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Show I t A HOME PAPER FOR J ; ; HOME PEOPLE Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Friday, January 8th 1926, The Times, Vol 16, No. 2. PROGRAM FOR A NOBLE WOMAN COURT OPENED CALLED HOME After a lingering illness of about four months duration death relieved Mrs. James R. Black of her suffering Sunday morning. January 3rd, and her passing marked the end in this life of a noble character and a devoted wife and mother. To know Sister Black was to love her and her friends are numbered in tb's icity by the hundreds. Mary Emily Biack, was orn in Nephi. October Slh. 1854. the daughter of Charles and Emily Miller Sperry, early settlers of Nephi. She was married to Mr. Black who survives her, in the old endowment house in Salt Lake Vty. September 21st, 1874. To this union thirteen children were boru. of whom nine are still living. These are: Mrs. Lillie Sparks, Harry and Claytie Black of Nephi; Mrs. Jessie Shepard, Mrs. Ira Rudy, Mrs. Leona Burgess, of Salt Lake City: Charles and Rex Black of Utah; and Roy Black of Idaho Falls, Idaho. She is also survived by twenty grandchildren, and two and the following brothers and sisters: W. J. Sperry of this cjty. M. H. Sperry of Mantl, Utah; Mrs. Chares Abbott, of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. M. Wheeler of Rupert, Idaho. On September 21st, 1924, Mr. and Mrs. Black celebrated their Golden wedding at which time the family all joined in a celebration of the event. Mrs. Tlack has been a faithful member of the L. D. S. church and was a most earnest worker in the Relief Society for many years. She was always on hand in time of sickness and to give aid and comfort to those in distress. Impressive funeral services were held in the Tabernacle Wednesday afternoon. Bishop P. B. Cowan presRac-hu- s, JURY LIST FOR 1926 PARENT-TEACHE- R The following is the program that ; The following is the list of names selected by the jury commissioners has been arranged for the Parent-Teachmeeting to be held in the td serve as jurors for the year 1926, high school auditorium next Thurs- ill Juab county: Eureka W. J. Adams, John Allen day evening, January 14th. at 7:30 M.v A. Allred. John W. Anderson, p. m. Entertainment, Oral Expression Hugh Anderson, Wm. H. Baker, Robdepartment, under the direcSion of ert Bassett, R. L. Ball, Joseph M. Miss Margaret Neville. Backward Beck, Thomas J. Berryman, Carl children and problem cases. Includ- Beck, James H. Carter, George Castle t, ing petty stealing. Subject treated ton, David Caldwell, Robert P. C. Carman, H. C. Greenby Harry Beagley. At the last meeting of the associahalgh, N. J. Church Hill, Clarence tion Supt. Smith made the statement Clemmons, D. B. Cronin, Thomas that if the eight grade students were Dean. P. C. Downey, A. Donaldson, matched against the parents In a Thomas Drewj Fred Drulaird, Elmer spelling contest he thought the stu- Duncan, Clarence Ekenstan, John Ambrose Fatheringham, dents would win. The challenge was Evans, promptly accepted' and President A. Win. Ferguson, Pat Fennell. J. P. Fitzgerald, Walter Fitch Sr., II. Belliston will lead fifteen parents again,", fifteen "'ghth grade students Edward Fox, George W. Forcey, J.. in a spelling match. This event Is A. Franke, Robert Gaisford, Jack creating a great deal of interest and Corbett, W. J. Goodman, Robert there is no doubt but what the educ- Courley, A. H. Hatfield, C. J. Graff, ational officials of Utah will be very C. J. Hannifyh, J. E. Haws, Art HayBurckhardt anxious to learn the outcome of this nes, H&ijk Hassell. Alex Jex, Jarvis, contest. rienry ; Hickman, unique If you have any questions you R. R. Jermain, Thomas D. Job, Geor- , w. c. would like discussed at the f next fre-J- . Jones, 1 nry meeting of the association write King, G. C. Lindsey, C. R. Logan. Mammoth J. B. Andrews, H. E. them on a slip of paper and. drop them in the box at the dcor before Bannister, J. L. Dudly, James Fitzgerald, David D. Gray, Paul Houghleaving the building. ton. Hugh Jamison. J. D. Jamison, Lavel Kelly, Jl C. Kirkendall, Abert M. Larsen, Samuel Mclutyre Jr. Fred Samuels, Andrew Stecdman, R. H. C. F. Stapley, Harry Van Alstine, er Tite January term of the Fifth District court opened in this city Cart-wrigh- Monday with the following officials present: Judge Thomas H. 