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Show THE PAGE EIGHT E3 TIMES-NEW- LOCAL NEWS The, v Sale CLASSiEIED ADS ihBAlfFWCE:' v SALE ; ''.. GOOD RANGE practFOR SALE returned home ically new. See George Carter at Los f rim. after Angeles ' Wednesday Mrs. M, Hinckley's.' spending two weeks visiting with her son Eugene- Gower's. She reports BETTER QUALITY BABY CHIX ' having had a wonderful time while Culled free range hans. ' Mated to away. 5 iull pedigree proven strains on request. Spec Literature males. Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Judd spent the ial POE- eommunity orders. week end in Salt Lake visiting with H LAIprice ANN Petaluma, HATCHERY, '. : relatives. ' Calif. D. , Mr. and, Mrs. George Haymond WANTED - .Poultry, Eggs, Veal, and family motored to Salt Lake City and hogs- ,Mutual Creamery Co., . Friday afternoon. , Clarence G. Footed Manager. H. E. Kowell, and' son Vernon Howell, returned Monday to San Ladies Literary Club , Diego, California, having come to Are Entertained this city to attend the funeral '.of . Mrs. Howell. . On Mrs." A. J. Gowers i Come in and get will be continued another week. ' some Real' iVIoney Saving Bargains. '; I Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Duke, Mr. Classified Ads 10c per line first and Mrs, Bert Peay, and Mrs. Har5c per line each subsequent insertion, old Clark of Provo; Utah, were insertion. Absolutely payable in adguests of Mr. and "Mrs. C. N. Cox vance. of Thanks 50c. Card . Saturday. hams the better and Smoke Mrs. Nellie Schofleld returned easier ' wayyourwith Wright's Liquid home Wednesday evening from Calif- Smoke. Sizes 75c, and $1.25 Ord a two weeks and ornia where she enjoyed ' ' Mangelson, Druggists', Nephi, Ut ' " ,. vacation. oie annj Big Fridav, Tamtarv 8. 1926. NEPHI. UTAH S, v ''. .' . . BOYS SUITS AND J200-28- . i . Retr. Specials For Saturday and next week ..... $1.50 Humming Bird Hose I . . . Reg. 35c Munsing Fine Ribbed Hose . . . ... . r - .. , $1.43 . . 25c fa Big Lot' bt New "Spring Styles Silk Dresses Just See them. . ... $9.95 .arrived Price . t . fol-loyi- Special Saturday Only ... . . . ." 25c. Limit 6 Boxes MatcLes for 39c lb. Bag Corn Meal $1.15 Worth P. & G. Soaps and Soap Powder, and . . $1.40 White Enamel Dish Pan 6 9 ...... m 5015 I S3 ENTERTAINED V J REPAIR SERVICE SHOE your Shoes Rebuilt With FLEXOAK LEATHER Longer wear and Greater Comfort All Work Guaranteed - . "v - C. O, LOMAX loir One "o. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in Old Clock Armor at Its Best "run-dow- that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in ood health. - This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease. It la (TTeatly, influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH HEDIflXE Is a Combined Treatment, botn local and Internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold hv all dmetrlsts. - - T..T..,T OTMn s-V T V,".-iv The suit of armor reached Its comot plete development under. Henry VI time the (1422-111at about ) Enchind thai the Knirllsh were driven out" of France (14."3).- The armor was forged of thin steel and made to fit the body and limbs. 4 & (VATION-WID-E FJ INSTITUTION- - $ "i tAr DEPARTMENT DINNER AT PARTY uu The Van" H el den family In Oran-jCIty. Iowa., huS u clock that is 100 years old and in such, good condition that it is llkej.r to "lust another century under .proper handling. The Holland sturdy timepiece wag made and has been Inspected by many who ar6 interested in Mts .machinery and the material us-f- l in It. . jevr-ele- East Cooper, Pyner SJon will notice -- ' Have ' CO-Ye- ar STORES Make Good With Real Workers .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carter entertained New Year day at a dinner D. party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.DaEllison, of Belle Fourche, South kota, and .Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Duke of Provo. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs.C. N. Cox, John W. Ellison and son Max. Guests of honor ,Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ellison, Mr. and Mr. Ralph Cox. and the host and hostess Mr. and Z. C. Carter. t.nioying Work In The Mission r leid writes The Sudweeks Times-New- s this week from Hages- town Maryland, that he is enjoying his labors and states that he is now settled down where he will have a permanent address. He says it has been a' wonderful trip and feels that he is meeting with success in his work. He wishes to be remembered to all the Nephites and extends tothem a Happy and Prosperous NewRichard Store of Union Made look for the Union Label on each garment; . Efficiency Ex- tra Full for comfort; - Mr. and Mrs. C F. Green Entertained New Years Before and After . who broke into a house In Geneva, fell in love with a woman Into whose room he had broken, and left without taking any of the valuables. This Just shows the danger of allowing sentiment to creep into one's work. London Punch. . "Now, then."' roared the boss to the store boy. "you be on band . ut 7 o'clock tomorrow mornina. And wht-I say 7 o'clock. I don't mean five minI mean five minutes beutes after fore." Gond Hsrdwnre Hailstorms Come by Day is a curious fact, but scientists s seem agreed that four out of five occur in the day time and those during the day are usually the most Intense and damaging. This fact Is true It - WRIST WATCHES