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Show pac..: six I Ml--- TIMKS-NKW- Thursday, November NRPMI. TTAII S. FINNEY OF THE FORCE !! OOO..HOO. ( -- "M AAP. WoH. IS LITTLE SUSIE, MC? SMOOP THIS FtMKlEV.'.' J ( ) rlJTT" "V" pTPvl I at I've DESCRIBING AN INSUFFERABLE IMPERTINENT LITTLE BEAST, VOO ARE WRONG. AND A HUSSV TO BOOT!! WAVING A PREPOUOECAUCE OF INTELLECTUAL that 5 ABILITY., kight:: 911 STOP YOUR COLD ; IN 12 HOURS WITH ' V BUT IF T MAY INTERPRET YOUR EXPRESSION AS AM IP VOO MEAN) THAT SMART tM THE SENSE OF E e SMASJUTTLE ToT Mrs. Snoop Figured Out M!!!!!"' OjELL. MBS SNOOP. Sj HOUiOV DO, JSOSIE.-.YOO'R- VI "G, Breaks ' "cold "in 6 hourj- - Drive it away in 12 Relieves : Hea 3acKe rNeuralgia ':i' houri.'" s f Pairvj , V Foncbt Fir With Melon truck loaded with watermelon that Walter Crimth wui taking to market skidded oft the highway near Wenatctee, Wash., and burst Into flame. With no water available, Griffith bad an Idea, tie hurled watermelon at the blazing truck. Thejr burst and spouted water all over the melon put blaze. The twenty-thirout the lire. A d THE FEATHERHEADS 7 fT WAS SVMEET OF VOU TO BRING AAE CANOV , TONIGHT, BUT..... . s Good Or Felix T FEUX CAM BE JUST AS THOUGHTFUL WENT TO THE OErniST YAWm!! T'LL JUST TODAY AND DON'T DARE ) I PE-LIX- V. " - ..&2i- EAT ANY! WON'T YOU HAVE A V J Come TAKE PIECE? SOAET.MES....WHEN HE'S LIKE THAT X JUST WANT TO KICK MYSELF FOR EVER HAVING fgp if THIS LITTLE P1xNT FORGETg THE "fI ???WTOLOCK fg DOORS", DEAR. j V ENO y ( SlS V S3a New Yale Expedition A Yale expedition is to i.vj.ore the nimnluya mountains and western Tibet In search of man's developcreature. ment frora an ape-like A farmer never has time to be bored. Be one. Along the Concrete 0;i vo voo Made specially for BA3I ES and CHILDREN Physicians tell us that one condition is nearly always present when a child has a digestive upset, a starting cold or other little ailment. Constipation. The first step towards relief is to rid the body of impure wastes. And for this nothing is better than genuine Castoria I Castoria is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for babies and children. This means it Is mild and gentle; that it contain no harsh drugs, no narcotics. Yet it always gets results! You never have to coax children to take Castoria. Heal Castoria always bears the name : CASTORIA Need Capital? Security Issues considered. Also business, ranch and realty loans. Ooodell Co.. 548 8. 8pring, Los Angeles. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Hair FaUlnsi Removes Dandruff-Stop- s j Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair eoc and tl.uu at uruRgista. glffoi Chem. Wki.. Putchomie.N.Y. Ideal for oae in FLORESTON SHAMPOO connection with Parker's Hair Balsam.Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at druggist. Hiscox Chemical Works. PatchoKue. N.Y. 3y Charles Sughroe mCXIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL XVMN, PSIM ZjfSlt OUTA krTfe WM, -- VOO, ) f fWlGOUE'. OAMJGOUe'. DA.VJGOkiE OEST fcECU HE'S DEEM AU. Ov,E, KU RUU V TUVS He's Been Insulted by Experts j O. V,K1 fucv, "- AW, -i: Dv,Pjfc VJUMm CVUE.? V ""SSS V4eKEO OOY OP V PRUTl WG OFFICES THAW PS fi Just for Comparison Three hundred thousand worlds the size of this earth could be stored inside the sun. W3 DRINK to Your HEALTH If yoor stomach la temporarily decfre easily, lapse Into ranged. If you drowsiness or feel stagnant, drink to your health with acupor two of Tea. Its pu re, h erbs actiOar-fie- ld vate the bowels. fragrant flush them and RiveThey thoroughly you the wonderful tone of clean-cg and energetic health. At your drug jtora. ut well-bein- GARFIELD TEA A VlaiuTjifXpaJ&tSfrinJl THE CLANCY KIDS Dubb Will Know Better Next Time III I nf w UD TON "SAN mwiur; . V. ERCY L. CROSBY ,aiML ""JESSST 8T,,a,c,t, STOP THAT COLD .L?" DWI T By Estimate of Friendship "Hello, Pal, lend me a nickel, will youT I want to call up a friend." "Here's a dime. Call up all your friends." l'.,! THIS WITH FiyiHG f .... J rr u..niJ Ihaveh T . VOU ANYTHING . in 0RCH5JTRA1 DftelTHArFEttOW jas aI TcwersPecuuroR ANP HIM DlONTWANrTDolvfc ANY rOfK P01CK. chest or leadi to something serious generally responds to pood old Musterole with the first application. Should be more effective if in DISTRESSING socoldoften used once every hour for five hours. This famous blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other helpful ingredients brings relief naturally. Musterole gets action because it is a scientific "counter-irritan- t" pot just a salve it penetrates and stimulates blood draw out infection circulation, helps to and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by doctors and nurses. To Mothers Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. AskforChil- aren t aiusterole. ! 0 " III.UHIII Ill WW. ,JII1IMIIIII1MWMWIIMMMIM |