'Burton; District Attorney, George II. Lunt; County Attorney, Will L. Hoyt; Sheriff Dan Martin; W. M. Keller, court reporter, and Earl Gadd, clerk of the court. Judge Burton isued an order to Sheriff Dan Martin for a jury venire of thirty five njen returnable Tuesday, January 5th. Clara B. Haynes was granted an interlocutory divorce from James Ha;rnes of Eureka, and awarded sole care of the two minor children. The defendant will have the privilege of visiting the children at any place other than the home, but is permanently restrained and enjoined from going Upon the premises occupied by the pla;ntiff as her home, ine defendant is also called upon to pay Claude F, Ba'ier, the plaindff's attorney the sum of $125.00. The first! nayraent to be made January 1928, and the last payment of $75 In January, 1927. In the case of Harold Mortensen, George Ockey, and Robert Jones, charead with the theft of an auto mobile owned by Hosmer Grace, or Nenhi. entered pleas of not guilty and the case was set for hearing next Wedensday, January 13th. Tn the case of the First National bank of Nephi, vs Christian Daniels, and Lillian Daniels, judgment was entered in favor of the plaintiff for $1,082.92 principal, $64.98 interest. $215.00 attorney's fees, and for cost of suit. In the case of Gerald P. Ord, vs Sheriff Dan Martin, the case was con. - ... tinued for the term. In the case of the State of Utah vs W. S. Willes. former juvenne juuko of this district, charged with the mis anuropriation of public funds, the court imposed a sentence of five vears in the state prison, un tne recommendation of District Attorney George H. Lunt, and County Attor ney George II. Lunt. ana county was Will L. Hoyt. sentence suspended upon condition that de fendant pay to the county treasurer on or before May 3rd. 1926, all fines collected by him as juvenile judge which have not been paid into Also that he appear the treasury. it the next term of court ana ne u he has failed to pay the amounts due. the sentence will be in full force ana - iding. The speakers were J. E. .Memmott. Mrs. Unity Chappell. Samuel G. Pax-ma- n of the Stake Presidency: President A. H. Collision, and Bishop P. B. Cowan. Splendid tributes were paid by each speaker to the life and character of the deceased, and words of consolation were spoken to the husband and family. Musical numbers were rendered by the following: Duet. "I Know That My Redeemer Lives." L. P. Anderson and Mrs. T. E. Carter; Duet, "SomeThe Cole time We'll Understand." Sisters; vocal solo, ' Oh My Father" Mrs. T. W. Allred; vocal solo, "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go Dear effect. Lord," Mrs. Ralph Belliston. The opening and closing prayers were offered by Dennis Wood, and Robert Lomax, respectively. Inter WILL WORK FOR ment took place in the Vine Bluff cemetery, the g'ave being dedicated FEDERAL BUILDING by Joseph H. Greenhalgh. Beautiful floral offerings were in evidence and were banked high around the casket In resnonse to a. communication bearing a silent testimony to the esteem and respect in which the de sent to Senator W. H. King, by the Kiwanis club relative to urging an ceased was held. appropriation for the erection of a Federal building in this city, the folreply was received by Presilowing KIWANIS LUNCHEON dent Will L. Hoyt. of tthe Kiwanis club from Senator King: HELD MONDAY NOON "I am in receipt of your letter or December 12th. and I note what you say concerning the Federal building at Nephi and the necessity or sucn a Kiwanis of the The first luncheon club to be held thi8 year took place hntMfnir Plese assure the members of Monday noon at the Forrest hotel, a tho KIwnnlH club of Nenhl that I members of attendance being good In my power to President Will L. Hoyt shall do everything present. lor a suuanie an get appropriation presided at the meeting which will In cases under building. The difficulty probably be the last session arises out of the fact that like this officers of the direction the present a certain amount of money will as next Friday evening, January only be appropriated for public buildings. llith. the new officials will be inducthis are ladies The demands for a part of ted into office at. a special trades are oftentimes that so great In preparat night entertainment. do not bring the best reion for this event several committees made which the cities not entitled and sults give have been appointed whose aim it for such will be, to make this night a red let to building appropriations purposes. Kiwanis. of In