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Show Thursday. THE Nov. 26, 1931 r T STORE, North Main Street Nephi, Utah Here They Are . . . Fine at Thrifty Pricesl Clothes A book lisle M. Belliston but Sacrifice Nothing! Don Washburn of Provo spent the d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews. week-en- mump of old and new in the Nrphl Public Library: tirii-- f Thirteen "A Baker's Dozen" delightful stories rrom various authors selected by Mary Gould Davis. These stories have been repeut-eUl- y during the story hour in New York libraries and were chosen because of the Kipularity with the children. The Mibjects are varied, f.,ood and bad giants, an Indian story, etc. And they are from many lands. Parents will find this volume splendid storits to tell their children. Children will find it is a source of great entertainment for their own reading. The stories are of high literary value and will therefore standing many repetitions. For those who find enjoymeit in tales of valor and history ' Fish Face" or the taking of Quebec in 1759 will be well worth reading. In this story the hero is made of a young Colonial lad who suggests to General Wolfe the reaching of a great promontory by a small path up the cliff. Throughout the battle preparations and the battle, the boy was with Wolfe and was the first to reach him when he fell. This is a delightful story of adventure and heroism. (OrcfinixOY ttM nutuxc man feds he most pay a larger price for the char acter bdq tugnuy nc kch in ciomcs. Bat not to at PENNEY 5 ! SutU of the nxre conservative type are featured here. Easier at and re- straint in styling are land yet the garments smart. Fabrics, colors 'those expected only at stressed . . . are definitely and finish are dollars more ! High School Students To Help Santa Claus Under the supervision of Miss Blackett, the girls of the domestic art department are bringing to class broken dolls and old clothes and repairing them. The boys taking shop, with the aid of A. J. Crapo, are repairing broken sleighs, wagons, etc. The toys and clothing are to be given to the children of our community for Christmas. The support of these students and teachers and their willingness to help makes everyone feel confident that Santa Claus will visit every home In our community this year. PRIZE OFFERED FOR CHRISTMAS ESSAY In an attempt to make the Juab high school students more interested in The Clarion and The Times-New- s, and to put forth more effort in English essays, A. B. Gibson, is sponeditor, of The Times-New- s, soring an essay contest. Mr. Gibson offers a prize of $2.50 for the best essay explaining the meaning of Christmas. The English Department will select the eight best essays, which will then be submitted to the judges, who are Attorney Will L. Hoyt and James H. Ockey. It will be necessary that all contesting essays be submitted on or before Friday, December 11. This will give the judges ample time to render a final decision before the publication of the Christmas issue of the Clarion. The essay will be published in that Issue of The Clarion and also The Times-Newprize-winni- s. Coin Pure Nina-Tent- h A gold twenty-dolla- r 516 grains, of which piece weighs nine-tenth- s la pure gold. MINSTREL TO BE PRESENTED (From "The Clarion") Mr. Martin announced Nov. 18 that genuine southern coons will be ready for the Minstrel, December 11th. The boys' glee club, and special choruses of boys and girls promise a real entertainment throughout the program. Music, Jokes, dancing, etc. will be featured. Rulon Brough has been chosen interlocutor. A special act will be given by Paul Max and Blaine Norton. Downs and Clarence Cowan will render solos. Two coons who are bound to make a hit, are being imported from Salt Lake City and Provo. Mr. Martin is arranging for a novelty number from a group which is to be imported from outside of the school to add some additional color to the negro minstrel. The prices are to be reduced so that everyone will be able to afford admission. A full house is desired. The students of the high school are especially urged to back this PRE-SEASO- N GAMES ARE ARRANGED (From "The Clarion") Coach Isaacson has arranged sevbasketball eral games for the Juab High School Wasps. most Some of the outstanding games are listed below. A game with West High on December 23. West High is reputed to be one of the strongest teams in the state this