loans for drouth relief totalling around one hundred thousand dollars have been granted to Utah ranchers by the agricultural department. The department has approved over six hundred applications from Utah farmers and stockmen and has over two hundred cases still pending for Information or correction. The loans are being made to help farmers buy leed or transport livestock out of sections designated as drouth areas. PROVO, UT A decrease of 75) enrolled students from last year's total of 3873 is shown by the 1931 census of the city school district. BOISE, IDA. The value of irrigated farms in Idaho was in 1930, including $31C,4G9,0:U land, buildings, implements and machinery, according to a bureau of census report recently issued by the bureau of domestic and foreign commerce. In 1920 the number of farms under ditch was 25,283. The area Irrigated in 1929 was acres, a decrease of 12 per cent from 2,488,806 acres irrigated 10 years previous, and was 23 per cent of the total farm acreage in Idaho in 1930. A total investment f $81,500,354 was reported by the enter3,222 operating irrigation prises, according to the report. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The report of the chief of the national forest service gives the extent of the forest fires for 1931 as 52,200-40-0 acres. This area Is approximately that of the state of Utah. The loss la listed at $60,280,000 in commercial timber. The causes of fire are given as enmpfires, cigar and cigarettes thrown away by smokers. Tobacco users are blamed for 20 per cent of the total fire loss. 27-C- COALVILLE, UT. Work has begun cm the three narrow culverts road. The in the Coalville-Wanshi- p culverts will be widened as they are considered dangerous at pres" ent.' HAN'T AQUIN, UT. Informed government that unless It did something for India 1 he would sail for Japanese Defeat Chinese in Bloody Battle While by December on December 4 to lead a Bombay new and greater civil disobedience League Council and Dawes Seek movement In that country. In that Road to Peace. case It la likely he will order a social a well as a commercial boycott ' against the British, which By EDWARD W. PICKARD would mean that no Indians would husband. It la likely that the Ar- work for British Individuals. to bring to n end the H)W war between Japan and kansas lKmocrati will nominate her British troops were sent to KashChina wa the problem ihnt was for the special election to be called mir recently to help put down a taken up again by the council of and In that case she Is certain to Moslem revolt In that Indian state, and the Russian government prothe league of Na be elected to till out the unextests, considering the military movetions at Its meetpired term. The wet bloc In the house of ment as a distinct menace to Its ing In Paris. And. In consequence Moscow frontier. will gain another c o 1 n c 1 d e n tally, representative there was the Job vote through the nomination of Don- made threats against Afghanistan i..(Klf..iMn(, tlta ald McLean by the Republicans of which led the Afghan government fXs?tiVJ ,1 league from the un the Fifth district of New Jersey to to ask Turkey for the services of situation complete the term of the late Ern- a military mission to reorganize It pleasant created by Japan's est It. Ackertnan. lie will contest army. And Sir llarl Singh, mahara-Ja- h of Kashmir, objects to the Britflat refusal to obey for ttie sent with Percy II. Stewnrt, Its orders. The dis- Democratic nominee, at a special ish taking charge of bis country. election December 1. Both the gentinguished d I p I ... i. k A were aided In tlemen are advocates of revision or party leaders In NONE of the now their task by Am- repeal of prohibition, while Mr. seem to doubt Ambassador was a Republican dry. The that there will be legislation to inbassador Duwes, Dawes who whs instruct district Is normally Republican. crease federal taxes, for the deficit ed to proceed from London to act at the end of the present fiscal year HOOVER announced will be too as ambassador observer. big to be taken care of PRESIDENT While the council discussed, deaccepted the resig- by further bond Issues. Senator Jim chairP. as Fletcher nation of Henry bated and conferred, the Japanese Watson of Indiana, majority leader troops went right along with their man of the federal tariff commission of the senate, said a tax increase program In Manchuria. Gen. Ma to take efTect on November 30. Mr. was "Inescapable," and as he had Chan-slian- , commander of the Chi- Fletcher some time ago Indicated Just been in conference with the his wish to resign, but at the Presinese army In Heilungklung provPresident It was assumed this was ince, was ordered by Generul 1 on Jo. dent's request remained In otllce. He the opinion of Mr. Hoover. Senator Japanese commander, to withdraw had served since the commission's Smoot of Utah, chairman of the his troops from AnganchI and Tsltsl-ba- r, organization, 14 months ago. finance committee, admitted there In submitting his resignation Mr. the latter the capital of the would have to be further taxation a of the report province. Ma