the history ter event For a number of years there has The program consisted of two bill no general appropriation been vocal solos by Mrs. Alice CrHpo, ac The approprifor buildings. public and Lois Lunt. Miss companied by have carried small iwn niann delect ions by Miss Viola ation bills to complete buildings which Starts. were begun before the war. I feel sure, however, that a bill will be passed this Congress providing for Announce Marriage for new buildings, of Their Daughter appropriations and I shall do all In my power to see that Nephi Is one of the cities to secure an appropriation for a Federal Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pay announce building. "Sincerely yours, the marriage of their daughter Vera William H. King." City. to Lisle Larson of Urigham The marring'! took place In Utah. Harry Howell returned to Sharp, oi,to rtiv December 31st. The bride has been teaching school in Nevada, Saturday, having come to liox KloVr county for the past two or this city to attend the funeral of his mother Mrs. H. E. Howell. three years. Congratulations. ev j : The News, Vol. 10, No. 2 NEW CITY DADS ARE SELECTED MEETING HERE MONDAY Mrs. James R. Black Answers Former Juvenile Judge Gets Five Year Sentence, Which Final Summons Sunday Is Later Suspended Jury TribuMorning Splendid Venire Ordered Bv Court. tes Are Paid To Her Life. i. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB COUNTY NEPHI SCHOFIELD ASSUME CHARGE DIES IN PROVO The New City Administration Early Pioneer Resident of Take Over Reins of Gov- ernment MondayNo Nephi Answers Final Call at the Home of His Sou Funeral Services Tuesday. Ap- pointments Are Made Yet. "For the first time since Nephi was ncorporated the control of the muni cipal affairs here Is in the hands of the Demorratic party. After transacting the current business on hand, the old administration approved the bonds of the new councilmen and turned over, the business of the city to the incoming officials. After a short session adjournment was taken until Friday night when the first regular meeting will be held Funeral services were held In the Tabernacle in thi8 city Tuesday after noon over the remains of Nephi W. Schofleld, who passed away at the home of his son T. L. Schofleld. Provo. Utah, on January 1st. 1926. Mr. Schofleld was born in Sheffield, England, January 17th, 1852. He emigrated to Utah with his parents Thomas J. and Martha Schofleld in 1854, arriving la Nephi, September 1st. of the same year, just three Mayor Thomas Bailey ha8 not yet years after the first settlers entered appointed his committees owing to Juab Valley. the fact that the quesion of the Early in life he married Mary present status of Councilman Jesse Ellen Ord, who died June, 1918. at Pay has not yet been decided upon. LaGrande, Oregon, where the Councilman Pry Is out of the state moved from this city in 1900family Six ar.d will not return until probablr chiMren were the result of this unnext June. ion, all of whom are living. These The new city administration Is are: T. L. Schofield, John Schofleld. composed of the following officials riabl Schofleld, of Provo; R-- y SchoThomas Bailey", mayor; G. R. Judd, fleld of Idaho; Mrs. Martha Christen-se- n four year councilman; I. M. Petty, J of Salt Lake; and Mrs. Osborne Walter Paxman, two yeai' council- - Richens of Union, Oregon. He la men; and Jesse Pay, holdover. Mrs also survived by the following brothMattie Vickers, city recorder; Mrs ers and sisters: James W. Schofield. L.uh Chase city treasurer. Mrs. Orson Cazier, Mrs. Eliza How-artNo appointments have yet been of Nephi; Mrs. Lizzie Adams of made although various names have Eureka, and W. J. Schofield of Ala Wallburg, Silver City Frank S. Allen, Ly- been discussed for the positions to mo, Nevada. Mr. Schofield had been prominent man Baker. H. L. Bales, Peter Car- be filled. It is probable that some ter. Perrv Dodge, T. W. Dyches, Jas action may be taken at the meeting ly Identified Id stock raising & farmDavid tonight. ing, both In Utah and Oregon. Very i ' Perrv B. Fuller, early in life he started out to work Greenhalgh. for himself and at various times durNenhi W. J. Allen, James And rews. Robert Pyper. L. A. Bailey Jr., ing his career he operated on a Wilford Baiey, Clifford Bale, Gilbert large scale and furnished employ ment for his fellow associates. He ttailev. J. R. Barnes, George Bems was a man who was not afraid to Rflltih