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Show Friday, January 8, 1926. THE TIMES-NEW- PAGE FIVE KEFHI, UTAH S, Promoter of Big Fight As A Home Mrs. Ord, is visiting with latives in Salt Lake this week. Institution S. G. Mynders Goldsbrough spent urday in Salt Lake with friends. u Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins and in Salt Lake the M?r Pi Orson Cazier and son Gerald Caz- ier. are spending a few days in Salt Lake this week. C. S. Morris, an old time resident of this city was here Saturday shak ing hands with friends. service I WELL Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Nalurnl llepomt of Oj wum la The World Tickets on sale January 14 to 18. Return trip must be completed to original starting point by midnight of January 26, 1926. No stopovers. Excellent program of Livestock Livestock Judging. Sales, aud Boys' and Girls' Club Demonstrations. Matinees, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Show Week. Brilliant Horse Show every night. t Nephi Plaster and Mfg. Company The largest railroad tunnel in the world Is the Slmplon, between Italy and Switzerland, the length being 12 miles and 45S yards; the largest diamond Is known as the Cullinun, weighing 3,025 carats; the largest specific gravity of any material known being that for platina, which is 2,150, mak' the heaviest on ing this tuateriul record. Estate of Thurza M. Vickers, also known as Thurza M. Harley deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of her attorney W. A. C. Bryan at Nephi City, Utah, on or before the fifteenth day of March, A. D. 1926. Margaret H. Hinckley. Administratrix of the Estate of Thurza M. Vickers, also known as Thurza M. Harley, deceased. W. A. C. Bryan, attorney for admin- - Human Enterpriwe boast that Certain manufacturers they can put a car together In seven A fool That's nothing. minutes. driver and a tree can take one apart New Orleans In two seconds. NOW! COUNTRY STORE VENICE THEATRE, 4 MORE THURS. NIGHTS Country Store liclow arc the Prizes to be given in the Mill & Elevator Co. 12 backs of Flour Tuab Flour made In Nephi. Ladies Silk Dress l ies, Shoes, Wilson Shirts,Clothes. Sox. and Clothcraft Cole's Hot Wast Heater. Loopcr, Pvner & Co. nt8 oil8 Wilkev's Harness Shoi H. Gla and Everything In Hardware hand made riding bridle. Gal. Oil. 5 Pounds Cup Grease The Texas Co. 1 Hawkins, Agent for Texaco Products, Oas, Oil, Etc. las. A. Starts, Jeweler Stran Pearl thocker lieads, Set Garters. 1 1 White Gold Bracelet, 1 Pair Pearl every night of Country btore Nephi Drug McCune Millinery 2 Ladies Hats, 1 6th & 1 last night the Country Store, 12 NighU Bread X. L. Bakery P.ailey Grocery Groceries for the entire show. Carter Cleaning & Tailoring Co Something for Every Co-Sup- plies fr There will He more prize .Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Higbee and Mrs. Katie Vest of Lynndyl, Utah eve in spent Saturday and Sunday in this children spent NewofYears Mr. and Mrs. city the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. John Levan, the guests Roy Jackman. Saturday they motKendall. ored to Salt Lake where they will Mrs. J. R. Park returned home make their home. Sunday from Sandy, Utah, where she Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackman enterhas visited for the past week with Mrs. Katie Christensen, who recent- tained at a New Year's party at their home Thursday evening. Refresh-riient- s ly gave birth to a baby girl. were served and a good time Mrs. W. T. Robinson returned to enjoyed by all present. her home in Knight, Wyoming, Sat O. W." Budge, local high school urday after spending the holidays here. She wag accompaniel to Salt teacher, underwent an operation for Lake by her sister Miss Ada Gibson. appendicitis last Friday at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen Harold and John Pyper of Wells, Nevada, are visiting their parents, and children returned from Center-fielMr. and Mrs. Robert Pyper in this Utah, where they have been city, for a few days, after which they making their home. will go to California for a short Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Childs of Centerfield are spending a few days Leonard Sidwell returned to Salt in Levan, the guest8 of Mrs. Child's Lake Sunday evening. Mr. Sidwell is parents Mr. and Mrs. S. P. employed as a teacher In the electrical engineering department of the Mrs. Leah Bosh was hostess to the University of Utah. He was accom of the Sorosis club at her members mother to Lake his Salt by panied home Wednesday evening. Delicious Mrs. Rachael Sidwell. refreshments were served. