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Show I "HELP THE NEEDY" JOIN NEPHI CHARITY CLUB I 1 I The Times, Vol. 21, Xo 48 - f SALT LAKE - "HELP THE NEEDY" JOIN NEPHI CHARITY CLUB ' Xephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursdav, X ov. 2(, 1931 Tl POST OFFICE Bernston Bros. AwrrW --Ontract for 5ol.850.00: Conduction To Bejrin r l i' i o fvu ouuaing in Opring 1 w. Waite. secretary and manager of the Intermountain drain Growers Inc. was the prir.ci vi BM aner at a meeting of grain growers of Nephi and surrounding held ..ln ne ?uab County As his main topic. Mr. Wade dis je&se By President E. G. Peterson, of We are In the midst the Utah State Agricultural E. Paxraan McCune College of a depression of tragic proportions Recent events to be sure seem to convince the economists that the depression to def nitely rearing an end, if not ended. They profess to see recovery in sight. However that may be. we have been are the victims of as severe a deflation as recent history records, m such a situation and with grave unrest throughout the world have we not more cause for complaint than for thanksgiving? What have we to complain of? Prices? These are man made. d poverty and hunger? We have an abundance of wealth and food and every other Greed and avarice have put these benecessity. yond the reach of the needy. Always a. considerable portion of human kind have been indolent or vicious and beyond the saving help except in 01 mSt enUghUned rumors These are the results accumulation a of individual selfishness. The rule of might than the rule of right? Thi, apparently the deliberate choice of civilization after nineteen hundred years of opportunity for appraisal of the only other alternative. Civilization rumbling at the very time of its greatest conquests when victory an1 m"eilng erl n?6 intelligence, health within our and plenty, good will and peace are our J. ""iu Vtln0Lr uiaui vutpurauon. tie siatea that during its eighteen Wide-sprea- Tl M ZI Tn rSSSr1 rM frm I- - "it tot: " thanks to those who administer governwerenrenderln ments, our legally appointed agencies, our captains hEVe graVB CaUSe f0r doubt- thanksglXg Z God. God has given us sunshine and rivers. mountalnstndTor He blesses us with sunset and dawn. He has made our fields fertile our herds have brought forth He" as it was planned abundantly stored our mountains with every hearts which it Is for us to nuture or toUoy. La aboe all e ? Nurse Coming To Nephi December Funeral Fridav At I 12:30 For Esther THANKSGIVING IS TO GOD! Discussed By Wade luimiB ui ulceration, tne organlzat ion had hr.ndled three times more The contract for the construction grain than all previous organizatiof Nephi's new Federal building was ons. Following his talk he discus sed with the farmers assembled, all awaraea to Bernston Bros. Contrac tors, of Salt Lake City, according to questions that the farmers brought Information received by The Times-Neup. Other speakers at the meetine Wednesday from Washington o. Mernston Bros, were the low- were J. E. Memmott, director of the est bidders, their bid being $51,850 intermountain Cooperative and M and the contract allows the builders W. Mangelson. president of the Cen- 360 days in which to comrjlete the tral Utah Grain Growers Inc. Both . I - .. Job. with ..U i.uju 01 me success tne cooperThe contract was signed by the ative had met with In this part of government and mailed to Bernston me state, tne buildlne of the lrvnl Bros, and so soon as the contract v.arenouse and what It had accomis signed by them and returned to plished for the local farmers A resolution Washington D. C. with the proper calling for the of the Federal Farm Board tn oonas, wnicn is $26,000.00, instruct ions win be given to them to sponsoring tne organization of farmer's cooperative arganizations and ceea witn the construction of pro the ui reuaering aid in the construction Duiiding. of storage facilities, and In finane It Is ouite orohahle that the next two months Bernston Bros mg tne marketing of farm crops. was passed by the wm arrange ror the necessarv hunt meeting. ing materials for the building, and have the government approve of them, so that as soon as spring opens up. the actual construction of me Duuaing will be commenced. There are generally - a lot of nm. . 11 j 1 luiunary aeiaus m connection with the construction of government buildings, and It a nnt. that they can be taken care of and k, Mlss Nma Little, the Itinerant Nurse will come to NeDhl on nv- actual construction hwim Nephl post office before early spring ember 1 and will remain here for a i udLniiuir jonn is. Lunt also I '""""' ociviue. ine nrst received Information concerning the meeting of the Home Hygiene class me oi ror "cm icumiB contract "le uny nail on the build- ing and it Is also Mr. Lunt's opinion Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 7.30 p. m. that the preliminary details win wmen who have registered for this take several weeks to complete, and course re requested to be in at-h- e expects that the contractors will tfndance at 2 p. m. on that day. ext boo1ls for the course are here be able to get the materials, such as 06 Purcnased at the open- DncK, gravel and sand, stone, etc. f ana.