Belliston,' John Belliston take a chance In business. He was Mark Bigler, James H. Carter; John n. what may be called a builder tn every Carter, Thomas G. Carter, KoDen sense of the term. Slsson C. Chase, P. W He remained at Nephi until the Cowan, - George Duckworth. J. Mrs. Nellie Pace Lee, eldest daughotiimh- Cleveland Elmer. James H year 1900 when he and his family ter A. of Mrs. E. of Pace Price, Utah, moved to LaGrande, Oregon. During H. Evans, E. K. and former resident, ot this ctty .died Ats residence V M.Foofe7Tr-Ar-Foaf- e 4n Oregon. an a- at her home in Price Friday evening. active in church affairs and was part Chester Foote, H. A. Fowler, Heber John following an extended illness. urfng a part of said period a coun- j. Fowkes, George W. Garrett, The deceased was 25 years of age. selor to the bishop of the LaGrande A. Garrett. P. Gadd, She was born in Nephi, October 23, ward. Brigham Garrett, Walter Gadd. George 900. She was married to Bracken After the death of his wife he dis Kay Gadd. Arthur I. H Grace, Lee, prominent young business man Goble. Alvin posed of his property In Oregon, and Golden. who of her. survives Price, Utah, D. Haymond, ince that tme has not been actively C H Grace, George addition to her husband she Is Hawkins. in business. For the engaged Evan Harris, Jr.. Russell John survived by one child, Helen Virginia eghteen months be has resided past in Hyrum Haynes, Angus Haynes. Janube of who will four . years. age Provo. C. Hall, George run, E. A. Mrs. Mr. Schofield was a man of cheer r Hobbs. John E. Ingram, l nos. ary 29th. also her mother Hnrrv Irons. Joseph E. Pace, and the following brothers and ful disposition and made friends ia Taringia...,tl'll isters: Mrs. W. S. Lee, Mayma, Lola, wherever he went. He was charlt- J aCK.au ii, and Mildred Morgan, Tom, w Jenkins. Heber Jenkins, Ida, bly Inclined and gave of his means John Wallace Pace. to those in need. reely Enos Jones. Edward Jones. Mrs. Lee has been a victim of HodThe funeral services were In Ockey. W. J. Ockey. two disease for L. the J. years. past gkin's Mona Ephralm Ellertson, harge of Bishop Thomas Bailey of Evans, Raph- This disease is believed by the medi- the Nephi ward, the opening prayer Ellertson Sr.. Byron. D. Green. John cal profession to be incurable. Its being offered by J. E. Lunt. ael Garfield. Horace F. Houghton, symptoms were first made manifest The speakers were J. D. Pexton, I. Green. Dan Neff. Wm. following a three month's Illness H. Grace. President A. H. Belliston. Reuben Kay. six For the rom past and Bishop Bailey, each speaker John Williams. Wilford weeks pneumonia. Mills she wag unable to leave her dwelt upon the life of the deceased ten hours for and bedroom Julius nearly James Anderson, and eulogized his good character. Christ before death came she was unconsMusical numbers were rendered as w, w , - M.r- - Bosh. Irven DUB", .Tni.h Her- cious. follows: Duet, "Sweet Rest in Heav ensen, oitj"u - rhristensen. of The sympathy of the people L. P. Anderson and Mrs. T. E. en," man O, Chrlstenseh. Ben Christen C. Dalby Nephi goes out to the young husband. vocal solo, "I'm A Pilgrim," sen, Harry A. Crane. Alma Mrs. Pace, whose Carter; W. H Aaeard. John L. Francom and to the mother Mrs. T. Allred; vocal solo, "Reslg a In summer was killed last A. Grant, husband John Mr. - ' fiHrdner. Ferrln, Provo, Utah; nation," . r " tbM.iiaiu h t . runaway accident. , iharrt Iverson. A. L. jacKmau. vocal duet, "Some Time We'll Undert stand." Mrs. Ralph Belliston and Mrs C. L. Jorgensen. Loraine Lunt. DEPUTY ASSESSORS Benediction was pronounced by David Cazier. Interment was In the PK'JZES AWARDED IN ARE APPOINTED Vine Bluff cemetery, the grave being dedicated by Bishop Thomas Bailey. LITTER CONTEST The floral offerings were very beau : jc-nes- W. I. NORTON PASSES AWAY pinrn While visiting his sister Mrs. Jos- eph Broadhead. W. I. Norton, of Ogden, Utah, was taken suddenly 111 and passed away in this city Wed' nesday morning. Mr Norton had been in poor health for a number of years P&st but wias feeling better of late. , He had beon down to Provo the past week visiting anather sister Mrs. Williams of that city, and decided to come dowtn toJiis old home .town and spend few days here, when' death" came to him as stated above. The deceased was 61 years of age, and is survived by his wife and six children, two boys and four girls. For many years past the family has resided in