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Hobbs and Friday evening the annual Relief family left Sunday for Southern Cal Society, Dance will be held In the ifornia, where they will reside for amusement hall. Everyone is invited. two months. During their stay there Miss Beth Hobbs will take reading Bishop E. P. Peterson has purchlessons under the direction of a for- ased the meat market and grocery mer teacher. store fomerly owned by Eric Watch this space from Hwk to week. Night. Sam Gives You $25.00 Cash the Venice Theatre every Thurs. dont miss a single show. I-- United States Land Office. Lake City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1925. Serial No. 036639. List 2260. To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said Slate, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: NE i4 NE V4 ; N SE4, Sec. 28; NW V NWU. Sec. 27; EV6 SE4; SW H SW14 Sec. 29, T. 15 S., R. 1. E. "It Pleases Us To Please You" Ord & Mangelson DRUGGISTS and achy all played out. Don't wait! Use Doan's Pills-- a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Read what this Nephi resident says: retired farmer. Jame8 Garrett, Sixth North Second West St.. says: "On different occasions my kidneys and were disordered and the secretions My back ached passed too freely. Growing Old Too Fast? Many Xcphi Folks Feel Older Slower Than They Should. - Are you weak, tired, all worn-out- ? Do you feel years older than other folks of your age? Then look to your kidneys! The kidneys are the blood-filteand if they weaken, the effect is quickly felt. You have constant backache, headaches, dizziness, and urinary troubles. You feel lame, stiff rs Charter No. 8508 dreadfully through the small part. Doan's Pills never failed to rid me of the complaint." ' SEVERAL YEARS LATER, Mr. Garrett said: "Occasionally I use a few Doan's and always obtain good results." n 60c at all dealers. Foster-MUbur- Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NEPHI NATIONAL BANK AT NEPHI RESOURCES Total Loans Overdrafts, secured, unsecured ViTi'Ti" $ 937. 61 U. S. Government Securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value Total Coach Spears Big Success 4 Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive have been consipicu-ousl- y subdivisions, posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval and certification, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same is mors valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and notel for report to the General Land Office at Washington. D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, with in the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approved to the State. non-miner- F.LI F. TAYLOR, Register. Publication. Jan. 1, 1926. Jan. 29th, 1028 f ' r xv-.f A . ON IN THE STATE OF UTAH. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 31st. 1925. ) $50,000.00 228,040.73 937.87 60,000.00 8,377.50 9,125.00 21.169.77 10,121.67 28.933.5S 643.67 117.00 2.500.00 357,866.77 Total S. L. M. First Last publication They come in all sizes, shapes and colors and contain everything from pale crockery up to and including preciou8 stones. Many mean have been said about mouths that were a bit too gabby the worst thingsa being remark that Dutch Sabin made to a chap who insisted on talking instead of Dutch opined: "Shut up that trap. You won't listening. learn nuthin which was a mouthful of pure clean wisdom! through you mouth!" Germs use the mouth as a port of entry to the human system, merely vis.ting long enough to get their bearings before a starting in on MU8 e a germ feel real "put-out- " nerl?.hC"me a"d,Ktro"bIe! to n e dope we've got here to worry 'em FIRST XWKSSITY A branes of the throat, gums and GOOD TOOTH BRUSH mouth. Remember when you use it We have a sufficient of you're chasing the goats off a pile of variety Tooth Brushes here to fit any mouth germs, so figger when you in town! There's no ONE kind of select your mouthcarefully wash! All prices. brush that's good for EVERYONE, and for Pete's sake, be sure that you DKNTAL FIXS8 If you have every other tooth In are using your brush so that it won't tear the gums away from the, teeth! your mouth pulled out, so there'll be Our salesman will show you the a wide space between each remain KEERECT movement. Prices from ing tooth, there is no need at all of 15c to 50c per each. No bothering to get any dental floss. charge for you It may be, however, that you'd PRElessons. FER to KEEP these teeth, bo you'd HF.COM) XKl'KSNITY A GOOD better get a roll of floss after all. TOOTH PASTE! FALKK TKKTH POWDER! Manfacturers offer a wide variety A bit sprinkled on the plate makes each with its special reason for being worth while. There's some excellent it STAY PUT! You can listen to stories of all kinds without fear of powders, too, and several fluids, which have pecuiar, medicinal pro- laffin your teeth out on your lap! DeWernet's Powder for False Teeth, perties especially beneficial. In fact, we're all broke out in Just a whole prescribed by dentists (30c to 60c) Is It's hotspit fleet of fine "tooth preparations! the sort we recommend. Come in and get measured for some! for results. TOOTH AKK! THIRD NKCESSITV A MOUTH Don't read this! Makes me feel WASH! bad to write it and certainly I can't It's gotta be a good, sound disin- blame anyone for turning the page fectant to do its FULL duty! It also at this point. Bring your ake and must have some tonic qualities in tooth in and' we BELIEVE we can order to refresh the delicate mem- - make the dern thing quit! Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and amount due from national banks Checks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting bank (otlier than Item 12) Miss Fern Bosh entertained a num $29,577.23 "Total of Items 9. 10. 11, 12, and 13 ber of her friends at a house party .Miscellaneous cash items Games and reRedemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Salt Saturday evening. freshments were features of the Treasurer XOTICK HAPPY SAM'S r time. are enspending the week visiting in Salt Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malmgren Lake with relatives and friends. tertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malmgren and family of Miss Jane .McPherson, returned to Centerfield, Tuesday eveningi American Fork Sunday to resume her work as a teacher in the Junior high Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Taylor are reschool in that city. joicing over the arrival of a three Mrs. Jack Linabacker, of Milford, and one half pound baby boy, which came to home Sunday. Mother Utah, is spending the week here on and babetheir are reported as getting account of the illness of her mother nicely. Mrs. J. W. Sidwell. istratrix. First Pub. Jan. 1st, 1926. Last pub. Jan. 22nd. 1926. TREAT IS HERE! Walk-Ove- i Tunnel and Diamond Large NOTICE TO (TtEI)ITOns The Totrsrerv- n, d, Pure-Bre- d County Nenhi Mercantile Co. Mrs. Mary. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey lieu $25.76 NEWS HEMS LEVAN Mor-teuse- S "He Builds Wisely Who Builds ROUNDTRIP FARE a? Lorin Boswell left for Salt Lake J. C. Chirstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mr Mrs. Niels Sunday where he will attend the Sorensen,and Mr.and Mrs. Andrew and of Utah. University Poulsen attended the dance and ban Felt Golden, came down from quet given by the Ladies Literary Provo Sunday to spend the day with club ot Fountain Green Saturday night. They report a very splendid his parents in this city. iank WESTERN RAILROAD J The photograph ehvwg Floyd Fit who Is making strenuous ef Amos Chase has been appointed forts to secure a fight between Jack secretary of the Nephi Commercial l 'empsey and Harry Wills at Michigan club for the year 1926. L'lty. Ind. Nephi National Special Rates Via - v iiiiinons, As a member of this prosperous community you may rest assured that Ave will al- to 23, 1926 s Lake spent New Years day with re latives in this city. You will find us ever ready with friendly advice and counsel. 16 rr t Greenhalgh-lef- Mr. and Mrs. Hal. McCune of Salt We urge you to take every advantage of our helpful service. January I, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foote spent the week end visiting with relatives and friends in Salt Lako City. you. TO BUILD f Sat- family spent. Sunday guest of relatives. There are many ways in which we can serve you during 1926 and he of real help to Denver, Colorado re- Sunday for Logan, Utah where he will attend the U. A. C. this Hank is ever ready to lend a helping hand. NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW -- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Jarrett, December 27th, a son. Earl ways be pleased to render you any within our command. THE MOUTH VERY INTERESTING LOCAL HAPPENINGS LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks outstanding Totals of Item3 22, 23. 24, 25, and 26 . $5,113.80 Individual deposit subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond Dividends Unpaid Total of demand deposit (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and $103,240.30 32 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) .... Other time deposits Total ot time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 33, $81,406.08 34. 35. and 36 Bills payable (Including all obligations representing money borrowed other than rediscounts) Notes and bills redlscounted. Including acceptances of other hanks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank Total 50.000.00 15.000.00 1.416.09 60,000.00 6.113.80 89.104.30 22.00 14,000.00 114.00 1.761.40 79.644.68 38.133.50 13.657.00 357.966.77 State of Utah, County of Juab, ss: I, Ralph Brough, Cashier of the above-ramc- d bank, do solemnly The nuccesa of the Minnesota (io swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and pliers litis year lias been t lie cause of belief. RALPH BftOUOH. Cash'cr much i oiiniK'nt ninoug football fun Attest: Geo. O. Ostler, 3. K. Ostler. Pnrton Brough. Directors. Comb Spears (shown In the phota Correct f Siibrrl-p- l rnd tworn to before me th' 5th day of January, 1926. credit for given ii.ii-'I- i fs"aI Ictilnrlv gi,o "'i '.'' '' 'I'!' KT,' Nephi. Anderson. Notarv Public ' in My coiiiiiilssloii txp!re Apt II 17. 1927. Residing ut Nephi, Utah. " i . .)t.vw |