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Show Thuitiduy. November 20, THE 19.11 They Brought Their Home With Them I r i - i -. ""'-'- ' v. ' '7H ' - I ' - - to sr C fc EH -- ,, r hi ill' Lt : II ill t if - l i - , 'V . V, I II 1 I II I I I I I II I I M I I Ml Historic Cemetery Hat Farmers' "Bee" 1 !'T A--H Old Man Depression hag no terror for these resourceful brothers, Clement and Maurice March, who are students at the University of Idaho. When they returned to school this fall, they brought with them their own living quarters, a real house, which they have christened the Depression Special." The home boasts two bunks, a bookcase, tables and chairs and a stove. The brothers received permission from university authorities to park their bouse on campus grounds when they arrived with It on a truck. MH II II I I I I H I II A I I I I I I being seen In large numbers. Miss Mary Henry, daughter of the expedition's leader, shot two splendid mountain sheep. The botanical end of the expedition was directed by Mrs. Henry, who collected large numbers of specimens which will be presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia, and the Royal BotanDoctor ical Gardens, Edinburgh. Henry, leader of the expedition, is a retired physlclnn. and a former college mate of Sir Hi'nry Thornton, president of the Canadian National railways. Scrubbing Floors as She Learns of Big Fortune 111. The Rockford, unexpected news received that she Is the sole surviving belr of an almost forgotwhose estate was ten great-unclonce estimated at $:1.000.0(K) left Mrs. Albert Peterson, forty, wife of a restaurant cook here, dazed and speechless. After recovering from the news which was brought to ber as she was down on ber knees, scrubbing the floor of her three-rooapartment over the restaurant, where her husband Is employed, Mrs. Peterson said: "We're going to have a real good time when we get the money. But it's not going to make me one bit different than I am now. Pro Just as common as an old shoe, and I'm not going to change." to word from New According York attorneys, the Rockford woman will Inherit the estate of Dr. Joseph Kellogg, wealthy physician who died recently leaving no relatives closer than Mrs. Peterson. e See Tropical Spot in Arctic Circle Explorers Find Hot Springs in Hidden Valley. Ottawa. The "land that time forgot, In Canada far northward, is a reality and no mere prospector's myth or fragment of Indian folklore. Such Is the positive assurance given by Dt J. Norman Henry of Philadelphia and his companions, who are now homeward bound with the proud distinction of being the first white men who have ever gazed upon the hidden tropical valley, which lies within the Arctic circle. In northern British Columbia. The valley remains today as It Tiust have been In prehistoric eras, before the glacier age swept over North America a luxurious garden of rich tropical growth, such as are now common In the equatorial zone. The valley, located In the monn-:ain- s near the Junction of the Rnc-'n- g and Toad rivers, nearly 1.0)0 Jles northwest of Edmonton, Is s of a mile wide and .early a quarter of a mile in length, and Is honeycombed with oubbling hot springs, to which It owes its continue existence. In some of the craters the water was too hot to touch, and Indian guides who know the district vow that the water in the valley r does not freeze even In when the surrounding district has a temperature of 50 degrees below zero. The expedition was disappointed In Its hope of finding prehistoric animal life In the valley, although Professor Henry believes that systematic excavation might yield remains. The best of the vegetation had also been destroyed by fairly recent forest fires, but a number of specimens were obtained which are expected to astonish the botanical world. For centur". the location of the "valley of steaming waters" has been a Jealously guarded secret mo rig a band of Indians Inhabiting section of the Peace river area. heir numbers have been decimated jy tuberculosis and other diseases, until today only a handful remain ; and. rather than see the secret lost forever, three members of the tribe often-rumore- d . three-quarter- consented to guide the Henry expedition to the spot. From the Indian camp north of Fort St John, a ten days' Journey led the party to the valley, over a route which would have been