refused to obey and Fletcher appended and thought It might be possible to the Japanese opened a tierce attack commission's work, showing that by obtain passage of a sales tax. Senwith all arms, including bombing November 30 Its docket would be ator Fess of Ohio said : "The budget planes which dispersed the Chinese cleared of all applications and senmust be balanced even If we are In bitterly cold weather ate requests for Information. cavalry. compelled to take drastic measures the battle raged for many hours and such as was done in England. One the Chinese were finally forced out GERMANY and France, line of effort is reductions which of both the cities named. In this by Secretary of State are being made so as to reduce th operation the Japanese troops ad Buelow and M. Briand. reached an outlay. The other must be increase ranced within the sphere of Influ agreement on the formula by which In revenue. I also believe that there ence of Soviet Russia for the first the Germans should call for a morawill be enacted excise taxes on certime, and as Moscow had warned torium on reparations under the tain articles." Senator Bingham of them against doing this. It was be- terms of the Young plan, and the Connecticut advocates restoration of lieved the result might be momentext of the request was presented nuisance taxes, especially on soft tous. In this big battle along the to the world bank at Basel after the drinks. The "progressive" RepubNonnl river both sides were reportAmerican and British representa- licans are calling for higher Ined to have sustained heavy casualtives in Berlin had been shown the come taxes In the higher brackets, ties. letter. The German government asks and there may he little opposition Anticipating a Russian protest. the world bank and the Internato this In either party. Japan notified Moscow that it held tional powers to investigate her abilDemocratic leaders had less to the Chinese Eastern railway partly ity to pay the reparations and to say, for their program Is not yet responsible for the hostilities be- help Germany formulate a plan to settled. Anyhow they expect the adcause It hfld transported Chinese pay her private debts. The latest ministration to recommend the tax troops. report of the Reichsbank shows that Increase and, thus shoulder the redespite a favorable trade balance sponsibility, 'after which they can PARIS General Dawes was achieved by Germany in October, the decided how they think the deficit INmuch more than an observer. InReichsbarf Is still very short of should be met. deed, he was the central figure and foreign currency. It was hoped that In his talks with exporters, already Tsuneo Matsudaira, Japanese amGRANDI, brilliant young AMERICAN the seeming certainbassador to London, a compromise DINO minister of Italy and might be worked out. Dawes also the mouthpiece of Premier Musso- ty of British tariff legislation, were had a long conversation with Dr lini, has had his three days of con- further dismayed by the news that the Turkish government had issued Alfred Sze. Chinese delegate, which versations both of them said was most profitPresident Hoover a deciee drastically limiting the able. There were rumors that the and departed from importation of 1,000 articles, no heing given United States had come to the conWashington, well consideration In customs or en route. clusion that Japan's contentions satisfied. The reon should be upheld, and the league sults of the talks America is hit by limits placed moas articles such automobiles, But were these worried. officials have not been made camera films, austories were refuted by a statepublic at this time tion picture films, ment from Secretary of State Stim of writing, but it is tomobile tires and radios. Comparasmall amounts of these arson to the effect that the United known that the tively ticles will be permitted to enter the chief topic was disStates stood firmly on the question Deof treaties and had not thus far armament. In which country during November and will be new and quotas cember, .Mr. Hoover and II committed itself in any way. Dawes fixed for succeeding months. Duce are deeply Inand the council were trying to gathugusto Rosso terested. Grand! er the real facts In the controversy, and Japan was asked to state In de- brought with him Signor Augusto trouble has come upon the tail Just what she demanded from Rosso as one of his chief advisers, MORE of prohibition through There wa3 a report that because Rosso Is an expert on naval the China. of a youth In Engle-killing Dawes and Sir John Simon, British affairs and Italy is especially od, Colo., by Henry Dierks. a dry concerned with the comparative agent. The people foreign minister, were contemplatnine the Rosso power treaty strength of her navy. Signor ing Invoking out there are great pr!'"1- - " Is nt present chief of the Italian forsigned at Washington in 1022. 4 ' ly aroused, and the 1 Aristide Briand. president of the eign office division that deals with bureau started ,an council, though exhausted to the the League of Nations, and there investigation of the Aj point of illness, was as busy as have been hints that he might be a tlUUII. 