Ogden, Utah, where Mr. Norton served for two terms as chief of police of that city. The body was taken, to Ogden. Wednesday night where burial will take place as soon as his wife returns from California where she was visiting with one of her daughters in that state. Mr. Norton is survived by two sisters and one brother. These are: Mrs. Joseph Broadhead ot this city, Mrs. W. H. Williams, and James Norton of Provo, Utah. - h, tc- -f JUAB LIVESTOCK ASS'N HOLD ANNUAL MEETING NATIVE OF NEPHI DIES AT PRICE Jbe-to- ok- ' w-- ;r ion nv, The annual meeting of the Juab was association County Livestock held in the courthouse Wednesday J. H. Lunt, and W. F. evening. directors for Brough were the ensuing year. It was decided to construct three fourths of a mile of fence on the South boundary, between Salt Creek and Hep Creek canyon. The financial report for the past year was then presented by James H. Ockey secretary of the association which shows the organization to be Ton Litter contest conducted Th in good condition. The following is Farm Bureau during the past the by a copy of the report: brought to a Close on January 6th, when liwclpt awarded Caxh on hand Mar. 31, 1325 $266.65 prizes of the farm Directors of th Roard Delinquent assessments collectand project committee met to bureau ed $ 140.50 report attd close the contest. and Herding assessSalting The. Idea back of tbi contest was ments $ 572.35 tn Mmfcite interest in pork proau $ 4.65.15 Gathering ction by offering a prize to the farmer wTio could produce the greatest Total $1,445.05 weight of pork In 180 days from one Disbursement The prizes offered litter of pigs. 2nd Claims for Salting and Herd1st. $25.00: on !."' " a . o wri $ 519.92 ing $15.00. $ 44.40 Gathering cattle The first Drlze was won ny w It Stationery and publications $ 44.15 I Brown who wa8 able to make the lit $ 143.17.' Miscellaneous expenses , . hlm wpieh 2073 pounds in 10.00 f t... ta.in time. The second prize $ Contingent fund Cash on hand Jan.l, 1926 $ 243.41 Labern Bowles the iras awarded to1850 pounds. II Iter wwighUig Total $1,445.05 Assessment for 1925 delinquent and $ 200.00 uncollected CLUB r,ik. 70N mr County Assessor Joel Taylor has appointed the following deputies in Juab county who have commenced their work of making the 1926 as sessments this week. The list of ap pointees follow: E. W. Redmond, Eureka district; B. M. Ingley, Mam New tiful. MANY ATTEND THE FUNERAL OF JOHN HOOD moth and Silver City; Warren ton, Mor.a; Ralph Belliston, Nephi; L. Francom, Levan district; J. A. Grant of Ievan. and S. C. Chase or Nephi, will look after the assesssing of sheep on the range. County Assessor Taylor, left Tues day for the Tlntlc district to assess the mining property in that section of the county. The funeral of John Hood, former music supervisor which took place at Richfield. Sunday, was one of the largest ever held In that city. Fifty four automobiles followed the remains of the noted music leader to the Richfield cemetery where inter ment took place. It required ten car to carry the floral tributes, and people came to attend the services from all over the State of Utah. Former SERVICE STAR of Mr. Hood who attended the MEETING MONDAY pupils funeral from this city were: Rodger Lunt, Marie Cowan, Hannah . 8cno-flel- d, Clarke Morgan, and Lol Lttnt. The regular monthly meeting of A floral tribute wag also sent from the 8ervlce Star legion will be held former Nephi high school student. i DM M ERC I AL the new In the assembly room of P flEETING WEDNESDAY City Hall next Monday afternoon at Fenton Memmot was operated upThe following pro 3 o'clock P. m. Supervisor Visits Nephi on Wednesday evening at the L. tram has been arranged and to attend: Read D. S. hospital. Salt Lake City for api 1i regular meeting of the Nephi members are urged He was accompanied to Forest Supervisor Charleg DeMols-e- y Coi nmercial club will be held In the Ing, Miss Lucy Garrett; address, by pendicitis. the an hospital by Airs. Memmott, Dr. of Provo, Utah, has been In Nephi ,jt,i room at the new City Hall Mrs. T. W. Allred, "The Purpose ; F. H. Beckstead, and his parents air. Lmlon" Star Service Aim the nf this week conferring with ranger A. . ,.t f ., t "Wednesday evening. January f . .. i a rt Krtnln. . Rnxarhone duet, students oi me . (bii.i mi. V. Chrlstensen on local 1 3i u All members are urged to t grazing i Utah. Kendall. 11. S. ; reading. Maurlno "iit : r L- preR |