hall-storm- Irrespective of the sections of the country in which sucli storms are studied. Human Whale A Frenchman ul Marseilles, who has a normal stomach, but Is able to dilate it ut will, can swallow four quarts of water and eject ll like a whale In a Jet seven feet high. - wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Wedding's Rings. THE TOGGERY We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry SPORT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence N. Cox announce the marriage of their daughof ter Frances, to Mr. Ralph Duke The Provo, Utah, on New Years day. ceremony was performed by President A. H. Belliston in the presence of relatives and friends. or bring your Rmllo Ilatlory In before A. M. nd we Mill rwbarKo ami deliver It to you Overalls 98c $1.10 $1.19 the JAS. A. STARTS Jeweler Fancy colors with knitted bottoms. Just the thing for these cold days. of Their Daughter I'honr to 7 years Age 8 to 12 years Age 13 to 17 years Dangerous Indeed "A burglar, i e Radio BATTERY Here e 3 "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" T Charge Your Choice of Jumper or Overall with Suspender or Overall Back with low price our Nation-WidIiok for the Union IjjIx I oh "Pay-Day- " Overalls. Ae Nephi Mercantile Go ! Announce Marriage ing; Boys A big line to select from at the and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Starts daughter Viola, were given a pleas ant surprise on New Year's' eve by a number of their friends. The fact that they had gone to the Venice theatre did not make any difference as Mr. Starts wag paged by Mr. Hay: mond to the effect that he was wanted on the phone and the family were therefore pven the surprise In the lobby of the theatre. A very enjoywas then spent at their able evening . ., . nome me passing ui .1me uiu.1 A delicious observed. fittingly being luncheon was served at" midnight to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Haymond, Dr. and Mrs. r. n. F.eckstead. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. June Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. H Lunt. Ir. and Mrs. Russ Haw- Mrs. V. M. Foote, and and Mr. !sns, tin? guests of honor Mr. and Mrs. Starts and Miss Viola Starts. . 1 $6.00 . with others at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 SURPRISED ON NEW EVE . YEAR'S Two hip. two side, watch and rule pockets tacked to prevent ripp- "PAY-DAY- " Our Stock for - or Jumper throughout; cut - You can fit up your Boy with a new suit, with 2 pair of Pants as low as $2.75 or your choice of was hostess to the members of the Ladies Literary club Tuesday evening at the first meeting of the club held in the as- hembly room at the new City Hall. The program consisted of a' book re view by Mrs. I. M. Petty, ' entitled "The Keeper of The Bees," by jura. Jean Stratton Porter. Ice cream and cake was served to the following members: Mrs. W. C. Andrews. Mrs. T. H., Burton. Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs. George A. Sperry, Mrs. Dennis Wood, Mrs. I. M. Petty R. T Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Mrs. Cowan. Mrs. M. L. Sowby, Mrs. T. W Allred, the Misses Bertha and Lula McPhersdo. Miss Pearl Allen, Mrs. Nellie Cox, of Mantl, Utah, and the hostess Mrs. "McCune. Mrs'. S. B. McCune Mrs. J. H. Eager and Mrs. A. II. Belliston entertained at the home of the latter Thursday evening compliCAKI OK THAN KS mentary to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Green of Provo. Utah. The time was pleas antly spent In playing games until We take this opportunity of ex midnight when a very delicious pressing our sincere thanks to those luncheon was served to the followwho so kindly assisted us at tne ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Pax-madeath and funeral of our father and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Glazier, brother; and for the many express Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lunt, Mr. and ions of sympathy received. Mrs. George Belliston, Mr. and .Mrs. S. Joseph C. Carter, Vivian Kunder. The Family of Nephi W. D. A. Mrs. Ellison, Mr. and A. Allen, Schofield. of Belle Fourche. South Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eager, and Mr. and Mrs. A. It- Belliston. The Double ' n, veraiis -- 00 Suits to Select From Ages 8 to 1 6 Year. ay- Day K)ich for Overall 1 i V Mrs. Cleo Reid entertained the member of the Social Frjends club New Year's eve' at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lunt. The rooms were beautifully decorated in, the holiday colors, and a very delicious luncheon was served to the members and their husbands: Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ostler, Mr. and Mrs.'Lavem Bowles, Mr, ' and Mrs." Heber Jenkins, Mr, and Mrs, William' Worthington, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. " Angus Haynes.Mr. and Mrs. Alva Belliston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Inscore, Mr. and Mrs. Alva. 'Howell, Mrl and, Mrs. Lyle Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes,, Mr. and Mrs. Con". Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blackett, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warren,, Mrs. Sylvia Peters, and the hostess Mrs. Cleo Reid. GROCERIES FOOTE & MICKERS ' svie im e Come in and try one how snug they fit. on-se- Special Price 5-9- 5 evenliid. SILVER MAPLE SERVICE The Toggery ii 3 |