year. Arrangements have also been made with the Dixie Flyers for a game on December 16, and one with Pleasant Grove on December 19. Both these teams won places in the state tournament last year. Negotiations are under way to play the Deaf Team from Ogden and the Moroni High School Team. The Deaf Team is famous for their skill and cleverness. Moroni High von the Consolation Championship In the state tournament last year. With these games ahead the fans are promised a very exciting basket ball season this year. pre-seas- on Biblical Flowers The Int national Bible Encyclo pedia lists the following flowers that grew In Palestine in Bible times: Oleander, vltex (species of verbena), plane, carob, tiawthorn, sumach, laurel, broom, myrtle, bugoloss, scabiosa. squills, thistles, acacia, arbU'S, cJeiisU, styrus (mock orange), Jarius tree, caper, rockrose, villosua (poppy), crocus, The second six weeks exams were cyclamen, narcissi, anemones, ranunculus, gladioli, iris, orchid, flax given this week. Report cards will be given out sometime next week. and borage. High School News The H. E. C. had charge of the assembly program Wednesday. The following program was presented: Prayer, Delma Hall; Clarinet solo, George Parkes; Reading Florence Chase: Sousaphone solo, Wilmer Barnett; Vocalxduet, Reva Chrls-tense- n and Company. One act play "Turkey Red" with the following cast Grandmother Fitzray, Afton Greenwood; Mother Fitzray, Grace Jenkins; Joan Fitzray, Maureen Kendall: Janice Fitzray, Alice Ord; Seraphoema, Beth Hobbs; Veronicia Mont, Margaret Crapo. School closed Wednesday for the Thanksgiving vacation. JUNIORS PRESENT PROGRAM The Junior class presented the monthly H. E. C. program Friday morning. Aline , Ellison, class presided. The program was as follows: Prayer, Verla Mickelson; Vocal solo, Afton Ellison; Reading, Mar-jor- ie Salisbury; Vocal duet, Marlon Christensen and Reva Vickers; Piano solo, Eva Sanders; Reading, Nelda Cowan; Dance, Beth McCay; Piano solo, Elda Ostler; Retold story, Catherine Bowles; Vocal solo, Alice Ord. The theme of the program was The last part of Thanksgiving." the hour was spent in playing games. Student Body Reporter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, son Charles Jones and Frank Jones Gordon, and daughter Beth, motorleft Wednesday for Salt Lake City ed to Salt Lake for City where they will spend the Thanks-p- i a business and pleasureSaturday trip. vmg holidays. Miss Mary Storey, social worker Miss Beth Warner returned home for the Utah State Training School from Tremonton, was the dinner guest, Monday evehome Sunday after a two week's visit with her ning, of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazler. sister, Mrs. Allen Garrick. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pixton of Mrs. Eva Jones, and sons Eugene West Jordan were house guests and Raymond of Murray, and Miss last week, of Mr. and Mrs. James Marian Hand of Salt Lake City vis- H. Ellison. ited in Nephi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brough and Mrs. A. R. Jackman of Salt Lake family spent Thanksgiving Day in City is visiting this week with her Moroni with Mrs. Brough's parents mother Mrs. W. S. Sierry. Mr. and Mrs. Orlanw Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hansen of Provo were week-en- d guests of Mrs. Hansen's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mrs. L. F. Salisbury left Monday for San Francisco, where she will reside with her mother Mrs. T. Buskey of that city. Virginia Bowles, a student B. Y. U. Is spending Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. Kate Bowles. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Paxman and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Webster and son Grant of Provo, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Barnett and family. Ostler. Miss at the lowing described estray animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public aution to the highest cash bidder at Oscar Brough's corral In Nephi Precinct on Thursday the 3rd day of December, A. D. 1931, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. Description of animals: One two year old herford heirer with horns no brands or marks. One ball faced black heifer yearling, ear marked crop arid underbit in right and un der bit in left. Branded JS (comb ined) on right ribs. One black heifer yearling, ear marked: crop and underbit in right ear and