Impassable but for a collapsible rubber boat which the expedition carried and which enabled them to cross several torrential rivers. Although no new species of animal life were discovered, the district is rich in game moose, caribou, mountain sheep, bear and goats Sees This Mother Had Problem Hilton. Out. About thirty farmers of tbs Hornby district held a bee and greatly Improved St. Stephen's cburcb cemetery, the Hornby, by leveling ground, removing dead trees and bushes and straightening tombstones. - NEI'lll I'TAII TIMES-NEW- A supposed "true love story." written by Mrs. Volney Trick, played a part In acquitting her husband of a charge of attempt- ' ed murder here. Accused of assaulting his wife with an ax handle In their home at Oshawa, Trick charged that he and his wife had become estranged because of attentions paid to the latter by his younger brother. He produced the story which his wife had submitted to a "confession" magazine, and which told of the writer's supposed love for a man other than her husband. "He drew me into his arms and kissed me." an extract from the story read. "Then I realized what true love was. No power on earth could have stopped me." Mrs. Trick Insisted that her story had been "purely fiction" and denied the suggestion of the defense, that the "lover" whom she described brother-in-was her twenty-two-year-o- law. "lie took you to dances?" the de Notably on Increase woman who W a great lover of animal recently told two Incidents, or retold them, from the press, to stress her point that the wholly commendable, but rather llmliej. attitude of "love me. love my dog" shows hopeful signs of progress. She says for children, but there are times wlu-they are much better off without It. It should always be ... left off when children show by fever ish, fretful or cross spells, by bad brent h, coated tongue, sallow skin. Indigestion, biliousness, etc., thut their stomach and bowels are out of order. In cases like this, California Ktg Byrup never fulls to work wonders, by the quick and gentle way It removes all the souring waste which Is causing the trouble, regulates tlie stomach and bowels and gives these organs tone and strength so they continue to act normally of their own accord. Children love Its rich, fruity flavor and It's purely vegetable und harmless, even for babies. Millions of mothers have proved Its merit and reliability In over SO year of steadily increasing use. A Western mother, Mrs. May Suavely, Montrose, Cullfornta, says: "My little girl, Edna's, tendency to constipation was a problem to me until I began giving her California Fig Syrup. It helped her right away and soon her stomach and bowels were acting perfectly. Since then I've never had to have any advice about her bowels. I have also used California Fig Syrup with my little boy, with equal success." To be sure of getting the genuine, which physicians endorse, always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name. 8 that this affection Is rapidly being stretched to Include the other fel- Idleness breeds bad habits. the happy are truly great. Only n N City Burgoyne CHRISTMAS CARDS (Cnf icnra Shaving (Cream VOnickly Quickly and comfortably and easily. Wet hair thoroughly be fore patting on a every morning. The creamy lather of Cutlcura Shaving small quantity of Cutleura Shaving Cream. Then sham- - Cream softens the beard, soothes the skin and leaves it cool and supple. as usual. Ideal or all the family. Cutlcara Laboratories, ioo At your dealers or sent post paid on receipt of 35c. Address: Maiden, Mass. When a young woman shows you Queerest things you can think of taken photographs of herself, can make money in a city. For don't mnke the mistake of not ask- there are plenty of the queerest kind of people In a million. ing for one. newly ISriSra St sremgg Phices EOWE8T OnLY Firestone tan give you all these extra values. They are the result of patented construction features found in no other tires. penetrates every cord and coats every fiber with liquid rubber. Gives longer flexing life to every cord and longer tire life. Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread give stronger bond between tread and cord body greater protection , against punctures and blowouts. rubber Tough, thick tread made of gives better protection against skidding and longer non-sk- id wear. Firestone save in buying, manufacturing and distribution to give these extra values at lowest prices. Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers invite you to check these statements for yourself. They have sections cut from Firestone and Special Brand Mail Order Tires. Compare them and see how Firestone give extra strength, safety and service. You be the judge. Drive in today. Gum-Dippi- Ga-vell- o ng non-oxidizi- Flmtoaa MAKE CAR 0 TtW SIZE Cna Prica Ford Chevrolet Chi I.t t. 40-2- 4.50-20- 1 1 cial OkffeM ntd Mall Ordat Ttra 4.984.98l Pile Pat Pair ).oj type Cain Prica Sps cial rand FUestone Sentinel Mall Calk Price Per Pair Oidei Tire Each Type tO.yO 4.7o4.78 "1 5.6d .69 xi.iol 4.KSI4.85I Fori. Chevrolet Whippet. (4.75-19- 1 9.16 4.75-2- 0 ErklaeU PlTo.'tbi 13.14 .75l5.75l IlM Chandler DeSoto Durant P Willra-- K 13.00-19- 1 6.9 Pootiao Rooeevelt S.50-19- 1 .00-2- 1 .25-2- 1 ' Jf, 75 7.3a 14.30 7l8 14.70 Firestone "j1'.,SOU GlVe OklheM Type Cask Price Par Pelt 17-3- 0 j 18 ti.ao 70 Franklin p.oo a 6.00 19 11-4- 5 45a.; Hup'mbl LS.lle 6.00 20 11.47 47jss.se Packard. 6.00 21 11.6S Pieree-Sluts. 16.50 20(1 45 13 4315 40 Cadillae-Lioeu.. (7.00-20- 1 15.35 15.33 9.So Packard 20U1.1 V"hl.d!hr . Hudson Sams Prlcaj . . 6r.o la D 6. 35xa.4o 30i5.... 32x4.... 3616.... 17.371 7.371 14-5- 1 6.00-M- .. lacs 917-9- "- 31.95 S Special Biand Ma. Order Tire 18.00 .658 17.80 '81 . I 4.SO-- ! Fnettene Sentinel Type 17-O- Z Tirsj IsVASoectsI Brand Meil Order Tire 16.10 .561 .250 .598 .250 5 6 5 4.75 $4.85 4.75 .605 5.20 5.20 $6.65 6.65 ( -- 231 5 fherlone OntNM Type Cass Pries Par Pas . 17.95 5 S9.7S I5-S- '" - """ . A it A "Special Brand ttr I. made by a nanufaetnre for dietributore etaeb aa mail order hoosea, oil eotnpaniee. and othera. under name that dore not identify the tire manufacturer to tbe publie, neuallv becauae he builde hie "beet quality tirre osoVt him own neme. Firestone pate him name on EVER V tire be makes. and BUS TIRES Firestone OtdSeM True Cats Pries d More Depth, .octree. Merc Plies L'txier Tread . . . . Non-Ski- Stud 'b'kr Chry eler- -' Viking Type inchee 75 8.75 I7.00 .90I 8.9 aof . Mora Thickness, PRICE Tirsj Firestone M?J.?sht: 7.9is.:30 1.25 :: Aubnrnuj JordaiL i.50 Keo 6. 10$ 1$ 11.90I Olda'bla.J Bulek. Cass Price lack TRUCK Nhi.. i Brand Mall Order Tire I ol i.oj Eaaea Naah 'roe Spa- tial A Doda-- iCra'm-- TIM MAKE Of CAR 0 5.6a 11.14 .Sj6.65(ia.,o Fhettone Oiatula Buick-SOl Olda'ble-- 4.3S4.3S 50- - 211$ Ford. Even Typa Caak Fire- stone Sentinel ng CONSTRUCTION COMPARE QUALITY stone the hand crocheted beret takes on a Eugenie Influence. Roll your own now becomes wire your own as the beret develops into a bowler. Tbe stitch Is the same as that used for the roll your own berets, one of the easiest of all crochet stitches, and it may be of pearl crochet cotton or of fine mending wool which comes thirty yards to the card. The charming bowler model shown in the photograph Is of the mending wool In brown and white. It required eight cards of the brown and one of the white, with a number four steel crochet hook. The brim Is made by gradually increasing the rounds to the required width. The brim is wired with any Dne covered wire, placed at tbe extreme edge, and worked over with an extra row of The wire should single crochet. be lapped over four inches or more so that it may be easily extended. It can then be tilted and rolled at a becoming bowler angle. s YOUR LOCAL DEALERS CARRY THEM Pennsylvania Official Reveals fense insisted. "Only with my husband's consent." Justice Raney severely criticized the manner In which the case had been dealt with in Oshawa police court. Trick had first been charged only with common assault; had pleaded guilty, and been sentenced to thirty days In Jail. "The magistrate had power to commit you to prison for three years, and also to order the lash," Justice Raney told Trick. "Apparently he disposed of the case without hearing the evidence. If there are any cases in which a man deserves to be whipped, this would be one. of them. It Is most unfortunate that such an example of administration of Justice should be made In this community." Alex Hall, defense counsel, contended that Trick was being tried twice for the same offense. In violation of all British legal tradition. Justice Raney Informed the Jury, however, that they could entirely ignore the previous proceedings In police