-ovebv the imvemmont Hnrir. I lnK meeting. I The first class at Levan will ho the winter months mess to commence actual constru- - nem on Thursday at 1.30 p. m. and ction as soon as weather condtions a class wU1 neld In Mona on will permit. "way, at z p. m. inose having registered for First Aia and Life Saving will meet on weanesaay, Dec. 2, at 7.30 p. m. M. A. ii me city nan. .... The News, Vol 12, No. - National Hi Farmers Grain Growers Inc. Ell 1 . Ml 1 love, 2S Z Word was received in this city Sunday, of the death of Mrs H M McCune, 66. of Venice, California' Mrs. McCune died at her home in vriuce. novemoer 22, after a linger m unless 01 several months. The body will be brought to Nephi for burial in the McCune Dlot in th. ny cemetery. Funeral services will e neia in the Juab Stake Tnh.r nacle. Friday. Nov. 27. at 12 an clock. Esther Elizabeth Paxman Mr Cune was the daughter of William and Ann Keys Paxman oorn m American Fork, Utah, February 16. 1965, and came to Nephi In May, of 1883 when her father wo. called to the position of President of Juab Stake. She was married to nenry m. (Harry) McCune in tho ixjgan xempie in 1885. The family left Nephi twenty-eigyears ago residing in Salt Lake Citv nnrt Ogden, Utah, and later moving to ht CHARITY DRIVE TO BEGIN III NEPHI MONDAY, II. 30 'Help The Needy" To Be Slogan of Nephi Charity Club During Drive; Goal Set at Thousand Dollars The Nephi Charity drive, sponby the Nephi Klwanis Club and with the cooperation of the Relief Societies of Nephi will begin on Monday, November 30 and will end on December 11 with the big Charity Ball In the Arlington. The objective of the drive is $1,000.00 In money and produce, which win h divided equally between the three Relief Societies of Nephi for distru-bitlto the needy of the sored on Mrs. McCune was the mnthw n Committees have .h eight children, four of whom nrith from the Klwanis Club who will ncr nusDana, survive her. The sur make a thorough canvass of the viving cnuaren are: W. H Mrrh,n and provide an opportunity for city Los Angeles: Claudia evThompson,' to eryone help. A club will he or Ogden: Nonna McCune will ganized and be known as the McCune, Venice. California Friends may view the hortw of "Nephi Charity Club." with its motto. "Help The Needy," and every the home of Mr. and Mrs giving one dollar or more in McCune during the time niF hmh.. person or produce will receivn money lornlng after the train arrives tin. membership card which will be til the time of the services. worn on their Derson. and to the Charity Ball. Th fniitivnet hn of the members will be published in The Times-New- s. A warehouse has been provided In the basement of the Times-New- s building the courtesy Of Russ Hawkins tnri all produce collected will be stored there and turned over to the Relief The first session of the .in.h Societies. Other years the Relief AnrioUM Stake Quarterly Conference will have made a visit to the business .Jf. convene Saturday evening, Nov- houses ember 28. at 7.30 at the Stake Th. could befor food and clothing that used for those in nH ernacle, and will continue with ses This drive will take the place of this sions at 10 a. m. and 2 d. m wm lessen the work of the socana This conference la a Priesihwi ieties. Committees will visit t.he Convention, and the Juab Stake business houses and will be ei- Presidency urge that all those hold ven credit for every they article contriing me priesthood, be In attend- buted. The Bheep men, cattle men ance at all sessions. and chicken men will be visited for The Stake M. I. A. has whole or parts of sheep, beef and the regular Sunday night meeting cases of eggs. Farmers may contriw iro iiciu iTOvemDer at 7.30 wheat, vegetables, or anything the Tabernacle. The following pro-in bute have they that could be sold for gram has been arranged: M. I A money and turned into the fund for song; prayer; fifteen minute talk! distribution. Edwin Bailey; fifteen minute talk, The proceeds from the Charity Lester B. Belliston; trombone solo, Ball to on the evening of Alma Burton; fifteen minute talk, Decemberbe 11held will be turned over to Sylvia Peters; vocal solo, Dorothy the fund. The Arlington Hall, music The death of Mrs. Sara A. Rrnw- Brough; reading, Maureen Kendall; tickets and advertising will be given M. I. A. song; closing prayer. croft McCune, 57, wife of George Idaho-Al- lan Preston, free cost of by those who have Winn, the Three excellent one-a- ct v. ivuue, occurred unexpectedly plays 80,1 of of these things, and in this charge lMetr,"0ld Stanley