under bit and upper slope In left ear. OSCAR BROUGH Poundkeener for Nephi Precinct. Nephi'National Bank ADIO A Seven Tube Automatic Volume Control Set, NO FADING OR SWELLING OF VOLUME $42.50 ALL FOR Come in and see the beautiful new sets. "IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU" Ord &Mangelson Van-Leuve- n, SOMEWHERE BETWEEN Mrs. Josephine Whitehead of Salt Lake City is spending Thanksgiving in this city with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Whitehead. Mrs. Wm. McSwain f Salt Lake City is visiting this week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lunt. Mrs. McSwain will remain, with them over Miss Lucy Salisbury and Miss Zella Addley who are attending the Quish School of Beauty Culture in Salt Lake City, are spending the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Salisbury's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Elijah Salisbury. Mrs. J. D. Smith entertained Sun- cay evening at a family dinner in honor of Miss Josephine Stephenson, a bride of this month. The folowing members of the family were present: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Malon Jackman, Mrs. Celia Briggs and son Charles, the guests of honor Miss Josephine Stephenson, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith. PITT'S SIGNAL MAN t By DOUGLAS MALLOCH Appropriate Ni.knanie Is the nickname given to the ironwowd tree because of the dried hop bells which cling to Its branches. Preparation Needed The world turns aside to let Hny man pnRs who knows where he is going. But take time to get there. Patient years must be spent in preparation. Take time enough. David Starr Jordan. "He Builds Wisely things must be tempered wind from the sea Is warmed by the sunlight; th shade of the tree Lakes cooler the summer; whatever God sends Is tempered a little before the day ends. And so must mortal. In dealing with men. Mix mercy with Justice, forgiving again The sisters who stumble, the broth ers who fall. As God has so often forgiven urn all. ALL offend yon, be stern. If you must, And yet, in the heat of the quarrel, be just Tea, speak and yet listen, and argu If others yet hear; The fool is all shouting, the wiser give ear. The wrath of the righteous. If wrathful, is wrong; The kind are the noble, the quiet the strong. All things must be tempered the wind from the sea, And anger whatever the quarrel may be. p . Who Builds Well" to-w- lt: USE Plaster Nephi HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY , J. SULLIVAN, UamouA. HI81& &ntexnationalhj ALBXA sdruz: HOTEL OF EVERYTHING THE VERY CENTRE , .1 The Alexandria Hotel is an affiliated unit of the Enpley Hotel Cos 22 Hotels In the middle west, Louisville, Ky. l.s . i 1 and Pittsburgh. Pa and the Hamilton chain of Hotels in California LCEPPLEY CHARLES & HAMILTON President I Manoqing Director CHICAGO OFFICE 520 No Mchiflan Ave. all Suite thorns. And firmness with fairness, whoever mil offend. Whatever the quarrel, the matter may mend. Yes, ruling with reason, and Judging, yet Just, The heart, not the mind, we may flnallv trust. All things must be tempered the truth wm oe seen Not this side nor that side, but somewhere between. D. Sheriff of Juab County By G. R. JUDD, Deputy. No. First pub 5, Last pub Nov 26. SiiiUiiiiiuuuuiiiitiaiiiUiiuuumuiiiiuaiuutUunuiuuiUi;umuiuuuiv For Justice with mercy a monarch adorns; e TO BUILD WELL iMKK::K:x:::-x:- : No man Is all error, no rose Is IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY. The Federal Land Bank of Berkeley, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Louis Peter Mickelson, Anna E. Mickelson, his wife; Harry Hilton Kendall, Laura D. Kendall, his wife-ThLevan National Farm Loan Association a corporation. First Doe, Second Doe and Third Doe, Defendants. SHERIFF'S SALE. To be sold at Sheriffs sale on Saturday the 28 day of November, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the County Court House at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, the folic wing described real estate situate in juao county, utan, The North half of th Krnit.hnct. quarter of Section 29, and the ixorinwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest Section 28, Township 16 South, Range 1 west oi uie salt, Lake Base and 160 Meridian, acres, containing more or less. Together with all rights of every kind and nature, however evidenced, to the use of water, ditches and canals for the irrigation of said premises, and together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. "Hop-hornbea- 422 700 from Ml Phon J Superior 4416 ROOMS a day . 