court. The Jury, however, returned a verdict of acquittal. MERCHANTS jK3 the rush of Christmas business this year, give a thought to the customers who constitute your trade. At what other time could you more fittingly send them a greeting than at Christmas. Select your Christmas card now. Your dealer will imprint it with your name, in whatever quantity you need. Estate Taxes Go Back to Days of Pharaohs rope In the Middle ages, the propreverted to the king for reerty Old-Tim- e Levees. distribution and later could be claimed by the heirs within a year Harrlsburg, Pa. Inheritance taxes and a day on payment of a fee. in ancient Egypt were higher than "Our own Pennsylvania law althose which Pennsylvania now im- lows one year for the settlement of poses on estates, according to Linn the tax before the Interest penalty Reist, department of revenue offi- of 1 per cent a month Is added." cial in charge of collecting the state tax. Lived in Bed Ten Year "The Egyptian records of the SevJust to prove he Adria, enth century before Christ show could do Italy Marassl of Medoro It, that there was a transfer Inheritance tax for the empire of the Nile In bedvillage has stayed continuously for ten years. Marassl, who valley. The rate was 10 per cent," is seventy, says he feels more roRelst said. after bis ten cheerful and bust "The Pennsylvania rate for wife rest years' or husband, parents, sons, daughters, grandchildren and all direct descendants is 2 cents on each dolTO MAKE A BOWLER Here Is one tax which has lar. been tremendously reduced since the 'days of the Pharaohs." By CHKRIE NICHOLAS Reist traced the history of Inheritance taxes from Egypt to ancient Greece and thence Into Rome In the time of the Caesars. "In the year 6 A. D. Emperor Augustus persuaded the Roman senate to pass a 5 per cent Inheritance tax much like Pennsylvania's. It allowed deductions for funeral expenses, as we do, and reckoned trusts and the computation of the value of like estates on the basis of capitalized Income," he said. "On the death of a vassal In Eu- - the Before No Help Some brng of their sins unless Graft by any other name would there Is danger of prosecution. produce as many plums. To fthis "There was that tiny Item In the paper the other day, for example, about the dog that selected the middle of a busy street In BloouiKhurg, l'a., for bis siesta," she suld. "Little noting the vast number of persons who were affected by his discriminating search for a shady spot, the dog took a peaceful nap, according to the Boston (ilobe, while 400 respectful motorists detoured around him. "Then there was that other dog who had Hindu himself unpopular with his neighbors over In New Jersey because of his habit of barking at night. The local police recorder Iiud been notified, and the aged resident who owned him was given the sad command to dispose of him. It happened that the owner not only actually depended on the dog for companionship, but for errands at which the creature had proved remarkably dependable. "Well, the upshot of It was," said the lady who loves animals, triumphantly, "that CO persons, led by the mayor of the town, heard of the mat ter and testified In the dog's behalf. Some of them, mind you, even gnve up their vacations so that they might aid the case. And the dog was officially forgiven." 3 3 A Pi low's dog, "The compass," said the young Just the Maa man who knew a lot about every Magnate The man who marries my daughter will want a lot of thing, "always points north, you see." money. "Then it's Just too bad," sighed noSuitor (hopefully) Well, sir, the beautiful girl, "if you happen to body wants It more than I do! want to go south, Isn't It?" London Humorist. Wife's Story of True Love Used in Court Whlthy, Ont Regard for Dogs A As a rule, milk Is about the best food Fire- Helps Acquit Husband of Attempted Murder. PAGE SEVEN 934-9- 29.75 32.95 15.25 S7-9- QuarantfF,j DoubI tire manafactnrrd by Firestone beare the narae'FlKESTOCNE'andearrifa Firestone's unlimited guarantee and that of our 25,000 Serrieo Dealers and Service Storea. You are doubly protected. 0 0 63.70 9-- 9 I listen to the VbIcC of Firestone every Monday night over IV. B.C. nationwide network Tj "'jjr 'ij -- - " 'i . Copyright, 1931. The Firestone Tira A Rubber Co. Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers Save You Money and Serve You Better |