1'itTKS, III Dawes, especially In negotiations future ambassador to Washington. making a raid, with Kenkichl Yoshizawa, the JapSignor Grand! was gratified with found the younp anese delegate and his close friend. the news that Aristide Briand. as man, Milford Smitli. , V From Nanking came two impor- head of the league council, had de- in possession of a r tant Items of news. One was that clared officially that the bottle of wine and the Kuomintang congress hud de- armament building truce is in effect in a struggle with 4 clared In favor of war on Japan in as of November 1, for this truce was him clubbed him to case the league should fail to settle the suggestion of Grand! though death. The city the quarrel. The other was the he called It "an American-Laticouncil of Engle- - Henry Dierks In his talks with the corBtatement of the nationalist govern- Idea." wood passed and sent to the bureau ment that It would regard any respondents he said: "We think In In Washington a resolution In which were set forth some of the Incidents government headed by Italy that the question of disarmaHsuan Tung, former emperor, other- ment Is the most Important quesin Dierks' career. It charged that as a "seditious tion existing now In the relations Dierks, while acting as an underwise Henry Pu-yInstitution" and would repudiate all between countries, and that It Is cover mun a few years ago, had emits acts. Hsuan Tung was taken high time for everybody to reach ployed a seventeen-year-olgirl as to Mukden by the Japanese, who some practical result." Asked for an Informer; that he had got drunk presumably Intended to make him a his views on war debts and reparacollecting evidence In a raid and puppet emperor of that country, but tions, he culled attention to Musso- that in 1930 he had clubbed a helpwhat had become of him was un- lini's statement In 1022 that war less prisoner with his revolver. Howknown. He was said to have de- debts and reparations were depend- ard T. Jones, assistant director of clared he would commit suicide ent upon each other and should prohibition, said this was all news to the bureau and that there was rather than serve as a tool of Japan. be scaled down. nothing In Its records to the disassembles there THEODORE DREISER, eminent credit of Dierks. WHEN becongress the other members again a woman memAccording to the Englewood pocommittee that lice, Dierks fractured Smith's skull ber of the senate, for Mrs. Thad-deu- s of the went to Kentucky to investigate the with a blow with the butt of his H. Caraway has been appointalleged 111 treatment of coal miners revolver and then placed him in ed to succeed her in Bell county got themselves Into a Jail where he remained nine hours late husband tem Smith peck of trouble If the authorities of without medical attention. porarlly as senathat state can get hold of them. The died soon after being taken to a tor from Arkansas crand Jury In Bell county Indicted hospital. The only o t h e t Dreiser and his pine companions on woman senator we charges of criminal syndicalism, achave had was Mrs who served PHILIP inSN'OWDEN, cusing them of seeking to promulRebecca Felton of commons of house the ably gate a reign of terror and of sug for a Georgia, who held quarter of a century and for to disorders and resistance office gestlng the nominally two terms was chancellor of the exthe state and federal governments and for but a short has been created a vischequer, a not Conviction carries penalty of time. Mrs. Cnra count by King George and elevated more than twenty-onyears' Impris- to the bouse of peers way, however, may no that he may onment, a fine of $10,000 or less, or hold the office of be expected to be lord privy sea In Mrs. T. H. both. an active member, He dethe natlonnl government. Caraway The commonwealth's attorney anfor she was a close to th to run clined for h wond seek to extradite lower house because of 111 health. student of politics and government nounced during the long public life of her the alliced fTendon. and Dreiser r) 1931 Wpi.tf.ro Newspaper Union.) Work on the been given to of this city, unof the city ofpipe line is benew steel pipe. water pipeline has thirty men and boys der the direction ficials. The wooden ing replaced with LEIII, UT. A community store house and wood pile is planned for this city by the civic organizations. GANDHI Ack-enmi- n 1 with w Jr J -- 5 i one-yea- n Man-churia- n l, d d e 26, 1931 Thursday, November ii t j NEPHI. UTAH S. said In New York he would fight extradition. The author end Marie Bergaln, one of the committee, already had been Indicted for misconduct In a Kentucky hotel. MAHATMA TAX BOISE. IDA. will cover not News Review of Current TIMES-NEW- Week This Arthur Brisbane A New Little Tunney Magic in Words A Mind Diseased A Sin; Sing Game Left the BadstaaJ man registered In an Ontario (Calif.) rooming house for the rngim tvnen me manager went to the room to straighten it the next owning, she found that the guest had departed with two bed sheets. one pair of double blankets a single blanket, one spread and on pillow