Winn were presented at the Levan Ward Monday evening at her homo .t x iuieuce xanner way there will be no cost for this Winn, died amusement hall Monday evening by Mar Vista, California, according to II What The Tax Money Is afternoon. Friday He Spent had been ill activity. members of the Levan Ward M. I, for over a year and failed ror. - - Tnpsrtav to recover Nephi has always been known for muie ciiecKS were rece- - "uumittuuii received here A. and although Levan people al after its charity towards those who are " being ived this week y operated on several Juab Valley far- ready had a good opinion of the mers to be used by times. For taken several needy and it seems that this Is a months he had for the ourchase of The difficulties which beset the capabilities of the young people of feed for their livestock. Q 15 f6W n0urs on an early return to school time when all forces must rally toiaimcu The loans later" in taxpayer his was the town, the audience which attempt to control and has had a most hopeful atare being made by the Federal gov- gether and take care of the emer. tit-- '. . uie amount or tax money to be col- titude. present was delightfully surprised ernment, he underwent as a relief measure. Recently gency now pending. The presidents ma.niLa- - lected in his community TZTSZ? with the fine work done by the were disBounty certificates will be issued of the three Relief Societies report operation and failed to rally county Agent A. E. Smith reports hmd cussed in our three casts. The first play "Tombs' last article, and we from it. by the county clerks of Utah on that there are many families in aiV!d .Practlca.U7 a11 her indicated that through was under the direction of Mrs. that seventy applications have been a proper unFuneral services were held In the and after December 15, on predit-or- y each ward that will need a great or livestock feed loans, and cation of I Thela Wankier, the second "In A madef derstanding the procedure, the First Ward o animals killed after October deal of help before spring in order m iiew taxpayers of . . at Preston, and me ereater nort. hn nf v,., Florist's Shop" was directed by been oric wnen Mr. McCune wfls any community could was attendedchapel 17, 1931. nrpsi - assist in to elimenate suffering. Buy your Nethe by the accepted following by dent Dora Miss of the eastern states m determining in advance phi people: Mr. and Mrs. S R Aagard, and the third tee. The checks are Under date of November 20 the "Charity Ball' ticket with one dollar what the arriving daily The Secret Places" was coach "In public expenditures for Winn, Mrs. Jas. H. past eight years she had reare being distributed as fast The Elison, Aline state auditor Issued a letter to all or more in money or produce and ed by Miss Audrey Hansen. In each ano sided in California, where Mr. Mc- any local purpose should be. Afton Ellison of Nephi and county clerks of the state, eivine "Help The Needy." The tax notice which each tax- and o. case the play chosen was an am as the county recorder can check Cune until recently was president special instruction in recrard to ac Vinson or Logan. The committees that have been payer receives does not show the "ju bitlous production and gave good the county records and make the of the Hollywood stake. At the time he was first taken cepting peits ror bounty at their re selected by the Klwanis Club to necessary action recording, of one tax opportunity for character portrayspending body oiuk a year ago, he was a member spective offices. It Is advised that conduct this drive are as follows: Surviving are the hushnnri nn but is any al. Judges who were called UDon daughter and three sons: Mary, levies 01the combined result of the of the Preston Junior band, a scout tne county clerk use extreme care Executive LeRoy Chairman, to decide which play should be Service Mar Lesion Asks eacr; Dranch of government patrai ieaoer and John. Scott nnrt WilHorv, Whitehead. president of the in issuing oounty certificates. under which the property usea Dy tne Levan ward for preof Mar Third the a state of The quorum Vista; brother auditor advises deacons. H. and sister, taxpayer is Steele. that ho Treasurer, E. Cooperation In Contest vmiaiu sentation upon Stake Honor Day subject to taxation His death was caused from ap- will have an expert traDDer at th ocowcroit, and Mrs. Alva Thus if the property Advertising and Charity Club 13 located In were hard put to make a decision a to Scoville, he owen examine Mrs. capitol all Ogden. skins presen committee, A. B. Gibson, chairman, Downs. Star Point having undergone on account of the excellent work city it is subject to taxation for pendicitis, three operations in the past ted ior oounty. O. L. Barnett and Merle Sargent. chairman of the local forThe body will be taken to Ogden state, year. done In each play and the variety Education school county, All funeral