111. Doiwlu M.llooh.) WNC Sarrtefe FIRESTONE TIRES For Safe Winter Driving the personal watchword of the man who has an established line of credit with this bank. "Whatever You Earn, Spend Less" Leads the Field in son-in-la- State of Utah, County of Juab, ss. I have In my possession the fol Independence due. Mrs. Charles Haynes is sending Orson Cazler left Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holidays in Ogden with her sisters, Mrs. Sadie Los Angeles, with a shipment of beef cattle for the Los Angeles marTaylor and Mrs. Phronia Weir. ket. While in Southern California Miss Winifred Nellson of Salt Mr. Cazier will attend the annual Lake City is spending a ten day's Great Western Livestock Show. vacation with her parents, Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth left Mrs. N. A. Nellson. Wednesday for Salt Lake City where Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Barnett and they will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. family of Payson were guests of their daughter and Mrs. Barnett's sister, Mrs. E. D. and Mrs. H. C. Healy. Mrs. Ralph Booth and and Mr. and children, Park. Mrs. Jay M. Booth will also spend with them. Mrs. Joel Taylor returned home Thanksgiving Day Tuesday evening after a three Miss Fanny Read was hostess to week's visit in Springville. Mrs. the members of the Woodbine club Taylor's mother, Mrs. Lucy evening. The regular busireturned to Nephi with her. Friday ness of the club was taken care of Miss Mildred Sperry, V'o is teach- and refreshments served to the folStanley Jarrett, Mrs. ing school in Ogden, is spending lowing: Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Ingram, Park, Thanksgiving in this city with her Edgar Stanley, Mrs. Harry parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mrs. James Willis Black, Mrs. Bryan, and specSperry. ial guest Mrs. W. Farnsworth. Miss Phyliss Reid, who is attending the U. S. A. C. at Logan, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reid. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYS INDEPENDENT? sent themselves and win for himself the financial gain that is his A few friends surprised H. M. Car' ter Thursday evening. The occasion being his birthday anniversary. her sister. Florence Wilson ARE YOU It permits him to take advantage of business opportunities that pre- Local and Social Mr. and Mrs. Thoral Howell are Miss Effie Jones is speiuUni,' the spending the Thanksgiving holidays d the at home Provo of in this city visiting with relatives. in er o).7 5 PAGE FIVE week-en- ST. NICHOLIS-(Th- e Youths Ma?. azin) for September. 1931 contains stories and articles of most intense interest. For lovers of the out of doors an article on photographing big game -- - bears and moose "All Bulls eyes.No Corpses" will have real appeal. After cranking a camera in the face of a monster bear which was curiously approaching him and at intervals raising onto his hind legs to secure a better view of his photo-praphthe brave one adds: "And it once and for all time assured me very conclusively that there is more encitement to be found In making pictures of animals than there is in shooting them. You Pay Less . . . N'EPIIT. UTAH S. Local -- Social BOOK SHELF By Mrs. DEPARTMENT 29 I TIMES-NEW- I I TEXACO SERVICE Earl Greenhalgh, Mgr. Phone No 9 Zola Alpert is the swift and resourceful quarterback of the University of Pittsburgh's football team this season. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers For Farther Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ernest L. Sperry deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Attorney-- at law, Nephi National Bank bldg., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 15 day of March, A. D. 1932. FOR W. H. Sperry, Dell Sperry, AdminBABY AND THE WHOLE FAMILY istrators of Estate of Ernest L. Sperry Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for Estate. First pub Nov 12, last pub. Dec. 3. wuty Meadowbrook Dairy Fresh breads and rolls are delicious at any time and at every meal. ...They are healthful, too for they contain vitamins that build the body. .. Why not have them fresh every day instead of stale, home baked bread two of every three days. We bake every day but Sunday. X. L. Bakery |