A young I , slip. A lot of misery consists la simply James Joseph Tun-ne- y remembering. announce the arrival of a son, their first child. Mr. Tunney, as you know, was Mr. and Mrs. heavyweight champion of the world until he got about two million dollars, "enough to guarantee economic security," as he called It, and retired from pugilism to attend to things more interesting and important. Eugenlsts will watch with interest the career of the new Tunney. He ought to be a useful American citizen, having the greatest of all possessions, a very good and Intelligent mother. MercolizedWax Skin Young Keeps mam u dired- Plot Oart fcia aa mmd mm parti ctl af ac At 4rua au , aa uuiii all iifMta tie to tbm a4 I mkUm diismat. Ihuaample. nsvmCv, your taee look pmmn ywnae. af eruiw4 out ihm kidmm ws f vmbt eat. T bnie tmmmmm wrtnk! mm ftmOerW fesafcui tot, JmI i eJ a wsned put art am mam aa I. Had Pro.f "Do you believe that there Is a higher power? "My good nan, J aarrl4 ber." For STRONG BONES and TEETH ffif There 1b magic in words, much In a name, despite Shakespeare's saying about the rose. Edgar Cayce, his wife, Gertrude, and their secretary, arrested aa fortune tellers, were told "you must not pretend to tell fortunes, be- Now !t the dm to help roar children builj strong bones ad healthy teeth. The wealth of Vitamin D and (he mineral talc in Scott' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, will kelp you do this. And doctors recommend it Vitamin A content too. This promote growth and increase resistance to disease. Scott Emulsioa is also good for expectant mother sad adult. It help ward otf cold. Pleasantly flavored. Easy to take. Scott k Bowne, Bloomneld, N. Y. Sales Representative, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., N. I. a SortCf gSMlifes' "Jtwiwrn th Sm" ,bhi fundaw mi hiwm m. r SHImi kHJLAnfMt. JtO.V fartlmul, KFUCSam tMip. run-do- . .. .J, l can't." u Things looked dark, but Mr. EdI Aba Family Sacrat gar Cayce knows the use of lanTeacher Where does wool come Mrs. Wife I'm aorry, but dinner guage. He told the court: is a bit burned tonight, dear. "I am no fortune teller, I'm a from? Mr. Husband Oh, so they had Boys Sheep. psychicdiagnostician." Is made from itt Or at the delicatessen? Teacher What his wife, Gertrude, Instantly he, No answer. and their secretary were set free, Teacher Well, for Instance, what to diagnose physically to their are your trousers mada of? -heart's content. Willie voIunteers My dad's. When a lady had asked: "Is this the right time to make certain investments?" the psychic THAT COUGH! gave her a psychic answer. The law couldn't object to that. Bronchitis Is Increasingly prevalent at this season. Alone, It Is sel"Cans't thou minister to a mind dom serious, although the cough may disease?" ba very annoying. But the serious "Yes," replies Cornell University. side of Bronchitis and other mild Mental trouble is due partly to cerInfections of the lungs and throat Is of the the elements tain brain, that the Inflamed tissues may be InTaw V"? "colloids" becoming too watery or vaded by some far more serious too thick. organism, particularly Pneumonia. Drugs have been discovered that This Is a real danger In most an both these conditions, remedy cases. It Is the best of reasons why Important step in the treatment of a bronchial Heed Promptly Kidney and cough or an attack of man who insanity. In one case, a Bladder Irregularities as should be laryngitis stopped had lain in a stupor for eight If bothered with bladder irmonths was brought to his senses quickly as possible. The quick effective way to check regularities; nagging backache in four minutes. these troubles Is to apply B. &. 1L, and a tired, nervous, depressed No cure-a- ll has been discovered, The Germicide, three feeling due to disordered kidney but everything may be hoped for, times Penetrating a day, spreading- - It over the action or bladder irritation, since it is possible to cure paresis, don't delay. Users everywhere entire chest and throat. Usually the by allowing the victim to be bitten first will bring out a redrely on Doan's Pills. Praised for by mosquitoes bearing malaria dish application more than 50 years. Recomflush showing where the trougerms. a mended the country over. ble Is. bold everywhere. B. & M. Is obtainable from most Convicts of Sing Sing, fighting hard against eleven naval militia- druggists. If yours cannot supply it, men, heat the latter by a score of send his name and $L23 for a 33 to 0, in a football game. The large-siz- e bottle sent postpaid. HelpSing Sing jcaptain, "Red" Hope, who ful booklet free on request. F. E. ROLLINS COMPANY, 53 Beverly still has fifty-nin- e years to serve, St, Boston, Mass. Adv. ADIimETIC yelled persistently: "No slugging in FOR the scrimmages," advice not taken When the right man meets a crisis r urn too seriously. Two naval militiamen he is not excited. were carried from the field on stretchers. Dost thou not see Ore- little Where Mosquito Breed The warden, Mr. Lawes, promotes the little birds, the ants, the Mosquito larvae are hatched In football as a "character