skins or from services and Dance Committee, Russell Hawunit the Service Star Legion, an interment. predatory animals of character portrayal. Judgment presented ror bounty must hv kins chairman, June Kendall and Wednesday that letters the situation In Nephi for the year v,as rendered, awarding first place nounced been killed nave E. since R. Shaw. October 17, 1931. betn mailed to the. Board of 1931 to illustrate how the tax to the play, "In The Secret Places." bill Warehouse Committee, Wm. Bailis formulated and to show the proPoints of judgment were as follows: Education and the Juab high school ey, chairman, Robert Winn, and S. cooperation In Service Star Newhouse Hotel Man ten points each for makeup, Inter- asking portion of the total tax which is E. Forrest. essay work. levied for each purpose. In order pretation, stage poise, voice, positEducation In Is the oblective this Bill Nephi This Week Soliciting Committees: East Side that the various purposes can be ion and grouping, and fifty points year, with Business District, Will L. Hoyt, the celebration of George for general effectiveness. The wingrouped under the heads with which C. W. West, assistant manap-pWashington Bicentennial as the nf chairman, Gilbert Bailey and H. L. we are familiar we shall use ning play, "In The Secret Places" is major objective. the Senator Reed Smoot. at t.h ro. the Newhouse Hotel of Salt Lake Mangelson. The essay work a difficult presentation depicting a wel lend following distribution: state general Chicken Committee, J. Earl Reid, quest of the Salt Lake chamber of City was in Nephi Tuesday, visiting Mrs. J. M. Christensen was host fund, county, roads, February 12, 1932. stirring incident in a home of a schools, and commerce, will Introduce All high school students are urced ess a bill at with a number of his friends and chairman, John Richardson and to the members of the Ladies finally city purposes. We find that the Russian aristocracy. Judges present to reaa on up coming session of congress pro- the hotel's patrons. Mr. West ex- Myron Moyle. patriotic subject each dollar which Is paid in taxes congratulated the Levan Ward for pertaining to any Cattlemen Committee, J. A. Whipthe Bicentennial in Literary Club, Monday evening. on Nephi city viding for reforestation of denuded plained the new SDecial inrinromont making so early and excellent pre- preparation for the Service Star The regular business was taken up, buted as follows:property Is distri- western mountain areas, he tele offer that the Newhouse Hotel has ple, chairman. Brent D. Hall, and paration for Stake Honor .Day. essay contest. A. H. Belliston. a paper, uandni" given by Mrs. nrrangea ior its patrons for a care- State General Fund .... 7 cents graphed the chamber Tuesday. Casts for the three plays were as two-oa- y William iree The senator and musical num. Bailey Sheepmen vacation Comlttee, in Ralph asked, the that however, n, District follows: "Tombs," Ferron Mangel-so& high schools 43 cents since the chamber has made a care- The new plan takes care of Its city cus Brough, chairman, Dr. T. W. Allred Norma Gardner, Gwen Jack- - Nephi Student Elected 16 cents ful County purposes L. C. Warenskl. study of the problem, and pre- tomers ior room accomodations and Rulon 7 cents man, Thelma Jackman, Farmers Committee, Byron How-ell- s, Ulticer in New Club by Euniece Brough. The following Roads pared a tentative bill, a copy be meals, theatre tickets, dance tickets City purposes 27 cents Bhepherd; "In A Florist Shop": car sent to him. Other members of and meiiiucrs 01 me ciud were present: storage, these being taken chairman, A. P. Christiansen, lden Bosh, Lucille Sorenson, Ef- the Utah congressional delegation care of for one price, giving the Eddie Isaacson and Roy T. Lorn ax. Logan, Nov 21 Miss Mildred Bean Miss Bertha McPherson, Mrs. RobTotal le Sherwood, Joy Nlelson, Rees of Nephi, a freshman $1.oo West ert no Side Business District, A. L. at the Utah Winn, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs worry m arranging for The above porportions are not have been asked to support the patron leucine State Agricultural ayior; in oecret cutci tammeni wniie in the city. Garbett, chairman L. J. Wade, and College, was last William Bailey, Mrs. J. L. Belliston, uniform throughout the state but legislation. lerce, iNetue jviangeison, naomi week elected to the program comGeo. V. Miss Lula McPherson, Mrs. W. F Ord. In a resolution adonteH angelson, Foster Gardner, Juul mittee of the newly formed TJ. a. a Brough, Mrs. T. H. Burton. Mrs. E. vary in accordance with the levies by the chamber board of Salaried Men Comlttee. Oeorcr n in different localities. governors, Tax Commission Meetino- alby, Donald Bosch, Paul Fran- - C. club organization. R. It was pointed out that summer The new Kaymond, chairman, W. C. Andrews Forrest, Mrs. Wilson Glamor We now brief tlv anarrae uh om, Elbert Gardner, Joseph Christ- - club will be Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. Mark L. of theshall floods, caused by deforestation of To Be Held December 15 and John E. Lunt. composed of above purposes. msen. State genmen and women, who havestudents, The noon luncheon of the Kl a grwatersheds, are partlci Sowby, Mrs. Dennis Wood, and the eral fund levy Is applied upon the me wanis Club held next Monday will eat menance to thebecoming club work. nostess Mrs. J. M. Christensen pateo in The State of Tax the people or Commission valuation ail property throughout western states. has be devoted to a pep Miss Bean is registered In the program for the the entire state. The revenue ,a meting of the county tax purpose from school Of Home Economics and is of getting full details of the ephi lain Is Man officials of this source Beaver Millard, used for is the and operation drive in foods and and dietetics, she hearing a reDort from Juab counties to be held at FillIn Liscense Issued of the state government. The InGeorge Temple majoring each committe .! The workers will a ijitiuuci ui uic rauuie riCUllomiCS Marriage more on December 16th. To Couple of Eureka cludes the University of Utah, the Ladies Literary Club ciud u. 8. A. C. News Bureau. begin immediately afterwards The commission designates the Utah State Agricultural College, the Entertained At Bridge following Oet your "NeDhi Charitw rrtw officers of each county to Branch Agricultural College at CedThe marraige of Miss Josephine Mrs. Louise Pyper was hostess to membership and "Help The Needy." ar city, the state prison, the school The Ladles Literary Club enter- be In attendance: county commissStephenson, daughter of Mr. and the members of the Fidells Choral A license was issued hv ror the deaf and blind and various tained at a bridge luncheon, Fri- ioners, county assessor, and deputy Mrs. Charles E. Stephenson of this Club Thursday evening. Practice the marriageclerk An interestinc assessors, county last to other state Institutions. day evening In the Whitmore build- treasurer. county clerk and county Woodbine Club was enjoyed by Its city and Carlyle Thompson, son of was held and the business of the Arlni Wayne Kay, son Monday of Mr. The and for district and hitrh ing. The hostesses for the affair levy Mr. and Mrs. George T. Thompson club taken care of. Luncheon was Mrs. members at the homo nf m nnm. Miss Louise schools Includes the state lew for were: Mrs. of Saint George was solemnized in served to: Vivian Hoyt. Diane O. Green,Charles Kay, ofand Robert Winn, chairman; Bryan. Sewing and visiting was D. Mr. and these is Mrs. daughter Raymond as well as purposes the local Mrs. Geo. A. Sperry, Mrs. T. H. Burspending enjoyed after the regular business the St. George Temple Wednesday. Booth, DaVeda Davis, Lucille Walter Green of Eureka. Mr. and levies, in 1930 Thanksgiving in state levied a ton, Miss Lulu Idaho session. Delicious Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson accom- Kate Burton, Lucille Lunt, Booth, McPherson, Miss where he Is visitingPocatello, Lillle Mrs. Green were former residents tax of 4.7 mills the refreshments were Mrs. with state for district Neva Booth, Mrs. Mark L. Sowby mond, Ray- served to Mrs. panied the couple through the Wright, Viola Ockey, Florence of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. Ka? school purposes and 2 of a mill Linton. Mrs. daughter Dorothy and son Fred Kendall, Leonard for Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. J. L. BellisThe young couple will Winn, Alice Crapo, Mabel Lunt, and and family were former residents state Temple. James Stanley. high school purposes. The ton. Seventeen tables of bridge George. Dorothy and Bud are at- Mrs. Clarence Mrs. make their home In Saint George. the hostess Lucille Pyper. Inmm mr, of Mona. tending school in Pocatello this (Continued on Page Eight) were played. Carter, Mrs. Edgar Park, and the winter. hostess Mrs. Willis Bryan. tl 7 It the Utter futUity of our vain thoughts Out of of our present distress will come finer a more complete understanding. fflisiS Here In these Clothing" kndSte; bS PrtlVe,neCeSSUieS' also with and beneficiaries of liberty won onlv after centuries of effort not free from under a gov the most benign and potentially righteousbloodshed, on 1 have no other people, to thank and as we than? gZ God; rS,lvt more fully to do His will and keep his commandments HumaStyTno other way can be saved from destruction. aChCS US Stake Conference Convenes Saturday d Levan I. Brings Forth Good Talent Checks Are Coming To Local Fanners c.,i Mrs. Geo. W. McCune Dies In California The Control of Expenditures Is Discussed Allan Winn Dies In Preston, Idaho Bounty Certificates Given December K aZn K 3 .rL.:" I -- aSTEE! Mrs. Wm. Bailey Delivers Address Reed Smoot Drafts New Forestry Jf.P": 4-- H 4-- H St I riu |