builder.'' plants, the bees working together, water where they start life as swim- - C Cries from the 2,000 convicts spider, to put in order their several parts mers. When they cast their final and looking on, of "slug him," the universe? And art thou unof skins these split and float so the 4 "gang him" indicated an inclination willing to do the work of a human young mo,squitos can rest on them i to build character on a firm foundauntil their own wings are dry for being? Marcus Aurellus. tion. flight. A harbor for ships up to 30,000 "Divine Right" feet of tons, drawing thirty-fiv- e Calls for Concentration King James I, who followed Queen water is ready at Port Everglades He who would do some great Elizabeth, once cried out angrily: on the east coast of Florida. thing in this short life must apply This port, only seventeen miles "It Is just as much hatred and unfrom Miami, costing six millions, belief In God to question what the himself to work with such concenwill enable very big ships to touch king does as to question what God tration of his forces as to die speccreated." tators, who live only to amuse themat Florida for the first time. selves, looks like Insanity. Pa That is good news for the whole Windows Express Home country. What helps one part helps Windows give the expression to another. Theatrical Screen Some day Next should come a deep canal the face of a house. The average theatrical screen across Florida, enabling coastwise architects may take to specializing ships to go from the Atlantic into as doctors do, to prescribe for your used In the large motion picture theaters Is made of prepared firethe Gulf of Mexico without travel window troubles. Afneriean Magaproof white material which Is poring around the tip end of Florida zine. ous to permit the sound to filter through the summer hurricane seathrough. The material Is culled' son, cutting at least 1,000 miles Astrology' Firm Hold From the Fourteenth to the Sixalabastine. from the New York to New Orleans teenth century, when astrology water trip. The United States should build flourished throughout Europe, there Irish Literature that beginning at Stuart, through was scarcely a ruler of Importance Generally, literature written by the St. Luce canal. Lake Okechobee, who had not his court astrologer. Irishmen In English is known In Ireand on to tb.9 Gulf. land as Anglo-Iris- h literature, Man Best Racer whereas Irish literature Is taken to of thousands them Rabbit raisers, According to studies of racing be the literature written In the ) in the suburbs of Los Angeles, hun- animals by an English scientist, Irish language and that alone. dreds of thousands elsewhere, proman leads all others for endurance, pose to make canned "chicken a la although exceeded by several Old Roman Orean In .V king" of rabbit meat, to increase speed for short distances. , ... . L 1 from fur. rabbit income and silver pipes was found at t The United States Food AdminisFor Unskillful Diner site of the Roman city of Ao.nl! tration sends a cold warning, "it is In Eighteenth-centur- y cum, and Is believed to da fro England, Impossible to make canned chicken table knives often had blades wide the Third century B. C Ci a la king from rabbit meat." Any good French cook will make and curved at the end for eating chicken a la king out of rabbit meat peas and other food likely to slip d fork. with the greatest ease and make it through a better than an average cook could In 18P4. The spot Is between Nissler Plaque on Historic Spot make it of chicken. A bronze plaque marking the spot and Silver Bow. A packing house for rabbits, prop where gold was first discovered In erly managed, should be profitable Silver Bow couuty, Montana, recentRight! and useful. The big "general foods" ly was dedicated by the Butte chap? Mary What's a and "standard brands" corporations ter of the Ameriof the John Daughters tense Past a of in an that. take interest might can Revolution. The plaque, which Exchange. The Prince of Wales talked to his was mounted on a six-to- n granite T A torn fellow Britons, via the radio, re- bowlder, marked the spot where B. cket Is soon mended ; bat cently, urging all Britishers to "buy H. Barker and companions panned nara vy orulse the heart of British goods." Britons, proud of the first gold from Silver Bow creek child fellow. K its and i . K, their country products, think everything "British" a little RELIEVES HEAD, CHEST better than anything else. But BACK COLDS British manufacturers are undersold, in automobiles by our producers, in other lines by Germans and 1 1 W U M M U H I A I- etc. cause you . 'I Dorit Neglect Your Kidneys STOP ills ! saw-horse- sea-hors- f jCU and Czecho-Slovakian- U s, Temptation to buy cheap Instead of "buying British" is great. But you find no British merchant advertising foreign goods as better than British, or any British citizen paying more for something made abroad, because it is not British Amercans, take notice. V. JJl MaMmll Staipless"Rub In" and inhalant unsurpaised in preventing and relieving cold congestions QUALITY SOlt AT . McKesson &R03BMS SINCE 1833 DRUG STORM - w ALL |